The Cure: Chapters 1&2 [Weight gain fiction]

# A love frustrated by dieting

“Oh my God, salad again!” Exclaimed a frustrated Charlie. “This is the third night in a row! Can’t we have a steak once in a while?”

“Charlie, I don’t mind your weight, but the doctor said that this is the only way that you can reduce your blood pressure and your blood sugar. I’d rather have you around longer than enjoy those luscious love handles”. Tammy defended herself.

“Okay, but I know you married me because you liked my soft doughy body, and I always liked yours too, but I know I have to be a good boy” Charlie agreed.

Charlie and Tammy fell in love after meeting on a plus size dating site. At the time, they were recent college grads and both pleasingly plump. They had a lot in common; both struggled with their weight and dieted constantly to keep “attractive” for the general population before trying out the dating site. Despite their best efforts and suffering, Charlie was about 220 lbs, and 6’ tall, and Tammy was 5’ 5” and 180 lbs. when they started dating.

Categorized as Erotica

The Cure : Chapters 5-7 [Weight Gain Fiction]

# The check-up

After a month of this lifestyle, Tammy and Charlie had ballooned out, but differently than before. They had suspected earlier that the fat accumulated differently on the treatment; Tammy’s weight distributing in a healthier pear-shaped way (and very hot to Charlie), and Charlie also getting a better distributed weight. They also had no problem carrying around the extra weight, not getting short of breath and having the strength to walk and move easily. When it came time for the checkup, they were eager to see if this was normal and whether these benefits would continue.

When they arrived for the visit, they noticed a lot had changed at the office. First of all, there were more patients and they had expanded the space into an adjacent empty office. All of the staff looked significantly fatter, and were constantly munching on snacks. The waiting room was stocked with even more fatty and sweet treats including a soft-serve ice cream machine. All of the patients had full plates of snacks in front of them and were filling their bellies as fast as they could.

The nurse called them in and took their vitals.

The Cure: Chapters 3 & 4 [Weight gain fiction]

# Off the diet!

Tammy and Charlie arrived at Ruth Chris and told them that they were taking Dr. Reynolds’ place for lunch. The waiter immediately seated them in a private room with a round table for 8. They slid into the booth next to each other, and started looking at the menu. They were famished and eager to fill their bellies. They started off with appetizers, ordering calamari, ravioli, and stuffed mushrooms paired with a nice bottle of white wine.

Despite being sick of salads, Tammy and Charlie couldn’t resist the decadent salads at Ruth Chris, so they each ordered a salad, Tammy had ahi-tuna while Charlie had the steak salad.

After the salad course they realized the damage dieting had done on their stomachs. They were nearly full but hadn’t even had the main course. Back before the diet, they would still be famished. Nonetheless, they soldiered on.

They both ordered the New York strip steak and for sides they ordered lobster mac and cheese, onion rings and French fries.

Categorized as Erotica

Witness protection – Finale [ WG, fiction ]

First two parts were posted to r/stuffers, but now they are not accepting. Links to first two parts here:



**4. Settling in**

Seth was upset at himself. He was driving back from picking up a family meal at KFC for him and his two girlfriends, and already into his second drumstick. He looked down at his gut spilling out of his unbuttoned pants and was disgusted with how much he had let himself go. He loved helping his two girlfriends gain weight, and didn’t mind when he gained 30 lbs during the quarantine. He was always a skinny nerd, so when he went from 160 lbs at 6’ to 190 lbs, it wasn’t a big deal. He had just a little pudge, and he still felt comfortable working out at the gym. But now, a month into their new lives, Seth had lost all control. He gained another 15 lbs and was now 205 lbs.

Contagious feeding – The Holidays [WG, feederism, BHM, BBW]

parts 1 and 2 here:



Gary and Sarah had a hard time waking up the Monday after thanksgiving. They were used to sleeping in and lounging in bed in the morning, but they had to get up at 7 am. Also, they were used to grazing for an hour over breakfast, and they were not happy that they had to rush through their morning feeding. By the time they got dressed, they had only 10 minutes to eat before they left. Just enough time to inhale 2 muffins before leaving.

