Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.12: Things Go Bad for Little Kerina [fMMM]

Kerina stood naked in the dingy store, shocked, eyes wide, breasts and neatly trimmed pussy bared, helpless as three senior college guys looked on surprised to see this young barely legal girl in such a state.

"Just hold on there boys, "Dmitri said calmly, "I am serving these customers and then I will ring up your purchases.

Kerina felt herself freaking out, but she forced herself to remain focussed, in control. Seeing Dmitri distracted, she grabbed the last piece of cardboard and turned it over. Kerina gasped.

Instead of a clue as to where the condoms with her name on them came from, there was only another big cross on it!

"What's this?" she stammered, "You cheated!"

Dmitri turned back to Kerina.

"It looks like YOU cheated, turning it over when you hadn't won. I haven't cheated because I don't know anything about your stupid condom, and I don't have any idea where it would come from either. So you just watch yourself miss, you aren't in any position to be all upitty. Way I see it, only a slut would do what you have done."

Kerina suddenly felt terrified, the realisation of what was happening made her feel sick to the stomach. She thought she could control the situation, but all that had happened was her pride had brought her to this point. Now she stood naked, the fine chain around her neck with the Princess Aurora pendant sitting between her bared firm young breasts, neatly trimmed pussy displayed, her firm ass and long bare legs exposed, not a stitch of clothing covered her young firm nubile body. And she was exposed in a store, with three guys from her college watching stunned, but interested.

"F-fine, please give my clothes back and I will go then." Kerina said defeated.

"Give them back? No way, you lost them fair and square," he lied. "Tell you what, let me serve these customers, and we can discuss another arrangement, if you like."

"Please, don't leave me standing like this in front of these guys," Kerina whispered to Dmitri.

Dmitri smiled, "Well I will tell you what. I need to serve them, but your friend there can go and look out in the store room for something to cover you in the mean time. Okay?"

"Uhm okay," Kerina said uncertainly as Jack nodded looking serious and disappeared out the door Dmitri pointed to.

The guys walked past Kerina, and started to talk to Dmitri. They loudly asked him which of the condoms they chose was the best, and asked his opinion on which works the best. Kerina stood there as Dmitri explained that one with knobs on it increased the sensitivity and explained how some others worked. He grinned at Kerina as he spoke about how it depended on who they were going to use it on.

Kerina stood naked by the counter as the guys asked more questions, also glancing at Kerina as she went redder and redder with each question.

"Can you use them anally?"

"Which is the best for doing a chick's mouth?"

"Which lets you really feel your cock inside them the best?"

And finally:

"Which would be the best for a chick like her?" one guy asked motioning his thumb at Kerina.

Kerina stood there naked, looking up at the four of them, all taller than her, feeling very helpless and vulnerable. She glanced at the door Jack had gone out, but it remained closed.

"Well that is a good question," Dmitri said, "Kerina, what type of condom do you like the guys who do you to use?"

"Oh, I-I I don't, that is… I never have used them…" she trailed off embarrassed trying to explain she is a virgin still.

"Oh you like to ride your dates bare back do you?" One of the guys jeered.

"How about you tell us which of these two condoms feel the best. Marko wants to find the best to bone Jenna with tonight."

Kerina backed nervously away from them, but found the counter in the small of her back. "Uh l-look, I don't want any trouble," she said in a trembling voice.

"Come on babe, help us out."

"Yeah, bitch, you are dressed for it anyway."

They all laughed immodestly at the brilliant joke. High fives were exchanged.

"Tell you what Kerina, you help these nice boys decide which condom is best for them, I will give you some clothes to walk out of here in. If not, you can just leave now, as you are disturbing my customers. It is up to you."

Kerina looked at the guys terrified, glancing hopefully at the door Jack went out again, but he still wasn't back. She was terrified, but she was more terrified of being thrown out the front door like this. She could see the crowds of people walking along the street through the dingy windows. "W-well, okay, b-but only quickly…" she stammered not really sure what they actually wanted, but pretty certain it was not something she would be happy with.

