Roommate from 2012 Part 2 [mf] [mild watersport]

I woke up the next day with the images of the evening before frantically rerunning through my brain. What had I done??? Fuck! My head was rife with panic and the erratic stir of haywire thoughts. I was so afraid of losing my gf due to this fleeting moment of hormone-driven infidelity that I knew I had to break it off with Dana. After spending the a few hours pacing my room and blaming myself for letting my guard down, I had determined to keep it from happening again. I would explain my situation to Dana, and firmly encourage her to respect my boundaries. I was going to tell her that I had never intended on rekindling our fwb situation, and would explain that I was serious about making things work with my gf, no matter how difficult. A line had to be drawn!

In a moment of cock-suredness I marched down to her room ready to draw that very line in the sand. Snippets of Picard’s First Contact speech ran through my head. With the confidence of a Star Fleet Captain, I knocked on her door to tell her of my refound resolve.

…There was no answer. 

“Shit. I guess she’s gone out.”

Not knowing what to do next, I marched down the stairs to the livingroom to watch some tv, and revise my strategy. When I rounded the corner, there she was, sitting in a robe watching an episode of The West Wing.

“Oh hey! You looking for me? I heard you knocking, but figured you’d make your way down here eventually. I’m almost done with this episode…”

For some reason finding her there relaxing completely caught me off-guard, and my cock and its assuredness had all but retreated. 

“No no. I just wanted to chat. Ya know, see what’s up. Was gonna make some brunch here now and maybe watch something on tv”

“Wanna watch some West Wing with me?”

“Nah, I haven’t seen it before, and would need to catch up. I can just head back up to my room.”

“No no! Let’s make some brunch and figure out something to watch together” she said with a sweet smile. “It’d be kinda nice to have someone around to laze with, if you’re cool. Chris and Sara are never around anymore.”

Her smile absolutely disarmed me, which I found curious. I guess I’d never really noticed that before. We were just fuck buddies, so her cuteness was always overshadowed by her depraved desires and the drive of my sexual appetite. The problem is that “cuteness” and “hotness” are usually on opposite ends of the spectrum. To find these two meeting up on the couch in front of me made this situation all the more worrisome. It revealed a surprsing chink in the armour. I saw a glimpse of more than objective baser desire. Fuck. Now I had something else to ignore about her. I wasn’t ready to submit to the idea of potentially liking something as evocative as “the way she smiled when she said certain words” or “the way she twirled her hair in her finger when she talked” – fuck off dude! This isn’t happening.

“Hello??? Earth to asshole! You still there?”

Here I found myself standing like a proper cunt staring through a figure on the couch, only to be snapped back to reality by the person I was pretending I couldn’t possibly be thinking about. A dream within a dream… maybe just a fucking denial within a denial. Edgar Allan Poe eat your heart out!

Either way, I was still standing up staring at the couch like a complete and utter cunt.

“Y-yeah, I think I need coffee. I’m still half asleep” – nice save, fucktard.

We proceeded to the next room, and I made a mental note to avoid eye contact with her at all costs for the remainder of my days. I had a gf after all. There was too much at risk. 

Heading off in our usual banter, she began to kid with me as I heated up the pan. 

“What’s wrong with you? You avoiding me because we fucked? Did I suck the personality out you yesterday or something?”

“Haha!! Fuck off!!! I’m kinda reeling because I cheated on my girlfriend… it’s a little awkward, you know.”

“Yeah, I understand… but I’m not going to tell her. The walls may be thin, but they sure as fuck don’t talk. You should just let it go. Just pretend it was an extention of our last sexcapades… I mean, look at it as your welcome back to town. She doesn’t know and she’ll never know unless you fuck up and tell her.”

“… loose lips sink ships…”

“… and despite my experience, you know all of mine are tight.”

We laughed and carried on making brunch, and though our little chat was comforting, the fact that I’d let things get go so far the night before still nagged at me.

