Masturbating on the Tram, thinking about her mouth and so glad I’m not a man.

From [ At Supper Last Night](

I was on my way home from work. I’d stopped to do a bit of Christmas shopping along the way and it was a cold night. I’d managed a book moderately well suited for my sister, another for myself and a toy tank for my nephew. No one would be home for another couple hours and so I popped into a pub just off the square. The heat blasted me like a desert wind as I entered. It quickly went beyond comfort and relief to overwhelming. I was quite glad to step away from it and into the smoky main dining room. Having shaken the little bit of snow from my coat and hung it, I looked around. The place was fairy full, and for the first time, I realized, fairly noisy as well. It was a pleasant, holiday type of cacophony which I like. I found a spot at a table, sharing it with a middle aged couple.

I ordered a pint of bitter and opened my book. Recent non-fiction by Pinker.

Categorized as Erotica

My friend’s story of her first lesbian experience. It’s long and in 3 parts. But it’s fucking hot.

I really suggest you read the whole thing. She describes her emotions in a way that make me wet every time I read it. This all happened about 15 years ago.

This is a website me and some friends are starting. If you like it, we’d appreciate you leaving comments there and sharing. We love writing filthy stories. Hopefully we can find some folk who love to read them.

From [The Business Trip: Part 1](

It turned out that she had a window and I was 2 seats away in the same row on the inside isle. It was a simple thing to switch seats with the gentleman sitting beside her. Now feeling like old friends re-uniting we joyfully took drinks from the stewardess, clicked glasses and chatted on.

I threw a blanket over her and suggested she try to sleep saying that I would try for a few winks myself. I dozed off with her still clutching my hand.

He needed the money. He enjoyed the stripping, even though it was men in the audience. He loved the first gay blowjob he got.

Oh well. I started unbuttoning my 501’s. I was getting into it now and teased with each button. When they were all done I sort of plumped my dick through my underwear – a sort of preview. The crowd gave absolutely no reaction. From their level of interaction I might not even be there. I turned around and dropped my jeans, jutting out my ass and wiggling it. I didn’t lose them completely, yet. I let them hang loose as sort of a prop. There was a guy in the second row, so I went to the seat in front of his and dropped my pants and played with my dick through my shorts right in front of him. I strutted around, remembering all the girl strippers I’d seen.

I was still very nervous. I felt silly. I was out of body. I was sort of channeling Mick and the gals and letting this mixture of influences drive my actions. If I had been the one driving I would have frozen in terror and probably stood there till closing. But somehow these other influences wafted by and took over. I was more of the passenger in my own body than the driver. I was actually having fun.

My neighbor saw my dick. She’s old enough to be my mother. Now she wants to suck it.

“It’s a lovely penis.” said Isabel, “Most people don’t like them aesthetically, I think. I do. Would you turn to the left just a bit?”

She posed me with light from behind but more coming in from the door. I understood the view she got. My dick seemed to as well. It twitched.

“There he goes. The ultimate egoist, a cock. Talk about him in his presence and his ears perk up.”

Do you mind if I pose you a little? Lift your shirt tails. Let me see that bum.”

And so it started, I posed. A little of this way, a little of that. Always coming back to the focus on my growing dick, and Isabel commenting on every bit of progress until I was standing fully hard.

“That is a sight every woman should enjoy regularly. Good god it feels good just to see a stiff cock.”

She drank slowly, drinking in the sight. I was feeling quite full of myself, a sex object and proud of it.

“Come closer. I can smell you and it’s delightful.” She sniffed the air, like maybe a gourmet gathering sensation before being served.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

A great first time lesbian story. Awsome fun read.

[Excerpt from [The Business Trip: Part1](]

At the gate we exchanged business cards and promised to call or e-mail each other. A slightly uncomfortable silence settled on us which was only broken a few minutes later when we both got up to board when they announced rows 1-17. It turned out that she had a window and I was 2 seats away in the same row on the inside isle. It was a simple thing to switch seats with the gentleman sitting beside her. Now feeling like old friends re-uniting we joyfully took drinks from the stewardess, clicked glasses and chatted on. After dinner (and a couple more drinks) the lights dimmed and an idiotic romantic comedy started and my companion admitted that she was a bit of a nervous traveler. During a patch of fairly heavy turbulence she grabbed my hand and her knee rubbed against mine. I was sorry I’d worn jeans and not a skirt but alas… I threw a blanket over her and suggested she try to sleep saying that I would try for a few winks myself. I dozed off with her still clutching my hand.