The Practice 6 (Nicole 1) [FMF, FF, oral, fsub, huml, sm, reluc]

Nicole’s body was slowly recovering, but her heart was still aching: where was Ashley? It had been… what… two days since the beach?

Her muscles stiffened at the thought, and her back cramped. Nicole squirmed in bed, twisting onto her back, trying to stretch and get comfortable. Elizabeth liked to cuddle and Nicole hated to push her away, but waking up the past two — three? — mornings had been painful. Elizabeth’s long brown hair draped over their naked breasts and tickled as the brunette roused herself. Nicole wrapped an arm around Elizabeth’s neck and pulled her face close. Ashley and Elizabeth were her family: they had met on their first visit to the island, advanced together, and grown to love each other. She hated not knowing where one of her little sisters was.

Dim, green light shined in through a silly round window in the curved wall across the room — that was about all the sunlight Bag End got, situated in a hillside deep beneath the jungle foliage. Nicole and Elizabeth lay together, skin-to-skin from head to toe, in the middle of a large bed built into the wall. Bag End had a couple of other bedrooms scattered through its labyrinthine tunnels, but they were empty now, and this one felt empty without Ashley. The bed was too large for two.

Elizabeth lifted her head with a groan and rolled onto her back. She stretched her arms and legs and said, “I think I’m feeling a little better today, what about you?”

Nicole sat up and grabbed her knees to stretch out her lower back. “Yeah, but no sign of Ash.” Nicole half-expected the girl to show up overnight and roll her eyes at their worry.

“I’m sure she’s fine,” Elizabeth said, for the hundredth time, convincing no-one. She slid herself down Nicole’s body and pushed open the blonde’s legs to rest her face against her pussy. Elizabeth was a giver, and Nicole knew it would make the brunette feel better to pleasure her, so she laid back and did her best to clear her mind. Elizabeth was a wonder with her tongue, and she knew just how Nicole liked to be touched. Her tongue crept into the folds of Nicole’s pussy and was greeted with a rush of warm juices.

Nicole curled her fingers into Elizabeth’s hair and moaned, grinding gently against the girl’s face as she arched her back and came. It wasn’t mind-blowing, but it was intimate and comforting for both of them. Nicole petted Elizabeth’s hair as her friend licked up her juices, then they kissed and held each other in silence.

“We’d better get going,” Nicole said. “I’ll pay you back later?”

Elizabeth smiled. “Let’s ask Hannah and Emily to stay over tonight,” she said.

“Maybe,” Nicole said, and tried to keep a straight face. Elizabeth meant well. They had grown close to the two newbies in recent days, and normally Nicole would have no objection to a few more warm bodies, but Elizabeth already wanted to adopt them into the family. Nicole’s family. Hannah had trusted them with a lot of information, but could she herself be trusted?

The girls washed up and brushed their teeth and hair. Nicole missed the simplicity of the island when she was back in the “real world”. She was tall, blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with perfect c-cups and long legs, and her mind knew she was beautiful… but it took a lot of work to feel that way in the real world. On the island she didn’t have to think about it: everyone was beautiful and naked.

Nicole wordlessly took the hairbrush from Elizabeth and took over brushing her friend’s long, brown hair. Elizabeth was several inches shorter, brown-eyed, with bouncy c-cups, and narrower hips. Nicole loved brushing her hair, and Elizabeth would purr if she did it just right.

On the jungle path headed towards breakfast Nicole and Elizabeth joined up with a large group of girls who were staying in Noah’s Ark. They were rambunctious and flirty and tried to tease the pair out of their somber mood.

“Where’s Ashley? Still not back?” Erica asked, laughing and swatting as another girl tried to pinch her nipple. Apparently that was their game this morning. Nicole had known Erica for over a year and the girl was close to graduation. They’d had sex several times and shared Dr. Wilcox once. Nicole liked her, but she never took anything seriously.

“No,” Nicole said.

“Maybe she flunked out,” Erica said, and swatted another hand away from her nipples, then yelped as a different girl pinched her ass.

“No way!” Elizabeth said. “Her sister Olivia graduated. You know how Dr. Wilcox is with sisters.”