She laid off on the heavy sexual flirting for most of the afternoon, which I thought was extremely respectful, but there were still undercurrents in our interactions: a sideways glance here, a playful pinch there… her hair twirled in her finger as she talked to me… her robe left open to see she was only wearing a tiny thong and a choker… you know, the things that break any red blooded man down. The type of unspoken stuff that gets amplified when you’re sitting only a couch space apart.

Part-way through an episode of DS9 her demeanor changed slightly. She crossed her legs and began bouncing her arched foot in front of me. “So, you gonna be able to keep living here, or am I going to be too much trouble for you?”


Again, I was caught off guard.

 “Because I intend to be trouble for you…”

She went right for the throat.

“See? I’ve been meaning to talk about this all day. I can’t keep this up. The flirting is fun, but I can’t go back to us being fuck buddies. It wouldn’t be fair to my girlfriend and…”

“Yeah, I guess…” she let out a playfull huff.

“AND I need to respect that. I need you to respect that. We can’t do this anymore.”

“We’ll see” she said, staring straight ahead at the screen, another disarming, but devious smile growing on her face. She let out an adorably sly giggle. It was like a cute version of the Grinch’s smile. Does that make her the Grinch who stole Dickmas??? Did I try too hard with that one? Yeah, probably. Oh well, back on task:

She smirked because she knew that I knew that she knew how to break me down. Sadly, I trusted her to stay the course. Luckily… well, that’s why I’m writing, isn’t it?


We stayed on the couch until well after supper. I got up and said “well, I’m going to get ready to  take a shower. I have to wash the day off of me.”

“And yesterday. You stink of our sex.”

I laughed and headed up to my room to get ready. When there, I closed the door behind me and took a deep breath. I whispered to myself:

“Keep it together, fucker. You need to calm this shit down before you get into trouble.”

I smacked my head lightly off the door a few times in a futile act of filtered frustration. The door knob rattled the way they do in older houses… You know the type. The glass ones that are propped in brass fittings. Shit at their job on the best of days, even worse when they’re kept as character pieces. Fashion over function in its best form. Door fittings that no longer fit. A goddamned sneeze could defeat them, let alone the gentle knock of an inquisitive and persistent fox. Fuck me and this perfect storm. I was already imagining accidental drop bys, and doors swaying open exposing nakes legs and tits and torsos and faux expressions of shock. I’d been here before.

I took my towel down off open closet door and made my way to the shower. A nice cold one would help shake my viens a bit.

As I opened the bathroom door I noticed that it was the same kind of knob, and peculiarly enough, the door had a frosted glass window… the type that didn’t show you any specific detail of what was on the other side, but it would definitely allow for a nice silhouette show. I made a mental note of this as a thing to avoid. Yet another false barrier to lend fodder my imagination. When I walked into the bathroom I saw another glass door. This one to the shower. All I could imagine were her round tits pressed up against the glass as my hard throbbing cock thrust into her under the hot water… “Wait. Which her was it? Fuck me, I needed a cold shower.”

I closed the bathroom door behind me and hung a hand towel over the door to make sure it closed tightly. Nothing to be msiconstrued here. No accidental exposures were to be had.

I turned on the faucet and ran the cold water. It was really warm. Fuck. I guess the hot and humid weather we’d been having all week has been keeping the water in the pipes warm. Well, it’ll cool off as I showered. No big.

As the warm water ran over me, I let my worries run down the drain. I wanted to be present in the water and forget my guilt. I wanted to be present in the steam. The sound of the pipes moaning and singing as the water flowed through them… the water babbling down the drain.  The heat of streams that ran over me, from my scalp to my calves, down between my toes.

The steam began to billow around me like a thick dense fog, and filled my lungs like the air in a sauna. It seemed to be getting hotter…

“Fucking old plumbing! Jesus Chris! Who switches the cold and hot water faucet? Mother fuck!!!”

I jumped out of the shower and onto the bare tile floor where I barely caught myself. Limbs out awkwardly straight, in my best attempt to keep myself from sustaining a brain injury, I found myself exposed. I imagine I looked a lot like an expressionist dancer in a shitty local recital. Luckily the door was closed. Free from exposure, both the sexual and the shame-driven kinds.

