Just on the Other Side of the Screen Door

Marshal Case is the owner of a bar I frequent. My buddy, Todd works as the maintenance guy there and bartends part time. He and I work together at the car dealership and we had a hell of a week. We needed to let loose. We headed over to Marshal’s place to have a few drinks. I don’t know him that well but I thought he was a decent guy. He has no family and he dates a new girl every week. He is an impressively large man. 6’2″ 300 lbs maybe. His arms are huge.

He had just hired a new girl named Amy. She was young, thin and very attractive. The guys around the bar teased Marshal about her relentlessly. The running joke was that Marshall hired her because she had an ass that didn’t quit.

Todd bellied up to the bar and we both ordered drinks. One drink turned into ten and I had to visit the mens room. As I walked toward the back of the bar where the restroom is located, I approached the back door also. The entry door was open and the only thing separating us from the mosquitoes was the screen door. It made sense. This is Florida. It’s hot and the kitchen was right there. Marshal was probably taking garbage out and or something.

As I approached the screen door, i heard what sounded like a swish and then a crack. It almost sounded like some kid was getting thiers in the classroom. “What the hell was Marshal doing?”, I thought outloud.

As I got closer, I could see from my vantage point. It was Marshal. He was beating the crap out of something with a cane. The tool was about a half inch thick and about four feet long. His back was to me so he did not see me approach from the inside of the bar. I soon realized what it was Marshal was beating.

Marshal was bringing a cane as far back as he could and with all of his might he was beating Amy with it!! She was positioned on her knees. Her forehead and the palms of her hands were touching the ground so she couldnt see me either. Every time he brought the cane down on her back, she sqeeled in pain and said something. I edged a little closer careening and trying to hear what she was saying. Crack! She said, “Eight, Sir.”

The look of sheer agony washed across Amys face when she whipped her head back after the last lick. There were tears streaming from her eyes and she was gritting her teeth trying not to scream.

CRACK!!! “Thank you sir, nine.” She continued to count as Marshal continued to thrash her for what I had no idea. The effect this display had on me was very disconcerting. Amy was in quite a large amount of pain, Marshal was assaulting this poor girl of not more than twenty five years old and I had a raging hard on. I was surprised this was making my breathing shallow and my heart beat very fast. I was sweating just like she was.

WHOOPPP, CRACK “Ten,Siiiirrrrr!” A piece of the cane broke and hit the screen door. Just then I realized..they were both looking at me standing just on the other side of the screen door.

To be continued????

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ce3b2o/just_on_the_other_side_of_the_screen_door