The swarm of girls swirled around each other, laughing and pinching, legs and arms flailing. Erica struggled and tangled with two arms that were grabbing at her breasts. “If I were you today, I’d be more worried about the snorkel!”

As she said it, the other girls in the pack started chanting: “Snorkel, snorkel!” The chant broke down as they laughed and started pinching at each other again, but Nicole and Elizabeth grimaced.

“Today? How do you know?” Nicole yelled over the group’s laugher. It had to come someday, but the thought made her break into a cold sweat.

Erica turned around and walked backwards for a few steps. “Dr. Wilcox mentioned it last night,” she said. “Or was it this morning?” she asked the girls next to her, and they laughed. Then she reached down to her pussy and stuck a finger inside. She pulled it out and made a big show of tasting it. “Yes, this morning! Good luck!” Erica was such a show-off.

Nicole slowed down to let the group go ahead and Elizabeth took her arm. “Well, we knew it was the next test for us,” Elizabeth said, and Nicole nodded. “Do you think Ashley could be… gone?” Elizabeth asked, but Nicole didn’t have an answer.

Mrs. Carver gave them a disapproving look as they emerged into the clearing. The two were among the last to arrive at breakfast but found seats next to Hannah and Emily at a table with a few other girls. Hannah was Nicole’s height and build, with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes that radiated a ferocity that had grown over the past few days. Emily was slim and athletic, a bit shorter, with brown eyes and amazing, curly blonde hair you could lose yourself in. Her body was scraped and bruised worse than Nicole’s or Elizabeth’s from spending a second day hauling rocks on the beach. Hannah had escaped that trial, and looked as perfect as ever.

Hannah leaned towards Nicole, almost pressing their heads together. “I asked Shelly about Ashley. She wouldn’t tell me anything. I think she’s suspicious of me.”

Nicole frowned. “Then be careful.” Hannah was a friend. Nicole took her hand and whispered, “Thank you.”

Nicole was surprised when Hannah kissed her forehead. “You know how Shelly smiles — she’s hard to read. But I got the impression that Ashley is ok.”

“What were her exact words?” Nicole asked, heads together.

Hannah furled her brow adorably. “Shelly said, ‘She had an epiphany.’”

An epiphany?

“What’s the snorkel, anyway?” Emily asked Elizabeth loudly enough that the whole table turned to her.

Elizabeth opened her mouth, but Nicole cut her off. “You’ll see, soon enough,” she said. “It’s basically a test you have to pass to advance. I’m sure you’ll just be watching today.” Don’t think about it.

“Advance?” Hannah asked.

Nicole shrugged. How much should she say? “I don’t know — that’s what I call it. There seems to be a sort of system, and girls advance through it till they graduate.”

“Or flunk out,” Elizabeth said.

Would Elizabeth say too much in front of the wrong people? Nicole jumped in again and stared right into Hannah’s eyes, “Do you want to come to Bag End tonight?”

Hannah met Nicole’s eyes and nodded. “Yes, that sounds great.”

Elizabeth smiled and put a hand on Emily’s thigh. “I bet you could use a massage and some TLC.”

Emily grinned. “That does sound great.”

Nicole changed the topic quickly and everyone ate their meals. The crisis had been averted and Elizabeth had cheered up a little, so that was two small victories.

After a little while, Dr. Wilcox finished his breakfast blowjob and stood up to address the girls, tucking his cock away in his robe. A newbie named Sophia scrambled out from under the table and dropped a deep curtsy to him as she hurried to get some food. He liked to humiliate the newbies; it was part of the training. It was no coincidence that he had summoned Hannah to suck him off in front of her father’s friend, Stanley, her first morning on the island.

Judging by Stanley’s huddle with a graduate named Jenny, he had chosen a new wife. She was a good pick: very gentle, and she’d be kind to his two young children who had lost their mother a year ago. Nicole whispered this observation to Hannah just as Dr. Wilcox began speaking.

“Good morning, girls,” Dr. Wilcox said. “We’re all going to spend the day together at the pools. Shelly has organized a sporting competition to select the next student body president. Don’t forget to wear your swimming suits.”

