I had a dream/ First Person/ Hardcore/ Fantasy/Creampie

Last night, I had a dream that i was a pirate. No, not that kind of pirate with an eye patch, loud tattoos to front my testosterone, discolored teeth from eating raw fish and excess tobacco and a crow resting on the shoulder which really is not a prop but a message delivery system.

My version was different. I was a cultured pirate. The modern pirate who relies on technology to get by and not mere compasses and the winds of monsoon. I was a balding pirate, who occasionally went to church, rarely got laid and worked as an insurance salesman. It is the same concept of Bruce Wayne transforming to Batman at night. I was a pirate at night and i was going to ride the seven seas.

My blind spot in life has always been my low-key and unremarkable-ness that you would pass me and fail to notice my being. Just like phantom ship in a dark night. This particular night might be marked with this same evil stain that has defined my entire life. Only that it was different. We met as i walking north towards nothing in general and she was coming from shopping for groceries judging by the bag she was carrying. It was towards the dying of the daylight but all the same, we locked eyes so successfully that they fell in sync. She noticed and approved of me! My lineage shall survive!

It is therefore supported by the above point that i couldn’t let this moment slip through. Like a fart in the wind. I will go out fighting and without a thought i blurted out:

“Hi. I am Marvin and i am a pirate. Nice to almost meet you” I said this all the while extending her my arm with the intention to greet, stunt and maybe confuse her all at once. I clearly had not thought this through and was working against that evil mistress that is time. She was startled alright and came to a complete halt. I almost apologized but didn’t. I was a pirate now and there was no going back. After what appeared as eternity, she smiled albeit weakly. It was a good sign all the same.

“A pirate you said?”

“Yeah. It is recorded that my great great great great grandfather was one. It is only this recently his rogue gene is manifesting in me”

“I am sure he was quite something. You have a picture of him in your wallet or some place? I would love to almost meet him”

“I would show you but i would not want to corrupt your virtue. Why don’t you tell me your name and i can plead the angels to be merciful to you as i offer my daily prayers.”

“I am Martha and your pick up lines needs polishing. But you tried all in all and i am repaying that effort by granting you audience.”

“I could have sworn you were ensnared by my pirate charm and rendered immobile against any form of movement.”

“Your problem Marvin is you are trying too hard and please drop this pirate facade. Here, carry my bag for me and walk me home.” Imagine if Batman was called out to drop his mask just when he was starting out. Imagine the loss in dollar denomination this would have caused.

I am going with the flow, and decide to walk her to hell or to high water. Where she will go i will go, her people will be my people, the whole shebang. Martha is a bit on the chubby side and feels like all my stars are finally aligned. She interrupts this moment of confused celebration by saying;

“I think we might have shared the morning bus maybe once or twice. You look familiar that way.”

“I can neither confirm nor deny. I feel nice around you already. You must be good with pets.”

“On the contrary, I had one cat which died three months back.”

“Poor thing! My deepest condolences. I am sure they are looking down on us, your cat and my pirate great grandfather and are mightily proud of our meeting this fateful evening.” I say tongue in cheek.

“ha-ha. Very funny” she is retorting in a playful yet sarcastic way.

“What are we making for dinner anyways?” I ask referring to the bag in my hands.

“It is my birthday today so i can bet you i will be making something worthwhile.”

“This explains your contagious mood then. Happy birthday Martha and may all your days be covered in mirth. I wish you a long fruitful life.”

“Thank you stranger.”

“How old are you anyway?” I enquire.

“Older than you i can tell.”

“So that we don’t keep dancing around the issue now that we are not getting any younger, i am twenty eight. How older are you?”

“Two years your senior.” She said smiling and feeling mightily proud of herself. I congratulated her on this most emphatic win around the same time that we were getting to her apartment building. It was white and boldly named ‘Lilac Heights’. I followed her towards the elevator and she pressed 3rd floor. The door closed and at the same time, i moved in for a kiss. I tasted her warmth, her softness and the fatigue that linger with being on this earth for 3 decades. She was ripe for the taking and who was i but a rogue pirate in the night collecting even where i did not sow.

The lift dutifully got us there after what seemed like a quarter of a second. We compose ourselves then she leads the way to her house. She opened the door, letting the cold night air precede her then she followed suit and i went in last. No one bothers with the lights. She removes her shoes with the diligence that comes with having 30 years of experience. She then goes on to shed one article of clothing after the other. The scarf goes, the coat goes, then the light yellow pullover, then the top then the pants. It is all unfolding right there in her dark doorway that is leading to some rooms beyond. It is like watching an onion loose its layers and eventually she is all there. Free from the prison that is the clothes. She begins moving in her underwear towards what i hoped was her bedroom. No word was uttered all the while and i am dumb folded with the grocery bag still in my hands. I can’t believe my luck. I quickly set down the bag and follow her to the great beyond.

