I’m going to tell a story

I sit here on this couch in this living room and it all looks unfamiliar. Including me, yet the newness is beautiful. There is color, vibrancy, and comfort. I truly feel at peace. Just less than 2 years ago, I wouldn’t have been able to write those words because He was not in my life then. What a completely new reality this is. I feel who I was before Him, lacked courage and inspiration. I was lost and craving someone who would be willing to see me as I am and decide for me and themselves that I was enough. I just needed someone to open my eyes to the possibilities of my purpose.

The day I met Him… I knew that someone had arrived. Wow, it was like the sun shined just for me on that day. This sense of opportunity and genuine wholeness enveloped me and I felt a part of me awaken, like it was the first day of my life. My eyes shined with joy and anticipation because I knew I made the best decision of my life by taking the chance to be seen by Him. God, in my eyes. He always told me they sparkled, my eyes. The truth is He was the only One who made the light in my eyes dance and twinkle with love. The words shared when we talked felt written or spoken before, like He knew me. It was so easy to fall deeply into a once in a lifetime love with Him.

Categorized as Erotica