Nicole rolled her eyes at the joke that Dr. Wilcox had used several times before, but Elizabeth giggled. Many of the girls were excited by the announcement, and everyone — including the graduates in black chokers — began to stand up and make their ways towards the plateau trail.

Nicole noticed that Hannah was lingering and waited by her. Emily and Elizabeth were walking arm-in-arm but slowed when they saw the other two stalling. Hannah’s nose was wrinkled with anxiety and after a minute Nicole asked her, “What’s wrong?”

“What kind of game do you think Shelly has planned?” Hannah asked.

Nicole nodded; Hannah was thinking about Shelly’s “game” with Ashley. “It’s for student body president, so it’ll be optional.”

“Could be fun,” Emily said. She was athletic and probably figured she had a shot.

The four began walking, and Hannah spoke again: “I’m sorry about Ashley.”

Elizabeth reached out to hug her, and Nicole pursed her lips. “It’s not your fault,” Nicole said. “Dr. Wilcox likes to test girls and break them in half. I think you passed, and Ashley failed.”

They walked the rest of the way in silence, trailing the main group of girls along the path to the plateau. The jungle muffled the conversation ahead of them and created a brief sense of isolation that lasted as they climbed several switchbacks of stone stairs, earning themselves a sheen of sweat. The jungle canopy broke around them as they rose through it, leaving the cacophonous wildlife behind and cresting the edge of a large, flat plateau.

“Wow”, Hannah said, shielding her eyes from the sun.

Nicole said, “This is where Dr. Wilcox’s visitors stay. We aren’t allowed up here much.”

The top of the plateau was a large park, with scattered trees for shelter and low huddles of buildings here and there. Several steaming streams of water sprung from an eruption of stone near one edge of the plateau and formed a series of hot pools before dropping off the edges into the jungle below. Most of the girls were heading towards these pools, and others already lay stretched out on the grass in the sun. Naked skin drew the eye in every direction, and exertion from the climb had already made Nicole’s pussy slick.

Nicole pointed to the far edge of the plateau. “From what I’ve gathered, that long building has offices. There’s a heliport on the other side. The small clusters of buildings are for guests.” She watched carefully for Hannah’s reaction.

“We’re just fresh meat he sells to the highest bidder,” Hannah said.

Nicole and Hannah were alone now and huddled close. Nicole said, “That’s what I thought for a while, but there’s more to it.”

Hannah nodded. “Yeah. It sounded like Stanley had to get remarried, for one thing. Is there any way into the offices?”

Nicole shook her head. “Mrs. Carver has a keycard. Maybe the others do, too.”

The two girls followed after Emily and Elizabeth and joined them in one of the pools. Nicole stretched and luxuriated in the hot mineral water as it melted the knots out of her body. It felt amazing on her sore muscles, and she sighed when Hannah slipped behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. A few minutes later Hannah’s hands slid down to her thighs and pussy and Nicole leaned her head back against the other girl in pleasure.

Elizabeth and Emily had started making out across the pool and were giggling as they kissed and teased each other under the surface. Hannah whispered into Nicole’s ear as she rubbed her pussy in the hot water. “You know, we’ll get farther if we work together.”

Nicole sighed and said, “Yessss. But can I trust you?” Her pussy hummed under Hannah’s fingers.

Hannah sped up and Nicole arched her back, pressing into Hannah’s firm breasts. Hannah whispered, “Yes, if I can trust you.”

Nicole spent a few minutes thinking as Hannah massaged her pussy, sliding a finger in and out, and then returning to her clit, lips, and thighs. Hannah did seem to have a special connection with Dr. Wilcox, but was that an advantage or not? Her pussy melted in Hannah’s hands. What was Hannah after? “I want to figure out what’s going on,” Nicole said, “but I trust Dr. Wilcox. I won’t cross him.”

“Why?” Hannah asked, her fingers slowly curling inside Nicole. Elizabeth and Emily were only a few feet away, but lost in their own world.

Nicole purred at Hannah’s touch and whispered, “He saved my life.”

