For my bigger girl- Part 4 [MF] [First Person]

… I couldn’t help but smile. I had truly met my match. With a quick turn of your head, you sauntered back into your bedroom, leaving me watching your curvy body, that magnificent ass, as it slowly walked away from me. I knew you knew I was watching you- I knew you were indulging me, sauntering slowly and seductively away, but guiding me towards you with every step.

When you reached the bed and paused to look at me from the corner of your eye- I realized I had been standing there star struck, literally holding a towel in one hand and my erection in the other, dripping wet, totally mesmerized.

Like a puppy hurrying to catch up to its owner, I rushed forward, drying myself off, once again excited to relax in the remarkably comfortable looking bed I had noticed on the way in. You giggled a bit in spite of yourself, but quickly covered it up and said, rather firmly but not unkindly, ‘Now lie down on your back.’

For my bigger girl – Part 3 [MF] [First Person]

… continuing from Part 2…

As we walked into your bedroom, you still playfully guiding me by my cock, I had assumed we were headed to your bed. But as I started drifting to that big, soft, and very comfortable-looking bed, I felt the gentle tug away, and realized that we were headed, instead, to your en-suite bathroom. I have to say, in spite of all the sexual energy at play, I vividly remember what a nice bathroom it was for such an unassuming apartment- it was basically a full size master bath, complete with bath/jacuzzi and standing shower with bench seat. I’m still pretty jealous about that room, to be honest.

You turned at me and smiled, “This is actually my favorite room. I think it’s going to be your favorite room too…”

Still holding me in your hand (which I have to assume you knew was absolutely driving me wild) we walked over to the shower and you leaned in to turn it on and test the water. I reached over and playfully grabbed at your ass and you quickly swatted me away with your free hand. “Uh-uh. You had your fun. Now you touch only when I say you can touch. Now, [gently pulling on me], get in the shower and sit down on that bench.”

For my bigger girl- Part 2 [MF] [First Person]

See my profile for Part 1.

She did call back, actually. The very next morning.


I pulled the phone from my pocket on the first buzz. Candidly I had grabbed it several times that morning already, thinking I had felt a text, but nothing. During my workout at the gym, I had kept checking it too, and when I got out of the shower I checked to see if I had missed anything from you. I hadn’t, and I stood there wondering if you were asleep, or awake and thinking of me, or regretting your decision to bring me home, or if I should break the stupid rule my brother had told me about never texting after a first date for at least two days.

But this time the buzz was real, and it was you, and I felt that quick rush of excitement.

“You told me any night I wanted. But I don’t want to wait for tonight. I told you my roommate would be up and out early today, and she won’t be back until tomorrow. My door is unlocked. I’m already expecting you so don’t keep me waiting. Don’t text me back. Don’t knock on the door. Come in and give me what you promised.”

For my bigger girls [MF] [First Person]

A brief bit of context- I’m a younger guy and in pretty good shape and have generally dated women of a similar description. I recently had my first experience with a bigger woman and holy shit I was transfixed- it was like discovering a side of me I had never known existed. Suffice it to say it’s all I can think about now.


I had only been at the bar a few minutes and, to be honest, hadn’t really noticed you. You were sitting surrounded by a few friends and I was waiting to meet someone else. But as I walked up to the bar, I heard you say, probably more loudly than you intended, “Well I’d take him for a test drive!”. I turned in your direction and you and your friends all quickly turned away, a dead-giveaway. I didn’t want to embarrass you so I pretended to scan the room. I then turned to the bartender to get my drink, and walked to another, less crowded corner to wait for my friend. It afforded me time to look at you a bit less obviously. Peering over the top of my glass, I took you in. You were clearly having a good time, smiling, and laughing, and maybe a little more drunk than you realized, because your glances my way were obvious despite your attempts at subtlety. I don’t know what it was, but I was instantly drawn. You weren’t my type, at all. Maybe that was it? Something new?