The note that got me laid

I was cleaning out my attic the other day when I found a box of old magazines I didn’t know what to do with. I started going through and found an erotica magazine. I laughed to myself, remembering when I purchased it. As I flipped through the pages I was turned on by the girl in the images. I had remembered some of them but there was a girl in the comics who looked completely new. I had no idea who she was but she was drop dead gorgeous. I had to know who she was. At the bottom of the page was her name so I went to the computer and looked her up. There I found pages of results with her having the craziest sex I had ever seen. She was gorgeous and very sexy. Had sizable boobs with great hips and a thin waste, not to mention a perfect jaw and nose. She was good at her scenes too.

I looked back in the magazine to see what else I had missed, and as I looked down and turned to the next page a note fell out of the magazine. It had a picture of her on it. Saying that she was looking for a guy to use to make audioporn, and video porn to accompany that.

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