Daisy Ridley Takes a Seat, Part 1 [FFFM][celeb][facesitting][fdom][oral][hint of footjob]

The most beautiful people in the world are often in front of a camera, taking selfies, shooting movies, or filming interviews. These people are revered by some and recognized by all. Often, they have a large following of people, some looking up to them, admiring them for their success, and some lusting after them, salivating over their magnetic looks. Sometimes both. And whether these celebrities are aware of the secret thoughts and desires of the people looking at them or not, it can end up being quite useful when they are selling something.

Lifestyle Garden, a relatively small media network, covered the same things other media networks did, such as celebrities, movies, fashion, and pop culture. They had a youtube channel like the other youtube channels that put out entertainment and celebrity videos, and they had a website which posted stories on Tom Hiddleston’s new leg workout routine or why Kate Mara doesn’t like chocolate ice-cream. But Lifestyle Garden was able to rise above the rest in a relatively short amount of time by doing one thing: conducting interviews without an interviewer. That is, instead of an interviewer asking questions, they would let celebrities interview each other. Of course, the interviews still had a structure, and a producer from Lifestyle Garden was always there to guide things along, but this allowed the celebrities to use their charisma and humor more naturally, and it gave the videos a casual and relaxed feel.

One such interview was happening in a flat in Paris.

There was a movie coming out called Sky High. It was a comedy about a pair of clumsy flight attendants and their attempts to combat boredom on long transatlantic flights. As they try to entertain themselves, their clumsiness creates increasingly comedic and absurd situations for them to solve before they get caught and fired by the airline. The movie starred Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley, and the two women, in the middle of the movie’s promotion run, were filming one of the famous Lifestyle Garden interviews.

Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley sat in two armchairs that were angled towards each other. The room they were in had a wooden floor with an expensive looking rug, and large houseplants provided decoration in the background.

There weren’t many other people in the room. Behind the cameras stood a woman with her long straight hair in a ponytail. She wore a baseball cap with Lifestyle Garden logo on it, and held a clipboard. She was one of Lifestyle Garden’s producers, and was running the shoot. Next to her stood her assistant, a woman with short black hair. There was another woman with shoulder length brown hair, standing on the side of the room, out of sight of the cameras with her hands clasped in front of her. And then, on the other side of the room, there was Jonah Bergen.

Jonah was glad that Daisy Ridley was sitting down, because when she wasn’t, he found it incredibly hard to not look at her butt. She was wearing a tight dress that ended at the middle of her thighs, a dress which showed off hindquarters which really didn’t need any more showing off. Her butt was stupendously bubbly, it was attention-grabbingly plump. He was pretty sure he had never seen a butt that was rounder. The sight of her firm butt in that dress made him *nervous* it was so hot, and the last thing he wanted was to go into autopilot and be somehow caught on camera staring.

He stood out of frame of the cameras, near one of the back corners of the room, but he still had his hands in his pockets, ready to hide an erection if one ever came. He’d had a crush on Daisy Ridley for some time, and although he was glad of the opportunity to work on a movie that was starring her, he had never been around her until now, and he actually would have prefered not being at the interview, as just the sight of her made him nervous. Especially with that dress…

But nobody seemed to notice his anxiety, and most of the interview went by without a hitch. The two actresses seemed like they were having a great time with each other, and soon the interview was nearing its conclusion.

“We’re almost at the end of the interview,” Emma Watson said to the camera, “which means, it’s game time!”

Emma wore a white button down top with the top few buttons left open, showing off a necklace. The top was tucked into a classy pair of high-waisted black pants, and she wore matching black heels on her feet. She sat with her legs crossed, her hands on her lap. Her brown hair was done in a simple hair style, slightly wavy and reaching just past her shoulders. She was as pretty as ever, with a disarming smile and a lightly-freckled cute nose. Her makeup wasn’t overdone, and it accentuated her perfect facial features beautifully, bringing out her pretty eyes and her light brown expressive eyebrows.

“So we’ve brought some guests for us to play the game with, just like in the other interviews!” she said, smiling at Daisy Ridley.

