Vacation Week, part 1 [MF] [milf] [age gap] [oral]

~ first attempt at sexy writing, suggestions welcomed ~

It was definitely a bummer that the family Cady and her family were going to share the beach house with had had to cancel, but they paid their share since it was late notice, and there would just be a couple more free bedrooms. She called her son at college and let him know he could bring a couple of guys with him for the beach week, and let her high schooler do the same. It would be a pretty male-dominated week but Cady always looked forward to week off of work and drinking wine at lunch and beyond, so she wasn’t too bothered. She also had a couple of friends that she could call in the area to spend some time with if the boys got to be too much.

When her son showed up with Tommy, a suitemate from his dorm, she remembered him from seeing at move in, and she had heard about him some during the year. She had not remembered, though, when he showed up quite how good-looking he was. Medium height but a nice, muscular chest and arms. Blue eyes and wavy brown hair that kept falling down over one eye. He was a little shy, he seemed happy enough to talk with her but he laughed nervously sometimes and usually looked away from her after a few seconds.

The first day in the beach house, the gang had spent most of the day splashing in the waves, bodysurfing, and enjoying being on vacation. Cady though, had gone to the grocery store and was taking her time getting unpacked and starting to plan dinner over a nice strong gin and tonic. She was still wearing her swimsuit from an earlier swim, and had thrown a cover up over it, a spaghetti strap dress of sorts that just covered her butt. It wasn’t much but it was fine for knocking around the house in. She was mixing another drink when she realized Tommy was still in the house, the only other one not out on the beach. He came out to the living room in his swimsuit, and explained that he had a project he needed to finish up, but he was finally ready to go join the others outside. Still with that shyness, he asked if she would be willing to put some sunscreen on his back before he went. His mom would kill him if she saw any pictures of him getting burned, he said.

Cady of course agreed and took the sunscreen. As she squeezed some of it out she tried to take in his body without being too obvious about how much she was enjoying it. She hadn’t had a date in five months, and none of them looked as hot as Tommy did. She began to rub sunscreen onto the tops of his shoulders, feeling strong muscles tensing and relaxing just below the skin at her touch. She continued rubbing in the lotion, taking her time, working her way slowly down from his shoulders down his back. They talked as she worked, some small talk about movies they had seen and other beaches he had been to. She asked how old he was, and learned he was nineteen A year older than her son. And….twenty-five years younger than her. She wondered where the guys who looked as good as him had been when she was nineteen. Young men seemed to hit the gym more now than they had when she was in college.

As she finished making her way down his back, even though she had taken her time and been very thorough, finally she was without any more excuses to continue rubbing his firm, smooth back. He would be well protected from the sun now. She wanted to keep touching him, though, and wondered if he would let her rub sunscreen on his chest too. She really wanted to feel his pecs and abs under her hands. She couldn’t think of any reason, of course, why he wouldn’t be able to do that for himself.

“Well that pretty well covers it,” she said, holding him by the shoulder and pulling him towards her slightly, to gently turn him around. If he didn’t run off too quickly, maybe she could rub a little extra sunscreen from her hands onto his chest.

But as he turned slowly under her hand guiding his shoulder, she soon saw that he had an obvious erection pushing up the front of his swimsuit. She stepped a half step closer to him, and placed one hand on his chest, deciding to just go for it. Their bodies weren’t touching yet, but there wasn’t much daylight between them. She could be making a complete fool out of herself, thinking this lovely and much younger man, with his sweet face and perfect torso, would welcome her touch. But if she didn’t act now, she would never know.

“Should I do your chest too, do you think? Your chest will be in the sun also you know,” she said, in a way that she hoped was playful but gave him an opening to stop her if he wanted.

To her excitement, he reached for her waist with his right hand and pulled her the rest of the way to him, saying, “yes, I definitely need you to do my chest too. I am absolutely terrified of sunburn, Mrs. Carter. Terrified.” And as he pulled her in, she could feel his cock pressing against her bare stomach, just a thin layer of fabric between it and her skin, and she felt like her core went up a few more degrees and she could feel her insides soften like warm wax, and tingle.

She knew she should tell him not to call her Mrs. Carter, but she liked how it sounded, like he was talking to a teacher.

