Venom (horror, sexual violence, oral)

“I don’t usually do this…”

She looked up through her eyelashes deceivingly as she knelt in front of the well-dressed man she met at the bar. She fumbled with his belt, button and zipper until she finally got what she wanted. He was hard and exposed so she took a mouthful, gagging and drooling as she sucked.

“I don’t usually do this either,” he said, “but when I saw you…” He groaned and then tipped his head back while she performed.

Cocky, she thought. She worked for a while, swirling her tongue around the head of his dick occasionally and adding a little friction with her teeth here and there. When she had had enough, she stood and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. She lifted her snake-skin printed dress up past her waist and invited him across the room to the kitchenette counter. He took a deep breath and stood up.

His hesitation made her wonder.

Maybe he really doesn’t do this all the time. The skepticism leaked into her mind, but it was the same place and same fuck as the last time. Same dress, heels and black lipstick. No bra or panties, just cold, dry skin waiting to shed her layers. The only difference was him, although he was just like the rest.

He met her where she was. “Your skin is so cold. It’s like ice. Maybe I could…” His voice trailed off as he leaned in and bit her neck, which pissed her off and made her stir inside. She turned around and he bent her over the sink, her face nearly pressing up against the mirror. She closed her eyes and he entered her, thrusting roughly, smashing her cheek into the cold glass. What she didn’t like about his aggression he made up for with pleasure, so she stuck with it. She could feel the warmth building inside her.

He grabbed her by the back of her neck, and she hissed in pain. She didn’t like pain; she was used to being the one causing it, not receiving it. She didn’t like this guy trying to dominate her. She stared at him in the mirror; he selfishly had his eyes closed, just grinding into her without a second thought.

Fuck this guy… she thought.

She felt her intentions shift. Her focus turned to her own green-eyed reflection and she tilted her hips forward to give her clit the perfect amount of friction. She felt the climax build and build, and as she reached her peak, she felt herself explode around his cock.

After she came, and while she panted over the sink, he whipped her around and shoved her to her knees.

He said, “MY TURN,” and plunged himself into her mouth, plugging her throat. She resisted and gagged and could feel the acid rising from her stomach. The more she riled against him, the more he forced her head into his crotch.

“Don’t act like you don’t like it,” he said as he grunted rhythmically.

She’d had enough. Her doubt turned to confidence that she had chosen this domineering asshole for a reason, and here was her reason. She was usually in control, and he made her feel used and uncomfortable, so what she was about to do was completely justified in her opinion.

He was close, so as he moved inside her mouth and halfway down her throat, she slowly extended the fangs tucked behind her incisors. They pierced the skin of his hard-on mid-stroke, tearing tracks in his shaft.

When he realized what had happened, he fell backwards to the hotel room floor. He let out a panicked scream and fumbled for towels, toilet paper, tissues…anything to control the bleeding.

“You crazy bitch! You fucking bit me!” He shrieked, dumbfounded. Yellow venom was oozing from the two bright red trenches in his dick.

“Sorry…” she pouted falsely. “I don’t usually do this.” She smiled.

She watched as the tissue swelled and ballooned up to the size of an eggplant. The sweat on his brow seemed to sizzle as her venom infiltrated his bloodstream. The convulsions started next, and she figured he didn’t have much time left. She coiled up next to him while she watched his wracked body go limp. And when his last breath escaped him, instinct awoke within, its hunger insatiable.


When she was finished, she fixed her hair and adjusted her tits in the mirror. Her dress was still around her waist, so she stretched the scaly fabric back down over her hips and ass. She slipped into her heels and reapplied her lipstick. She grabbed her baggy jacket and purse, and the door clicked closed behind her. Starting down the hallway, she passed a mirror and noticed her belly was so full and bloated, she looked pregnant.

“Ughhh, gross,” she replied to her reflection.

She stopped, set down her bag and slipped into her jacket, wrapping it around her swollen abdomen, concealing the evidence of her previous sin.

The elevator brought her down to the ground floor where she made her way to the hotel bar.

“What can I get ya,” the bartender asked.

She replied, “Vodka soda with cherry and lime, please.”

“Comin’ right up!” He was enthusiastic.

“Thanks,” she replied, and he scurried away to make her drink.

A man sat down by himself at the opposite end of the bar, and she noticed him grab the server’s ass when she walked by him. Three minutes, he’d been sitting there, and he was already harassing the wait staff. He laughed as the server hurried past him the second time.

The bartender set the drink down in front of her. She squeezed the lime into the vodka, removed the cherry from the pick it was on and tossed it in the glass, too. She used the pick to scrape her teeth, and out came what looked like a toenail. She crunched it between her teeth, swallowed it, and then ate a handful of mixed nuts from the bowl on the bar. Picking up her glass, she slithered down to the other end of the bar where the man was sitting alone. He looked up at her from his phone with the same attitude as the rest of them: superior, primeval, narcissistic.

She projected a charming facade that immediately made him believe she was attracted to him and said, “I don’t usually do this, but…” and she smiled.