"Yeah, awesome!" one guy yelled.

Two of them grabbed her by her arms and pushed her back onto the counter, leaving her legs laying over the edge.

"Uhh, oww!" Kerina yelped surprised.

She felt her legs pulled roughly apart as she lay on her bare back on the counter. Kerina lifted her head to see what was happening and saw one of the guys with his pants open and a long thin cock poking out of his pants.

She watched wide eyed as he pulled a condom wrapper open and rolled a orange knobby condom over his cock. He turned to Kerina and walked up between her legs.

"Uh please, I am not sure about this.." Kerina said uncertainly

He leaned over her, his arms grabbing her young slim hips, his face moving close to hers, "shut up bitch, just concentrate and tell me how this feels" he said as Kerina felt something hard push against her pussy. Kerina jumped surprised and wriggled but was helpless as he pushed roughly into her virgin pussy, Kerina whimpered and tears filled her eyes as he pushed deep into her.

"How does it feel?" he laughed as he started to pump in and out of her.

"Yeah do that slut man, " one of the other guys said, both of them standing close watching her young body, hearing the slapping sound of Kerina's pussy getting pounded by a knobby condom covered cock, there on the counter of a store in the sleazy part of town.

Kerina bit her lip, trying to contain her emotions as she felt her liquids and blood mix, making the cock sliding into her hurt a little less, but his hands held tight on her hips, pulling her torso harder onto his cock. For his part he felt a dirty urgency, this little slut was a virgin he realised as he tore her hymen with the first couple of thrusts. But somehow it made his need worse, sure Jenna was his girl, but something deep in him needed to fill this little princess. He pumped furiously, urgently, filled with a deep need to cum in her.

It seemed like an eternity, but in less than a minute after the first thrust he was ejaculating, filling the condom, deep in her body. He wished he hadn't worn a condom now, but wasn't too worried.

Soon he pulled out of her, leaving her laying on the counter, legs spread lewdly, her juices mixed with blood staining her groin, upper thighs and pooling on the counter top.

"Well congratulations sweety," Dmitri said appearing behind the counter looking down at Kerina's scared and confused face, "You have lost your virginity, here in my store!" He said in a mocking voice.

"Hey bitch, clean that up, I want a turn," another of the guys said and she felt a wad of tissues land on her tummy. Kerina looked at the leering college boys and she took the tissues and started wiping her pussy almost automatically as they watched on.

Once she had wiped off her pussy and thighs and cleaned the countertop a little, the next guy pushed between her legs, "My turn!"

Kerina didn't even see which condom he was trying, before she felt his member at her pussy lips, pushing frantically against her. It quickly slid in her still slick passage and he was buried deep in her. Kerina lay there shocked as he grabbed her firm breasts and tugged painfully on them as he rammed his cock in and out of her. His shorter but thicker cock thrust into her quickly, not wanting to achieve anything more than quick relief in this stupid slut. Kerina looked up at his face, eyes closed, concentrating on getting himself off in her pussy.

She bit her lip as his thicker cock stretched her pussy more than the first guy's had. Even faster than the first guy, the second guy had cum and suddenly pulled out of her.

"Yeah, that is some tight pussy that bitch has," he said high fiving his friends again. Kerina lay there, massaging her red tits, feeling quite stupid as they congratulated themselves on doing her.

Kerina pushed her self up, eyes wide, feeling stunned, helpless, and dirty, but the last guy wanted a turn too. He grinned as he stood in front of her and saw the cute little princess necklace she had on.

"Hey princess," he said mockingly, "you haven't finished yet. Come on princess, open those legs for me again," he said as he pulled them further apart again. Kerina looked up doe eyed, arms across her chest.

"There you go princess, just lay back, I just need to stick my cock in you and then we are done, okay?"

"Uh s-sure…o-okay," Kerina stammered, not really having a choice as he firmly pushed her back into a laying position on the counter.

"I am not using a condom, so you can compare the two condoms to bare back. Is that okay princess? Don't worry, we just need to borrow that tight little pussy for a couple more minutes, then it will be over."

