Don’t Fuck with her..

“Fuck me!” she cried out softly, looking up into the eyes of the man that had her tied up. Her face showed distress and lust mixed together. A combination I could not understand, I studied her face in the camera. My suspicions had turned out correct after all, and I hated the fact that I had been right. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to kill. I knew that he would not be going home tonight and grinned at the thought. My dark twisted thoughts turned murderous once more as I contemplated things. I imagined how I would kill the bastard. Oh I had killed before, but only in self-defense. This asshole was another level of dark malicious anger. I soothed my soul by reaching for my tie, adjusting it just so. Making sure that it was perfect. It was her present to me and I was sure that she would be happy i was wearing it today. My eyes darkened as he came into view. I studied the man that had made himself known to me at last. His bulk was substantial, a beer gut hanging over his belt, the biker moustache gray and scraggly. I was shocked that she would actually be interested in this guy who looked like a bad extra from easy riders. I snickered, then remembered my purpose. I was not here because this was funny, but because of her cheating. My sub was about to be sexually abused by this troglodyte. I could see his smile as he studied my girl as she lay there on the bed. 

Her hair was fanned out on the bed, her legs held open by the ropes that restrained, her tied by this ape of a man, his lust filled eyes were obviously focused on my sub’s shaved pussy. I could see by the way he stroked his cock through his jeans that he had no intention of actually even pretending he was anything but an abuser. I had come across his type often at events and gatherings. They were generally easy to spot, as they did not have that elegance or purity in their eyes. Eyes to me tell a tale, often hidden secrets can be revealed through them. His type were just there for the pussy. They wanted to fuck as many sub’s as they could and not be in a long-term relationship at all. Hence my moniker of an abuser. He was not a Dom, he was an abuser, someone that thought that the lifestyle was all about power; and having his way with a sub. This is so not the case. It takes time to build a relationship with a sub, then it takes the training one has to do with her and helping her to make her complete. I could see by the way he stood and his manner that all he wanted was a quick fuck with a very kinky girl. I decided to stay where I was, to see how this would proceed. Fortunately I was only a few doors down and would be able to get there quickly if needed. I studied my sub, watching as she writhed on the bed, her body trussed sloppily, not neatly and tidily, like my roping would have been. That was when I noticed something else, the white powder on her top lip. “Fuck!” I swore, and walked toward the door, wrenched it open, nearly ripping it off it’s hinges. I straightened my tie, and walked toward the door. I grabbed my Katana as I left the room. He would soon discover my dark side was out to play tonight. 

Kicking in the door would catch him absolutely dead in the water, shock and awe was the name for this particular tactic i had used in another life. I did not even rap on the door. I lifted my leg, and kicked the bastard door down. It crashed open and shattered the lock to nothing on the wall behind it. The insulating padding took the brunt of the force. In one fluid movement I had drawn my Katana and move into his personal space, held it at his throat, looking him in the eye. His pants were halfway down his pale legs, his cock deflating as he realised how fucked he was at that very moment. His voice squeaked out  “F-fuck.. wh.. who.. are you?” as he slowly voided his bladder on the carpet. I stood there, my face impassive, eyes wide open and alert. My suit had barely a wrinkle, even though I had been sitting in it for a few hours now, waiting for them to get back to her apartment. There had been various messages about them meeting up today, hence my patience.  
“I am Silver, her true Dom. You asshole, are an abuser. I know exactly what you are. You are a despicable piece of shit. You are the reason why our lifestyle is so far underground that we have to be extremely careful,” I said my hoarse voice barely above a whisper. I had done a fair bit of crying and this had affected my voice. He did not need to know that. I wanted him to think my voice was hoarse from years of abuse. 
“Master?” her tremulous voice rose from her tied up form on the bed, “Is.. is it really you?”
“Babygirl, it is,” I said, my eyes not moving from assholes face. My look was one of challenge, It said to him to make one move, One fucking move. “I am here now, rest. This piece of scum is going to wish he had never wanted to get into your pants.”  

I sighed, “Babygirl, just stay calm, I am here. This asshole is going to explain himself first, then you will explain yourself, is that clear?” my voice still even, but the slight tremor was there. She could sense it. She knew me so well. I smiled. My demon was nearly ready to play.  
“Hey, My name isn’t asshole, It’s Vetchel,” he said. 
My face grew taut as I stared into his grey eyes. I could see flecks of gold in them and my focus intensified on his eyes.  
“Asshole is your name. I don’t care what you think your online name is, but you are an asshole,” I menacingly said, holding the katana to his throat. It has not moved an inch from the spot I had held it on since this exchange had begun. He could see that I was ice cold, and would kill him in less than a split second. His chin quivered as he felt the Katana dig into his throat. A drop of blood ran across the blade where it met, and he gulped slowly. Fascinated I watched as the blood I could see, was going to fall in a long drawn out second and would possibly land on the carpet near my feet. I felt the droplet release from the Katana, it’s balance so perfect that I knew when it’s weight changed even by a fraction. 
“So you think being a Dom is all about power do you? Well, let me tell you a thing about power asshole, right now i am holding the power over your life or death. Over your life. One question, How did you get her?” I asked him, pressing my nose into his face, barely touching him. 
His reaction was of defiance, trying to show he was the big man, yet when he spoke, his voice  was of someone who was terrified. “Sh.. she chatted to me, and we decided to meet, so.. so.. I set it up and here we are,” he smirked slightly, glancing down at her, licked his lips and looked back at me. 