“You know, another way to avoid sunburn is to stay indoors,” she told him. “Is it between ten and two? You should definitely stay indoors.”

“Uhhhh I think it’s like five, but I’d probably better be safe, right?”

“Oh yes,” she told him, “you should.” And turned her head up to kiss his adorable mouth. He was taller than her, but not awkwardly so. She had never been with a man so much younger, it felt taboo and a little dangerous and she knew it would shock her friends if they knew. But at the same time it felt comfortable, pressed against him, still kissing. It felt easy, and right, and utterly human to feel aroused at this gorgeous man. He was warm all over and his soft mouth and hard cock were getting her more and more excited. His hands cautiously went to her ass and she sighed with appreciation as his hands wandered over, and then down into the back of her boyshort cut swimsuit bottoms.

Finally he pulled back slowly and took a breath like he was steeling himself to say something. She waited, curious about what he was thinking, and hoping he wasn’t about to turn her down. She knew that although she worked out and tried to take care of herself, she didn’t have the body of a college student any more. Her hips were wider and her hips bigger than when she was Tommy’s age.

“Mrs. Carter,” he began, taking deep breaths as he spoke, holding her close and talking low, near her ear. His voice had an almost desperate longing to it. “I have been thinking about this ever since I first saw you in a swimsuit and I just never thought I’d be lucky enough to do more than look. You have about the most amazing ass I have ever seen in real life.”

Cady was honestly shocked. “Tommy,” she said, stroking his hair as he curled his face into the nape of her neck. “That’s a very flattering thing to say, but I’m sure you could have any girl on campus that you wanted.”

Tommy pulled her back slightly to look at her, and then dropped his eyes down and to the side. “well see, the thing is, I’m really looking for the right kind of girl, and I’m having a hard time finding one. I thought it would be easier in college, but it just isn’t. I’m kind of picky, I guess, I don’t know, and I’m a little shy too, and I just haven’t found one I really like enough yet.”

Cady was shocked again, to hear this. “You haven’t had a girlfriend in college yet?”

He shook his head. “No, not yet. I had a couple in high school, but well, one was pretty religious, and one was a little younger than me, and anyway a thing that I need to tell you before we go any further with this is that I’m actually a virgin.” He rushed his way through most of the sentence, and she got the impression he hadn’t really wanted to tell her all that but felt that he should, and she was glad he did.

“Oh, Tommy, you sweet sweet boy. What am I going to do with you?” She smiled at him with a twinkle in her eye, and the gesture seemed to give him some confidence.

“Ma’am,” he said, smiling back. “Anything you want, ma’am, anything you want.”

She went back to kissing him, and began slowly working her hands over his front. She could feel taut muscles in his abs and it was getting her more and more excited. She grazed his cock lightly, still in his swimsuit, and he moaned. She circled it gently with her hand and his head dipped back slightly with the pleasure of it. She had a feeling that he wasn’t long for this world. She put him on her bed, sitting up, and went over to lock the bedroom door, unhooking her bikini top as she came back. When she came back, she knelt in front of him sitting on the edge of the bed. Gently she worked the swim trunks off of him to reveal his cock, standing at attention. It looked big, strong, and very ready. She first kissed the tip, then began to lick it gently as he moaned. By the time she had him all the way in her mouth, she knew he wouldn’t last much longer. His hands were on the bed next to him, and she removed one and guided it to the back of her head. She guided the other to her nipple, and his hand cupped her breast as he breathed faster and faster. She cupped his balls in her hand to match his cupping her breast, and continued to work up and down his shaft with her lips. Soon she felt him shudder in a series of spasms as he came in her throat. She slowly pulled off of him, as he lay back on the bed and closed his eyes. She climbed onto the bed beside him and he wrapped an arm around her.

“I knew that was going to feel good, but I had no idea how amazing. Thank you.”

“You are very welcome, sweetie.”

“I don’t really know how to do much, but is there, uh, anything I can do for you? I should be doing something for you now too, right?”

She propped herself up on an elbow to look at him. He looked slightly dazed, very happy, and in some danger of falling asleep. She kissed him lightly on his forehead and said, “I think that’s enough for today. After all, hon, we’re here all week.”



  1. Well please let your self go, and crank it up, and please practice on me!! I’ll guide the ship, and make the decisions that dominate your life.

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