Fantastic Women And Where To Find Them

He stepped over the great roots of impossibly large trees. The cool mist of the wood was nice on his face, but it was dampening his clothes. Nothing to be worried about he was sure, if the rumors were true then he would be supping with a beautiful woman soon. He was following the stories of a witch residing in a forest the locals called the Bigwood. True to its name the forest was populated with large tall trees.

The townsfolk were scared of the witch, who he had on good authority was a curvy creature with pretty red hair. She didn’t sound all that scary to him, but then again he was a part of that wise class of men called pleasure seekers. They weren’t all exclusively men mind you, but the overwhelming majority were. Men who had seen fit to travel the world in search of women of all shapes and stripes. He still bedded the odd tavern girl here and there, or shared the hay with a farmers daughter, but to him the greatest women were those that seemed wickedly dangerous. Just the other month he had been to the town of Shoreten, where he had a tryst with a mermaid. That was a dangerous encounter, the mermaid drained him dry of his seed and nearly his soul, he was lucky to get out alive, unlike some [poor fools](

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Hailey’s New Dildo Is Exciting

[Hailey]( has been taking advantage of her professor since she decided to stop taking advantage of her hunk of a roommate. You see, not long ago while window shopping for a new toy online she stumbled on a site selling “the most realistic experience”. Instead of having names like “Bad Monster”, “The Billy”, or “Stud”. They were named things like “Cute Coworker”, “Economics Professor”, and “College Crush”, and Hailey could attest for the quality of the last one. Turns out when she fucked herself with her new dildo, she was actually fucking the owner it was based on. She was really close with her roommate, and felt bad for taking advantage of him so she moved on to a new toy, her economics professor.

“Okay, everyone enjoy the weekend.” Her professor dismissed class.

“Hey teach, just making sure nothings due on Monday, I’m going to be working all weekend. So I need to plan accordingly.” They didn’t actually have anything due, they were having a test Monday and Professor Ferron never assigned homework before a test.

There In The Wicked Dark

There in the wicked dark, the witch Rosaline saw deep red eyes, and nothing more. The light of the great bonfire illuminated only the clearing, where she danced naked with her coven. They circled around the bonfire, entreating dark forces with their bodies. It was her first fulfilment of the Merrywood ritual, but she knew what to expect. As the fire died, greater and greater demons would arrive like smoke to take them, and fill them with dark seed.

The first trails of smoke appeared from the edge of the clearing, extensions of the dark from without reaching within to claim them. One trail curled around her, and danced with her shadow before moving to coalesce beneath the dancing feet of a male witch. She had expected brimstone, not lavender, when the demon appeared. A feminine, winged creature, with horns, a tail, and throbbing appendage.

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HateLove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Fuck My Enemy

“This isn’t going to work.” said Lara

“I’m sorry, it’s only going to be for a few days. Scout’s honor.” her friend saluted her.

“But why! Why? We almost literally drew a line down the middle of the room today.”

“Ugh Lara, you and Todd are just going to have to deal with it. Everyone else has been trying to hook up with each other okay? That’s the truth. It’s just how it worked out, you guys were the odd ones out.”

“Fine, I’ll deal, but I’m not going to be happy about it. I hope that dick is worth it.”

Her friend waggled her eyebrows and smiled. She definitely thought the dick was going to be worth, it.

Lara sulked back to her room. It was going to be a long weekend, but she wasn’t really going to have to spend too much time in the hotel, thank god. When she entered her room though, it was difficult not to think about the asshat she was rooming with. Down the middle of the room, they had laid out their things in a straight line. He was the first to do it, Lara just retaliated in kind, and now the room was literally split down the middle. Their stuff went almost all the way to the bathroom, which both of them were going to have to find a way to share amicably, somehow.

The Vampire’s Retainer

They were in the decadent restaurant car of a train. She hadn’t realized ones like this nice still existed. There were several dressed tables, but they were the only people there. The wait staff had been waved away for the time being.

“I have never touched your mind.” he said softly. “But I need you to feel secure in that, to know what it would feel like, were I to break your trust. Is it okay if I touch it now?”

“Yes.” she replied.

He blinked, a deliberate gesture on his part to help him appear alive. The effect was lost on her though, because she was too well aware of what he was. She was also keenly aware that his chest didn’t move, undead monsters didn’t need to breathe. His heart didn’t beat either; everything combined gave him an eerie stillness, as if you could see visually how little time effected him. He was the vampire Cortez.

“I want you to know I take no pleasure in this.” said Cortez, placing a clear glass bottle with tiny white tablets near the tea pot. “Take the bottle, and swallow one of those pills.”

Hailey’s New Dildo Seems Special

Another day of classes, another day of exhaustion. Between forty hours of work, and a full class schedule, Hailey was barely holding it together. Thankfully today she only had classes, but she had worked a closing shift leading up to those A.M classes. She needed a break, but she had to study for a mid term. It never ended.

“Hungry?” called her roommate from the kitchen. She had just gotten home.

“Starving, what’s on the menu? Steak? Sushi? Caviar?”

The handsome, and amused, face of her roommate poked out from the kitchen. “Better. Rice and Beans!” oh that’s right, they were poor too.

“Can we really afford such decadence?”

“I thought we should spoil ourselves, and not go to sleep hungry tonight.”

Her roommate was a treat. Always kind, and always picking up the slack when things got hard. She didn’t know how he managed it, staying fit, keeping up his grades, and doing the occasional bit of cooking. She felt like a puppet held up by taught strings of caffeine at the best of times. If you’re wondering, yes she’s considered it, but as much as she likes him it wouldn’t be fair to just dump all her problems on him any more than she already did. The timing just wasn’t right, and it might make things weird if he didn’t feel the same. They had a good thing going.

Mermaid Cove

He arrived in the fishing town of Shoreten in the early morning. The salty air of the sea was refreshing after trudging through the swampy roads that led him there. The ground here was firmer, and didn’t threaten to swallow his boots, which were much more expensive than they appeared. Expert craft was something that didn’t need to be ostentatious, it only had to be good. His brown leather jacket, and warm clothes were similarly deceptive in their modest appearance.

He was a wealthy, world trekking pleasure seeker, and this quiet unassuming town sat near a most intriguing pleasure. The neighboring towns and villages had spoken of Shoreten, and the men they had lost to it. It wasn’t, however, a sinister or mysterious occurrence that took these men. It was mermaids. Men would come near and far seeking these maidens of the sea. Those that returned spoke of a sexual pleasure unlike any they had experienced before.

The wealthy traveler found a room at an inn near the shore. He bought the only room with a balcony on the third floor. While paying for his room, he inquired to the inn keep about the cave, and the men that go there.

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