First Night in My New Apartment [Mf][oral]

I had just finished setting up my place in my new apartment. A ball game was on TV but I kept thinking about this barely legal green eyed blonde named Courtney who gave me her number after I installed her family’s Wi-Fi system in their house. Would she still be interested? She had to. She’d eyed my athletic build, had flashed me her boobs. I got up and rummaged around in my business file where I’d shoved her number to find her hastily written sticky note. I walked back to my couch and sat before picking up my phone to tap her number onto its screen. She answered it with a curt ‘hello.’

“Hey, it’s Ross. The computer guy.”

“Ross,” she mischievously answered. “What’s up?”

“Not much. Hey, I just moved into a new apartment. Was wondering if you’d like to come over and watch a movie or something.”

“Or something?”

“Whatever you want to do.”

“I think I can come over. Give me an hour.”


I gave her my address and after hanging up, I took a shower, put on my best cologne and dressed casually in khaki shorts and a t-shirt. I waited on the couch, watching the game for an hour and a half before she finally showed up. She looked hot in little white denim shorts, wedgie shoes and a cropped ASU t-shirt.

“Come on in,” I said, stepping aside to let her enter.

She glanced around my neat and nicely appointed apartment.

She said, “Nice place.”

“Thanks. You want something to drink? Soda? Iced tea?”

“Can I have a beer?”

“You’re only eighteen.”

“So. Just one. Come on. A half of one?”

I grabbed a beer from the fridge, poured half into a glass and retuned to sit beside her. She thanked me as she accepted her beer and took a drink.

She said, “Listen, that time you came over and I showed you my boobs, I was being stupid. I was so horny.”

“Are you still horny?”

“Yeah. I haven’t been laid since I broke up with my boyfriend six months ago.”

“That’s a long time.”


She sipped beer. I followed suit, eyeing her pretty tanned legs. She has such a cute nose and a pouty lower lip stained pink with lipstick. She was a little hottie. I set down my beer before taking hers from her hands to set down on the table as well. My eyes locked onto those pretty green eyes of hers. Her lips parted as my face drew closer to hers. Our lips met and her pillowy lower lip molded onto mine. Wrapping my arms around her, I pulled her close to me. Her body pressed against my chest as I became lost in her kisses. I couldn’t help but lean against her. The weight my body has a will of its own as I pressed her backwards onto the couch. I crawled on top of her to possess her. Her hands roamed over my shoulders and arms to press against my chest. She opened her legs for me to lay comfortably as I sucked on her long neck which pulsed with her beating heart. We made out like that for minutes until I was hard. I dragged her up off the couch. I wanted her…now! Taking her hand in mine, I led her to my bedroom. Once inside, I whipped my shirt up over my head. She did the same, her hair falling about her as she raised her shirt over her head. We both bent to take off our shorts. She stopped short of her bra and panties and her eyes widened when she looked down to see my hard pointing dick. We stood there, gazing at each other, enjoying the sight of our naked bodies before I took her by the hand, flipped open my bed covers and pulled her into bed with me. I began to kiss her all over, from her lips to down her neck, slipping her bra straps from her shoulders to expose her breasts.

“You’re so hot,” I murmured as my lips hovered to her breasts. “So incredibly hot.”

My lips clamped onto a nipple as my hand wandered down her torso into her panties, past her soft patch of downy pubes and into her womanly folds. It surprised me that she was so wet. I looked up at her.

I said, “You’re so wet.”

“You make me that way.”

I fingered her, making her gooey clit even wetter. When I withdrew my hand, I stuck my finger in her mouth which she greedily sucked with pursed lips. Our eyes were locked upon each other. She’s so naively beautiful. My finger left her mouth with a slurping pop. I rained kisses down her body until my face smushed into her panties. I inhaled deeply to smell her musk. She smelled of citrus lime soap. I raised up upon my knees to pull off her panties. She lifted her butt and allowed me to do so and I flung them aside to stare between her knees at her pussy covered in strip of dark blonde fuzz. My face dove into her muff. My tongue delved between her lips. She tasted like a clean penny and I licked away as my dick began to throb. Subconsciously, I rubbed it against the sheet as I became more excited by this new, young pussy.

Courtney remained perfectly still as I ate her. Her hands running over my head and her little sighs of contentment were the only indications that she was enjoying my tongue. I felt like I was going cum all over the sheets so I kissed her pussy one last time before crawling on top of her. Her satiny thighs spread even wider as my hips grazed against them. She reached down to grab my stiff manhood which she guided to her wet hot center. And once the tip was inside her, I took it from there, thrusting in a few inches before stopping to look at her. She had closed her eyes and was moaning. I clasped her fingers in mine to draw her hands over her head and slid my rod deeper inside her. In and out I went and she matched my pace. It felt so good. I buried my head against her neck and into her soft hair splayed over my pillow. The bed jostled beneath us as we moved in unison.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Fuck me. Fuck me.”

“You like that?” I asked, as my smooth head moved in her like a piston. “You like that, baby?”

“Yeah. Oh yeah. That’s it. Ohhhh,” she groaned.

Fearing I would blow my load, I withdrew from her. Her eyes flew open as I raised up to flip her over on her hands and knees. I plunged into her, my hands gripping her melon sized butt cheeks as I pumped her from behind. She leaned forward, as to get away, but I held her in place.

“Ow,” she cried, her hand coming back to push at my thigh. “Ow. Too deep.”

“Sorry,” I said, withdrawing to flip her over on her back.

With my arms hooked under the crook of her knees, I lifted her legs and placed my tip inside her before plunging into her once again. Her eyes squeezed closed before she opened them to look into mine. Her little breasts bounced back and forth until I forced her thighs back onto them. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

With a rasp to my voice, I growled, “I going to cum.”

With our tight genitals wet from comingled juices, an orgasm erupted within me. Her hands shot up to my face where she pulled my parted lips upon hers. That kiss sealed it. With one final plunge, I orgasmed hard. My yell was stifled by her open mouth. My hot jizz pumped into her warm tight depths as our tongues mashed onto each other. I let go of her legs to hug her close. It triggered something within her. She rode my pulsing cock until her pussy constricted hard and she climaxed with sharp little moans. We clung to each other, sweaty and quivering with ragged breaths, with our sticky genitals still joined together. I brushed locks of her hair from her face and kissed her. She was so sweet and firm. I didn’t want to let go.

“Fuck,” she said, before smiling.

I finally gathered the will to withdraw and pulled my spent member from her warm gushy pussy to flop down beside her. We laid there huffing and puffing before she turned onto her side to cozy up to my damp chest. I drew her close with my arm and she laid her head on my chest. I wanted to get up and get a beer but I didn’t want to disturb Courtney as she snuggled against me. She urged me along with kisses on my cheek. The length of her body pressed onto mine. With her hot breath upon my face and her hands rubbing my torso and groin, she threw a leg over mine and crawled on top of me while she smothered me in kisses.

She purred, “I wanna do that again.”

“Give me a sec.”

I realized I was in for an all-nighter. What a way to christen my new place.

Abridged chapter from the 3 book collection of [Hardsmith]( on Amazon. FREE on Kindle Unlimited. Thanks for reading!


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