Rhythm [mf] [incest]

Hi! New to this sub, but love writing. 28 female from Las Vegas.


When my brother suggested we go out on our last night in Berlin, how could I have resisted. This trip was already packed with incredible memories. I hadn’t seen my older brother in fifteen months, and I wanted to soak up every moment with him. His job transfer took him across the Atlantic while I was still stuck stateside finishing my last year of college.

We were both house and techno music junkies, regularly sharing new music in a group chat, one where we seemed to be the most active participants.
Our friends were tired, a day of drinking in the sun and one last hearty German meal sent them all to an early retirement. I didn’t mind, as it meant we could head out quickly, not having to wait for everyone to get ready.
The decision was last minute, and I felt a rush of excitement, a sense of opportunity, a bit of recklessness. We had an earlyish flight in the morning, but I had already packed everything in preparation for leaving. I touched up my makeup, adding a bit of shadow to my eyes and highlight to my cheek bones. Peach gloss on my pouty lips.
Most of my clothing had been recycled through our trip, easy outfits for museums, bike riding, drinking and exploring Munich, Hamburg. The one thing I hadn’t found time for was a new sexy dress I thought I overpacked for, maybe slightly too obvious I was American and not from Europe…
“Why not?” I shrugged, changing into the form flattering slip.

Tonight was the last chance to spend time with my baby sister. We all left for our respective cities the following day. I would head back to London, and my sister, would head back to the states. Our annual summer holiday had gone well, our friends were a good fit for our relaxed style of adventuring.

We had spent almost entirely all of our time together as a group. It was great for the memories, but I couldn’t help but long for time alone with my sister, time alone with her feminine grace. We had two other single girls in our group, friends of my sisters, but I found myself making almost constant comparisons between them. Their laughs were harsher and louder than hers, their wit not nearly as striking. My sisters skin was tanned and lustrous, glistening. Their flesh was uninspiring, their fashion pedestrian. I often saw my friends looking at my sister as well, and the swelling in my throat tasted of both pride and jealousy.

Another night of dancing. Just a few hours with my sister in a dark club, dancing near her, surrounded by bass and anonymity. The suggestion was met with enthusiasm, she rarely objected to going out. She almost seemed excited that it was just us. I certainly was.

She came out of the bathroom, I had to refrain from being obvious about my attraction. I rolled my eyes at her, side stepping around her to get to the bathroom. I quickly shut the door, bracing my back against it.

Holy shit.

She was all bounce, curves, sex appeal. Her curly blonde hair stopped just above her shoulders, her blue eyes bright and eager. She hadn’t worn that dress all trip, it must be new. It was black, tight, looked even a bit cheap, it stopped mid-thigh and hugged her large chest and cinched at her waist. What a prize for our last night together. I squeezed at my growing cock. The erections my sister caused were almost nauseating, I felt like my brain ceased normal function. I pulled at my cock for a few moments before I regained composure.

My brother held the door to the apartment open, signaling his desire to leave. I applied one last coat of lipgloss before quickly stepping out the door under his outstretched arm. We smiled at each other, a familiar smile, understanding and content. We walked side by side, opting to walk and drink on the way instead of paying for a cab. It wasn’t very far as our apartment was close to the city center.

I pointed out a convenience store, throwing out my arm to the left, and accidentally hitting an old man who had been walking close behind us. He cursed at me in German as I apologized in English, although it did nothing to calm him. My brother stepped between us, telling him to leave.
“Tell skank girlfriend, watch where goes” he spit at us.
My brother shoo’d him away “Watch where you’re going!”

We hurried into the store, avoiding an even bigger scene. I felt embarrassed and there was a pause when we were looking at the cold case, stacked with unfamiliar cans and bottles.

“You didn’t correct him that I was your sister… and that bit about being a skank…” I mentioned to him, looking at him to see his reaction.

His hand brushed mine as he picked out two beers for us
“Does it really matter? Him, the clerk, everyone on this street, they see two good looking people and think couple. I don’t have time nor do I care to correct them. What do we say in situations with strangers?”