Daisy nodded. The dark blue skirt that was causing Jonah so much trouble hugged her curves beautifully, and left her shoulders uncovered, wrapping around her upper arms instead. Her dark hair was pulled back in a sleek yet casual bun, and her fair skin brought out her gorgeous brown eyes and her dark eyebrows. A subtle lipstick coated her lips, sensually bringing out their shape. She was sitting in a position similar to Emma, her legs crossed with her hands on her knee, and she also heels on her feet.

“That’s right Emma,” Daisy replied, giving Emma one of her adorable smiles. “The guests we have today were handpicked by us, and as is usually the case in all of these interviews, they have no idea what kind of game we’re going to play.”

“Oh, this is going to be brilliant!” Emma grinned with anticipation. She leaned forwards in her seat and clapped her hands. “Okay, let’s bring out the chairs!”

The Lifestyle Garden producer and her assistant pushed two black objects in front of the cameras, leaving them in front of the armchairs. Jonah stared at them. To him, they didn’t look like chairs. They were shaped kind of like three dimensional trapezoids, with the shorter side upwards. The edges of the trapezoids, which were a little over a foot thick, were cushioned, and on the flat sides was a big red button. But he did see something that resembled a footrest.

Daisy Ridley turned towards the camera, amusement in her stunning dark brown eyes.

“Now you’re probably wondering how these chairs work,” she said.

“I was so confused earlier,” Emma interjected, and the two women started laughing.

“They’re really weird chairs, aren’t they?” Daisy said, giving Emma a grin.

“How about we take a look?” Emma said, giving Daisy a half smile.

Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley got up from their armchairs, and Jonah’s gaze was immediately drawn towards Daisy Ridley’s butt. Her dress barely left anything to the imagination. He watched her walk with Emma towards the “chairs,” his heart fluttering. Her legs were really nice too, her wonderful thighs completemented her butt really well. He just couldn’t believe how sexy she was.

A small and adorable smile brought out a dimple in Daisy’s cheek as she stopped by one of the chairs. She bent her knees a little, sticking her butt out behind her, and felt the chair’s padding.

“Well, it feels surprisingly comfortable,” she said.

“Oh really?” Emma asked. She moved to Daisy’s side and bent forwards too, and Jonah was reminded that Emma Watson had a sexy rear end as well.

“Yeah, nice padding,” Daisy commented, pushing her hand against the leather padding.

“Well, that’s good, because,” Emma started, and she straightened up and looked directly into the camera’s, giving it her classic Emma Watson smile, “we won’t be the ones using the chairs today, our guests will be!”

Daisy Ridley straightened up too, her hand adjusting her skirt, pulling it downwards.

“I think it’s time we explain what’s going on here,” she said to Emma.

“Yes, we’ve kept the suspense going long enough,” Emma agreed.

Daisy Ridley turned towards the cameras, holding her hands in front of her.

“The game we’ll be playing for today is going to be really fun,” she said, her toothy smile growing as she spoke. Emma Watson snickered in the background. Daisy let out a snort of laughter before continuing, her dark brown eyes twinkling at the camera. “Basically, our guests are going to sit on the ground with their backs against the chair. Their heads will be resting on top. Emma and I…” she paused for dramatic effect, grinning broadly, “…will be sitting on their heads!”

Jonah felt his heart drop to the center of the earth. He looked towards the woman on the other side of the room from him, the one with the shoulder-length hair. She was staring at Emma and Daisy with widened eyes; obviously she had no idea this was going to happen either.

“Now, they should be able to breathe,” Emma Watson said, holding her hands out, and she and Daisy started giggling, their shoulders shaking with laughter. They calmed down, and Emma tried again, a smile dancing in the corners of her mouth. “They should be able to breathe, at least a little. But still, getting your face sat on is not something that’s comfortable.” She paused to press her lips together, holding back more laughter, which made her face glow with beauty. “Me and Daisy are going to be sitting down with our full weight, right on their faces, nothing held back. And of course, getting your face sat on is super embarrassing!”

