Kerina’s College Humiliation, Ch.11: Kerina Takes a Chance [f]

They walked into a bigger store. It was big, and well lit, but somehow the bright glaring lighting made the shadows even darker and gave a generally unwelcoming feel. The shelves were higher and closer together, so by the time Kerina got to the counter at the far end of the store, she was feeling worried and intimidated. She momentarily forgot her decision to remain in control and so agreed when Jack offered to ask the tall dingy looking man about her situation.

Kerina chided herself as she regretted her relinquishing control to Jack, but decided to wait; certain the opportunity to act would come. She felt sort of indebted to Jack, as walking here, she had told him all about the condoms and what had happened to her in the classroom yesterday (She hadn't mentioned the library or the security guard, however). He was a good listener and had shared in her outrage that someone would do this to her. Kerina listened to the conversation.

"…so we want to know if you sell them, or if anywhere else does that you know of?" Jack asked the guy.

The guy behind the counter leered at Kerina, his eyes unashamedly roaming her body, "Tell ya what. If she gives me a blowjob, I will tell you anything you want to know," he said grinning at the sweet embarrassed teenager.

"Hey, hey!" Jack said getting annoyed, "We aren't here for any of that crap, we just want to know a simple piece of information, and we don't need you jerking us around," Jack said frustrated.

"Well, look at it from my point of view. If I did have one of these condoms made that you are asking about, you are in effect asking me to betray the trust of one of my customers. I don't know I could do that." He said with a big mean smile on his face. "Anyway, I don't often see anyone as pretty as her in here. I gotta have a chance to see her pussy or something at least. "

"Look forget about it," Jack said fuming, "Lets go Kerina, this creep isn't going to help."

"N-no wait," Kerina decided this was the time that she could prove she was in charge. Jack had got nowhere so it was up to her. She suspected this guy knew something.

Walking to the counter, Kerina asked, "What do you mean by a chance?"

"Well, how about a simple game of chance. Let's see…How about I write down on a piece of cardboard what I know. Then I get two other pieces and leave them blank, or put a cross on them or something. Then we flip a coin. If I win you take off a piece of clothing, if you win, you get to look behind one piece of card."

"Uh well, I am not sure…" Kerina hesitated as he mentioned her clothing.

"Yeah forget it pal, lets go Kerina," Jack said.

Desperately wanting to stay in control, Kerina rose to the bait. "Excuse me Jack; I can make my own decisions." Kerina turned to the guy behind the counter, "Okay you are on." Jack hugged himself with satisfaction as this dumb bitch once again proved herself so easily led.

The man behind the counter introduced himself as Dmitri, and produced a coin from his cash register. In a remarkably civilised conversation they decided that the contest would be held here in front of the counter, as he was unable to leave it unattended, but assured them it was always quiet in the afternoon and they could do it quick anyway. Dmitri would win on a flip of heads and Kerina would win on tails. They decided Jack would flip the coin; that Kerina's discarded clothing would be held on a shelf behind the counter and that Dmitri dutifully filled out three pieces of cardboard and laid them face down on the counter. They turned to watch as Jack flipped the coin into the air and let it land on the floor.

"Heads," he called out as the coin landed.

Time suddenly slowed for Kerina, and she was overcome by a surreal feeling, as Dmitri held out his hand for a piece of her clothing. As per their agreement, Kerina had to offer her shoes or socks as a pair. She regretted this now, but still decided that shoes would be the easiest to relinquish. Bending down, Kerina untied them and handed them to Dmitri. He smiled and placed them high on the shelves behind the counter. They both turned to Jack.

The coin spun up into the air and it glinted in the tacky lighting and then fell down to the floor. "Heads!"

As Kerina knelt to pull her socks off, Jack gave Dmitri a little wink. He had discovered that Dmitri's coin had heads on both sides. Dmitri smiled back uncertainly, confused by Jack's unexpected reaction to his coin.

Kerina handed over her socks, and was soon delighted to hear Jack call out "Tails!"

Dmitri gave Jack an unhappy look as Kerina stood at the counter, concentrating on the three pieces of cardboard, deciding which to look at. Jack winked again and turned his attention to Kerina's choice.

She chose the centre piece, but was disappointed to discover a big cross on the back of the cardboard piece.

"Good try Kerina," Jack said encouragingly, as he flipped the coin up again.

"Heads!" Kerina's hoodie disappeared onto the shelf behind the counter.

Kerina felt a cramp in her tummy as Jack quickly called out "Heads" again. As they both watched on, she slipped her t-shirt off and over her head. Standing there in her jeans, and flowery bra and bare feet, Kerina handed Dmitri her t-shirt, embarrassed, but determined to see what is behind those other two pieces of cardboard.


Kerina suddenly felt her resolve break. She wasn't ready to be showing her boobs in this sleazy store. "Uh okay, you win…I can't do this. Just give me back my clothes and I will go," she said embarrassed.

Dmitri smiled but shook his head pityingly. "I am sorry Kerina, but rules are rules. I don't mind if you quit anytime you like, but I won these clothes and I am keeping them," he said standing in front of the shelves protectively.

"Come on Kerina, let's just go," Jack said in a nervous voice.

Kerina stood there uncertainly. She was conflicted, if she ran away, she was no longer in control. But if she stayed….no, surely she would win this time.

"I am staying thank you Jack, she said as she reached around, unclipped her bra and slipped it off her shoulders. Blushing a little Kerina slid it off and dropped it on the counter. Kerina crossed her arms over her firm young breasts, standing there feeling embarrassment wash over her. No Kerina, you can do this she told herself.

"You okay?" Jack asked concerned as Dmitri picked up the bra, sniffed it and put it on the shelf.

"Y-yes, I am fine," Kerina said in a weaker voice.

"Well, okay," Jack said as the coin flew through the air again.


The moment of relief was short lived as Kerina had to expose a breast and turned over the piece of cardboard on the right. Once again she revealed a big cross.

"Only one to go now," Jack said encouragingly.

Kerina held her breath as the coin flew into the air. She turned red as it landed and Jack called out "Heads" again.

Feeling panicky, almost operating on auto pilot, Kerina reached down, unzipped her jeans. As she did the bell above the door opened and some senior guys from college walked in. They walked to the condom display and started talking about the advantages of the different types of condoms.

Kerina pulled her jeans over her hips, and down past her pussy and ass, she was just stepping out of one leg as the three guys walked around the corner of the aisle and to the counter. Kerina pulled the other leg out, stood up and placed the jeans on the counter, standing there stark naked but for her princess necklace. She suddenly realised the guys were standing staring in shock at her. Kerina grabbed for the jeans, but Dmitri snatched them away quickly and put them on the shelf.

"What the hell?" one of the guys said.

Kerina stood there naked, eyes wide, neatly trimmed pussy and young firm breasts displayed to all these strangers. Kerina's luck had run out!
