Business and Pleasure [Str8]

Fourth day of the conference. Presentations ended in early afternoon, and now it’s time for a pool party at our resort. Barbecue, beer, and a chance to mingle with men and women from all over the country. I put on my swimsuit and head for the elevator down to the pool.

As I approach the elevator, there’s a girl standing there waiting, her back to me. Long, curly brown hair hanging down past her neck. Her round, light brown butt in her yellow bikini bottom.

I walk up next to you and take a glance your way. Our eyes meet. I have some butterflies, but I hold eye contact and smile. You give me a warm smile in return, and your brown eyes twinkle as they look into mine. Getting such a receptive reaction, I feel a subtle shift in blood flow. I say “Hey.” I’m not sure how it came out, but you give me a soft, breathy “Hey” in return, widen your smile, and blink. Now I’m definitely getting the beginnings of a hard-on.

I realize I recognize you from the conference, and figure you probably recognize me. I look away for a moment, at the elevator, then look back at you out of the corner of my eye. Your bag over your right shoulder, your weight shifted onto one foot, your pretty face waiting patiently for the hotel elevator to make its rounds. Your breasts fill your matching yellow bikini top, your smooth skin leads my eyes down to your hips, where your shapely ass curves its way out behind you.

I know I’ve seen you wearing yellow at the conference, so I try that as a conversation starter. “Your favorite color is yellow, isn’t it?”

You tell me it is, and ask what made me think that. I can’t tell if the question was sarcasm or not, but I reply that I’d seen you at the conference wearing yellow. I add that I noticed you because you’re pretty.

“Thank you,” you say, “You’re not so bad yourself. And I was in your talk on Tuesday.”

“Really, you were?”

“Yeah, sitting in the back. Honestly, it was one of the best out of all of them this week.”

“Well, thank you. I try to go out of my way to make it interesting, since these things are always so boring. Name’s Mike, by the way.”

“Janine.” The elevator dings, and the doors open.

We take a crowded elevator ride down to the pool. The sounds of carefree chatter fill the air. Smoke and the smell of barbecue reach us from the far corner. We grab a pair of chairs to put our stuff in, then go jump in the water. It’s cold to the touch, very refreshing in the summer heat.

We splash around a bit, doing somersaults and backflips in the water, getting the blood flowing. We exchange a smile every time we make eye contact. A smile we don’t talk about, even though both of us know what it means: we like each other.

“I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks these things are boring,” you say while we sit on the steps, half submerged.

“Been a boring week for you too, then? Haven’t met any cool strangers yet?” I ask, in a flirty tone.

You smile back at me, “Not yet.”

Now I make my first real move. I put my arm around your waist experimentally, to see how you react. You inch closer, letting me cuddle you a bit. I reach my arm a little further until we are settled in a comfortable posture together. My legs are touching yours, my thighs are touching yours, my side is touching yours. We are sharing a lot of bare skin for two people who just met. I can still smell your flowery shampoo in spite of your hair being wet with chlorinated water.

I ask, “How about now?”

You let out a single nasal giggle to start off a “Hmmm, maybe.”

We pause for a moment, looking at the water. I move my hand up your outer thigh to your hip, then to your waist, then back down to your hip, feeling your feminine contour. Your head is on my shoulder. I move so I can briefly feel your cheeks against mine, then ask, “Ever hook up on a business trip before?”

You smile and say, “Hmmm, that’s kind of a personal question, don’t you think?”

I turn and look at you. You look at me, and we gaze together for a moment. Your face is so much more stunning up close, or maybe it’s because I can see the look of desire on your face. Combine that with your wet hair and the beads of water on your skin, and I barely notice that we are in a very public place. I look at your lips, and wonder what your lower lip feels like between mine. I move in, and you move too, and we share a single slow kiss, sitting on the steps with our bodies half in the water.

“Wanna go someplace more private?” I ask.

“Probably a good idea.” We get up to go dry off.

I follow you to the elevator, watching your round butt in your bikini bottom move and change shape back and forth as you walk, imagining what it looks like with the swimsuit off.

We get in the elevator, only the two of us going up. There’s only one way to pass the time in the elevator now, so I kiss you again, this time putting both my hands on your waist. We share three or four soft kisses; in the fourth I taste your upper lip with my tongue.

I take you by the hand and walk you to my room, hastily sliding my key in the door and opening it with a loud click. Once we’re inside, I walk you next to the bed.

I look into your face. I can tell you are expecting a kiss, but I want to gaze at you first, and take a quick moment to contemplate how lucky I am to have you in my room, all to myself. I look at your lips, and work up a desire to feel them, to taste them. I move in for the kiss, once again with my hands on your waist, almost to your hips, right where your body curves outward to make that fantastic butt.

I feel your breath on my face as we kiss. Things just got very human. Smelling each other’s breath, the first act of real physical intimacy, where we know something about each other that other people don’t. And between two people who just met.

I move my hands from your hips to your backside, feeling the contour of your butt. You let out a very soft “mmm”. My hard-on is practically ready to go already; it’s bulging out of my bathing suit. With my hands on your butt I press the bulge against your body so you can feel it, so you can feel how ready I am to take you. I listen as your breathing gets heavier.