At this precise moment, Daisy Ridley turned her head, looking towards the back of the room, and made direct eye contact with Jonah. He was surprised he didn’t die on the spot. He was surprised he didn’t collapse to the ground, dying of instant total organ failure. Because although it was only a short glance, her dark striking eyes locked with his, and she shot him a tiny smile. The corners of her mouth only moved a little, but it was one of those absurdly cute smiles she was so good at, the kind which reached her eyes, the kind that made her eyes narrow playfully. All in all, it was a look which made Jonah wonder why he wasn’t dead.

Her smile grew as she turned to look at the cameras again.

“That’s what this button is for,” she said. He stared as she bent over, her legs together, and pointed towards one of the red buttons on the chairs. Her ass bulged out against her dress. The cameras were in front of her though, so they focused on her hand as her fingers tapped the round red button. “The second one of our guests taps this button, we have to get off of them.”

She straightened up and looked at the camera’s again, gesturing with her hands as she continued speaking.

“The goal of our guests is to see who can last the longest, who can stand being sat on for the longest. The one who presses the button first loses.”

“But here’s the interesting part,” Emma cut in, raising her finger. “The first one of us,” she gestured at her and Daisy, “to get our guest to press the button, wins! So while they’re trying to last as long as they can, me and Daisy will be making it as difficult as possible!”

Daisy Ridley narrowed her eyes playfully again, her mouth dropping open in a massive grin, and she raised her hands, curling them into fists, looking sideways at Emma. After a pause, she spoke excitedly.

“Should we introduce the guests?” she chirped, pumping her fists.

Emma bit her lip, holding back a giggle.

“I think we should,” she smirked.

Daisy nodded enthusiastically, and Emma Watson turned to look at the woman standing off to the side. She gestured with her arm, and the woman shyly walked forwards into frame, a bashful smile on her face.

“Hi, I’m Madison,” she said, clasping her hands in front of her lap. “And um, I’m Emma’s assistant…”

Emma stepped closer to Madison’s side, placing her hand on Madison’s shoulder, beaming at the camera.

“Madison has been my assistant for four years now,” she said, “and I like to think that we’re very close. That’s why I picked her for today’s game!”

She gave Madison her trademark Emma Watson smirk.

“Are you ready to get sat on?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be?” Madison replied uncertainly, shrugging with a grimace.

Emma and Daisy laughed, and then Daisy turned towards Jonah.

Was it her eyes, or her smile? Jonah couldn’t tell. But something about Daisy Ridley’s gaze made him nervous, even though her smiles were so cute. He swallowed nervously. Her face was so pretty it was unfair. Just looking at her caused his mental functions to slow down, and that was when she *wasn’t* about to sit on his face.

“Come here, Jonah,” she said.

Jonah stepped forwards, into the view of the cameras, his heart beating hard. As he turned to look at the cameras, he hoped against hope that he wouldn’t get an erection. All he had to do was avoid thinking about how Daisy Ridley’s plump butt would be sitting on him in a few minutes, and he would be fine. Don’t think about her butt, just don’t think about her butt…

He looked at Daisy again. She still had that same smile on her face.

“Why don’t you introduce yourself?” she said, her eyes twinkling at him.

“Hello, I’m Jonah Bergen,” he said to the cameras, fighting an erection. The sight of her face alone was enough to turn him on. He thought that was kind of sad, but he couldn’t focus on that now. “I, ahem… I’m a VFX artist, and I worked on a lot of the special effects for Sky High.”

“There’s this scene in Sky High,” Daisy interrupted, her eyes lighting up, “where the back of the skirt of my flight attendant uniform gets ripped apart, as well as my underwear, and there’s absolutely nothing covering my, well, you know…” she gestured at her ass. “So I don’t want to get too deep into spoilers, but I’m on my hands and knees, trying to get something really important from under a seat. But I sat in a ton of peanut butter earlier on in the scene, so,” yet another smile appeared on her lips as she tried to hold back laughter, “my naked arse is completely *covered* in peanut butter, and of course this dog comes up behind me, and…”

Emma Watson covered her mouth with her hand, letting out a snort of laughter, as Daisy Ridley rolled her eyes playfully. The two snickered for a few moments before Daisy spoke again, her voice thick with laughter.

“Well long story short, we obviously couldn’t have a real dog do *that*, so poor Jonah had to create a *fake* dog-”

“Oh my god!” Emma cried, her eyebrows moving upwards, her eyes glistening with amusement.