A cheeky smile spread across our faces.

“Oh well, won’t be seeing them again!” we said in unison. A phrase we had been endeared with since middle school – an excuse to act out however we liked in public. No use being worried about the opinions of strangers, especially those thousands of miles from where we lived.

When the old man called my sister my girlfriend I felt myself grow taller with pride. She looked gorgeous, even if it was her clumsiness that got us into the altercation. His affirmation that we were a couple sent me on an internal spiral. Did everyone see us and think “couple”? Did they not see the family resemblance? If I kissed her, would no one balk in disgust for the act of incest happening in front of them…

I paid for our drinks and I let my hand softly graze the small of her back, feeling bold as I ushered my younger sister from the store.

We walked slowly, taking long draws from our drinks as we were only a few minutes from the club. There was a small line outside, mainly small groups of men. Rule of thumb, keep a 1:1 ratio of men and women when trying to get into a club.

We set the bottles in a recycling bin and were quickly ushered into the club. Of course they wanted my sister inside.

I was just glad to be inside. I had beer in me, music in my ears and surrounding my body. I was with my brother, on our last night together for the next year or more. I was happy to be here with him, sharing these moments with him.

I drug him to the bar, ordering shots. He never objects to shots, he loves showing me how much better of a drinking he is than me.

We knocked them back, enjoying the effects of the alcohol as we sat at the bar watching the club fill.

My sister was a lush and I encouraged it. I knew how she got when she was drunk. Giggly, ditzy, flirtatious beyond belief. She always found the hottest girls, often who mirrored her own looks and made fast friends, often making out with them in front of me. Total tease, I’ve gone to the restroom in a club go jerk off to the vision of lesbian sex involving my sister more than once.

We posted up at the bar and I allowed her to order a few rounds. We’d settle the bill later, I didn’t want her to worry on our last night here. My sisters happiness was the highest priority.

As she was people watching she learned into the bar for support. Her dress was barely covering herself, both her plump chest and full ass. I stared at her without a care of those around me. I was voracious, my sister was a six course meal I wanted to savor and devour all at once.

We allowed the alcohol to work it’s magic and soon my sister was gyrating in her seat, head bobbing along to the beat. Her eyes were closed, as she often did when lost in the music. I was happy for the chance to look at her lips, so kissable, the elegant slope of her neck I wanted to bite and taste her sweat.

I put my hand on her thigh and she opened her eyes. I could already tell she was getting tipsy.
“Heeyy” she slowly, softly objected. She put her hand on mine, and for a moment I felt as though the tides had changed. But just as quickly, she pushed my hand off her leg.
“Werrr rellaated” she reminded me, trapping me in the deepest of non-sexual relationships she could.

I knew, even as I creeped into drunkenness, in the darkness of the club, that my brother was staring at me.

In my intoxication, in losing myself in the hypnotic beats, I allowed myself to visit a place I usually kept tucked safely away.
We had not been sexual in five or six years, and the last sexual moment we had was the height, the precipice of years of childhood sexual exploration.
It was my junior prom, and just days before my brother would leave to start a summer internship across the country.
I had finished getting ready, my dress hung on the back of the door. My date would be here any moment. I heard my door open and close, not looking up, expecting it to be my mother coming to help me slip into the perfect gown.
I heard my brother, I recognized him clearing his throat, and saw in the mirror he had his pants around his ankles, he was masturbating.
I turned around in shock and curiosity. He moved towards me.
I was topless and in a lacy blue thong. I admittedly matched it to my dress.
“Is he going to see you like this later?” He groaned, lamenting, pleading for a denial.
“I-I don’t know. I mean. Maybe.”
My brothers free hand lunged at my budding breasts. He held his hand there while he stroked at himself vigorously. He was the first man to ever touch my breasts. My date later would be the second.
“I wish I was taking you. I wish I could dance with you all night. God, I want you…” his breath shuddered and his body stiffened, and four thick ropes of semen shot out, draping over my thighs, stomach and chest.
He stood there, slowly winding down, and I sat in silence. He grabbed a pair of my pajama shorts from the ground and wiped his orgasm from my body.
We made eye contact. I was confused, aroused. He seemed embarrassed.
“I’m sorry, I-“ he stopped himself.
“It’s ok? I mean… I guess, uh” I was unsure of what to say. None of our playful wrestling, playing “show me mine” and sexual banter had ever gone this far.
“I’m in love with you.” He blurted out, before turning on his heel and leaving my room.

