Jennifer’s Adventure at the Mall [F] [voy]

The house was silent, except for ambient humming of the air conditioner. It had been that way since Jennifer’s son had moved out for college in fall last year. Her daughter had already been living on her own for a couple of years by then. Their father was not really present in Jennifer’s life anymore. She had initially taken the divorce quite roughly, but the years went on, and she grew older and wiser. Now at the age of 44, Jennifer had gotten a bit curvier than she would have liked to be in some areas, but more than anything, she was a voluptuous vixen. Her breasts were round and full, her hips wide and ass large but firm. Her 5’9″ frame stood on a pair of long legs that were toned from hours of workouts.

She was sitting at the computer in nothing but a bathrobe and slippers, having just cleaned herself up in the shower. Drops of water found their way from her still wet dyed-blonde hair, down her neck and collarbones, and into the spilling cleavage at the junction of her robe. Absent-mindedly checking her emails and browsing the web, she noticed that she had received a new message from the man she had been chatting with in recent weeks. She unconsciously bit her lip, and her heart started beating faster, as it always did when a new message had come from him. Jennifer was eager to see what he wanted to say, and opened it.

After Work Solo Quickie [F] [mast]

Natalie locked the sturdy door to her apartment with a clicking sound, and took a deep breath, looking at the narrow hallway of her home. It had been a fairly normal day at the office, a few meetings and the usual daily grind, but now she decided, it was time to call it a day and relax a bit.

The early autumn weather outside was warmer than usual, so she was only wearing a light jacket, with the front zipper left open to let in some air, revealing the dark blue blouse she wore to work today, and its slight but suggestive cleavage. She took off the jacket, and it put it away along with her purse on the coat rack.

She bent down to take off the ankle boots and socks she was wearing on her feet, her slender legs bending at the knee in her tight blue denim jeans. Now standing on her bare feet, she unbuttoned her jeans and gave a little sigh of relief. They really were quite tight, and she was eager to take them off and lounge around in something more comfortable.