Aphrodite’s Emissary [Chapter 2] [M/F]

When I awoke, Aphrodite was standing over me, once again draped in see-through silks in varying shades of red and pink. Her arms were crossed, and she was leaning casually against the wall, watching me sleep. She pursed her lips.

“You’re awake. Good. It’s time we got started.”

She flicked her wrist, and the curtains of the sanctum snapped open. She strolled out, clearly expecting me to follow. I was fully conscious of my own nudity, but that wasn’t unusual for Totsan, especially in Aphrodite’s temple, so I stood and chased after her.

“It’s good to know you can use that thing,” she said, glancing back and motioning at my cock. My ears reddened as I remembered our encounter. This was a goddess, after all. What was I thinking throwing her around? Did I really cum inside her?!

“Well, I did ask you to. Quite explicitly.”

Right. Goddess. Can probably read my mind.


I cleared my throat, embarrassed. “Your…” I paused, realizing I didn’t know the correct way to address deity. “Gloriousness?” I tried, and she laughed.

“You said that last night. It’s a little dated, don’t you think? I’m not Hera, that stodgy old hooch. How about… mistress?”

Categorized as Erotica

Aphrodite’s Emissary [Chapter 1] [M/F, fantasy/sci fi, creampie]

Totsan was barely hanging on when I took up my sword. Once, we were ruled by the gods themselves, and our borders stretched from coast to coast, but after centuries of divine guidance, the gods and goddesses simply vanished. Their shrines were empty, their palaces dark, and their messages ceased. We were left to our own devices.

While Totsan held onto hope that they would return, the rest of the world moved on. Humans are base creatures, and as soon as they realized they could not serve their gods, they found new rules: greed, war, lust, and power. They split the entire island into 14 regions, all ruled by their own factions.

For generations, this was the state of the world, and then the first change the gods enacted in decades snapped into play; we became immortal. If we did not die in combat, we did not die at all. But there was a price for our new unending lives. Nearly every man in existence simply vanished overnight.