[MF] Reaping the Benefits

Those were supposed to be her last words sent via text. The intent was to inform her friend Brittany, that she was on her way. She was looking forward to that night, filled with drinking, dancing, and flirting. Her mind wandered, pondering what top she might wear to get the most free drinks that evening. What outfit would garner the most attention and attract the most gawking from the college boys. That text is what ultimately got her into this situation.

The gut wrenching sound of the brakes and deafening sound of the horn was the last thing she heard. Glass shattered and metal twisted as she was struck broadside by an 18 wheeler. The lights coming out of nowhere during her late night trek home. Confusion set in, as she always thought her life would ‘flash before her eyes’ but instead, everything stood absolutely still. The musical stylings of Bruno Mars cut in half, absolutely silent the instant the vehicle is struck. Glass and debris floated in mid air, as she looked around taking in the carnage.