“Oh yeah!” Daisy continued. “And I don’t know how long that takes, but it takes a long time! So Jonah here spent *ages* staring at footage of my arse pointing at the camera, covered in peanut butter-”

Daisy started laughing, and Emma joined in. Jonah even heard the producer, the woman with the ponytail and the clipboard, sniggering into her hand. His face started heating up, embarrassment warming his cheeks. He just stood there, listening to the three women laugh, suddenly beginning to regret his role in the movie a little. Daisy looked at him again, those beautiful eyes cutting right into his very soul, her grin as bright as a ray of sunshine.

“So that’s why we picked poor Jonah here,” she said, smiling sweetly at him. “He’s become so familiar with my butt already…a little more butt-time can’t hurt, right?”

Her grin changed, becoming taunting, and her eyes narrowed at him as she moved her hips, thrusting her butt in his direction. This caused Emma Watson’s laughter to double with intensity, and she squeezed her eyes shut, laughing into her hand. Jonah’s face burned more as he awkwardly looked around the room, feeling his manhood starting to stiffen up in his pants. He fought it as hard as he could, but the sight of Daisy smirking at him like that, combined with the sound of Emma Watson’s laughter, really wasn’t helping.

“Okay! Okay,” Emma panted, her eyes wet, shaking her head as she started to calm down. She waved her hands through the air. “Okay, let’s do this.”

Daisy let out a giggle of excitement, her teeth chewing on her bottom lip. She and Emma exchanged a glance. Jonah saw Emma turn towards Madison, gesturing towards one of the black chairs. Then he saw Daisy Ridley turn to face him, looking right at him.

She wasn’t smiling anymore, but the look in her eyes wasn’t unfriendly. She started walking towards him, her hands clasped in front of her. Her heels *clip-clop*ed on the floor until she was standing right in front of him, barely a foot away. He thought he might pass out as he looked at her perfect face. She tilted her head ever so slightly.

“Well, you better get into position,” she said, raising her dark eyebrows.

Jonah didn’t know what to say to that. He looked away from her, finding it difficult to look into her eyes, and moved towards the chair. From the corner of his eye he saw Madison doing the same thing. He got down on the ground, sitting in front of the chair, and then make the grave mistake of glancing towards Daisy. He saw her legs, with those incredible shapely thighs, and his cock twitched, becoming a little harder. He pressed his lips together, willing it to go back down, but it refused. He took a deep breath, and then made the grave mistake of looking up at Daisy Ridley’s face.

Her facial expression had changed. Her beautiful dark brown eyes and her angled eyebrows already gave her gaze a stunning quality, but now she was looking at him with a new intensity; her eyes seeming to glow as they stared at him, fixed on his face, and the tiniest of smiles tugging at a corner of her mouth. She watched him move closer to the chair, her small smile bringing out a barely visible dimple in her cheek. Jonah couldn’t look at her face for too long, or he felt like he would melt. She was so incredibly hot, unbelievably hot, and he couldn’t believe she was about to sit on him, on camera.

“Slide your legs under the footrest,” she instructed softly.

The footrest was attached to the chair on one side, the other side was open. Jonah slid his legs under the footrest, his body pressing against the padded side of the chair, and moved his head back to rest on the top of the chair. Daisy’s face loomed above him as she looked down at him, her hands on her knees.

“Hey, at least my butt’s covered this time,” she smirked teasingly.

She moved in front of him. Then, to Jonah’s chagrin, she turned, her back facing towards him. He couldn’t help but raise his head as she placed her feet on either side of his legs. Her butt bulged out against her dress, as plump, enticing, and round as ever. He reflected on how ironic it was that for the entire time that he worked on the movie he had thought about her butt non-stop. He had thought about the way it looked in the flight attendant’s costume she wore, and he thought about the way it looked during the scene when she was on her hands and knees, the back of her skirt comically ripped open, revealing her peanut butter covered buttcheeks. Having to painstakingly recreate a CGI dog to lick her ass had given him wet dreams for months. And now here he was, about to be sat on by her, for thousands of people to see. And, he realized, Daisy had done all of this on purpose. She had purposefully done this to him, she had intentionally chosen to sit on *him*.