“I see,” I said, my eyes never leaving his, “So she started all of it? Really, My sub is a bit better trained than that. I think it was you who started it, after all, she does have a page that is open to anybody; predators just like you, not true Dom’s, but people who pretend to be.”
Either it was my tone of voice or the look in my emerald green eyes that told him he had stepped way out of his league. It was then that he started talking. He sure did talk. 
“Fu..Fuck, it was me, okay, I did the contacting, okay, just don’t kill me. Please,” he begged as  his bladder let go again. This time the dribble of piss hit my shoes. I snarled at him then, my hoarse voice was full of pent up rage, and the darker person that hid in the shadows. The person that was not let out very often at all. That person was the side that people did not want to see, he was myself before i learnt how to control him.   
“Fuck. Now My shoe is covered in your piss. You fuck! You need to make amends, and then you need to get the fuck out of here before I cut your cock off and shove it down your throat, asshole,” I whispered to him, this time I bared my teeth at him. “You will pay me for a new pair of shoes. NOW! Get your wallet out cunt.” 
I saw him shudder, and he reached down to where his pockets would normally be, but because he had dropped his jeans, he had nothing. They were pooled down around his ankles. He gulped again and started to bend down, forgetting the blade at his throat. I felt the blood droplets change the weight of the blade as they ran onto it. Those few drops of blood splattered onto the piss-covered carpet with a soft plop. Asshole could not decide what to do; either bend down or stay standing. I removed the Katana and motioned him to get his wallet. That was his moment to either do as I said or to make a move. 

He chose badly; he chose the rushing approach, as he bent down, he tried to lunge forward and tackle me. I had been waiting so long for this and stepped aside as he dived. His bodyweight was overbalanced and he could not stop his fall apart from his hands. As he dove past me, I grabbed his long lanky hair and pulled hard. He hung from my grip and screamed in pain and fear. He knew then that he had made the wrong move. Not knowing that I was an expert in multiple disciplines of Martial arts was his fatal mistake. He had probably thought I was just some guy who thought he looked good with it in my hand. He knew as he hung there he had just forfeited any chance of leaving alive. I struck like a viper, slicing his hamstring as he hung suspended from my grip. The muscle popped as the razor sharp blade bit into his muscle. The blood, oh the glorious blood. I smiled then, my mood jubilant as I felt that familiar buzz hit me.
Yes, I had killed before, but never for my sub. This was a first time for her and she was out of it completely. I glanced at her unconscious form and sighed. 
“Stay down, just stay down,” I whispered to asshole, “babygirl, are you okay?” I took a stride toward her and she had indeed passed out. ‘Good, now you don’t have to see me being bad babygirl’ I thought as i looked back at asshole.

I grabbed his hair and pulled again. “Stand fuckwit, we are going for a drive. Just the three of us,” I said to him, “first you need to be tied up like an animal that you are, and I am going to be asking you questions, that may or may not save your life.” My mind had been made up when I had seen the powder, suspecting that he had gotten her to do some coke. 
“First question – Have you tried drugging her?” I asked, looking at him seriously, noting his discomfort at his injured leg. 
“Second question – Have you done this more than once before?” I asked in a firm voice. 
He shifted uncomfortably at that, then nodded. 
“Third question – Do you really think I am going to let you live?” My voice dropped an octave, and he shuddered. He knew that I was being serious here. 
“Now, PLEASE answer the questions, I would like you to co-operate, and we can make this as quick as possible,” I still held the Katana at my side, just holding it poised enough to be a danger to him, which he knew it was. 
“Fine, we did some coke, okay?  She said she had always wanted to try it anyway, so i had some on me and we had a bit of a party. Her pussy is nice and smooth, I like that in a slut,” he said as my blade came up and stopped an inch from his right eye. 
“Firstly, she is not a slut, she is a sub. There is a difference and you don’t know anything,” I said, my voice ice. My gaze centred on his and he stood, frozen to the spot. 
“Fuck man, she wanted it. She begged me, so I gave her some of the shit. She was almost passed out but she said to tie her up, so I did. Then I grabbed her pussy and fucked her with my fingers,” He said, not realising that was his second mistake. 
My smile remained fixed in place as I drove the Katana forward into his eye. Just enough to feel the eyeball pop. His scream was High pitched like the bitch he was, his hands flew up to his face and he fell to his knees. I had immediately withdrawn the blade and had it back at my side in a flash. 

