Jailbird Part I [MMM][Drugs]

Alright so, they got me. When we went to trial, they had all my emails. Every single letter, spelled it all out. I was never too good at covering my tracks. Either way, I was sentences to 24 months for insider trading. Boo freaking hoo. A year and a half wasn’t going to be the end of the world. I honestly didn’t care about myself. What I was worried about was my wife and kid. I hid my money well so they were provided for but it must have sucked to go to school and have kids mock you for your dad being in jail. I was worried about him. But little I could do when I was in here. I hoped he wouldn’t be too mad at me when I got out.

I was sentences to a minimum security prison with time served. So all I had to do was survive 15 more months. Don’t let the “minimum security” fool you. It was still jail. The food was shit, inmates fought in the shower, and every once in a while a couple guys got thrown into solitary for getting caught doing something they weren’t supposed to. I think the only way that it was really “minimum security” was in how easy it was to get drugs in.

My vice was oxy. I had a car accident when I was in college and had some whiplash accident that left me in inexplicable pain. I didn’t use that much. Only a couple at night to take the edge off a little bit and let me fall asleep. When I got into prison, they let me have my own prescription. It was a medication that I needed. But after a couple of months, some fucking idiot got caught with oxy in his asshole and told them that I sold it to him and it was confiscated. I was fucking furious. I couldn’t fucking sleep without it, especially on those shitty little cots they gave us. No lumbar support. I begged and pleaded and nothing.

Finally, another inmate told me about this guy who known “how to get things”, I laughed and said, “what like Red in shawshank?” but he said, if I was desperate enough he would hook me up. His name was Dennis. Fucking Dennis. As if you couldn’t pick a whiter, more pussy ass name than fucking Dennis. I expected a bad ass name, like “Frank the Shiv” or “Big Willy”, but fucking Dennis…

Next day I went to see Dennis. He was short, maybe 5′ 6” or 5′ 7”, skinny, lanky, kind of nerdy looking. Not at all what I expected of someone who “knew how to get things”. I walked up to him and asked “You Dennis?” He nodded. “I heard you know how to get things, I need oxy.”

“Codone or Contin?”

“Idk. Codone I think”

“Long or short acting? “

I stared at him blankly.

“Alright, 5 bucks for the 5 mg. 10 for 10. I will tell you where to bring the money and you can have your people on the outside pay up”

He sounded so casual. It was almost like I was going to give me receipt afterwards. The price was expensive but he knew he had a captive audience. I told my wife and she paid “his people” and I was finally able to sleep at night for $10 a night. Cheap price I thought. Dennis kept supplying me. He was surprisingly professional. The price was set and he never tried to increase it when he knew I was hooked. He even tried to save me money, he told me heroine was cheaper and easier to get and that it was in the same family of drugs. I explained to him, I don’t use it to get high. I need it to sleep. He said that there are sleeping pills out there that work much better but they were more expensive, something called Ambien. I said thanks.

Things were quite for a while. I had a steady supply and a reliable supplier. It was all good until one day my fucking cunt of a wife served me divorce paper. In fucking jail, she sent her lawyer to serve me divorce paper. The nerve on the bitch. Within a month, the whole thing was wrapped up. She took custody of the kids, she had access to everything. I had nothing and no one. All my money was hidden and not in my name, so taking it from me was real easy if you knew where it was and a few of my passwords, which she did. And as soon as they money dried up. Dennis stopped delivering. That’s the downside of dealing with the professional, they don’t work for free. However, when we parted ways, Dennis gave me a word of wisdom, “If you ever want a cheap fix, heroine is the way to go. It’s not free, but it’s cheap. And if you play your cards right, I might hook you up for a few favors.”

What could Dennis want from me? what could I possibly offer him? Is he looking to diversify his portfolio? or is he trying to get a tax break by claiming his new boat as a business expense?