She backed up, and he was forced to put his head back down again. Her butt in that tight blue dress was now right above his neck. If he raised his head slightly, he could see the shapes of her individual buttcheeks pressing out against the thin blue fabric.

It was all too much. His erection started growing in earnest as Daisy Ridley reached behind her, placing her hand next to his head, and then placed her foot on the footrest. She raised herself up, and he watched helplessly as her butt moved right above his nose. He could smell her perfume. His erection strained against his clothes as her butt hovered right above him, ready to come crashing down and claim its victim. He waited, his heart thudding against his ribcage.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you,” Daisy said gently.

“You girl’s ready?” the producer called out. “The clock starts in three… two… one…go!”

“Just kidding!” Daisy exclaimed, and she threw herself down.

Jonah didn’t have time to react. There wasn’t time to do anything. He could only sit there, his head facing upwards, and watch Daisy’s already large buttcheeks rapidly grow, encompassing his whole field of vision. He saw that beautiful and terrible sight for only a split second, and then it was done. His face was sat on, her weight crushing down on his head. But it wasn’t all bad. The fabric of her skirt felt nice, it was very soft. And it was very thin; he felt the warmth of her ass as it smothered his face. Her buttcheeks formed around his head a little. They felt amazing. Soft but firm at the same time, Jonah felt the combination of muscle and just the perfect amount of fat that was Daisy Ridley’s butt press against his face, pushing down on his head, and pushing his head down against the padding underneath him.

He was harder than ever.

Daisy’s mouth dropped open, and she let out a laugh. She casually adjusted her position. It was just a simple movement for her, but for Jonah, it was the most arousing and insane thing that had happened in his life so far.

Her ass rubbed against him, her buttcheeks grinding against his face under her thin skin tight skirt as she moved herself forwards a little. She moved his skin slightly as her butt dragged over his face, stopping when it was positioned over his nose and mouth, and then sat down with her full weight again, smushing his skin in the other direction.

Daisy looked off into the distance, her mouth open in a huge grin, an expectant look in her eyes as if she was waiting for something to happen. She wiggled her hips a little, and then visibly relaxed, her shoulders lowering as she sat up straight, pressing her lips together to hold back laughter.

In front of her, on the other side of the shot, Emma Watson had taken a seat as well, her ass in her thin pants crushing Madison’s face. Emma looked at Daisy, and Daisy looked at Emma. The two let out a nervous chuckle.

“So,” Emma said.

“So,” Daisy repeated, placing her hands on her lap.

“How’s Jonah?” Emma asked, smiling.

“He’s nice,” Daisy answered, looking more mischievous than ever. She gave her hips a wiggle, causing his head to roll from side to side a little underneath her. “Not as uncomfortable as I thought.”

Jonah struggled to breathe. Daisy wiggling her hips like that, rubbing her butt in his face, was something he was not prepared for, and he hoped he wouldn’t black out from arousal. But it was also difficult to breathe because her butt was literally smothering him. He took labored breaths, sucking in air through the fabric of her skirt, his nose and mouth crushed by the glorious mass that was Daisy Ridley’s ass. He smelled her perfume, but now there was also the hint of something else. The only reason he was able to breathe at all was because his nose was sticking right into her buttcrack, her buttcheeks squishing against his cheekbones. He smelled a hint of *her*, a kind of musty odor. He realized was inhaling the smell of her buttcrack, but it didn’t even smell that bad. She clearly kept herself reasonably clean. But still, it smelled. And strangely enough, the musty smell was kind of hot…

“Yeah, this isn’t so bad,” Emma said, the corners of her lips curving into a smirk as she spoke. She experimentally rubbed her butt against Madison’s face with a giggle. “You know, I could get used to this!”

Daisy snorted with laughter. Then she started grinding herself against Jonah’s face, back and forth, back and forth. Those cushiony buttcheeks ground themselves against him, forcing his head to move underneath her, pulling his skin along slightly, spreading their warmth over him. He felt like he was dying. Every now and then, as she moved, he got the opportunity to gasp for a lungful of air before her butt slid back over his nose and mouth again. He felt arousal flooding through his body, causing his heart to leap and shiver in his chest, and the sound of her quiet yet excited laughter only caused his erection to grow even harder.