I follow her pheromones to a room where she is removing her earrings by the dresser. I quickly shed off my clothes, moved in behind her and grab her from the back. Our bodies meet and the angels sing. Her hair has citric scent, i bury my head in there, take her all in and swerve her around and our mouths meet again in a joyous reunion. I am all eagerness and lava. She is a joy to behold, overflowing from every inch and a constant reminder that God’s undying love for mankind is manifested through chubby women. She encompasses my slender body in totality. I am immersed in the clouds. She is every wish i have fulfilled. I close my eyes and concentrate on only kissing her with the similar tenderness you would kiss the Virgin Mary with. Her response to my efforts is a sweet symphony which should have been captured and stored. She moans with such joy. Her sweet cries are liquid honey. I whisper into her ear “Happy birthday. You are a miracle”

She responds to this immediately by grabbing my cock through the boxers. I withdrew her soft tender hand; hold them above her head and hard against the wall. Our kisses are desperate, sloppy, and nasty. They are anything and everything that is not refined and pure. I move down and bite and taunt her next; the next victim of my carnal desires. She is pushing her crouch into my dick as i suck on her jugular like a starved demon. She is now slamming her pelvic bone to my crouch, searching for either damnation or salvation. I am willing to make her wait. This must be what purgatory feels like.

I throw her on the bed and she is wretched now showing the distressed signs of a woman possessed. She will never be the same again. She belongs to me and i belong to her in one endless loop. I jump right in after her and we are reunited in a combat of our core canal desires. I get on top of her and pin her to the bed and advance to the titties. I suck, i bite, i kiss and i siege her warm boobs all the while circumventing her nipple. She is ready to die. Her moans long stopped being cute. She sounds like an ensnared tigress or a cramping shark. I finally go for her nipple and her whole body tenses and raises up beneath me like a full wave. She is arching her body to the high heavens and i but a professional pirate guides her to a wild voyage. Her nipple is like a hard pebble in my mouth and the area that is her areola is all Goosebumps. It is all chaos of red hot desires and trying to fulfil them.

In a single hand manoeuvre that would be the subject of envy for a samurai warrior, i peel of her panties and her scent fills the room. That unmistakable pussy scent that you can almost taste. I love her scent since it is so primal, so honest. She wants me and that is the beginning and end of everything. It is a scent that mixes with the heat generated in the moment that has known to drive men to delirium. She is an active volcano and i will dive to her very core to my very own destruction and utter ruin. I will never be the same again. I think this as i slid my rock hard cock in her greedy pussy.

“FUCK!” she moans. My senses-sight, hearing, smell- are all directed to her pleasure. I cannot think. My only purpose in life changes to fucking Martha and fucking her good. Nothing else seems to matter; not AIDS, not Gonorrhoea, not Syphilis and all the other scary shit that comes from raw sex. She is squirming beneath my will uttering nonsensical words and phrases “fuck me you faggot pirate, you Jew dog, Jesus, fuck, fuck me, don’t stop, fuuuuuuuuk” some of which i don’t hear as i concentrate on hitting a home run or hitting ground oil. I don’t care anymore. There is almost what you could call resentment in my endurance and resilience. It is like i am angry with her for hoarding her pussy from me for 30 years. I am ready to rip off her surface with my pirate dick.I make peace with the baby i am going to pump into the centre of her womb, thrust one last more and climax forcefully in her. My bodily functions slumps into a complete halt. All but a deranged moan that is coming from someplace beyond my voice box. My stomach or my lungs maybe. I will never know. She is mine in totality. The bearer of my seed, the mother of my child. She seems to be urging me on from her cries and moans and i but a wilful pirate pump it all in her. Trillions and trillions of sperms carrying genes passed down the generations all for her.

I am rudely interrupted in my moment of ecstasy by a faraway noise. The noise becomes clearer and clearer, managed to muffle all her moans and adopt the familiar sound of my alarm clock. It is 6:00am Wednesday morning and my day time insurance salesman job awaits me beyond this bed. “FUCK!” I curse loudly.

I am off the bed to suffer a familiar fate as i did yesterday and the day before that.

“Happy birthday Martha.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cqczpg/i_had_a_dream_first_person_hardcore