Summer of Dan, chap. 01

Daniel “Dan” Epps lay on a hammock in his parents backyard, totally bored… and pissed. His parents had moved across the county to a new house in a gated, private, upscale neighborhood in his last months of high school, and none of his mates or anyone near to his age lived here. That had not been a problem, until the spare car had broken down, and so with no wheels, he was stuck here most days with little to do until his parents came home, and really, there was just so much gaming a guy could do. As his school’s track star, Dan had most of college paid via scholarship, he just had to maintain top shape for a few months during the summer. So most mornings, Dan would go for a run, stop by the community pool for some early morning laps, followed by a workout in their gym, but after that it was gaming and boredom. College, with campus life and promise of coeds galore, was so close…& yet seemed so far away.

Dan was laying in the hammock, kind of half-in/half-out while reading, when he heard his neighbor, Mrs. Saunders, on her back deck. Dan had learned that his neighbor was Jean, the wife of David Sanders, a local power-monger-lawyer, whom he knew was trying to get elected for something, goodness knows what. He had seen them on TV a few times, her being the lawyer’s arm candy as he was interviewed regarding his latest philanthropic yatta-yatta-whatever. Jean was about double Dan’s 18, but there was no denying she was totally gorgeous. Standing all of 5 foot 2 (157cm) , with long, straight brunette hair that framed a gorgeous face with dark eyes & a slightly upturned nose. That, along with her large breasts, small waist and slim, tight hips made her a real sight, but ‘the fly in the ointment’ was that this woman was a real Diva, or at least that was the impression given. Even so, her ice cold stare the few times they had spoken only made her, to Dan, more attractive.

So when Dan heard her walking across her deck, talking animatedly on the phone, he remained still, and silent. The hammock and the way it was slung in amongst some shade and against the fence meant Jean could not have seen Dan, and based on her conversation, it was obvious.

“No, I don’t give a shit about that!” She blurted loudly into the phone, “I told you once and that was enough! MY husband is the prime developer here, and so if there is an issue with our A/C that it cannot meet MY standards, you get someone’s ass out here to fix it, or MY husband-…..” Jean looked at her phone, then continued, “Yes…that’s better, THAT is what I expect. Look, I have another call…yes.” She said, then clicked over.

Dan raised himself slightly, and peeked over. Jean was wearing a sexy little throw that barely covered her black bikini. Their house was the only one that had a pool, a perk of the powerful, and it appeared as though Jean was looking to lay out, or so Dan thought, until he heard the next call. It made him fumble quickly to get his phone ready to record.

“You better get that sexy ass over here now, mister…” Jean was heard saying. Although she was being a total ice princess a minute ago, that was gone, replaced with a big smile. Jean then said “Oh you’re here baby? Well come on back, then.” and disconnected the call.

Dan was SO thankful he had not been lazy, and had a full charge on his battery. Dan wasn’t sure who the guy was, perhaps another lawyer? It really didn’t matter to him, because what he got next was nothing short of **Gold**. Dan got the two of them kissing, and the guy fumbling with Jean’s bikini top, as they went into the pool house. It was too far to get any noises they made, but when they came out a short time later, the young man looked pretty disheveled. Dan was getting that when to his surprise, they had a seat…and shared a joint! Now Dan didn’t care either way about that, but what DID make it interesting was that Lawyer-Sanders was making his case for election based on tightening marijuana laws, and being tough on criminals!

So it was had NOT to stare as those two huffed their joint, alternately blowing smoke ‘shotgun’ style into each other’s mouths, then more kissing and fondling. Pretty soon, Jean had the guy’s boner out, jacking him. She suddenly stood and, holding the guy by his Johnson, led him back to the pool house. Dan hopped out of the hammock and had ***just*** made it back to the shrubs at his front yard, when the guy came half-stumbling out and back off to the gate from which he came. Dan was able to get him tucking in his shirt as he clambered back into a very pretentious black Mercedes, and roared off.