“So, how’s Star Wars?” Emma Watson asked.

“How’s Star Wars?” Daisy repeated with a giggle, and Emma leaned forwards, her mouth opening with laughter.

“I don’t know!” she laughed, shrugging her shoulders, and Daisy squeezed her eyes shut, her shoulders shaking. Jonah could feel her body trembling with laughter as it pressed down on him.

“Star Wars is good,” Daisy eventually said.

“Star Wars is good,” Emma repeated, nodding. “Well, that’s good to hear.”

The two women started laughing again. Emma Watson ground her hips from side to side, and their laughter increased as Madison made a small noise under her ass. Then Daisy Ridley bounced up and down, a huge mischievous smirk lighting up her face.

Jonah was convinced that, at this rate, he would end up ejaculating soon. Daisy’s beautiful ass shivered against his face as she gently bounced, curling her hands into fists as she held back laughter. She stopped, sitting down one final time, and then a snort of laughter escaped her as she bounced again, lifting her ass off of his face and then slamming it back down. His head sank into the padding of the chair. She sat back with her full weight, moving her hips in circular motions, rubbing her wonderful butt against his face in every which way. His cock twitched against his clothes, desperate for attention, but nobody noticed.

“The button’s right there,” he heard the woman sitting on him say. Her accent was so sexy. And there was something so *exciting* about feeling her amazing butt crush his face. He didn’t know if he wanted to press the button.

“All you have to do is press it,” he heard Emma’s beautiful voice say to Madison. He didn’t understand why anyone would want to press that button. He struggled to breathe under Daisy’s warm ass, knowing Madison was doing the same under Emma. This only turned him on more. This was the hottest experience of his life, but it was also so embarrassing. How long could he endure being filmed while getting sat on by the woman of his dreams? What if someone noticed his erection? He felt like he was beginning to lose it…

Emma wrinkled her nose, looking down and behind her as she viciously ground her butt against Madison’s face. She grunted softly, moving her butt from side to side, and then front to back. Then she sighed, bouncing on Madison’s head, and rolled her eyes.

“These people are putting up a fight on hell of a fight,” she commented.

“Oh, I know,” Daisy agreed. Jonah’s face was assaulted by her ass as she rubbed it all over him. “I wonder if they’ve forgotten that everyone on YouTube is going to see this. Did you think about that, Jonah? The whole world is going to see you being sat on, by me!” She gave her ass an extra vigorous wiggle. “Oh, isn’t that just the most embarrassing thing?”

Jonah knew that was she was saying was right. Everyone he knew would see this… he would be teased endlessly, he wouldn’t hear the end of this… but somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to press the button. It felt so good to be humiliated like this, he felt thrilled that Daisy Ridley was giving him the privilege to be completely smothered and dominated by her ass. He was becoming more aroused by the minute as he inhaled her odor, his cock throbbing in his underwear.

“They sure are persistent,” Emma said. She leaned forwards again, resting with her elbows on her knees, causing her buttcheeks to bulge out against her thin dress pants even more as they pushed down on Madison’s face. A casual smile lit up her face. “If we’re just going to be sitting here, we might as well talk.”

“I don’t mind that at all,” Daisy beamed, and she rubbed her butt against Jonah’s face again as she adjusted her position a little. “You know, Emma, I just *love* your shoes!”

“Oh, thank you!” Emma exclaimed, her face lighting up. She looked down at her shoes, beaming. “I do like them quite a lot!”

“They’re so pretty!”

“But look at your shoes,” Emma said, cocking her head as she gazed at Daisy’s feet. “They are just *fantastic*.”

Daisy let out a small laugh, looking down at her feet.

“Well they are nice…” she said, “a bit uncomfortable, but I will say I like the way they look.”

“Well why don’t you take them off?” Emma asked with a smile.

Daisy looked up at her, raising her eyebrows.

“Take them off? Well, I guess…”

Emma’s smile lost its innocence, becoming a fully impish smirk.

“Why not? Just take them off. After all…” she narrowed her eyes playfully, wiggling her ass on Madison’s face, “…I don’t know about you, but I plan on sitting here for a *long* time.”