Hannah dragged the tips of her fingers over Nicole’s inner thighs and swollen pussy lips, and Nicole moaned. “Ok, deal,” Hannah said, and twisted her fingers into Nicole’s pussy. Nicole stretched and groaned as her pussy clutched at Hannah’s fingers. Hannah whispered, “You can seal your end of the bargain tonight.” Nicole nodded wordlessly and her body writhed between Hannah’s legs as she she came. The brunette held her firmly with her arms and legs as Nicole’s muscles clenched with pleasure and her pussy throbbed on Hannah’s fingers. This girl knew how to get what she wanted.

Lunch was served from dozens of picnic baskets laid out under a copse of trees. The four girls ate together on the lush grass and watched Shelly and Mrs. Hapne make final inspections of the obstacle course they’d built on a nearby playground.

“This is the first time I’ve seen Mrs. Hapne,” Hannah said. The woman was dressed like the cadaverous Mrs. Carver in a simple white dress, but she was much larger and moved with an energy and dexterity that belied her size. “What’s the playground for?” Hannah asked. “There aren’t any kids here.”

Nicole said, “Not right now.”

Dr. Wilcox ate lunch with the students while leaning back against a large tree in the copse, his robe thrown open. A girl named Caroline squatted over his cock backwards and rode him slowly as he ate a sandwich and chatted with a small group of students. He paid little attention to Caroline except to periodically correct her form and pull her down into deeper squats. Use the full length of the cock. After the doctor finished his sandwich, he spoke a word to Caroline and the girl began to move faster, using her hands to push on her knees to relieve some of the strain from her thighs. Eventually she slowed, and Dr. Wilcox motioned for a couple of nearby girls to take her arms and help. Caroline trembled on his cock as she rocketed up and down, until Dr. Wilcox came with an explosion of semen. The two girls lowered Caroline onto her back in the grass and dove onto her sticky pussy like lionesses onto a fresh kill as the girl writhed with pleasure. Two other girls knelt by Dr. Wilcox and licked his cock clean before he put it away and stood up.

He listed off about a dozen names, including Nicole and Elizabeth. “These young ladies will join me in the pool by the waterfall. The rest of you may compete for study body president if you so desire, or take your leisure as you please.”

It was time. Nicole began to shake. The large group of girls broke up and clusters drifted in every direction: towards the pools, towards the playground, and elsewhere. Nicole clenched her fists and dug her fingers into the soft grass.

Emily popped to her feet and stuck out her hand to Hannah. “Let’s go check out this obstacle course! Good luck, you two,” she said to Nicole and Elizabeth.

Hannah took Emily’s hand and stood, but looked at Nicole. “I think she needs some moral support,” Hannah said, helping the Nicole to her feet. “We’ll come watch you after.”

Emily leaned in to kiss Hannah and then raced off to the playground.

“Thanks,” Nicole said, keeping hold of Hannah’s hand. The three made their way to the pool.

Dr. Wilcox was already sitting in the water, chest-high, and dozens of girls floated in the pool, sat on the edge, or relaxed on the nearby grass to watch.

At their approach Dr. Wilcox said, “Hop in Nicole, you’re first.” Every eye turned to her and the girls grew quiet except for scattered whispers. She closed her eyes and shuddered, blocking them out.

Nicole slid into the water and moved in front of Dr. Wilcox, submerging herself neck-deep. The water was steaming hot, but did nothing to melt the block of icy fear in her gut. Her eyes fixed on a narrow, curved plastic straw he held casually in his hand: the snorkel.

“Do you know what to do?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” Nicole whispered. She knew. Everyone knew about the snorkel. Everyone dreaded it.

“Do you want the cuffs?” he asked, as if offering a kindness.

“No, sir,” Nicole said. “But can Hannah hold my hands?”

Dr. Wilcox pondered briefly, and then nodded. “I know how hard this is for you, Nicole,” Dr. Wilcox said. “When you’re in position, find the jet of water beneath my seat.”

Nicole felt Hannah slide up behind her in the water. “Hold my hands behind my back,” Nicole whispered to her friend. “Please don’t let go.”

“I won’t,” Hannah whispered back. She took Nicole’s hands in hers and held them gently but firmly against her breasts.