I was brought back to earth – to Berlin, specifically, with one touch. My brothers hand resting on my upper thigh just below my dress hem.

“Werrr rellaated” I slurred. I wanted him to remember that.

I jumped up from my seat and waved him to join, we came to dance and that’s what we needed to do.

I followed my sister onto the dance floor. I watched as the seas parted for her. She was a blonde goddess, petite, busty, confident. I felt eyes on me. Envy. We were a pair of hot people dancing in a club. No one knew our shared heritage. No one knew the years of tease and denial we inflicted upon each other. Sharing beds on vacations, showering together when no one was home. Skinny dipping in the river and drying off in the sun. A childhood of lust and never fulfilled thoughts.

I matched her movements. I danced near her, allowing her to move freely. I couldn’t contain her, she was wild. I desired her so feverishly. It consumed my every thought, her energy, her flesh, her love, I wanted to nurture it all.

Her hips flowed in a figure eight, her arms stretched above her, elongating her divine form. I wanted her like that, only horizontal. I wanted her arms stretched out grasping at the sheets as I buried my face in her sacred space off-limits to me based only on our bloodline

I took my chance. I leaned in and brought her close to me. I matched her timing. I braced myself for resistance, but it never came.

I knew it was coming. I felt him moving closer to me. When I felt his hands loop around my back, pulling me close, I let it happen. I did not fight my brother or his sexual deviancy.

Fuck it.
I opened my eyes, my brother was looking at me with such love I thought he would melt and I would have to mop him from the floor
“No… no one knowwss. Tha werrrrelated” I heard myself slurring. I was embarrassed. The entire situation. I could feel my brothers arousal. I could smell his familiar sweat and pheromones. I knew he wanted me more than ever before.

“What do we say? To all the people here in this club?” He was begging for permission.
“Oh well” I hiccuped “never gonner see them againn”

That was it. All the permission I needed. I kissed her, passionately, with years of pent up attraction and admiration. My tongue slid past her soft lips and massaged hers, darting around her mouth. Oh god, my sister was such a good kisser. I felt my mouth vibrating as she moaned into me.
I felt her soft ,’small hand on the side of my cheek, another around my shoulder. She needed me for support.
I was in a club, making out with my sister in front of hundreds of people. I felt lightening bolts of arousal shoot from my groin into my feet, my stomach, up through my spine.
I felt dizzy, lightheaded. I felt sick with arousal, like a parasite had taken over my body. The only cure was unleashing my incestuous cravings. I squeezed my hands around her waist, pushing the air from her lungs. I wanted to crush her, sort of like when you saw a cute puppy and you wanted to smother it to death. I wanted to hold her down and make her my fuck doll. Jesus she was so fuckable. I felt my thoughts snowballing. I felt myself become insatiable.

No one had ever kissed me with such passion as my brother did there in that club. I felt disgust and relief. I wanted this. I wanted him to show me just how badly he wanted me. I knew for years after prom night his feelings had never changed, but I had no idea how they had only grown stronger.

His leg worked it’s way between my thighs, he grabbed my waist and my hips and ground me on him. He breathed hot and heavy into my neck, panting like a bitch in heat. I felt his cock harden as he pulled me onto it, grinding it against me.
My brothers cock. My brothers cock. My brothers cock. The words echoed in my mind. I felt my stomach flip over and over as if I was climbing and descending hills on a rollercoaster. My brothers election. My brothers fat hard cock. I felt my pussy throb and my feminine flower open. Everything became slick. There was gliding friction on my clit against his leg and I moaned into his ear.
I grabbed him and initiated his hands onto my chest
“They’re bigger now” he croaked into my ear, beside himself with nostalgia and lust.