Daisy grinned.

“Oh I’m not getting up any time soon,” she said, beaming at Emma. Jonah heard the teasing quality in her voice, and his manhood twitched as he realized she was directing that at him. “I’m going to sit here for a very… long… time…” she said, rubbing her ass against his face with each word. “So I see your point.”

She bent forwards, reaching for her feet, and her buttcheeks bulged under her thin dress. Her ass wiggled against him as she started undoing the straps of her heels, and Jonah was pretty sure she was doing that on purpose. She was intentionally torturing him, but had no idea how much, completely oblivious to his arousal. She was just playing a silly game, trying to promote a movie. This was pretty much nothing to her. And that turned him on even more.

Her feet kicked her shoes off, and the fell on either side of his legs with soft *thunk*s. Then her big warm butt ground against him some more as she adjusted her position, placing her feet back on the footrest. In front of her, Emma Watson had taken off her shoes as well.

“You know, I thought there would be more struggling involved,” Daisy Ridley said, frowning with a smirk. “But so far, Jonah is just taking it.”

“He’s really dedicated,” Emma said, laughter in her pretty eyes.

“He must be so determined to win,” Daisy said. He felt her ass move against him as she looked down over her shoulder. “How are you doing back there, Jonah?”

He couldn’t reply, for obvious reasons. A massive grin lit up her face, and she slammed her butt against him again and again, still looking down at him.

“Hello?” she said, a hint of laughter in her voice. “I didn’t quite catch that. Could you speak up?”

Emma Watson started giggling. Jonah tried to talk, even as Daisy Ridley’s ass punished him, grinding against him.

“Mmmm hmmm mhhhmmm!”

“Can you make out what he’s saying?” Daisy asked Emma, an exaggerated look of concern on her face. Emma frowned, pushing her lips together in a pout as she pensively rested her chin on her fist.

“No, I can’t,” she said, shaking her head.

“So strange!” Daisy commented with a mock look of confusion. She ground herself against him, forcing his head to roll underneath her again. “He must be overwhelmed by my arse. He must be so concentrated on winning, that he forgot how to talk!”

“Madison is just as determined,” Emma added, and she too rubbed her ass against the woman underneath her. “Although I can feel her grunting underneath me. It’s hard, isn’t it Madison? How about pressing that button?”

“Jonah, I want you to know that I am prepared to sit on your face until you pass out and die,” Daisy Ridley commented matter-of-factly, and Jonah was surprised he didn’t cream his pants in that exact moment. “I’m not playing around. Don’t be afraid of losing to a girl, we won’t tell anyone!”

Both she and Emma erupted with laughter.

“Oh hey,” Emma said once they’d calmed down again, “let’s switch seats!”

Daisy’s eyes widened.

“Oh, I love that!” she exclaimed, beaming. “Let’s do it, let’s do it!”

She moved her feet off of the footrest, placing them on the ground on either side of Jonah’s legs, near her shoes. And just like that, the pressure her butt exerted on him lessened, and then her butt was gone. He panted, staring at the ceiling of the room and taking in gulps of air, his heart fluttering in his chest.

Did Emma Watson just say *switch seats?*

He lifted his head up, noticing that his neck was starting to become sore from being bent in that awkward way for so long. In front of him, he saw Daisy Ridley’s butt, those two mounds of perfection. He couldn’t believe she had just been sitting on his face. As he stared, she wiggled her hips from side to side, her buttcheeks wobbling in his face as she shimmied her dress down a little to cover her legs more. Then she trotted over to Madison, without even looking at him.

He saw Emma Watson walking towards him. She looked effortlessly elegant. The light white button down top she was wearing, as well as the black dress pants it was tucked into, hinted at her subtle but flawless curves. Her bare feet padded quietly across the carpet. She walked right up to him, and her light brown hair spilled over her shoulders as she placed her hands on her knees, looking down at him.

Her face, hovering above him, was entrancing. Her expressive eyebrows moved in a way that gave her gorgeous eyes a look of amusement mixed with pity. She placed her pointer finger on his forehead and pushed his head back down onto the seat.

