Soaped Up [FM] [straight] [fiction]

*Thanks to GarnetAndOpal for inspiring this story.*


The empty water bottle sailed through the air and landed in the recycle bin. Thirty nine year old Beatrix Rhodes had just jogged two miles on the treadmill in her home gym and was feeling as fit as ever. She was arguing with herself whether to do another round with the weights when she heard the doorbell ring.

Opening the door, she found a rather handsome young man in his early twenties standing in front of her with a box. He was just as sweaty as she was, but in a worse way because his uniform was drenched. Beatrix immediately recalled the company he worked with. It was a new one she had written an article about a few days ago. A small business that specialized in toiletries.

“Hello there.”

“Hi. Beatrix Rhodes?”

“That’s me.”

“I’m from HomeScent. You wrote an article about us and we would like to say thank you with this box of our top of the line handmade soaps.”

Turn of the Century [Fm] [MILF] [straight] [fiction]

Any mother would have reservations about her forty three year old friend dating her nineteen year old son, but the situation surrounding her best friend broke Nora Jones’s heart.

Joslyn Hall had been happily married until December 2, 1999. Her husband had admitted to having an extramarital affair and had filed for a divorce. In a little over a week, the split was legally done and her dreams about seeing the end of the 1900s and greeting the 2000s with her high school sweetheart and husband had been dashed and vaporized.

Her moods ranged from resentment to suicidal, but after much support from her friends and professional counseling, Joslyn was stablized and everything seemed on the up and up.

That is until the previous week when she had called Nora and asked if she could date her son Patrick. She explained that before she had met her husband in high school, there had been a boy she had been sweet with in middle school and this boy had looked a lot like Patrick looked now, only Patrick was almost into his twenties.

Against the Wall [Mf] [rape] [killing] [flash fiction]

In the alley, the towering figure backed her up against the wall.

“What do we have here?”

“My name’s Ensley,” she said in a shaky voice. “I’m not looking for trouble.”

“Oh, I know that. Trouble found you though,” came the menacing reply with a chuckle.

“I’m just walking back home from a friend’s house,” she said, looking pleadingly into a visage that showed only darkness and malice, so she looked to her left, to the brighter world outside the alley, when she added, “Please let me go.”

“Let me think about that,” said the looming shadow. “No.”

“Please, sir.”

“No more begging. Drop your pants and anything else you got under there.”

When she finally stood naked below the waist in front of the dark figure, he whistled. His breath and every smell coming from him was utterly foul.

“That is one cute little pussy. Are you a cheerleader in school?”

She shook her head. “I’m a runner on the track team.”

“Ooh. Long distance?”


“Spread your pretty legs.”

She did so, blushing in humiliation.

Harvest of Shadows [Fm] [interracial] [paranormal] [fiction]

Related stories:

*- An Obsidian Darkly*

*- Shadows Follow Him*



Geisten Darrow was furious that he had been put in detention on his final week of senior high school. His crime was looking at his phone when he got a text from his Latina girlfriend Raquel Torres. He wasn’t going to respond to a text in class. That was his own personal rule, and yet the teacher had spotted him with the phone in hand and notified him instantly of his detention.

If it had been any other teacher, Geisten was sure he would have been ignored or, at worst, merely received a verbal warning. He had a good record with the staff at his high school and they were more tolerant of well behaved students, especially senior students. But Mrs. Ocampo was different. She was a Filipina in her late thirties, married and had just recently moved from out of town to take up the teaching position she had here.

Shadows Follow Him [MF] [hotwife] [voyeur] [mf] [straight] [paranormal] [fiction]

*Author’s Note: This is a stand-alone sequel to* **An Obsidian Darkly**. *You don’t have to read the previous story to understand this one, but if your curiosity can’t be cured, click on the link in the comments. In this tale, Geisten is a teenager in high school.*


There were many reasons why his childhood could have been a bad one, but when you have parents who think the world of you and want only what is best for you, your childhood tends to be a good one. The goodness followed him into his teenage years. And so did the shadows.

Geisten first manifested the power at the age of ten. It was during a family outing at a frisbee golf course. His parents, Mark and Felicity, and his biological father, Lucas, looked on as he got ready to make his first throw of the day. He was standing eleven yards away from the frisbee basket. Following their instructions, he threw the frisbee and they all watched it fly through the air and miss the basket by a yard.

An Obsidian Darkly [weird] [FM] [hotwife] [fiction]

The volcanic rock Lucas had bought for my wife was more than what it appeared to be.

We were three hours into the afternoon, in room number fourteen, on the fifth floor of a hotel on a small Pacific island. The curtains had been drawn all the way back to allow the sunlight into the room. Neither of us felt exposed as we undressed because our room and all the others on this side of the hotel looked out over a vast tropical jungle with a not-so-active volcano visible in the blue distance.

