From [ At Supper Last Night](
I was on my way home from work. I’d stopped to do a bit of Christmas shopping along the way and it was a cold night. I’d managed a book moderately well suited for my sister, another for myself and a toy tank for my nephew. No one would be home for another couple hours and so I popped into a pub just off the square. The heat blasted me like a desert wind as I entered. It quickly went beyond comfort and relief to overwhelming. I was quite glad to step away from it and into the smoky main dining room. Having shaken the little bit of snow from my coat and hung it, I looked around. The place was fairy full, and for the first time, I realized, fairly noisy as well. It was a pleasant, holiday type of cacophony which I like. I found a spot at a table, sharing it with a middle aged couple.
I ordered a pint of bitter and opened my book. Recent non-fiction by Pinker.