Both of them brought plenty of food to work though, and they managed to graze through the morning a bit, but not enough to satisfy. For lunch, they both went to a nearby fast food place where they each ordered two of the largest meals they had. Gary got two double whopper meals at Burger king and ate them in his car, and Sarah got a foot long sub from subway along with a couple of cookies and ate at her desk.

Contagious feeding (Thanksgiving) [BHM, BBW, WG]

First part here: [](

Gary and Sarah decided to spend Thanksgiving in Alabama with her family. Gary was a bit nervous, but Sarah reassured them that they already loved him. He was the man that brought Sarah back to her senses, and let her eat what she wanted.

In the car, Sarah told Gary more details about her family. Sarah’s family had owned a large farm for generations in Northern Alabama. They worked hard and always were big eaters. However, the hard manual labor kept the family in the overweight to moderately obese category. When Sarah was 10 and her older sister Rachel was 15, a big agricultural company offered a big buyout for them. Their farm had the best yields in the southeast, and the company wanted to understand why. They needed the entire track of land to perform proper experiments, so they offered $10 million, an absurdly high price for the land, and agreed to let them keep 2 acres to continue to farm or build an estate.

Contagious feeding (The beginning) [BBW, BHM, WG]

Gary always loved fat girls. He loved watching them eat, and watching them grow. At parties, he would always find the fattest girl and start flirting with her. Sometimes this led to one night stands, but Gary actually wanted a long-term relationship. The problem was that most of the women he would date would be on diets, not wanting to be fat. They never believed he wanted them to get even fatter, especially since Gary was in good shape, 6’ and 180 lbs of toned muscle from daily working out in the gym. So most of his relationships ended in frustration.

That all changed with Sarah. He spotted her right away at a conference evening buffet from across the room. His perfect type. 5’ 6” and 200 lbs of beautiful curves. He noticed her eating from the buffet with gusto, not pretending to pick or be on a diet. Her plate heaped full in one hand and a beer in the other. He maneuvered to get in position to strike up a conversation, and after a few minutes was successful. He introduced himself to her and they had a good talk. What impressed him is that she finished her giant plate within 10 minutes. Even more exciting, was that once the food was gone, he noticed her glancing at the buffet table longingly. Taking the body language clue, Phil offered, “Hey, I’m having a great conversation, but I just can’t resist the wonderful smells from the buffet. Do you want to head over there with me and we can get some food?”

A feeder is born

[Please note that this story is about a recovering bulimic. It is not meant to make light of bulimia, nor to suggest that the remedy discussed here is necessarily the right one. (I am no expert in this area). The message is to just enjoy your body the way you were made and not suffer to be someone you are not.]

Phil was having a horrible day. He had just broken up with his girlfriend and got passed up for a promotion at work. He like a lot of 20 somethings was wondering when he would actually get his act together, except he was almost 30, he couldn’t seem to keep a relationship for more than 6 months, and now things seemed stuck at work.

He decided to stop by his local coffee shop and grab a latte on his way back home. Suddenly, he felt his luck his changed when an amazingly hot gal started looking at him. She looked to be about 22, and had an amazing figure. Ample tits and ass, and just a little sexy belly.

“Phil, is that you?”

Phil responded “Yes it’s me, but I have to say I am sorry to not remember you”

Gus and Chelsea start to really gain

Continuation of story (Pt. 1 here: [](]

The next morning, Chelsea and Gus decided to enjoy a day in bed stuffing, but they were lazy and neither wanted to cook, so they ordered 2 dozen donuts on Door Dash from Krispy Kreme. Once they arrived they had some great food sex. Chelsea put 3 donuts on Gus’s dick and proceeded to eat them. Only the tip was sticking out at the beginning, so Chelsea teased the tip with her tongue while nibbling on the first donut. As she finished each donut she would put his shaft in deeper, until he finished all three and went down on him good.

After a good edge, it was Chelsea’s turn. Gus spread the donuts over her body and breasts, and started nibbling eventually sucking her tits and eating her out until she orgasms. As they were about half way through the donuts Chelsea’s calendar alarm went off. “Pool Party/ BBQ – Brenda and Sam’s – 2 pm).

“O Crap!” Chelsea exclaimed, “I forgot about this”, it’s already 11, so we better get ready. We gotta bring something as well.