The Nerd Girl Experience – Part TWO – (MF) (ORAL) (PIV) (ANAL) (DOMINATION) (DOM)

I’d always been the submissive one in relationships. I liked feeling manhandled, protected and feminine or at least my idea of it anyway. But where had that gotten me? Used, lied to and cheated on, with prostitutes this time! Fuck my life right now. You know what all of them taught me? What those relationships made me realise? I needed to be in charge, I was done being submissive. If they wanted to dominate me, the fuckers had to earn it. 

That’s why when I untied Finn I threw his clothes at him and told him to leave. He got what he wanted, now it was my turn and what I wanted was for him to beg for round 2. I almost gave up hope by day 4, he hadn’t been back around since that night. I’d started to dress a little more slutty, I still looked nerdy with my cardigans but my shirts were tighter, unbuttoned more and I’d swapped my nylon trousers for loose knee length skirts. 

Finn walked in around noon with the redhead, he was making more of a show this time around. Having her sit on his lap on the sofas by the window, his hand on her inner thigh and while she giggled into his neck, he stared at me. I looked over my glasses at him, arched an eyebrow and smirked. Usually we didn’t offer table service but from behind the counter he couldn’t see my new choice of clothing, so I grabbed a small notebook and pen and rounded the glass display cabinets. His eyes roamed down my body and his breathing quickened, his date giggled more no doubt thinking he was responding to her but his eyes flicked from my tits to my barely exposed thighs. 

“What can I *do* for you today?” My smile was polite when his date slid off his lap to sit beside him. 

“Caramel latte and a brownie if you have any.” His date sounded flustered. “Same drink for me too, but I’ll be eating later so nothing for me.” 

“Well I hope it’s as sweet as what I offer here,” I was still smiling politely at them both. “I’ll go put your orders in.” I added a little extra sway to my hips as I walked away, restraining myself from looking back. I was pouring the caramel into the cups when I heard him clear his throat behind me. I didn’t bother hiding my smirk when I turned to face him, I liked this “being in charge” business. 

“Have you changed your mind about eating some*where* else?” I cocked my head to the side, I leaned forward a tiny amount towards him just enough so that I could lower my voice. “No disrespect to other *places*, but I have the sweetest cream in town.” 

“Fuck.” He whispered as his chin hit his chest. 

“We close at 7 sir.” I grinned and turned away from him. I knew he’d *cum* later. 


7:05pm and I was wiping down the tables with my back to the door, I heard him come in but made no move to acknowledge him, not even when he grabbed my hips and pulled my butt against his already hard cock. “That was the longest 6 hours of my Goddamn life.” 

I knew how he felt, with every hour that passed my pussy throbbed more, I was so sensitive to touch that his sheathed cock against me was enough to make me bite my lip. I pulled out of his grasp without a word, taking the cloth back to the kitchen on the back, I could hear him follow. “So tell me Finn,” I turn around after throwing the cloth in the sink. “Did you eat something sweet today?” 

“Not yet,” He growled and advanced towards me like a wild animal, lifting me up with little resistance and put me on the stainless steel table in the centre of the room. “Lie down.” He grabbed a hold of my hips and pulled me to the edge. 

“What’s the magic word?” I teased. 

“Now.” He pushed on my chest and I lay down willingly, his hand smooth from my pussy up my groin and over my stomach reaching my tits, he ripped my shirt open, buttons flying around the room. Finn grabbed hold of my tits and squeezed hard, unclasped my bra at the front then tweaked my nipples before slapping them. “I’ve thought about this All. FUCKING. Week.” *Slap. Slap. Slap*

 He moved so quickly that the stinging on my chest was replaced by a hot lapping sensation between my legs, his tongue was switching from plunging inside of me to sucking my clit hard. My thighs were resting on his shoulders and his fingers were digging *hard* into my hips, pinning me to the table. It was so intense that I couldn’t even make a sound or thrust my hips to make him go faster. “So fucking sweet.” 

He flipped me over my tits slapped against the table and yanked my skirt off, I heard a jingle from behind me before I felt a sting that I’d never felt before, looking behind me I saw his leather belt doubled over in his hand, he used it to spank me over and over. I cried out from the pain but my pussy was tightening with pleasure, I knew I had to be soaked. His belt buckled clanged in the sink, choosing instead to use his hands to spank me. With one hard thrust his cock was inside my pussy at the same time his thumb penetrated my butt to the knuckle. “Pull my hair!” I moaned loudly. 

“You’re not in charge this time.” He said it with a hard slap to my butt, he was thrusting into both my holes slowly and every time I pushed back against him he stopped. He’d learnt what I liked fast. Maybe he’ll figure out what I love by himself. “Put your arms behind your back and grab your elbows.” He waited until I did as he said before thrusting back inside of me, he had one hand between my cheeks with his thumb inside and his other holding my forearms tightly, having something to hold gave him enough control to slam into me. My hips were hitting the metal table, I knew I liked pain during sex but I’d never had it like this. He pulled his thumb out and replaced it with two fingers, stretching me more and more, he was thrusting just as fast as his cock. 

“On your knees.” He growled at me, pulling out of me so abruptly that I felt empty, lacking. With shaking legs I slid from the table to the floor, spinning around to face him. He didn’t waste any time, he grabbed my jaw and threaded his fingers into my disheveled hair. “Suck it.” I guided his cock inside my mouth, he let me acclimatise to his size before he took over. He was ruthless with his thrusts, he made me gag and choke everytime his cock hit my throat, coating him with that much saliva that it was dripping from him, so much so that his balls made a slapping noise against my chin. “Tighter.” He ground out and when I didn’t immediately do as he said, he slapped my cheek, it shocked me that I couldn’t tighten my mouth so he slapped me again. 

“Oh, you like that you slut?” His grin was feral, he gripped my hair tightly using it to tilt my head back until his cock popped out of my mouth, what a sight I must be, my chin and jaw soaked with saliva, my lips red and puckered and my cheek sporting his hand print but I knew my eyes were lust drunk. “So are all nerds whores or is it just you? Huh?” Slap. “Just you?” Slap. 

“Just me.” I gasped. “I’m a whore.” That’s what he was waiting for, he thrust back into my open mouth, he pulled my head towards him at the same speed that he thrust. His onslaught was brutal and I fucking loved it. I tightened my lips around him, my teeth grazed his shaft slightly, I didn’t know he was so close to his orgasm so I was surprised when he pulled out and his cum shot on my face, dripping into my mouth and over my tits. “You fucking whore.” He grinned down at me. “Get up.” 



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