I assumed the position of voyeur, sitting naked in a chair between the window and the bed, while Felicity and Lucas held each other for a moment, familiarizing themselves with their lover’s naked body before he picked her up in his strong arms and gently laid her on the bed.

First came the visual phenomenon that the room had gone darker too quickly. The sunlight gradually turned orange, red and then maroon in the space of a minute. The obsidian pendant attached to the necklace Lucas had bought for Felicity at the outdoor market started giving off sparks of red and yellow energy as it hung around her neck.

The Temp [hotwife] [FM] [interracial] [fiction]

*Featuring the wife of -Bornstellar-117 as Nikki Calimeris.*


A trio of male college interns ogled the sexy brunette as she stepped out of the red Honda Accord and crossed the car park of the Sony complex in Silicon Valley, California. She was dressed in an alluring, tight-fitting, primarily green, elf costume.

“Hey, gorgeous,” said one of the more forthcoming young men.

“Hi there, handsome,” replied Nikki Calimeris. “Would you kindly point me to the console coding section?”

They gave her directions, she thanked them and walked into the complex.

Her phone rang as she entered the reception area. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her new Sony *Xperia 5*. It was a gift she had received two days ago from the same person who had helped her get a job – a temporary one – at Sony. The job was to decorate eleven Christmas trees placed in various offices at the Sony complex with her own custom-made festive baubles.

“Hi, honey,” said Nikki.

Her husband Dan was on the other end of the line. He had been away for several days on a business trip and had told Nikki he would be home that morning. “Hey, babe. Didn’t catch you. I’m assuming that potential job you mentioned the other day came through?”

The Nerd Strikes Back [fmmmmmmm] [straight] [voyeur] [fiction]

*Featuring bittybytebaby as Ruby Warner.*


It begins with a late transfer to the 11th grade class of Urstwyn High School.

“Please introduce yourself to us, Ms. Warner,” says Mrs. Prior.

The alt girl with pale skin, tattoos, blue hair, and dark blue eyes rises from her seat to address the class. “Hi. I’m Ruby. I’m originally from Dalton. I was attending Dalton High School before I transferred here.”

Before the girl can sit down, Mrs. Prior asks, “And how did you come to move to Urstwyn, Ruby?”

“My dad got a new job here after he was fired for blowing up the laboratory he used to work at. It was an accident but he was fired anyway. Two people died in the explosion.”

A murmur goes up from the class, but it dies down quickly when Ruby adds, “I’m more into computers than chemicals, which is what my father is into. He’s a chemist. I hope to be a web designer someday.”

That first day for Ruby goes by quickly and before the final bell rings, she has a boyfriend named Quentin from 12th (final) grade and has given him a blowjob in the library.

Snowball Glory [mF] [MILF] [PAWG] [straight] [holidays] [fiction]

**Author’s Note:** Season’s greetings to everyone, and a special one to GarnetAndOpal. Characters, places and events in this story are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real people, places, or events is purely coincidence. There’s a **link** in the comments section I put there for those curious about what the fictional MILF in this story looks like.


*Jingle Bells* played in the background as an epic snowball fight raged between Team Red and Team Blue on the northern end of the golf course on the outskirts of Bloomfield, Iowa. The fight wasn’t chaos, it had rules similar to dodge ball. One team on one side of the battlefield and the other team on the other side. The battle lines had been marked with flags. The scores were tied 9 to 9. This was the tenth and final round and neither team was giving the other an easy win.

Each team had eight players at full strength. Eight people were now in the Dead Zone, a place for those who had been killed in action by snowball to wait until the next fight to join their team. Three players currently remained on Team Red and five on Team Blue.

A Snowy Morning [Fm] [straight] [cheating] [interracial] [PAWG] [MILF] [holidays] [fiction]

**Author’s Note:** Season’s greetings to you all, especially to GarnetAndOpal :)


4 AM and it was snowing outside as Ida watched the white particles falling gracefully in the pre-dawn darkness through the window of her bedroom.

Turning back inside, she saw her husband Wal snoozing away on their bed. She was briefly reminded of how frustrated she had been last night when she slipped under the covers beside him and had tried persuading him to make love with the movements of her body against his, but all she had received in response was a sleepy grunt.

She wasn’t frustrated or angry at him anymore. She needed to walk, to let her mind wander for a bit, clear it of all the pent up thoughts and intentions that would never be. And so she kissed sleeping Wal on the cheek, went to the adjacent room where their eight-year-old son Colin was also still asleep and kissed him on the cheek as well. She then proceeded putting on warmer gear and stepped out of the house.