I couldn’t stand it. I felt as though I might climax at any second. My sister was open, willing. I needed her badly. I needed her in ways I could not satisfy on this dance floor. I was aware of eyes on us. No one knew we were related. But everyone could see how we were moments from fucking right there.
I grabbed her hand and led her out of the club. She did not protest.
The cool air felt especially brisk against our sweaty bodies. Her nipples stiffened and it was obvious she was aroused. Her every move exuded sex and I needed to be inside her. I had never craved a woman like I craved my sister, not since I first saw her nude and felt the shivering of interest and not since that night in Berlin.

I was definitely drunk. My brother was in control. I liked it like this. I didn’t want to be in control of this situation. I wanted him to guide me. I wanted him to do whatever he wanted. I didn’t want to tell him to stop at any point. I needed to see what he would do. I needed confirmation of the animal I knew he was.

My mind was a haze. I felt truly out of control. I led my sister, my drunk and horny sister, out of the bustling street. We quickly walked around a few blocks. I saw a wooden fence bordering a garden, cracked with the chain unlocked.
I brought her to the garden.

My brother laid me on the ground, stripping himself of his pants and underwear. He stripped my underwear from me; they remained connected by strings of wetness, a physical representation of my fertile womb welcoming him. He inhaled deeply into them. I winced, embarrassed, they likely smelled a bit of sweat, piss and my pussy. His cock was engorged and dripping with precome, I could see it bouncing and throbbing in the pale light from the nearby street lamps.

He positioned himself against me, leaning down, brushing my hair from out of my face. His body weight on top of me.

Our eyes connected and I felt our hearts beating so fast, pounding, our breathing synchronized.

My heartbeat has moved to my cock. I felt everything magnified. My sister had never looked more beautiful than in this moment, drunk in the dirt of a community garden, my
cock begging to enter. If she’s my sister, can she consent? Is this always rape? Jesus if it is I want to rape her lovingly every day for the rest of our lives.

“I love you, sis”
“I love you, big brother”

And with that I entered her. I entered her without resistance. Her body accepted my girth without hesitation. I had never felt a pussy and perfectly tight and soaking wet as my sisters.
I thrust my entire length in and out of her.

When my brother entered me I felt myself slip out of my own body. I was above myself, watching my brother fucking my body. I watched as I moaned and kissed him, writhing underneath him in incestuous ecstasy. Fucking my brother was my darkest taboo I’ve never admitting wanting. I saw his cock pumping into me. I saw how it glistened with my natural lubricant. I saw myself tense up with the fastest and most intense orgasm and it sent me back into my own body, swiftly and without
I felt it consume me. A deep shock that ripples through my legs and stomach, sending pings into my brain, resting in my hair. My breathing stopped. I felt my pussy throbbing, opening and then tightening grasping onto my siblings cock.

She didn’t need to say it, I saw it on her face, she was coming. Her pussy squeezed me, milking my orgasm from deep within my testicles. I felt my prostate and balls spasm, as I filled my sister with a load that was our entire lives in the making.
I had the most intense orgasm of my life, pumping every drop of my DNA… our DNA back into her. I filled her and laid on top of her, kissing her as I felt myself grow soft inside of her.
I felt the urge to taste her – us, mixed, overpower me. I leaned down and kissed her clit, then swiped my tongue up her slit, coating my tongue with our sibling come.
I kissed her gently.

I laid back, unable to move. I felt as though I was a bit slow. I felt brain dead. My brother licked me and it sent an electric spark up my
body. My brothers lips met mine, and I tasted for the first time how sweet the product of our incest orgasm was together. It was salty, sweaty, sour, organic and human. It was desire and pressure, humiliation and guilt. It was love and I wanted to taste it every day.

Hope you enjoyed. Sorry if some parts are rushed or grammar is whatever, I wrote this while edging for the last few hours.


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/d2rfju/rhythm_mf_incest


  1. Well written. I liked How it went back n forth. And the descriptions. Sometimes it was like i was there.

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