There was a gentle rap on the door. I could make out the figure on the other side, of course it was Dana. I could hear her giggle.

“You okay in there? Sounds like you found out about the taps. They’re reversed.”

“Yep! Figured that out. I think I parboiled a thigh, but I’m good. I’ll shake it off.”

“As long as you’re okay.

… I have to use the bathroom. Can you just jump back in. I’ll be quick.”

“Yeah, okay. Gimme a sec.”

I got back in a pulled the glass door to on the shower as she made her way to the toilet.

“I’m not trying to suck your dick, don’t worry. I just need to piss.”

“Yeah, no prob.”

I could hear her adjusting her clothes and the seat of the toilet. There was a short and odd silence. The kind that happens when two people are about to one person pee.

“So, remember that time we were on the roof of that apartment complex and you had to take a leak and wanted to get down?”

“Yeah yeah.”

“I haven’t been in this situation with you since then.”

I knew what she was hinting at. My dick moved. My higher brain thought “traitor”. Surprisingly my lower brain and heart were interested to see where this would go.
She continued “You were afraid that someone in one of the buildings above would see and I reminded you it was 4 in the morning. You moron! hahaha!”

“Yeah, you pulled a power move on me that night. Nice touch not wearing anything under that dress.”

My mind went back their immediately. You could just see dawn peaking through on the horizon. She stood in front of me… that stupid adorable smile – hmmm, I guess I do remember it… and boom, with one swift motion, her dress was off as she pranced over to the corner and squat down to piss. Almost like a ‘tada’ exclamation before she popped a squat in nothing but her black ballet flats. As crude as it was, it was still pretty hot. A hot chick is still hot chick, even when she’s pissing…

“No one can see! Take a leak already. If we go back down the fire escape, I know you’re not coming back up. I wanna stay up and see the sun rise”

And then memories came flooding in of her asking to “hold it” as I pissed, and how she sucked me clean after I was done… her being bent over the ledge of the building with her pale, tits swaying for any early risers to see… making her squirt all over my shoes… her pale, gorgeous ass shaking as with every thrust that met her… her little moans and whimpers… and the silent, yet calming stumble home in the early morning light…

Back in the bathroom she was talking to me about how she was into water sport now, and thought I’d like it. I shook my head and brought myself back to reality… a reality that was in some ways as ridiculous as that fantasy. Penthouse couldn’t come up with something this good.

“… ever give it any thought?”


“Water sport! Piss play. What I’ve been talking about while I piss in the same room as you???”

“Oh. So, what do you like about it?”

“Well, I’ve come to discover that a lot of the kinks I like seem to invole taboo. The more taboo or freaky they are, usually the more I like them. Pissing is dirty. It’s the refuse of the body, but it can be clean and warm and fun. When I do it in front of someone, it’s exciting and kinda humiliating.  When someone pisses on me, it’s not only exciting and humiliating, it’s submissive and dirty… but it’s also warm and satisfying. Kinda like warm shower water running over your skin.”

My cock grew.

“… it’s kinda your fault. That night really gave me a thrill. Pissing in front of you completely exposed gave me a thrill. And then sucking your dick after you drained yourself made me realize that it doesn’t taste that bad… not with a couple of drinks in for everyone involved, I guess.”

She giggled. I could almost hear her playful shrug.

My cock moved again.

“If you ever want to piss on me sometime, let me know. I’d totally be down.”

My cock swung, and I discovered something new about myself in that moment.

“I-I’m not sure it’s my thing, but thanks for offering.”

The toilet flushed. She had finished up and as she walked to the sink to wash up she started…

“Just putting it out there, is all. Maybe you and your girl could try. I think you’d really like it. Thanks for listening to me…”

I wasn’t sure if she thanked me for listening to her talk, to her piss or both.

Through the shower door I could see her waltz slowly out the bathroom, leaving the door open behind her.

“… could you close the…”

She was already long gone.


1 comment

  1. Well that took a sexy as fuck, yet unexpected, turn. As a fan of watersports myself, I can’t wait to see where this goes…

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