Nicole turned back to Dr. Wilcox and stared into his deep, brown eyes. She took deep breaths, trying to steady her nerves. He gave a small nod, and she sucked in a final deep breath and plunged her head beneath the water, her eyes clamped tightly shut.

The pool was warm and dark. Light from the great room bled out onto the concrete surround, but none of it penetrated the surface of the water. Nine-year-old Nicole was bored with her parents’ party and had decided to go swimming, diving carelessly into the pool without seeing the thick sheet of plastic that covered it. It clutched at her arms and legs as she struggled to reach the side, twisting, tangling, pulling her down. She tried to cry for help as the her head slipped under the surface, her body uselessly weighing her down. There was no up or down, no edge, no air, no sound. Her head pounded like a metal spike had been driven into her temple. Her vision faded and her limbs grew heavy. If only she could rest a bit….

And then strong hands grabbed her. Up. Forward. A bearded man in a suit and tie pushed her up onto the concrete, rolling her away from the water. Her mother was screaming. Her father knelt down to kiss her, but instead began breathing into her mouth, forcing his breath into her. Her stomach and lungs wrenched in agony as she retched up water and fell into darkness.

But not this time. Nicole opened her eyes. Dr. Wilcox’s cock stood right before her face, barely six inches below the surface. She tried to reach for it but couldn’t move her hands. She was caught again. She twisted and shook, in panic, until she felt Nicole’s fingers intertwined with hers. Adrenaline pumped through her body, but Nicole pushed down her fear and focused on the cock. She saw the tiny snorkel lying against its side, the end of the tube just a few inches back from the head.

Nicole leaned towards the cock and Hannah’s hands moved with her. Down. Forward. By sheer force of will Nicole opened her mouth and took in the head of the cock. She sealed her lips tightly around it to keep the water out and moved down onto the thick, warm meat. The cock pressed her tongue down as she pushed it back towards her throat. She stretched out her lips and felt the snorkel, and pushed down a little farther to get it into her mouth. But she knew it wasn’t enough, yet.

Nicole knew how to deep-throat, and she normally enjoyed it. This was the same. The same. She opened her throat as if she were yawning and pushed Dr. Wilcox’s head against the back of her mouth. She wiggled her neck from side to side and the large head popped heavily into her throat. The snorkel was pressing against her cheek, but now her throat was stuffed full of cock. Nicole wiggled her head some more and slowly pushed the meat further down her throat, jamming her face against Dr. Wilcox’s stomach and her breasts against his thighs. She didn’t need her nose to breathe, she needed the snorkel.

Her throat burned from the friction, and Nicole felt the snorkel poking at the back of her mouth. Her lungs spasmed and demanded air, but fortunately she couldn’t suck in water because her throat was completely blocked. She pushed against the girth of the cock one more time and felt the tip of the snorkel slide into her throat alongside the hot meat. With a sudden, exhausted burst she exhaled the breath she’d been holding and expelled the water from the snorkel, clearing the path. Her aching lungs sucked in a breath, and another. It was in. Her heart was pounding now and her hands were shaking in Hannah’s. Slow down. Don’t hyperventilate. Breathe.

Nicole’s terror was swallowed by the rush of adrenaline. She tried to breathe normally, immersed in the feel of Dr. Wilcox’s thick cock down her throat. She could feel his pulse in her neck, even more than when he was in her vagina or ass. Inhale. Exhale. Her throat was raw, alien, not meant to be stuffed like this. It took conscious effort to force each precious breath past the invader. Accept the cock.

Her heart began to slow as Nicole grew accustomed to having the thick, hot meat in her throat. She couldn’t see anything with her face pressed against Dr. Wilcox, but she moved her knees and hips around, finally finding the jet of water right between his feet. She slowly repositioned herself, careful not to jostle her throat or dislodge the snorkel.

She slid her pussy over the jet of water and played it over her lips, searching for just the right angle. When she found it she gasped and her throat clamped down on Dr. Wilcox. Sucking dick always turned her on, and her vulnerability combined with the adrenaline pumping through her body caused her tummy to begin to tighten. Her pussy was achingly empty, but her throat was painfully full. She squeezed Hannah’s hands and bore her face down on Dr. Wilcox, pushing her pussy down towards the jet. The stream of warm water danced over her clit, and her breathing began to speed up again. Her knees tightened around Dr. Wilcox’s ankles.