Back in his room, Dan checked the footage several times. “Gold…” Dan said to himself, un-fucking-believable gold…” As he went for his afternoon run, Dan thought about what he had seen and filmed. This lawyer was powerful, and he could make sure Dan’s ass never saw anything beyond night classes in a community college. But that was only if he turned his anger on Dan. And there was no way he would be doing that, based on what he had seen. No, that anger would be focused on only one person, Mrs. Sanders.

Dan had spent enough of his summer bored to death, that he knew the schedules of his parents, the Sanders, and even the maids and yard people. So it was that the next day, a perfectly sunny day at that, Dan decided to get the ball rolling. The parents left as usual for another day at work, and before long, the maid left from the Sanders, done with her morning routine. Dan stepped onto the side porch, and closed the door behind him. He heard Mrs. Sanders, setting up her chair by the pool, getting ready for another tanning session. He would have to get this going, before lover-boy showed up.

Tablet in hand, Dan hopped the fence between the two houses, and walking up to the side door at the garage. Dan had ‘borrowed’ a Fed-Ex hat from a friend, and dressed in a dark blue polo shirt and dark pants, he took a deep breath, & rang the bell. After a minute, he rang it again….and again, knowing Jean Sanders would take her sweet-ass time answering it. At last though, he heard her walking thru the house, and could just see her thru the smoked blinds as she stood in the kitchen.. “What is it?” Jean Sanders called. “Package, Ma’am.” Dan said aloud. He noticed she stepped closer. “Leave it on the steps” she called out. “Must have a signature,” Dan replied, “Critical package for a Mis-ter…” as though he were reading it. Even on the other side of the door, Dan could hear her Huff aloud, and step over to the door. As the latches began flipping, d

Dan simply held the tablet in front of him, face towards Jean, & hit ‘Play’

Jean Sanders was a Milf-Gold Digger at the top of her game, and she knew it. She had grabbed ahold of & married John Sanders, the most successful up-and-coming lawyer in the city, and was now enjoying becoming a woman of society. She had gone from small time modeling to front page news, thanks to her then-fiancee, and her ability so scheme her way into all the right clubs and organizations while making other girls cower made her, and the man that became her husband, a force to be reckoned with. Almost two decades younger than her husband, her stunning model-looks and pampered life had made Jean quite full of herself. Today, Jean was wearing a pair of Gap City Shorts over her bikini bottom, and a simple solid color shirt over her top. Jean KNEW the world revolved around her, so her shock was palpable when, upon opening her door, she saw a video of herself and John, a particularly studly young pool boy she had been using for a bit of fun. Her Jaw dropped open and she simply stood there, blinking. “Wha…” she stammered “What…the…Fu-“ Dan nudged the door open with his foot. “What Mrs. Sanders…not going to invite me in?” He said with a wry smile. Stepping in to the kitchen. Dan closed the door behind himself.

“He-Hey..Wait!” Jean Sanders exclaimed loudly. The damn video was STILL playing, but now you could see Jean Jacking the young man off, albeit from a distance. Jean was in a state of total shock. ***everything*** she had worked for, all the sacrifices made, and schemes unfurled, were now in jeopardy…and she knew it. This…..this KID from next door was threatening her very way of life and her future, but did HE understand that? Regaining her best composure, jean placed her hands on her hips and said, “OK…Dan…that right, DAN. OK Dan,” She said with a smile, “What kind of joke is this? I’m not a lady that appreciates jokes. Don’t you know who I am?

Dan was expecting this attitude, and was not dismayed at all. “yes, I DO know…” Dan replied. “You’re the wife of a the most powerful man in town. And the way it looks, he’ll soon be even more powerful.” Seeing her smile Dan added “UNLESS he sees this.” Dan motioned towards the tablet. “Then, my Dear,” and he smiled, “then, you’ll be the EX-wife of the most powerful man around…and suddenly a lot LESS powerful.” Dan maintained his stance for a moment, smiling, then walked right past Jean, and into the den. “Don’t bother grabbing the tablet,” Dan added, without looking back. “I’m smart enough to have this backed up in multiple places.” And with that, Dan had a seat on the couch, and picked up the remote to the 7 foot flat screen, apparently making himself at home.