The day my wife’s lawyer came to see me to sign the final paperwork, I was in a shitty fucking mood. I was so pissed, the pain was worse. And when the pain was worse, I couldn’t sleep. Those are the nights where you really meet your inner demons. I jerked off like 3 times that night hoping to distract myself. Didn’t help. The next day, wired out of my mind from the lack of sleep and with shitty prison coffee, I went to Dennis. He knew what I was there for without asking. He offered me some, said it was free the first time. “Just like a good drug dealer” I thought, “You gotta build a clientele and get them hooked, then they keep on coming.

I supposed all junkies start off thinking it was a one time thing. I wasn’t any different. But once you feel the high, once it courses through your veins that first time, you immediately realize, there is no going back. My only concern now was how to get my next fix. I traded a few favors for my next fix, money in my commissary, one of my pillows, my shoes (they were nice, not like the shitty prison issued ones) but after 2 or 3 weeks I ran out of things to trade. Dennis, being the consummate professional that he is, didn’t work for free. He said, if I really wanted it, I would figure it out.

I thought that this was my chance out. My supply dried up, what’s a better time to quit a bad habit? But I guess that’s not how it works. I went back to Dennis, begged and pleaded, cried even. He was still a professional.

When I walked out of his cell, another inmate, I am forgetting his name now, told me about this other guy, Ronald, that could hook me up. He wasn’t an inmate, he was one of the guards. If I had been smart, or not fiending, I would have thought that it was a really stupid idea to walk up to a guard and ask him for heroine. But nevertheless, I waited for a minute when Ronald was alone and asked him. Now Ronald was a tall man, 6′ 3” or 4” maybe. White, slim but not skinny, in his 40s maybe early 50s, full head of hair. He looked like some of the guys I associated with in my prior life. The kind that looked very straight edge and personable but the more you talked to him, the more sleazy your realized he is.

I walked up casually to him. Tried to sound nonchalant. I started up a conversation about the local sports team or the weather. He wasn’t entertained. “How much you want?”

“What?” I acted casual.

“Don’t fuck with me. I know a junkie when I see one.” I guess I looked worse than I thought. “$10 a pop, take it or fuck off”

“I don’t have $10”

He smirked, “then fuck off”

“No come on. I know people on the outside, rich people. I can help you out when I get out. I am in banking you know.”

He was now full on laughing. “You aren’t in banking. You were in banking. You are in jail mother fucker.”

“Come man. Help me out. I will help you out too.”

He looked me and up and down. “If you have money on the outside then you can get it to me. I can give you a taste now and you can pay me later.”

I knew I had no way of paying him but I agreed. It was so good getting high. I hit him up a few more times that week. Each time with a little bit of begging and promises, he would give me a taste. Just enough to hold me off for a couple of days. And each time he would threaten that if I didn’t pay, I would regret it. But I knew I had no real way of paying.

Nevertheless I tried. My work assignment was housekeeping of the library. But pay is shit in jail, you get paid $0.50/hr where I was. So I had to work extra hard to pay off Ronald. I even begged for some hours working elsewhere so I was put in the laundry.

On day 3 in the laundry, I was working late folding and I was alone. The job wasn’t bad. Smelled nice at least. Mix of water and cheap laundry detergent. I heard the door open and close. I didn’t care to look up, probably one of the guards or something. I kept working. A minute later a felt someone grab me by the back of the neck and turn me around, it was Ronald.

“You know what I don’t like?”

“Hi, Ron.”

“I hate being called Ron.”

“Sorry” he was choking me a little.

“I also hate not getting paid for services I provide.”

“I know. I am sorry. I am working late so I can pay you back. Look. I am here late.” He still had a good choke hold on me, but he wasn’t holding tight enough to cut off my breath. With his other hand, he had his night stick.

“What I don’t think you understand is that I charge interest. And you are never gonna keep up with the money you get paid here.” He let me go.

When he let me go, I turned around and saw that he wasn’t alone. Behind him stood another guard. I didn’t know him. He was not as tall as Ronald (not Ron) but he was more stalky. He was also holding his night stick. At that moment I realized I was in for a beating.

Truth be told I was scared. I was never a big guy. I had always been the guy who got picked on in middle school on the playground and never retaliated for fear of getting my ass kicked. I got through high school and college the same way. I never played any sports or really went to a gym. I was never really good at keeping any weight one, whether it be fat or muscle. Now, with two uniformed men standing over me, I was scared. I would have done anything to avoid getting beat.

