Summer of Dan, Chapter 03

Chapter 02: [](

The afternoon was a bit of a blur for Jean. The boy simply let himself out, and she was left there on the bed to collect herself. For the longest she remained in her mental shell; Jean was caught between the feeling of being blackmailed and the loss of control, and the fact that she had experienced a **powerful orgasm**. After the boy left, she drifted off for a bit, then awoke, with barely enough time to make sure the house was clear of most evidence of the morning’s events before the maid returned to finish cleaning and start dinner. Jean informed the maid she was not feeling well, and was going to nap. She also asked the maid to make dinner and have it in the oven, so her and Frank, her husband, could have it “privately.” During her nap, she had constant dreams of sex, all of it very general. No faces, nothing specific, more related to how it felt to lose control, and that was something she had not experienced in years. Jean woke to the noise to Frank entering the garage. The afternoon’s events, plus the dreams, had given her an immediate need for control, & made her incredibly horny as well, so much so that she practically attacked poor Frank as entered the house, tearing his clothes off him, pushing him to the couch, and giving him the fucking of his month, if not his life. Jean’s need for control satisfied, they had their dinner cold.

The next day, as Jean was finishing getting dressed for Lady’s Society monthly luncheon, she had only just dismissed the maid for the afternoon when she heard the doorbell ring, and a cold chill ran though her ‘maid’s barely gone’, she immediately thought. Jean reminded herself to maintain control, and went to the door. Upon opening just a bit, she could see that it was *Dan*. “Damn” she said aloud

“Hello to you to.” Dan responded. Using his foot, he nudged the door open and said, “I know the luncheon ends at 1. Follow the instructions in the note, and be sure to wear what is in the package…..else I might have to send an email.” And with that, he dropped the small package in her hand, turned, and walked away.

She fumed as he walked off. Again, this mere *boy* had demonstrated control, and she hated him for it. Opening the package, Jean’s jaw dropped. It wasn’t just lingerie, it was a bra with openings for her nipples, and a crotchless pair of panties! She shook her head as she examined them, but could not help but notice that it was not cheap, as she had expected. Rather, being a light white & pink with little flowers it would have been something quite sexy…in other circumstances. As she strode back to get dressed she read the note: “Be at Westside mall by 1:30. Park outside Belk’s, and text me that you are there. Instructions to follow.”

At the luncheon Jean wore a very light colored knee-length, button-front/zip-rear summer dress with short sleeves from a local designer, and a large hat, properly befitting a woman of her stature. She sat uncomfortably though, worried about the underwear, particularly if her pierced nipples were showing, which was something no society lady would ever have. She was also conscious of what lay ahead. Putting on her best face, she slumped slightly, ate little, & remained unusually quiet, and left just before the end, in order to not be noticed.

Dan watched as the Black Mercedes SLK pulled in to the lot, that could only be her. It was a slow day at the ‘Anchor’ retailer in the mall, and that was fine with him. He looked over at his buddy Chad, who was working there over the summer. Chad nodded, and pointed toward a dressing area that was blocked off with a “Closed/Repairs” sign. All was in order.. he then sent his text, directing Jean to head over to that area, and act as though shopping. She would see him there.

Jean read the text, and sighed. She was quite perturbed that she was being required to participate in some childish game as this. Sitting in the car, she looked at the entrance, then back across the parking lot. “Buy time” she told herself, “Just buy some time, until you can figure out how to squash this fly”. Jean took a moment to gather herself, get mentally back to that quiet, hidden space she was in yesterday, and then, cutting off the car, she donned her designer sunglasses and headed in. Upon entering the store she looked around. There was a clerk at a kiosk with a customer. Looking up, he made eye contact, nodded, then looked over to his left. As she followed his gaze, she saw the boy. ‘Fucker acting like he’s shopping.” She grumbled. Shaking her head, she headed over his way, but once she got close, she was surprised to see him step into an area marked as ‘Closed.’ “Damn” she said down low. Now she knew what she was in for.