“Head back, butt boy,” she breathed, a breathtaking smile on her lips.

Helpless, his face pointing up towards the ceiling, Jonah felt his cock throbbing madly as Emma Watson positioned herself in front of him and turned around. He knew he shouldn’t, but he raised his head up a little. He couldn’t help it.

Emma Watson’s ass was right in front of him, as she stood with her feet on either side of his legs. It surprisingly round, given her build. Her dress pants, incredibly thin, weren’t tight, but they still provided an intoxicating view of her hindquarters. Her plump buttcheeks pushed out against her hair thin dress pants as if her pants weren’t there at all. Her ass became even more pronounced as she grabbed the waistband of her pants and tugged it upwards a little, causing some her pants to get swallowed by her ass. It was mindblowing, and again, Jonah wondered how he managed to not burst in his pants. But he didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on this, because, without warning, Emma Watson threw herself backwards.

Her buttcheeks were *so soft*. They molded over his face as she pushed his head down again, and then they rippled a little as his head hit the chair. Smiling to herself, Emma Watson placed her feet on the footrest and adjusted her butt, grinding it against his face as she moved in a more comfortable position, playfully moving her hips from side to side the whole time. After a few moments of that titillating torture, she was fully sitting on him, his face being thrust between her buttcheeks.

Her smell was just as intoxicating as Daisy’s was. It was a little stronger, too. And she felt so pleasantly warm; he almost thought he could feel her skin through the extremely thin pants covering it. The erection he was sporting was starting to become uncomfortable.

“Jonah, Jonah, Jonah,” she sighed. “So determined to win, that you’re willing to sacrifice your dignity. Well, if you’re going to be humiliated for all the internet to see, you might as well be the best at it, right?”

The half smile she wore on her face could bring an entire legion of men to their knees. She placed her hands on either side of his head and pushed against the footrest with her feet, grinding herself back and forth over his face, looking gorgeous as only she could while she tortured him.

Daisy’s dress had been unbearably sexy, but Emma was wearing pants, and this meant that unfortunately for Jonah, he could feel her crotch rubbing against his face as she rubbed herself against him. He could feel the warmth of her pussy through her thin clothes, he could feel its softness, and he could kind of smell it too. It was unbearable, feeling her soft plump buttcheeks rubbing against his face as they slid back, and then feeling her crotch press down on his nose and mouth, rubbing against him as her butt slid towards his mouth again. Feeling her nearly crush his head underneath her, completely dominating him as she ground her gorgeous body all over his face. It was unbearable, and he wondered how long he would remain sane.

Emma Watson just smiled, completely unaware of the extent of the anguish she was subjecting him to.

“Just press the button, Madison,” he heard Daisy say at the other end of the room.

“Madison’s a trooper, believe me,” Emma said. “But Jonah is really sticking it out, I have to give him credit!”

“He’s super butt-resistant!” Daisy laughed.

“He doesn’t even move!” Emma said, raising her eyebrows. “Madison would at least squirm under me, but he just lays there! I would think he died if I couldn’t feel him trying to breathe against me.”

Her ass seemed to play with his face, rubbing this way and that, as he fought for breath. He was sure he would slip into an arousal induced state of madness at any second. No human being was intended to endure this much stimulation. But Emma Watson had no mercy, she just kept on tormenting him, now bouncing herself against him a little as she wiggled her hips around.

“I can feel Madison squirming,” Daisy giggled. “Poor girl! But it’s kind of nice, like a butt massage. I know she’s uncomfortable, but for some reason, she won’t press the button!”

“I know! It must be *so hard* to be sat on like this, to have someone’s butt rubbed all over you,” Emma said, a sarcastic note of sympathy in her voice. “Does winning mean so much to Jonah? I wonder, does he feel embarrassed about having to stare at Daisy’s naked arse for so long? Does he think winning this contest will earn him some dignity back?”

“These are all very good questions, Emma,” Daisy responded. “You know what? Let me have another crack at Jonah, I think I can break him this time.”

“Be my guest!” Emma happily responded, and he gasped for air again as her heavenly soft and warm ass was lifted off of his face.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/cko0ek/daisy_ridley_takes_a_seat_part_1


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