Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.5: Haley Helps Out [f][huml]

Groaning, Kerina wiped her eyes and sat up, from the slumped position she was in over the desk. Bleary eyed, she focused on the person gently shaking her shoulders.

"Kerina? Kerina? Are you okay?" asked a worried voice.

Kerina recognised the girl shaking her as Haley, one of the few friends she has made since coming here. She met Haley through the University Church group she has been going to. Haley is a very pretty tanned girl, with big brown eyes and a pretty face, 5'5 with long brown hair and fit and slim. Her breasts, however, are out of proportion with her delicate frame, jutting almost obscenely from her sweet little body, Haley's breasts, and the attention they got her, had long been a source of embarrassment to her. Haley was standing next to Kerina, wearing a nice knee length pink skirt, with a sensible white blouse and shoes and socks.

Sniffing a few times, still feeling dazed, Kerina reaches up, "Ohh, what is it?"

"Are you ok Kerina? You look so tired and, uh something smells," Haley asks worriedly.

Kerina looks down and blushes as she sees her blouse open so wide the first button that is done up is below her breasts. Then she makes a face as she smells the acrid stink of urine.

"Ewww what is that?" says Kerina, starting to feel a little nauseous from the smell, making a disgusted face and pushing the chair she is sitting on away from the desk a bit.

Haley and Kerina look down further and both see the puddle on the floor underneath Kerina at the same time. Haley's mouth opens in shock and Kerina's face went white as they both realise what has happened.

"Oh no I wet myself…I, I must have fallen asleep oh no." Kerina whimpers terrified.

Rising to the occasion quickly, Haley decides getting her friend out of the classroom first is the most important thing. "Well, quick we better get you to the girls toilets before anyone gets here," Haley suggests, taking a couple of steps away, wrinkling her nose a little.

Uncertainly Kerina stands and tries to take a few steps, but she feels unaccountably dizzy and almost trips. Haley grabs her elbow, helping her to balance. Haley starts to guide Kerina to the door, when a group of three guys walk into the room, joking and laughing. They stop slowly as one sees the dishevelled state Kerina is in, and particularly the deep flash of cleavage she is offering. Quickly elbowing one another, all three are quickly staring unabashed at Kerina's bare skin, and Haley quickly ushers Kerina out the door, a little trail of urine splattering on the floor as she guides Kerina out.

They quickly make it to the nearby girls toilet block, and they are both relieved to find it empty as they walk in. Kerina mumbles a stream of apologies and excuses, that she doesn't know how any of this happened.

"Look it is ok Kerina," said Haley reassuringly, although she is thinking it all a bit strange, and is wondering why Kerina is still acting a bit groggy, "We will get you cleaned up, no one will even know what happened."

Kerina looks hopefully at Haley for a moment, but the smell of her clothes hit her again, and her face falls in dismay.

"But what will I do about my clothes? They stink!" Kerina asks almost crying.

Hayley stands there thinking for about 30 seconds, while Kerina stands waiting shivering, feeling gross. Haley is determined to think of a way out of this for her friend, unfortunately Haley is not the brightest person in a pressure situation. But she is definitely motivated to succeed.

"Well, let's see," said Haley thinking, "How about we just rinse them out in the sink here?"

"Then they will be wet"

"Okay that's true, that's true. Don't worry, I can work it out.

Haley concentrates for another minute. Voices are now becoming audible as people are walking along the hall, and classes are soon due to begin.

Suddenly a light crosses Haley's face, "Well I know. We can just tell people the sprinklers came on when you were walking across the oval. Everyone knows the timers on them are no good and it happens all the time," said Haley happy with her explanation.

"Yeah, but isn't it weird that just my clothes are wet? Or do you think they will drip enough I will look all wet?"

"No, no good point. That's okay, we just wet your head and hair, and everything is fixed." Haley says excited, almost applauding herself. "Now, first you need to get the skirt and blouse off so we can put them under the tap," Haley says moving forward to start undoing Kerina's blouse. Kerina blushes as her breasts are uncovered in public for the second time on her birthday.

"U-undo them…but people might walk in," Kerina says looking nervously at the door, hearing the occasional voice passing the toilets door now.

"Okay, well go into a toilet stall and pass the skirt and blouse out and I will wash them for you," offered Haley, pleased with her brilliant plan.

"Well, OK," Kerina says, still not comfortable but with little other choice she walks into the stall. She knows I have no bra on, but at least Haley won't realise I have no panties on this way this way Kerina thinks.

Kerina undid the zipper on the side of her skirt and pulled it down over her hips, and let it fall to her ankles. Then with a shrug, her already open blouse is in her hands. She quickly picks up her skirt and the stands there in only her sandals holding her skirt and blouse. Taking a deep breath, Kerina nervously opened the door a fraction poking her hand holding the clothes out of the door.

"Here they are Haley," Kerina says weakly.

The clothes slip from her hand and Kerina steps back, closing and locking the stall door. She takes a deep breath, willing herself to be calm as she stands nude in the stall, feeling foolish, pert breasts, trimmed pussy and smooth skin all bare. She feels so helpless wearing only her damp sandals.

Outside Kerina hears the tap turn on, as Haley turns starts washing Kerina's blouse and skirt.

"Don't worry Kerina, we'll fix this up, no one will ever know," Haley calls out, trying sounding cheerful and positive.