Then I move my hands so I can kiss you better. One across your lower back, the other on your upper back. I want to touch your tongue to mine, taste your mouth, feel the bumps on your tongue. We kiss with abandon, like two starved animals who just got a meal put in front of them.

After a few moments I separate my lips from yours and start kissing your neck, making a point to slow down from our earlier heat. Slowly feeling you with my cheeks and lips before placing a kiss or a little nibble here or there. I can hear your gasps of air; it’s driving you wild. You whisper, “Baby I want you so bad.”

I move up and look into your eyes. “Turn around,” I whisper back. You turn, facing the bed. I embrace you from behind, then slowly slide down your body, until your butt is in my face. I feast my eyes on it in your bathing suit, feeling around with my hands, squeezing it.

Then I place my hands on either side of your bikini bottom and slowly undress you, revealing your bare butt bit by bit, until I finally drop the swimsuit down to your ankles.

“Baby, spread your legs a little,” I say, and you step out of the swimsuit, spread, and bend over the bed.

The beautiful girl I checked out from afar during the conference. The beautiful girl I saw in a cute yellow swimsuit as I was walking to the elevator. I am now face to face with her privates.

I put my hands on your butt cheeks as I move in, licking your pussy from behind. I move up to your clitoris, and my nose is right up against your pussy. Your smells are faint and mixed with the smell of chlorine from the pool. I notice your pussy is very wet already.

“Stay right here” I say, as I go get a condom from my luggage. We exchange one final sexy smile as I pull one out. You look heavenly bent over the bed, with only a bikini top on, your long dark hair partially obscuring your face

I take my swimsuit off, finally setting free my cock. I put the condom on and get behind you. I take a moment to enjoy the view, with you bent over and looking forward, and I can only imagine what’s going through your head right now. An excited anticipation of being penetrated?

I squeeze your bare ass cheeks, spread them apart so I can see your pussy and butthole, and slowly slide my cock inside of you.

I hear you gasp. I push in as deep as I can go, and suddenly my dick is enveloped in your warmth. I hold it there for a moment, taking in the intense sensation of just being inside of you.

I slowly pump. All the way out, then all the way in. I watch my dick as it enters you, slides all the way inside you, then slides all the way out again. When I’m all the way in, I look at your lower body, and reflect that I’m taking up some space in there now, imagining my dick making the acquaintance of your internal organs. I listen to the distinctive slippery sound that my covered dick makes as it slides against the moistened walls of your vagina.

I listen as you time your breathing to the rhythm of my slow pumping. Soon your breath gets softly vocal. I wonder what it feels like for you, the feeling of having a dick slowly slide into your pussy, and slowly slide out. I wonder if you are turned on by the idea of having your body repeatedly entered by a man you like. I wonder if you are turned on by my hands on your butt, holding you steady and providing leverage so I can continue to thrust into your body. I wonder if you like the idea that I am behind you gazing over your body, enjoying the breathtaking sight of your nakedness. I wonder what your sex face looks like. Is your mouth open, are your eyes turned upward? Your neck is arched back a bit, that much I can tell.

I start to pump harder. I use my hands to pull you against me, even as I thrust into you. You start to moan loudly as I continue to fuck you. The sounds of flesh smacking against flesh mingle with your moans. The air starts to fill with the smell of sex and latex and sweat and chlorine. Soon I can’t go any longer, I pass the point of no return. As I come I thrust myself as deep inside you as I possibly can, pretending (because of the condom) that I’m filling you as deeply as possible with my sperm, shooting it as far up into your body as it can possibly go. I feel your vagina tightening around my dick, almost like you’re milking it. Did you cum too?

You’re still in the after-moans as I pull out of you. You turn around and sit on the bed and say, almost breathlessly, “Ohhh my God.” You lie back on the bed and put your arms behind your head.

I climb onto the bed next to you, spent. I kiss your cheek and you smile with your eyes closed and your face facing the ceiling. I gently peek under your bikini top, revealing a perky nipple, saying “I never did get to play with these. Next time?”

You respond with a friendly “Mmm hmm.”

“So, meet anybody interesting at this conference yet?” I ask. You laugh out loud.

We get our suits back on and go back to the party. Again I’m following you to the elevator, looking at your ass. But I don’t have to wonder anymore. Now I’m walking behind you, your long brown hair, your smooth skin, your exquisite ass underneath your bottom, staring at your pelvic area with only the reflection that I’ve just been inside of it. I just fucked the pretty girl at the conference who wears yellow all the time.


1 comment

  1. Hey /r/SexyStories! A little background on this one. Years ago I used to chat on /r/DirtyPenPals. I was recently going through some of the stories I wrote and this one is one of my favorites. I wrote it based solely on a couple pictures the lady sent me: one of them in jeans and a yellow blouse inside a house, and the other in a fancy yellow bikini by a pool. She was a gorgeous brunette with a Mediterranean complexion.

    If you enjoyed it, [it’s part of a whole collection of stories just like it.](

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