When he let me go, he shoved me into a corner of the room, him and the other guard were standing about 2 feet from me and they blocked me off into that corner. I braced for the impact of the night sticks shattering my teeth.

“Now my man Kevin here has a problem, his wife doesn’t take care of him enough and he needs some…human contact”

“Anything I can help with… I can give you my ex-wife’s phone number. She owes me for the nice breast implants i got her” I was trying to market her for some reason, at that point I would have traded my left arm to avoid the beating.

“I don’t think you understand me.” He turned to Kevin and nodded “Kevin.”

Looking at me, he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, semi-erect and started pulling on it.

“You my friend are going to take care of Kevin over here the way his wife should. If you take care of him well, I might knock a couple bucks off the money you owe me..”

Did they want me to suck his dick? I was in disbelief. I had heard the stories about guys in jail. A couple of times before I had seen a couple of guys blowing each other in the shower, but you just kept your head down and kept going. That’s what you were supposed to do. But now I was in the middle of it.

During the moments it took me to gather my thought. “Kevin” had gotten fully erect. He was now fully stroking his cock that he had pulled out through the zipper of his pants. It was about 6 or 7 inches but it was fat.

“I don’t know guys, I am not really gay”

Kevin looked angry now.

“Gay??!!!” Ronald said with a fake surprise tone of voice. “Who said anything about being gay? Kevin here is in a loving marriage with a beautiful woman and has 3 kids. Me, on the other hand, I fuck a different cunt every other night. No one said anything about being a fag. All it is is just helping each other out. Help pass the time and maybe exchange some goods.” He was trying to make it sound like he was being casual and easy going.

I still didn’t know what to say.

“You know what Kevin.” Ronald said, “I don’t think he is interested. Put your fat dick away and let’s go. I think Ronny is take us up on our offer.” Ronny was another junkie inmate. He was right, Ronny would gladly take him up on that offer.

“Hold on a second” I found myself saying. Ronald turned with a smirk. What was I doing? Was I really about to do this? I was certain at the time that I had no desire to do this. I am not gay, I thought, this is just an easy way to get out of owing this guy money. What’s the harm? I just get him off and it’s all over. Not doing it would be stupid.

I inched closer to Kevin. He was still holding his cock at the base and flopping it around. He smiled maniacally, “it ain’t gonna suck itself”, his voice was guttural and gleeful.

“Fuck it” I got on my knees. My right hand slowly inched closer to his cock he let it go. I grabbed it at the base where he had been holding and started to stroke it. I looked over and saw Ronald leave. He walked out the door and stood there… a look out.

I had Kevin’s cock in my hand now. I couldn’t wrap my hands all the way around it. I started stroking. He was hard like a rock. I could tell he enjoyed the power he had over me.

“Are you gonna put in your mouth princess” he grunted.

I am going to have to do it sooner or later. I knew that. I wanted to think about something else. Baseball? Maybe baseball. Or maybe I can think about girls. Maybe I can think about the last time I got my dick sucked. Think about my wife and her big juggling fake tits (the tits I got her). The tits she kept in the divorce. She took half of my shit so I guess that means she owed me a tit. Or maybe I can think about the Swedish girl I fucked in Orlando on that business trip. She was something else. She knew how to suck dick. I will think about that.

I took the head of his cock in my mouth. It was salty. It occurred to me that that was probably sweat. He didn’t smell very fresh either, musty. I pulled his dick out. He was looking at me. He laughed quietly and slowly like a villain does in a cheesy movie. “You will learn to like it”.

“Speaking from experience?” I hit back. He stopped laughing and grabbed my head and shoved his cock deep down my throat. I winced and gagged and started coughing.