“Secondly, you have no right to touch my sub, I am the only one who can give control to another, if only for a short time,” I said, my voice back to the iciness it had been earlier, “she was not able to control herself, and needs a strong guiding hand on her at all times. She wants to please people, and you bringing out the cocaine was just the right trigger for her to want to please your sorry ass.” 
His whimpers were quieter now as he kneeled down in front of me, his whole demeanour changed, his trembling was now non-stop. All of his earlier bluster was gone and all I could now see was a coward. 
“So, how many times have you done this before asshole,” looking at him with not a hint of pity or disgust. I was long past that. 
“She was my fifth, I knew i was onto a good thing when I first found out about these needy chicks on the net. Damn, but I have had me some fun, but she was going to be the best yet. I could tell,” he said defiance coming back into his voice, although not as brave. 
“So i was right in saying you were a predator, not a Dom,” I whispered softly, so that only he could hear, “Good that makes my third question a rhetorical question.”

“Move and I cut you again, Just trust me, okay asshole?” I said, moving backward, keeping him safely in my line of sight. Getting to where babygirl lay, I did not glance down at her, just reached out for the coil of rope that she kept near the bed for when we would be in a scene. Heading back to him, I put my Katana against the wall out of his reach, then started my knots. 
I motioned for him to hold his hands out in front of him. His ‘fuck you’ Grin said more than he needed to, so I made him suffer for it. He lost some of his rotten teeth to my shoe-tip, the steel toed variety. His moans of agony were loud, but not so loud as to alert the neighbours. Besides, I had done the renovations for our play space, so I knew there would be no Noise escaping at all. My face told him everything he needed to know. I was not just going to kill him, but I would make him suffer.
“Motherfucker, you don’t know who you’re dealing with here, I am…” His voice trailed off as I kicked him in the stomach, his lungs emptying of air very rapidly. His wheezing told me I had done exactly the right amount of damage and pain to his system. 
I knelt next to him, grabbed his head and lifted his head up so his one good eye could see me clearly. I needed him to know this was not going to end well for him. 
“You are already dead asshole, I am just delaying it for a while. I still have some things I need to explain to you. Not here though, This place is too public. I have a place in mind where I can let my dark side out to play, it has been way too long. Trust me, this is going to hurt,” I whispered into his ear. 

Again I motioned for him to hold his hands out in front of himself, this time he did as I asked. I deftly tied his hands together, using both hands quickly and efficiently from years of practice. I made sure that the bonds were nice and tight for him, as he was going to lose all feeling in his arms very soon. That was part of my plan, to get him to die slowly, very slowly. First he would experience agony from lack of blood to his hands and fingers, then when i removed them later, he would have very little blood in them to cause a mess. I knew exactly what I had to do and did the tying up very quickly. 
He stood, shaky leg and hobbled toward the door. It was not a pretty sight this thing that had never been a man, but an animal, and that was how he deserved to die. I led him by the rope between us, holding the length of rope firmly, and he started to moan. I grabbed his collar, and left by the stairs, not the elevator. It was agony for him with his hamstring muscle cut and I knew that he would be suffering intense pain along with the circulation gone from his hands and arms. That would ensure that he did not have any intentions of ever trying anything in the short space of time allotted him. Finally the parking garage was in sight, and he hobbled over to my car. I would get his keys and dispose of the car later. I tied him inside the car, and left to fetch babygirl. I could not leave her there alone, unattended. She would be frightened and scared if she awoke and I was not there to bring her to a relaxed calming state. I carried her down the steps after dressing her in fresh clothes, more fitting to the night’s excursion. She was light enough, and I had carried her like this many times to the bedroom. I got her comfortable in the front, and I climbed behind the wheel. 

