Your First 30 Seconds of Dominance & submission: Make Them Count

The sun shone bright in my eyes, as I squinted & tilted my chin up towards you. The beams of sunlight seemed to burst around your face, like a halo. Like a god, like a savior. Darkness, surrounded by bright, white light.

The anticipation had been building for weeks. Here I stood, awkwardly & unsure, in front of you wondering if this would be worth all the hype. If the intense chemistry was just a figment of my imagination. The countless hours spent fixated on a man I had never met, from 100 miles away. You had conjured something deep inside of me. Desires that I had long forgotten I possessed. All of the secrets I had told you, the things you so easily coaxed out of me. I delved into my deepest, darkest fantasies for you – the ones that made my skin flush & my cunt pulsate with lust & burn hot, thirsty for a quake of climaxes. Like swirling in a wildfire of my own wanton nightmares. Like I’d been damned to my own eternal Hell for the filthy things that crossed my mind lately… most of them, with you, in mind.

Categorized as Erotica