When Dan stepped into the closed area, he left the flimsy little entrance door to the dressing room open. As his Entertainment Unit stepped thru, he motioned for her to close the door. He then turned, and stepped back to a slightly larger enclave area, that had several booths with half-doors. The booths seemed empty, but there was a small, yet tall, table against one wall, a mirror hanging crookedly, and an old but quite large chair off to the side, which was on a newer ‘frame’ of some type, lifting it off the floor, though not as high as the table.. Dan stood there, smiling smugly. He had been waiting for this all day, but he was trying to no show it. He realized his EU was potentially *very* dangerous, so he would have to keep this one under his thumb.

Jean hadn’t even taken off her sunglasses. She was still trying to reason with this boy. “Look, Dan,” she said as she appealed to his reasoning side, “WHY me? I mean, I’m older than you… and a ***boy*** is not my type, so shouldn’t you be chasing or manipulating some of these little teens? Maybe get some girl with braces, hmmm?” She said in a condescending tone.

Dan stepped forward to her, and taking her by the hand stepped back. As the moved slowly across the room he said, “I see where you’re coming from Jean, I do.” Dan then began to turn with her. “But I am attracted to you, I must admit, I mean…just *look* at you.” He said, gesturing up & down. Stepping close he added “Of course, none of those girls have fucked up quite you have either.” He flashed a toothy, knowing grin, like a shark. “And like I said, I’m bored. Now hold still while I undo a few buttons.”

Jean actually enjoyed the compliment, she had to admit, but the loss of control was something else altogether, and she didn’t need some *boy*giving her a reminder of a mistake on her part. She especially did NOT like being used like this….or did she? Even now, as this admittedly attractive boy was fumbling with her clothes, she felt a bit of desire awakening in her, something she also had not felt in a long time. She was used to controlling men, thru either manipulation or sex, but this young man……

Jean felt herself contract back in to her shell, as the blouse of her dress began to open. She blushed from embarrassment (and perhaps a bit of desire) as her hardening nipples were exposed to the store’s cold airconditioned air. “But Dan…were in a *store*…” she whined. Jean was back n the shell now, she was starting to react in that strange way that she had done earlier in life, before she roped in Frank, when she allowed herself to be controlled. Jean was shocked to hear herself whine like that, it almost seemed a foreign voice. An there was something else foreign too, tucked away in that mental spot with her, she just couldn’t seem to put her mental finger on it.

“then be quiet so no one hears us.” Dan replied, calmly. He kept his voice steady and calm always. He wanted her to always associate these encounters with his calm, steady voice. An why not? After all, he had the upper hand, and he knew it. Dan smiled as he saw the ample tits of his new EU filling out the bra. The cold air had a nice effect on her nipples. Dan had done some research since yesterday, and had learned that the pierced nipples increased sensitivity. He also remembered yesterday as well. Stooping down as he moistened his fingers, Dan lightly suckled one nipple, while toying with the other. He heard his EU/toy sigh deeply, so he released the one from his mouth and, swapping sides, he began to ‘flick’ one nipple with his tongue while using his forefinger to play with the other.

Dan heard the EU open it’s mouth and pant in reaction to his playing, but he was by no meant done. Moving back up, Dan began kissing the EU’s neck, saying down low “hate to muss that lipstick.” As he did this, he gyrated his hips into her, so the EU could feel his boner thru his gym shorts. “Good to see you followed my instructions,” Dan said, “Let’s see if you did so in full” Squatting down again, Dan took the hem of this EU’s dress and, lifting it, he tucked it into her belt. He felt his EU beginning to fumble for his pants, but he swatted the hand away and, lifting her up, he placed his EU so she sat on the little table, back against the wall, feet dangling. “Did I tell you that when I get bored,” Dan said, as he slid his forearms under her thighs, “That I get the urge to munch on something?” As he said that, he began to kneel. Holding his EU’s thighs open, he slid his thumbs down the inside of her thighs, working from her knees to her crotch. “Good,” Dan said, “glad to see you DID follow my instructions. I’ll make a well trained toy of you yet.” Using his thumbs to pull the panties, along with Jean’s labia open, Dan put his tongue out as far as it would possibly go, and starting at the clitoris of his EU, he flicked it a few time, then dug it in and he worked his way down o the vaginal opening, where his tongue began working in and out. His EU’s pussy was instantly slick and he felt her ***arch*** into his face, so in reaction, Dan took as much of the EU’s cunt as he could into his mouth, enjoying her taste as he began to apply a powerful, firm suction.