"Yeah right, a couple of minutes. You won't last 30 seconds in her."

"Shut up! Ready princess? I am going to fuck you now."

"uh..o-ok uhhh" Kerina whimpered as he pushed it straight into her in one thrust. He was quickly pistoning into her, as he held her roughly one hand on her hip the other groping her breasts. He kept talking to her, calling her princess and somehow this was more humiliating than being called a slut, or bitch.

Suddenly his hand clenched on her tit, Kerina squealed in pain as he roughly squeezed her and his other hand pounded down as he experienced an intense orgasm, smacking roughly into her stomach, knocking the breath out of her. She felt his cum spurt in her, alarmed she tried to push him away, but it was useless as he unloaded deep in her. Spent, he jumped off her, quickly zipped up, and more high fives were exchanged.

The three guys bought both packets of condoms, grinning at Dmitri as they paid and then turned and walked out. Kerina sat up shaking to the sounds of the senior college guys exchanging stories of what they had done to the stupid bitch, how lucky they were to have a slut like that ready for them etc.

Kerina slid off the edge of the counter and crossed her arms across her breasts, she stood there cum and juices leaking out of her pussy a little, shaking, a couple of tears running down her cheek as she waited stunned as Dmitri counted the money into the till. He then turned to her smiling, as if she hadn't just been brutally fucked on the counter in front of him.

"Okay, some clothes. Here just sign this" he said sliding a piece of paper over to her," and I will get you some clothes."

"Wh-what is it?" Kerina asked almost automatically.

"Listen, do you want the clothes or not 'princess'. Just sign it."

Dejected Kerina took a pen and shakily signed the piece of paper at the bottom.

"Okay, and fill your detail in here, yes name…good girl, address, so on….excellent"

Dmitri smiled and grabbed the paper, and put it in a drawer.

"S-so what was it?" Kerina asked wanting to know.

"Well, 'princess' ,"said Dmitri enjoying the word the college guy used on Kerina, "See that camera up there in the corner?" he asked pointing to a camera facing down at the counter.

"Uh y-yes", Kerina said looking up wide eyed.

"Well, you have given me the rights to use the show you just gave us. It should make me a bit of money. Just need to see how good quality we get from the camera, but I am sure I will get something usable."

"Oh," Kerina gasped horrified, feeling even worse as she stood there naked in the store. "Please, can I have some clothes now?"

"Sure princess, your friend is over there. What did you find?"

Kerina turned to see Jack standing, holding a mobile phone, looking stunned at Kerina. "Did you find something?" Kerina asked hopefully.

"Uh, no. There weren't any clothes in there that I could see," Jack answered. "I can't believe you just did that," he said in an awed voice. He was surprised that she had done it. He was also happy, and he was even happier that his mobile could take video.

Jack looked at Dmitri, "Come on man, she did everything you asked, give her something to wear."

Dmitri shrugged,"Sure, what the heck. I am in a generous mood." Grinning he reached into one of the many doors of a shabby cupboard behind the counter and pulled out a black skirt and a white blouse. "Here you go baby."

He stood there watching, with a big grin as Kerina eagerly pulled on the decent but shabby skirt, relieved to be covering her body. Kerina then pulled the discoloured white blouse on her shoulders, buttoning up the front, finally covering her bare breasts. Smoothing the front of the blouse Kerina noticed with distaste a couple of faint stains. Kerina looked hopefully at Dmitri.

"Sorry, Princess, I don't get much underwear here. Don't worry you look cute. Not bad considering you just did three guys," he grinned at the obviously upset and dishevelled teenager. "But I tell you what, take this on the house." He handed her a small white box. "You need to take one today and one tonight, make sure you don't get pregnant babe."

Kerina wanted to complain or protest, but looking into his flat grey eyes she realised she was lucky he gave her this skirt and blouse. Turning away, Kerina walked quickly to the front door, pulling the door open she walked out with out a word. Jack followed her quietly watching her bare feet pad on the dirty floor.