It took me a while to get to the abandoned house. I had blindfolded him and he would never know where I had taken him to be killed. The drive was excruciating, his snivelling had driven me to the edge, wanting to just end his life right there. I had chosen this house because of the location and the fact that it was so well hidden that his body would not be discovered for a very long time. There was very little traffic along this rutted, remote road, and I knew it well enough from my excursions with babygirl. However, tonight I would give up our haven for the pleasure i was about to give to my demon. He smiled at me as I looked at him in the mirror. I was terrified of that smile, i knew what he was planning for the asshole. I shuddered and climbed out of the car. I left my babygirl there, still passed out, still comfortable. I opened the rear door, grabbed his hair and yanked him out. HE did not care about the asshole, He was now in charge. There would be no mercy now that the demon was active. I knew my voice would still be heard, but of no importance to the demon until he had been sated. I was scared now, for my poor babygirl, I watched as he went back to check on her, but he merely grunted and kissed her on the forehead. “Sleep. This piece of shit will not hurt again,” he growled. I sighed, relieved. I knew then that he would retreat after the asshole was dead. He was willing to just do the dirty work, then go back to his spot in my mind. His den that he called hom, the place I did not even want to go back to. That was what had scared me, that he would place me back in the box and not let me take control again.
Pulling asshole roughly inside the house, he stopped about a foot from the eyebolts that had been put there by me. His smile was deliciously dark, the madness seeping out of his skin. I shuddered as I realised that This would not be pretty. I resigned myself to the fact that I would lose another suit. I sighed, knowing that that would make him even happier. His laughter burbled out, and he nodded. Asshole was strung up between the eyebolts, the rope I had used was of course loosened after he had been brought inside. He had been re-tied once he had complied with the demon’s request to stand extremely still and asshole had complied very diligently. That look from the demon had made him realise exactly what would happen and yes again, he had urinated on the floor. Splashing MY shoes. ‘Shit,’ I thought, ‘he is an utter asshole.’ The demon shook his head in disgust and sighed. ‘Oh Fuck!’ I thought, ‘He does mean business.’
“Let’s make this simple, you did the wrong thing with someone precious. Not my type but anyway, that is the joy of it. I like them different,” he said his voice cracking, as if he had not used it for many years. “I have permission to end you, and that is what I am going to do. You will not leave here alive.” 
Asshole whimpered, and started to leak. His tears from his good eye were flowing sweet and rich. He tried to talk but the demon stopped him. A blow to his larynx was all it needed. He wheezed horribly and I almost felt sorry; actually, no. I did not feel sorry for the asshole. ‘Fuck him,’ I thought, and smiled as well. The demon noticed and grinned back at me, knowing that he would be able to do what he wanted to. 

It took the spike through his cock for him to really let go, the wall behind him was now covered in shit. He had quite literally crapped himself. The screams were pure white noise to the demon, he was after all completely tone deaf. He actually relished the noise, as I heard him screaming with the asshole as well, his roaring made my head hurt. Fuck, the blood was already starting to seep down the walls, mingling with his bodily fluids. Asshole’s dick was now very stretched, it would not be easy getting this tidied up. Demon nodded and continued. He took his scalpel out, tested it on assholes nose, and then proceeded to skin him. He would skin the asshole completely and entirely, apart from his dick. That would remain with skin on. It took him an hour to get asshole done. The skin was draped across the floor behind Demon, slippery and red, it looked like an amorphous carpet. Asshole was still alive, his pain threshold must have been immense. The next level of degradation came when Demon began to unravel the intestines. That really got asshole screaming. I thought my head was sore before. This was a whole new level of utter torture. Demon chuckled the whole time, knowing that his piece de resistance was near. Demon was an expert, and knew exactly where to cut. He had the heart out before asshole knew he was even dead. He had pulled it out and shown asshole what he held in his bloody hands and grinned. ‘Yes, that is it, Asshole will try scream,’ I thought, and watched as horror dawned, then life flickered out of Asshole’s eyes. Demon held the heart, studied it and took a quick bite. Chewing, he relished the taste of the salty blood, the viscous elasticity of the meat, and swallowed. Those red smeared teeth made me shudder. Fuck, did he have to such a savage? I knew it was what kept him sated, and let him carry on. Finally the heart was consumed. Demon was happy again, and he left. I was back. I quickly cleaned my face,  disgusted by what he had done, upset that I had had to let him out. It had been the only way to handle the situation. 

Blood was everywhere, on the floor, ceiling, walls. I stripped out of the suit, breathing hard, sweat beaded on my face and body. Naked except for the bundle of rags in my hand, and the Katana, I went back to the car. My sub had been out the whole time, and I slowly woke her with a few gentle pats on the cheek. I had taken her with us, but she had been kept safe and secure. Dressing her again had been a pleasure, and that had made me love her even more. 
Her answers to the painful questions would determine our future. I dressed outside, chucking the bloodied clothes into the bag, that would later be burned. Ensuring that there was no blood leaking from the bag, I chucked it onto the back seat. As long as she was safe, that was all that mattered. I heard her stir in the front, just as I was tying my shoes. Her voice was soft and fluffy, almost like a small girls, “Are.. are you taking me home Daddy? I need to know if you are cross with me for being a naughty girl?” Her green eyes sparkled with clarity and she looked at me with shame. “I am sorry Daddy, I need to be disciplined.”
“Babygirl, it is over, as long as you tell me honestly, there will be no punishment, this I promise you,” I said, as climbed in and proceeded to drive us back to my place. The playpen was now unuseable. I sighed. 