Jean’s temper went straight to fury as the young man, almost half her age, spoke to her condescendingly, and strutted right past her, as though she were the help! NO man, especially some insolent little college-age snot, had ever spoken to her like this way, and she wasn’t going to put with it today. Jean knew she should remain calm and take this young upstart a bit at a time, but his attitude and the shock of the moment caused her to give in to her emotions. Stomping after Dan, she said “YOUNG MAN…YOUNG MAN!!!” and grabbed the remote out of his hand. “Let me TELL you something you little…HEY!” she yelped as the young man suddenly lept to his feet, grabbed & twisted her wrist, in a painful manner. It more than brought her back to her senses, it sent jean back in to a state of near panic. “Cash…” she blurted out, “Ahh! I have C-Cash..” As the young ma let go of her wrist, Jean began to understand that she may have made some serious mistakes, she just wondered how much cash this was going to cost.

Dan had NO intention of hurting this woman, that would only give her grounds to really bring it back on him in a big way. His only reason for using that small Ju-Jistsu move was to break her mental stride & get her attention, and it had worked. Standing easily 10 inches taller, Dan looked down and, locking eyes with her, said “I don’t think you understand, Jean.” Sitting back down, Dan continued in a calm, steady voice “Yes, I’m calling you Jean from now on, now have a seat, and let’s talk like adults.” Pointing to the coffee table in front of him, he waited until she sat, she was obviously buying time. He could see the wheels spinning as she sat. “So cash you have? I figured as much.” Shaking his head, Dan kept his eyes on her and said “No need for cash. My parents give me what I need. I only have two months at most, then I’m out of here, so no, I’m not looking for cash.” Motioning towards the tablet, Dan continued. “You know Jean, were your husband to get ahold of this, or worse yet, one of his political opponents, or some upstart reporter, well…”

While she may have started this thinking she was in control, Jean Simpson’s crestfallen look told the story. At least, with this asshole kid moving on, the situation would only be temporary, she told herself. Surely, this kid couldn’t be thinking….. “Well, what DO you expect?” She finally asked.

“Entertainment.” Dan popped back. She had obviously expected a different answer, to be sure. The very look was on her face was one of confusion, so Dan continued. “See, I’m stuck here for the next 10 weeks, with little to do. I workout hard for school in the fall, but that leaves me about 6 hours a day with little to do…and that’s where you come in.”

Jean Sanders was not taken aback by the kids’ demand. Hell, she half expected it. After all, a woman like her didn’t come along every day, even if she was almost old enough to be the kids mom. She had NO intent of going thru with it, but at the moment, she had to play hi for time…and it *was* an odd sort of compliment. “So I guess you think I’m just going to be your little housemaid? Maybe drive you around town?” jean told him “yes, I know your car is down, but that’s not my problem. And if you think I’m going to be your little chauffer and maid….”

As she was speaking, Dan had taken a sync cable and plugged it into the laptop. Hitting the remote, his email popped up on the screen. “Yeah-yeah…” he said, let’s see if this bring you around to my ay of thinking.” Quietly, he began typing an email to someone name “Julian” “Hey Julian,” Dan typed, “Got a story for you, should boost you straight from intern to reporter “Note the delivery address” Dan said, and entered the name of the local paper! Looking at Jean Dan said “Shall I hit send, Jean? Want to throw it all away, in the blink of eye? Or is it in the pulse of a few electrons?”

Jean was truly horrified. This damn *kid* had the upper hand, and not only did he know it, so did she! “WAIT!” She called out. Jean’s face was reddening, and her chest was puffing, but it was no longer anger, it was frustration. The frustration of being caught in a trap. “Look Dan, let’s talk about this…” She said, and as she did so, she leaned forward. Although she was wearing a T-shirt, her ample D+ cup breasts pushed into the front of the shirt. Reaching out, she touched Dan on the inside of his knee. She had been caught short, but could still use some old tricks. “Dan, baby, you *can’t* send that email. If you do, the game is over.” She blurted it out, but realized she had made a point.

