Summer of Dan, Chapter 04

Chapter 3 – [](

Dan waited until he saw his Entertainment Unit’s car finally left the parking lot, then texted. “See you in a few days.” Walking back in using a different entrance, he was careful not to make eye contact with anyone, as he strolled nonchalantly thru Belk’s. Approaching the same dressing room, but from a different angle, he stepped quickly in. As soon as he was on, he dragged the old chair to the center of the enclave and standing on it, he plucked the fake smoke detector that held a hidden camera from the false ceiling, and another from the bottom edge of the mirror. Dropping them both into his small pack, he exited the enclave and, meeting Chad at the door, he gave him a handshake as he left. This ‘handshake’ contained a $50, and Dan added “for your silence.” Chad smiled, and walked away, as he had some signs to remove before his relief clocked in.

Jean spent the next two days wondering what the Hell that damn boy was doing. She asked herself ‘Why’ she didn’t do something to stop this, she asked it over & over, but deep down she believed she was beginning to understand, and perhaps she had underestimated this kid. The most telling thing was that again, she power-fucked her husband, leaving him positively a gasping puddle of submissive mess, but found it ultimately unsatisfying. the only satisfying portion of recent events was when she……”No Jean, push it away.” She said aloud.

The maid had barely gone, when she got the next text. It wasn’t unexpected, but it brought a combination of dread and…excitement? Damn kid *was* original, if nothing else. It said; “On the way over. cancel any plans. Will explain.” She saw that, and shook her head. She had intended to shop with Martha, & Lucy, wives of two of the more prominent doctors in town. She thought about what she had to lose, and did as instructed, claiming a stomach bug.

Seeing him coming, Jean braced herself. Jean was dressed again in a pair of shorts & a shirt, and a standard cotton bra & panties. “and here I was thinking you’d had enough.” Jean said sarcastically….”Back to torture me some more?”

“Well-well-well, I see the last few days have done nothing to improve your attitude.” Dan retorted. “Come on.” He said, adding “We are gonna talk.” and he walked past her and up the stairs. looking around, he found the Master Bedroom easily enough. hearing her protest, Dan sat not on the bed, but stood, and pointed Jean to the large, comfy changing chair. “I have given this alot of thought, MY Toy.” he said, then added “Oh yes, by the way, I am renaming you ‘Toy’, because that is what you are, you are MY personal toy, and you will respond to that from now on.” Seeing the shocked look he continued before toy could say anything “See, ever since I came across this Golden Opportunity, making you my toy, I have wondered WHY you react as you do…and now, I know.”

“This I HAVE to hear…” Jean responded, with a totally sarcastic smirk.

“Watch that mouth, Toy…” Dan warned, then he continued. “See toy, here’s the thing. that first time, you went on autopilot, or at least *tried* to. but in the end? That was no fake orgasm. I felt it building, so when I sucked that cunt? Yeah, that’s why I left you a puddle on the bed, there. And the other day? I felt it building again…which is the whole damn reason I stopped…cause I control it and you LIKED that.” Dan looked at jean/’toy,’ he could tell he had her pegged, so he continued. “Let me guess…you pounded out that poor old man-husband the minute he got home, right? And while I’m surprised he didn’t have a fucking heart attack, I’m betting you found it unsatisfying.”

Jean/Toy sat in total shock. The smirk was gone, replaced by a totally crestfallen look. She couldn’t fucking *believe* the kid got it right. right down to her feelings. NO man had EVER been so spot on with her, and she had some of the best try to read her, all usurped by a damn-kid. Maybe…maybe he wasn’t so much a kid after all. After a long silence, she finally managed “I-I-I….don’t know w-what to um…say…” her voice trailing off.

“It’s OK my toy, I’m going to teach you how to focus that today.” walking over, he stood her up and said, “which closet is yours?” Seeing it, he pulled over the chair and said “Toy, the issue here is that you have forgotten how to *serve* a man. So that is what you are going to work on today. You are going to be in service to me today as i catch up some college admissions work, and then we are going to do some ‘other’ things too.” Dan added, gesturing towards a small bag he had with him. Seeing her staring at it, he added, “Don’t worry about that right now. Toy, the first thing to do is to have the look. I want you to show me your lingerie. I’ll pick something out, and have you wear it for me. now show me. and remember my friend at the paper, who would *loooove* a good story.”

