Snow Bunny Slut [F/M, 18+, consensual, public, fiction]

The powder sprayed this way and that as I maneuvered. The tree trunks began crowding in tighter as I went, but it was exhilarating. Light from the overcast sky filtered shyly through the thick pines – enough to light my way, but maintaining a bit of mystery for what was ahead.

I was no Olympic skier, but I could hold my own on the slopes. What I most loved, though, was fresh powder in the trees like this. It may be a little hazardous, but goddamn, is it fun!

It was exactly at that point, as if to underscore the hazards, that he came flying in out of control. A wild scream of “Oh shit!” gave me just enough warning to brace for the impact.

Out of all the forest space on the mountain, some dumbass had run directly into me.

Spitting out a face full of snow, I rolled slowly over. The side of my thigh throbbed angrily where it had greeted a narrow ponderosa.

“Ugh…fuck me,” I heard from over my shoulder. The guy who had run me down was eating just as much powder as I, and had apparently come to rest with a shoulder against a tree. “Uuughhh…”

Categorized as Erotica

New Year’s Drop and Dripping

*This is all a fictional fantasy. Headcanon fantasies are different than real ones acted out. Don’t assault women thinking they’ll be into it. They won’t! Trust me. Enjoy reading and fantasizing, but don’t actually try this.*

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It had been happening all evening, to be honest.

Getting front and center in Plaza del Sol for Madrid’s New Year’s Eve means accepting a bit of groping. Especially when you and your friends are all in sexy little black dresses. There just wasn’t much between my body and the world.

It was a problem, but also a benefit. It was assault, after all. I didn’t consent to a one of them. It was disgusting, but also surprisingly arousing. Untold numbers of hands had felt me, and I couldn’t even assign a face to most of them.

The crowd pressed closer as midnight approached. The Coronavirus problem had kept us separated for so long; now everyone seemed to feel the need for connection, for contact. I had to hold tightly to Jeanne’s hand and I hoped she was doing the same to Marta. It would be impossible to find each other if we got separated.

Forgive me, Father, for I am about to sin [F/M, bj, glory hole, blasphemy, 18+]

The sanctuary was silent again, like it was so often. I was glad.

Soft midday light filtered through the stained glass. It cast colorful shadows on the mahogany pews. Birds flitted by outside, but little else disturbed the visual ambiance.

I paid none of it any mind.

I gathered the skirts of my habit and paced down the long aisle. My shoes sent echoes across the empty space. I reveled in the portents those lonely echoes broadcast, even as I cringed at the loud reports.

I took deep breaths, knowing what I was about to do. Again.

The confessional door was not heavy, but it always felt disproportionately substantial. I knew why, even if I chose not to admit it to myself.

Slipping inside, I sat on the bench.

“Welcome, my child.” Father Belton’s voice was deep and unerringly assertive. The wicker screen between us obscured his features but gave no doubts as to his presence.

In practiced fashion, I sunk to the confessional’s padded kneeler, spreading my monochrome habit about me.

“Forgive me, Father, for I am about to sin.”

Categorized as Erotica Tagged ,

Daemons are strong, intimidating, and have…other qualities too [m/f, paranormal, consensual, 18+]

*This was intended for Halloween, but I didn’t finish in time. The first half is mostly worldbuilding and build-up because I like writing. I think it adds to the anticipation, but if you’re too impatient for daemon sex, scroll to the break near the middle. Also, Reddit is still giving me formatting trouble when I copy/paste from Word, so please excuse any minor errors.*

“Everything is prepared, sisters.” Our response was murmured, but it was unanimous. “Take your positions.”

The pentagram did indeed appear perfect now. We had placed the large black drop cloth on the flattest piece of forest floor we could find. Rachel had then gone about plotting the five points and driving a stake into the ground at each one. She ran strings between them to keep the pentagram’s sides perfectly straight and we had carefully poured powdered chalk along those perfect lines.

As the sun neared the horizon, we lit torches and arrayed them around the clearing. In the center went the offerings bowl. I don’t know where Marta had gotten the thing, but it was a beautiful semi-flattened – and heavy – cast iron bowl. The metal was rough but refined, its surface licked with the charring of many fiery rituals.

In The Hostel [MF, cons, voyeur]

I sighed and flopped down on the soft mattress. Damn what a difference a shower can make!

This hostel was not exactly the lap of luxury, but it beat the pants off the loud, weaving, overcrowded bus. And surprisingly, the bunks were made for two, so Evan and I would get to sleep together for a change…without even skirting the rules!

I pulled the curtain closed. This lower bunk was just a foam mattress on the floor with an amateurishly constructed box around it. I just hoped it didn’t overheat at night. While waiting for Evan to finish his shower, I plugged in my phone and started my normal Facebook rituals.

And then I stopped. It was low, quiet, but it was there – that familiar sound of discreet kissing, and the murmurs of sweet nothings. My body instinctively froze, my ears straining.

I hadn’t paid much attention to other people in the room when we’d arrived. The curtain next door was probably drawn anyway. I had no idea who these people were, but I was catching snippets of their most intimate whisperings. It felt a bit shameful to eavesdrop so, but also intrinsically thrilling.