Dan stopped and smiled. “yes, you are right there, the game would be over, except this is no game, woman.” Dan told her, bluntly. “Worse case scenario is that I go back to playing PS4 while YOU suffer, so like I already said, it’s not game. “ Brushing her hand off his knee, Dan said, “You are my personal entertainment. I know the maid won’t be back for another 4 hours, so the first thing you are going to do, is to text that little boy you had over here, and tell him not today. Do it, and do it now. And show me as you do it, no tricks.” Dan stared hard at his prey. She now knew, she was in a trap of her own making, and Dan held the key.

Angrily, jean sat and texted John. As she hit SEND, she huffed and puffed. She was fighting back the tears now, her frustration level was thru the roof. Looking at Dan, she gave him her best pleading eyes, starting to well with tears. No man had ever resisted that. And said in a feeble voice, “Dan…please…..”

Dan smiled, she was breaking. The look was a good one, he was *almost* swayed, but just like a long distance race, it was the goal he needed to focus on, and Dan, could if nothing else, focus. “Entertainment” Dan repeated. Step over here in front of me, and take off those shorts and short, let’s see what’s underneath. Seeing her hesitate, Dan added, or shall I end the game right now?”

Jean knew that she was trapped now. She knew that her only play right now was to give the boy what he wanted, and play him for time. Stepping over in front of him, she followed his direction, and peeled off the shirt, to reveal a bright red bikini top. She stared at him with a total eat-shit look until, as instructed, she wiggled off the tight shorts, to reveal the high-waisted bikini bottom. Not a string/triangle arrangement, the bottom and top had a few straps here and there, but they *really* accentuated her curves. Again, as instructed, she turned a full pirouette for the boy, but when instructed to face away and place her hands on her knees, her response was “REALLY?”

Dan was surprised she had gone this far before the ice-bitch part of her personality popped out, so he didn’t hesitate. In one swift motion he lept up, spun her around, and twisted her arm back as he hyper-extended it up and out. Cranking it this way made her cry out in pain, but she leaned forward. With his free hand, he slapped across her ass, HARD. At her jump & cry, Dan cranked on the arm to let her know he was in control. “Look woman,” Dan growled, “I know you want me to be violent, but that’s not going to happen.” And with that, let her go. “OK I’m done, you Bitch.” He snarled. Time for you to quick fucking around & biding time. Am I going to send this…or are you going to play ball?” Stepping right past her, Dan grabbed the tablet and picked it up. “Should have known, “ he said out loud, “Should have known.” Turning towards her, Dan held it up and said, OK, Bitch…”

Maybe jean was getting old , or slowing down, or something, but she had truly not expected to be treated this way. Getting wrenched around and slapped on the ass like a 5 year old was not what she had anticipated. Being called ‘Bitch’ was totally offense to her, but she knew men well enough to know that she had pushed this young one too far. Upon being let go, she had almost toppled to her knees, so as she turned to see him, tablet in hand she screamed at the top of her lungs “NOOO!!! Wait!!!” the tears were starting to flow now, but at last she understood. Like an animal, she was truly, truly trapped, and the only thing she could do at this point was the one thing she did NOT want to do…..**comply** “OK…OK…” she said, thru sniffling tears, “Y-you got me. “ She waved her had at Dan and said “I can’t lose all’s just not worth it….” She sniffled as she told him “Sit back down…I’ll do as you say.” As she turned away from Dan, she heard him say something, but ignored it. She knew what she had to do. She had to go back to her past, back tot aht shell she had gone into when seducing men, before her husband. Taking a deeeeeeeep breath, she faced away, leaned forward, and put her hands on her knees. Arching her back, she pushed her ass towards her controller. “it’s just for a little while.” She told herself