Jean stared at him, then opened the door. Going to the back, she first showed a simple slip, then a set of red/green silk PJ’s, and a few more items. Then…she pulled out the hangar that held a black mostly sheer item, with stockings. The grin on hte boy’s face said it, and with a deep sigh, she relented.

Dan shook his head and, standing, said “No toy, not yet….bring that with us.” And he led her to the attached Master Bath. So I’m betting that while ‘Frank’ provides a wonderful place, he doesn’t always appreciate you,” Dan continued. “part of you servicing me is actually looking forward to it. So how do I do that? By showing appreciation for you, too. So let’s enjoy undressing each other…I want to shower with you, even though I know you just had one.”

Jean had to admit on some level, she kind of enjoyed the attention. The boy made it a bit of a ‘game’ of sorts, him removing her shirt, then she did his, each bit of clothing, and so on. Normally, Jean was used to men including Frank jut tearing the clothes off her in order to start grabbing her body, but what made this different was this young man – she had to start thinking of him that way, she decided – would take bit to actually *caress* her sides, her legs, her back. She also noted that he had her wrap her hair so as not to soak it, and that was unusual too. This young man wasn’t *just* paying attention to her sexual parts…and she appreciated that.

Dan could feel his toy relaxing a bit as they undressed. Dan had read enough about the psyche of females and being male dominant that he was keen to try some of the techniques he had read. Although he had expected to use them on some willing girl around his age, he found he was actually enjoying being with this “MILF”, and he had to admit, she was quite the MILF! While he was sure it would all end, he intended to have fun while it lasted and *fun* was the name of the game, today. Dan enjoyed holding and caressing his toy, and his toy had already made mention of his mostly-hard cock, which he would occasionally rub/brush her with, but otherwise did not require her to touch.

In the shower, Dan instructed his toy to wash him, and let her stay mostly out of the water, due to her hair. He enjoyed having this woman lather and then wipe off his back, arms, and chest. Dan had a runner’s physique, which was to say he was very slim and trim, with no body fat. His workouts gave him decent arms and shoulders, and he let his toy’s hands linger there. She seemed to really like his abs and firm butt. Apparently she had not had that recently. Dan wanted to build his toy’s excitement, so as they were nearly done, Dan turned and pinned his toy against the wall of the shower. As Dan got nose to nose with her, he could feel his stiff cock pushing against her labia, starting to part it. Just as it appeared that he would kiss her, he stooped a bit and, while kissing her neck, he lifted one leg slightly, & slid his cock *under* her. Pushing his hips forward, Dan enjoyed teasing his toy, kissing her neck as he ground his hips against her. Dan could feel his toy starting to push it’s hips against his, so he whispered “not yet…” then pulled away. With a smug look, he shut the water and eased them both out of the shower

Jean understood he was teasing her. What she did not quite get was *WHY*. He could fuck her at his choosing, and there was, at present, nothing she could do about it. He could humiliate her too, yet he wasn’t doing that either. So *what* was this young man up to? Part of her, a tiny part, had to admit it was enjoyable, so considering the situation she was currently stuck in, she knew it could certainly be worse than having a cute young man with a firm bod and surprisingly nice cock giving her this kind of attention. The larger part of her was still determined to squash this fly, but at present her lobido was content to allow this to continue.

Jean would have gladly let him fuck her in the shower, as she was starting to get horny. She first toweled and dried this young man, and enjoyed playing with his cock, even if it was in the towel. She had certainly had larger and wider cocks, but this one was quite nice. Good and stout, more than the length of her hand, it required no ‘help’, unlike her husband’s. Finally, she released her hair from the towel, and fluffed it a bit, after helping this young man put on his underwear. She gave that cock a good squeeze before tucking it in, and doing so gave her good reason to smile. Part of her *really* wanted that cock, and she intended to get it., as she was woman who was used to getting what she wanted. After getting the young man dressed in a pair of shorts, she liked that he watched as she pulled on the panties, the hose and garters, and band-type ‘corset’ that was actually rather short, lifting the breasts while still showing her toned stomach. For some reason jean could not explain, she was looking forward to this just the tiniest bit. Yes, she would squash this fly for sure, but right now, she would ‘turn the tables,’ by enjoying being treated as though this young man actually appreciated her, attention she had not had in quite some time…and for some reason she did not yet understand, it excited her
