Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.6: Stuck [f][huml]

What feels like an eternity for the normally modest teen, but is just couple of minutes pass before the taps turn off. Kerina stands there shivering slightly, wondering uncertainly if she should sit on the toilet.

Haley washes the clothing diligently, but is taken aback when she sees the handful of condoms, and all with Kerina's full name on them. She is stunned by these, but keeps going, deciding to deal with hem later after this has all finished. Haley stuffs them back in the blouse pocket when she finishes.

"I am just laying these on the bench to drip dry a little, "Haley calls out," I just quickly soaked them to get the um, the urine out. They aren't going to dry properly for ages though, so now we need to wet your hair and head."

"Okay, uh how will we do that?" Kerina asks worried.

"Well, ideally the taps out here would be best, but there isn't much room. Wha do you think?"

"Uhm, I don't think that is the best idea, Kerina says blushing at the thought of walking out there naked..

"Well, I cant see how else, unless you stick your head in the toilet and I flush it maybe?' suggests Haley uncertainly.

"That is gross!" Kerina complains

"Not really, because these toilets only got cleaned 30 minutes ago, and no one uses this block much anyway," rationalises Haley, trying to be patient with her friend.

"N-no, I can't do it." Kerina says weakly, unable to think of putting her head down the toilet. "Okay, I will come out there, but we have to make sure no one walks in.'

"Well come out Kerry, It should be okay now, I think everyone is in class." Haley says reassuringly.

The latch clicks, echoing unnaturally loudly in the quiet room. Kerina unlocks the door lets it swing in, revealing a very embarrassed Kerina standing in the toilet stall stark naked but for her sandals. Her breasts firm and pert, her neatly trimmed blonde pussy and flat tummy displayed.

"Oh my goodness, where are your panties?" Haley asks shocked looking at Kerina wide eyed.

"I, I don't have any on," Kerina said blushing, her hands trying to cover her crotch and her breasts.

"I-I can see that," a surprised Haley exclaims, "but why don't you have any? Didn't you wear any today?'

"No, I mean yes, of course I wore underwear this morning. It just got uhmmm…lost is all" she replies looking at the floor feeling stupid.

"You lost your underwear?" Haley asks incredulous.

"No…I mean well yeah I think so. Look it is a long story, please just help me now" Kerina pleads blushing red.

Haley looks annoyed, but she relents, wanting to help out her obviously distressed friend.

"Okay, okay, just come out here, over to these taps." Haley instructs, confidently guiding Kerina to the basins.

Padding barefooted across the tiled floor, Kerina is feeling very vulnerable. She lets Haley guide her to the basin, scarcely able to comprehend how this morning she woke feeling confident and happy, and had been thinking about what clothes to wear (Hoping to run into Mark Barker, a hot guy in Church Group. Of course, she doesn't have time for a boyfriend, but she liked to be noticed sometimes. She had been feeling kind of frumpy since coming to uni.)

Haley guides Kerina's head into the sink, but discovers it is not quite deep enough. She turns Kerina's head sideways and it just goes under the tap, although Kerina is in quite a contorted position, basically bent over the basin, head in the sink, forcing her ass up a bit in the air. Blushing at the display, Haley quickly turns on the tap, wanting to finish this quickly. Realising that only half her head is getting wet this way, Haley slides Kerina's head out.

"I just need to turn your head over so your head gets wet evenly, then we are done." Haley reassures a waterlogged and wide eyed Kerina.

However, as Haley pushes Kerina's head under for a second time, and turns n the tap, the door bangs open and two girls come in chatting. They stopped shocked at the weird spectacle before them.

"What the hell are you two doing?" one of them asks.

Hearing the voices, Kerina freaks out and tries to get out, but in her panic she wedges her head in more firmly, Haley, tries calming Kerina while at the same time trying to explain things to the girls, but not really making much sense.

Meanwhile, in a blind panic, Kerina thrashes around nude, head stuck under the tap, grasping while Haley is half turned to the girls, Kerina's hands hook on Haley's skirt and with her frantic flailing, it is pulled straight down to her ankles, revealing Haley's pink panties to the girls.

"Oh my gawd," one of the girls drawls, "are they lesbians?"

Haley blushes, momentarily abandoning her thrashing friend to reach down for her skirt, but Kerina's still flailing hands catch in the front of Hayley's blouse, pulling it roughly, straining the buttons.

"Uh, Kerina let go, please, you are going to tear it," Haley pleads, pushing Kerina away. Kerina is terrified and is straining pulling at the cloth whimpering at her stuck head, groaning like an animal. Haley squeals and pulls away, but her feet tangle in her skirt and she stumbles to her knees.

The girls burst out laughing at this bizarre behaviour and it is too much for Haley. Ashamed at what has occurred she pulls her skirt up and runs out, holding it around her sobbing in humiliation.

'Haley? Haley help please," a terrified Kerina calls out.

"Your girlfriend has left you girl." A voice informs her, "we will go and get a teacher to help you."

"P-please don't. Can't you just help me out?" Kerina begs.

"No way, we aren't touching your skanky body." Despite this they giggle as they take a couple of shots on their camera phone then leave to find help.

Kerina stands bent over the basin, head in the sink, wedged painfully under the tap, hair soaked and body bare. Feeling ashamed and helpless, Kerina tries not to cry as she waits for help.
