Has anyone checked the latest price of JizzCoin?

Greg gave the slender blonde a slow scan top to bottom, bottom to top. Her billowy white top managed to leave some contours to the imagination, but the tight leather skirt didn’t. Her impossibly long and slender legs were rooted in a pair of white pumps, creating a sort of zebra effect with her other two pieces of clothing. Her face was every bit as gorgeous as her body, she couldn’t be a day over 22. The only possible deterrent was her impatient attitude.

“Well?” she asked for the third time, hands on her hips. She had apparently already sized up Greg’s crumbling 32 year-old body, which probably looked a decade older with his bald head and belt straining to fit him into his size 42”-waisted pants. He wasn’t actually that overweight, but his 5’6” stature didn’t do him any favors.

Greg checked his watch, gauging how close he would be cutting it for his bus. With another side glance at her plump lips, he decided he had more than enough time. Maybe even enough time to negotiate.

“Sure, I guess. How about $30?” he asked her.

Categorized as Erotica