Brother’s Girlfriend Extends His Stay Part 2

[Part 1](

“Oh shit! Oh shit! That’s Hank. What are we going to do?” Buddy started to freak out a bit.

Lady on the other hand calmly pulled up her tights and grabbed the two glasses on the table. She downed one, set it back on the table and slowly sipped the other. “He sure knows how to ruin the fun, doesn’t he?” She said to herself.

She lounged back into the couch, crossed her legs and started sipping again.

“What are you doing? We can’t stay here. Fuck! Oh man.” Buddy wanted to run and hide back in the guest room but Lady put a strong hand on his chest.

“Relax. He’s only going to the shower then fall asleep. I’d be surprised if he even says two words to us.”

Sure enough Hank walked in from the garage, red eyed and weary and walked straight to his room. A minute later the shower was running. He was so tired and focused on sleep, he didn’t even notice the dildo, Hank Sr. as Lady referred to it as, on the dresser.

Another fifteen minutes passed and if Buddy had been outside the door, he would’ve heard loud rhythmic snoring coming from Hank.

During those fifteen minutes, Lady was having a grand time alternating rubbing the tip of Buddy’s cock through his shorts or reaching under to fondle his balls and rubbing her pussy increasing the size of the wet spot that could be seen. She thought it was hilarious how he kept freaking out and pushing her hands away to make her stop touching him or herself.

He was whispering so loudly that it would’ve been quieter to just let Lady have her way. But he was high and paranoid, which didn’t make his brain work any better than it normally would.

“Oh don’t tell me you’re a party pooper like your brother, huh. Tell you what, you go and check to see if he’s sleeping. If he is, you are my personal slave the rest of your time here. And if he isn’t, I’ll leave you alone for the night. How about it?”

Buddy’s muddled mind just told him to take the deal. No way Hank’s sleeping already. He just got home he thought. “But don’t I want him to be sleeping?!” He thought.

He stood up and said “Deal.” And begun walking towards Hank’s room.

Images of Lady bent over, with her tights around her knees flashed before him, as he kept repeating in his head, “Please be sleeping, Please be sleeping.”

He heard the snoring before he poked his head in to confirm. He turned and pumped his fist, “Yessss!” Immediately covering his mouth and looked back to see Hank hadn’t moved. Then sped walked back to the living room.

[Buddy came back to find Lady sans clothes lying on the couch. ]( This exact scenario had played out for months. Her expecting something different. But this weekend was to be her last. If he didn’t change for one weekend for his brother on such a special occasion, there was no hope of it changing at all.

She was disappointed and upset when she knew it would be the same, however Buddy was going to now provide an outlet for her. She was going to take out months of pent up frustration out on Buddy but she had the feeling Buddy wouldn’t mind that at all.

Buddy for his part forgot about the bet he had just made and could only wonder why he had so much clothes on right now. He slid thumbs under his waistband and started to push down boxers and pants.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Lady said as she shook her head and wagged a finger. Buddy stopped what he was doing and looked up at Lady.

“Nuh uh. I am your mistress this weekend. And I know I didn’t give you any instruction to remove your own clothing. You are mine and I plan to make full use of you while you stay here. Now get on your knees and let me feel your tongue, lips, and fingers on my pussy.” She commanded.

Buddy did as he was told. Fingers spread wet lips and the flat of his tongue coated them in his own saliva as he tasted Lady. Then begin twirling his tongue as fast as he could and shoving it in as deep as he could.

“Oh my god Buddy don’t stop. I’m cumming. I’m cumming.” Lady said as dryly as her pussy was getting.

Buddy’s head popped up in surprise. “For real? Already?”

“No, not for real. You must watch too much fucking porn to think that’s gonna get any woman off. Take your time. Don’t rush into it. Lick each of my lip savor their taste.”

Buddy listened and stared.

“Let’s go. I gave you an order.”

“Oh right sorry.” His head dove back down and this time he went slowly. The tip of his tongue pressing softly upon one lip from bottom to top then to the other side, top to bottom.

“Good. Now take my lips between yours and massage them working your way up and down like you did with your tongue before this.”

Buddy listened and obeyed every word, never straying. He looked up watching Lady’s breasts heave up and down with each deep breath. They increased in speed the more he did what she told him to.

Soon Buddy’s tip of his tongue was pressing into Lady’s clit firmly, moving left to right, then up and down and then swirling, each change in direction at the commands of Lady. Intervals became longer each time as Lady’s hands reached down gripping Buddy’s hair as her hips bucked and thrashed.

Her breathing was erratic, taking in gulps of air and holding trying to be quiet but whimpers and moans began slipping. “Put, oh, oh, your, uh, mmmm, fingers, uh, in me.”

Buddy slid his middle and index in. He assumed fast and hard was not the way to go. He crooked his fingers remembering there was supposed to be the g-spot there.

Lady pulled Buddy’s hair harder, her hips pressed down into the couch and legs began quivering on Buddy’s shoulder. She couldn’t hold it in. “Fuck yes! Don’t stop! Don’t stop!” She all but screamed.

Buddy’s ears were partially muffled so he couldn’t be sure how loud she had been but heard the orders not to stop. He kept licking and rubbing and watching Lady’s soft breasts rise and fall with her quickening breath.

Lady knew she was being loud, but at this point she could care less. She had satisfied herself many a night with Hank Sr. or one of the plethora of her toys she had collected through the months, but having a warm tongue licking her clit was a feeling she had desperately missed.

She lost control of her legs, they were quivering furiously as she was moments away from climax. She gasped and held her breath, her whole body tensed, except her legs which kept shaking.

Then Buddy felt his hand become slick, Lady released his hair and her arms gripped the couch on each side as if she were riding the couch during an earthquake. Lady let out her breath a loud moan.

Buddy knew she had just cum. He knew he could probably stop but an order was an order after all. He smiled mischievously at the thought and kept licking and rubbing his fingers in small circles.

The release was amazing and had made her pussy extra sensitive now. Buddy’s finger and tongue kept her breathing hard, making it difficult for her to say anything. Her body writhed and squirmed trying desperately to get him to stop.

“S-st-sssss-stop.” She finally uttered. Buddy did as he was told and held his head up and sucked on his fingers to hide, insufficiency at that, the devious smile that told Lady he knew exactly what he was doing.

“Ooh you naughty boy. I’ll remember this. Now get up.”

She stood up in front of him and reached under his waistband then further down her hand felt it freshly shaven. She looked up to Buddy and raised an eyebrow.

“You always like this or were you expecting to get lucky with all the partying you were gonna do?”

“Uh, well you know I figure I’d be prepared in either case.”

“Hmmm, wise choice.” She grabbed his cock and slowly started stroking him. Then turned away cock still in hand and led him back to the guest room where he was staying.

Once she got to the door she turned back and put a hand on his chest. “Wait here and take off your clothes.”

[She walked to the corner of the bed and bent over. ]( she turned back and said, “Don’t disappoint me now.”

Hope you enjoy.

As always please send me any criticisms, I’d love to improve. Praise also very much welcome lol.

Special thanks to muse u/LadyMcghee If you haven’t checked her out yet, I encourage you to do so.



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