“That’s what you get from being a smart ass cock sucking bitch… now suck it”

It hurt. His cock was fat and when he shoved it in my throat I tried to open up as wide as I can to avoid cutting his with my teeth, and that hurt my jaw a little. When I reopened it to start again I felt a twinge in my jaw that radiated to my ear. Then it went away. I started sucking. It barely fit in my mouth. My head bobbed up and down of it. I could feel he was enjoying it. I kept going. Up and down. I had to pull out to take a breath. He had his hand on the back of my head, I hadn’t realized that. After a second, he shoved my head back down on his cock. He didn’t want to stop. He started to hump my face. I could feel his hips thrusting as my hand was still grabbing the base of his cock. I pulled out again for a breather.

“Spit on it” I fucking hated him. My mouth was already full of spit so it was easy. I used my hand to jerk him off and spread it. “You are not bad at this”.

“Better than your wife?” He stopped. Pulled out. Bed down and grabbed me by the hair.

“You keep talking like that and I am gonna fuck your dirty asshole like I fuck her” he stood up again and shoved his cock down my throat. All the way down. My eyes were tearing up a little. He continued to thrust. Rhythmically. Going deeper every time. I could feel his pubes rub my nose the deeper he got. With everything thrust it tickled.

He was picking up speed now. I could tell he was close. Faster and faster. I heard him groan. I went to pull back. I couldn’t. His had was fastened strong to the back of my head. He groaned louder. I could feel the load in the back of my throat. I grabbed his hips and pushed him back using both hands. I shook him loose but it was too late. He had cum inside my mouth. I coughed and gagged and spit it out. It was disgusting. I puked on the floor. I kept coughing.

When I had recollected myself and looked back up. He had zipped up his pants and left. It’s over now. It’s ok. It was just a blow job. No harm no foul. I stood up. Trying to gather my pride that had been splattered on the ground much like Kevin’s drying jizz.

Ronald came back. “He came on your face didn’t he?”

“No” I said.

“Don’t worry. I like sloppy seconds” he pulled out his dick. Kevin was now standing watch outside the door. Ronald’s dick was bigger. Just as fat as Kevin’s but longer. Ronald didn’t pull his dick out through the zipper like Kevin. No. He pulled his pants down. He wanted to me to see him naked. He was hairy too but he smelled nicer.

It was only a little easier the second time around, and only because I willed myself not to think about it. I gabbed his cock, and started to stroke it for him. He wasn’t fully hard when we started but that didn’t last long. I spit on it to lube it up and kept stroking.

“You look like a pro. Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”

I fucking hated him.

“You should put it in your mouth now sweety.”

Fucking asshole. But I put it in. There was no point in resisting. I couldn’t get it down very far. It was big and he was proud of it.

I was fully sucking him now. Every time I took it in my mouth, I took it a smidge deeper. It was almost like my jaw was relaxing more and more with every thrust. At this point I was on auto pilot. I was bobbing my head up and down on his cock. Every once in a while I would pull it out of my mouth, lick the shaft, spit on it and put it in again. It was rhythmic and I was slowly picking up speed.

He started to moan. His butt cheeks clenched under my palms. It wasn’t until that point that I realized I had my left hand grabbing his right butt cheek. He was going up cum. I pulled out.

“No. No. In your mouth baby.”

It wasn’t a question. He knew i was going to obey. I put it back in my mouth and he stroked load and shot it in the back of my throat. There was a lot of cum. It started dripping down the side of my mouth on the ground. It was salty. It was disgusting. He pulled back and leaned on a table. He was satisfied. I could tell.

I didn’t know what to do at that moment. I was ashamed of myself. I had sunk to a new low. Not only was I a junkie but now I suck dick for my next fix. I felt used and ashamed. However, much to my surprise, I was hard as a rock. My cock was bulging out of my pants.

I fell back and sat on the ground in disbelief. I didn’t want Ronald to see my erection. Did I enjoy this?

Ronald got dressed. He reached into his pocket. “For your troubles. You be a good slut and the is plenty more where this came from” he handed me a hit.


Thanks!?! Did I just fucking thank him. He made me blow him and I am thanking him? What the fuck is wrong with her.

They left. I slowly got up and went to my cell. I was still hard as a rock. I jerked off and came in a min, very quick. I then got high and went to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cuka15/jailbird_part_i_mmmdrugs

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