[MF] I met a Princess

Saturday 27th August

It was our second date. It seems strange to call it that after our first meeting was essentially a drunken one night stand. I’ll spare the details of me feeling out of my league but she is beautiful. Bright eyed, energetic, someone who truly appears comfortable in her own skin.

We laughed over wine. Too much wine. We chatted to the other locals in the pub and it felt like we known each other for years.

Eventually the landlady had to remind us it was closing time but was sweet enough to gift us a bottle to take home as she and her regulars enjoyed our company.

Princess invited me back to her place and conversation and wine continue to flow freely. Intimate details, random stories, jokes continued. This wasn’t just drink, we were connected. Tiredness eventually caught up with us and all we wanted to do was snuggle up.

Princess asked to be the big spoon. A surprise, but to feel her wrap her arm around me and pull me close, her naked softness pressed against me. Special.

Categorized as Erotica