Nicole moaned silently around the thick shaft of meat in her mouth and Hannah’s fingers danced over hers. Dr. Wilcox began to throb harder inside her, stretching her throat and jaw, crushing her tongue. Her legs shook. With a sudden gasp her insides burst open with a hoarse, muffled scream as she found her orgasm buried in the hot water. Her throat clutched at Dr. Wilcox and he exploded down her throat, pouring his sticky load into her, untasted but thick and warm in her esophagus and tummy. She sucked and gasped for it, struggling to breathe and swallow as he filled her insides with his heavy semen. Hannah’s hands held her firmly as she writhed in the water.

As his cock softened Nicole felt Dr. Wilcox draw it gently up and out of her throat. She coughed and gagged, and Hannah lifted her head up out of the water by her arms. Nicole sucked in great, heaving breaths and Hannah grabbed her under the breasts, holding her up.

“Well done, Nicole,” Dr. Wilcox said. “I knew you could do it. You’re a good girl, and I’m proud of you.”

Nicole steadied herself. “Thank you, sir. And for… before.”

Nicole kept shaking as Hannah her out of the pool and laid her on her back on the grass, in a daze. A few other girls took their turns with the snorkel, then Elizabeth went, and the a few more. Most were successful on their first attempt, but several had to take a break and try again. One poor girl took three tries, and Mrs. Carver almost had to take her to the infirmary.

Nicole was lost in her own thoughts. She felt… cleansed. Hannah and Elizabeth led her by the hand to the playground just in time to catch Emily’s victory. The huge jungle gym had been heavily augmented by Mrs. Hapne, who buzzed around the course tweaking and adjusting, in constant motion. Emily’s lithe, athletic body was a beauty to behold as she ran, swung, and climbed over every obstacle.

Shelly put a pink choker around her neck and proclaimed Emily to be the new student body president. Emily looked proud, but blushed furiously when Shelly told the other students to line up to lick her pussy. That was the only power of the office: pussy eating on demand from any of the students. Emily perched between a couple of bars on the jungle gym while dozens of girls cheered and waited their turn to taste her.

Emily had gotten more than she expected, but what had Nicole gotten? More questions than answers. Why had Dr. Wilcox been at her parents’ party ten years ago? How had he known she was in danger? All she’d learned was that she could deepthroat a cock for ten minutes under water.

Dinner was served in another round of picnic baskets, and Hannah suggested taking theirs back to Bag End. Emily agreed, perhaps weary of the attention she was getting? Or maybe her pussy was just tired. Elizabeth was excited to finally show them around. Nicole was silent, and the other girls took her arms and guided her back down into warm humidity of the jungle.

Nicole was the last one through the door at Bag End, and the shouts of the other girls didn’t penetrate her reverie until she laid eyes on Ashley. Nicole stared for a few seconds: Ashley was back, alive! The small brunette was sitting in the kitchen, gorging herself from a steaming plate like nothing had happened. Nicole broke into a grin and leapt forward, tackling her sister and smothering her in kisses, knocking them both to the floor. Nicole ran her hands over Ashley’s body and traced over the dozens of scratches and bruises that had just started healing. They’d both survived.

“I’m glad to see you, too!” Ashley laughed, and grabbed Nicole’s face to kiss her hard on the lips. “But let’s not get all mushy about it.”

Nicole stood up with stern look and pulled Ashley to her feet. “You get in bed right now!” she ordered, pointing. Ashley curtsied smartly and barely rolled her eyes at all. Nicole took a deep breath and turned to the others. “I seem to owe each of you, including our new student body president, a good pussy eating, and I intend to pay. Right now.”

The five girls jumped into the huge bed, arms and legs flying, lips and fingers reaching, breasts and pussies everywhere. They’d all survived another day. The family melted into a joyful frenzy of giggles, moans, and sticky wetness.



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  2. Captivating, extraordinarily creative, and intensely arousing. Great work, can’t wait for more!

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