Jean had not wanted to enjoy this, but now she was willingly allowing her body to betray her will. ‘Damn that kid is ***good***’ she said to herself. She heard a moaning sound coming from somewhere. The feel of this boy’s tongue forcing itself inside her was ***intoxicating***, and she was surprised to realize the moaning was her! Instantly, she clamped her hand over her mouth, but the sound began again, and she found herself even biting her finger to stop the noise, though it was by no means what part of her wanted. She could, as yesterday, feel a swelling tsunami orgasm building within her. Again the nagging feeling was there, but she was too occupied at the moment to address it. At present, her lipstick & makeup was getting mussed for sure…and by her barely controlled moans, she was ***loving*** it.

Dan’s UE was making noise, really ***too*** much noise. Dan loved being in control by being the one causing it, but It was a public place, after all. So at last, Dan pulled his face away. Picking his back EU up, he made a half turn in the small room, & set the EU ass down in the old chair. While he had been enjoying the taste of his EU, Dan had managed to unzip & unbuckle his pants. As he stood back up, the chair placed his EU at ***just*** the right height. Dan had only to ‘pop!’ his raging boner out of his underwear, and his toy slid herself right towards him.

Jean felt the boy grab her ankles and pull her legs out ***straight*** and at far out, as though she were doing a split. It forced her pussy open, and she did not care. She again surprised herself as she heard her won feeble needy voice say “p-p-please?” as the dark red head of that boys ***dick*** rubbed against her. Now jean used a skill she had perfected long-long ago and, pushing while tightening her thighs, her pussy ‘gaped’ open, and swallowed the head of this boy’s cock. It caused her to make a heavy ***grunt***, as she felt this boy began to push his length into her and she admitted that, on the way over she was thinking about how this would feel, having him inside her again. It was even better this time, she realized.

Dan *like* the way his toy’s cunt seemed to engulf him, and he immediately began thrusting. “Shhhh……” he said in the calm steady voice, and with that, Dan began thrusting in, grinding his hips into his toy, then pulling out. He then proceeded to steadily pump away, delighting in the “shlock-shlock” noise his cock made as he pumped his entertainment unit, not to mention seeing his toy’s tits bouncing in circles as he went. At his nod, his EU grabbed her own nipples and began to tug them as she whimpered & whined. Gradually, Dan’s thrusting grew harder and harder, until, just as his toy was starting to make a fairly audible noise, he would then *hold*…and then grind himself against her. Although he could have gone longer, he realized he didn’t want to, and this, after all , about what HE wanted, so with a few heavy, hard strokes, he pulled out and then slid his dick one good tine along her cunt, hot dog style, and proceeded to spurt his cum along the unit’s cunt, exposed stomach, and dress.

Jean felt the boy pumping her harder and harder, and knew that it would happen at any moment, so when he pulled out and proceeded to spray her stomach and designer dress with his ejaculate, she was both relieved and horrified. Relieved that she would not have to clean another man’s cum out of herself before her husband got home, and horrified that a man had coated her designer dress, for which she had spent several thousand, with *cum* She calmed herself as the boy took from her clutch a small cloth, and hand it to her. She had no idea why, but she followed his instruction and wiped his dick clean. She then pulled up his underwear, and tucked his dick back in, again as instructed. After he had left, took a minute to use the crooked mirror to clean herself up as best she could.

5 minutes after their encounter, Jean saw no one (especially security) was around, so she walked swiftly out the door, trying to not catch the eye of several customers, though it was obvious the kid working as a clerk knew. In her car, safe at last, she stopped all the way on the other side of the mall parking lot, and started at her mirror. Why wasn’t she stopping this? Why was she allowing this mere *boy* to have this level of control? Jean looked deep inside, and she thought she knew, but the answer angered her to the point she smashed the reflection in the rear view mirror staring back at her. Crying out loud for just a moment, she collected herself, tossed the mirror in the passenger seat, and went home.
