Comfort fuck with my neighbor’s daughter [MF] [age gap]

My neighbor is a mechanical engineer who installs and maintains heavy equipment (like turbines, I think) for utility companies. This summer he got called out to California for a month-long job and asked me to mow his grass and clean his pool while he was away. It was a great side gig: he paid well, and I could use the pool whenever I wanted. But the biggest perk was his daughter who was home from college. Let’s call her Alyssa.

I never saw Alyssa outside the house much except on the days when I came over to work. Without fail, whether it was a Saturday afternoon or a Monday morning, she’d appear in a lounge chair just minutes after I rolled up the garage or opened the pool house. I liked to imagine her presence was linked to my penchant for going shirtless, but she hid her gaze under dark sunglasses and didn’t say much. I can’t say I was as skilled at hiding my many fleeting attentions towards her. A mangled rosebush and a lopsided hedgerow stand as horticultural monuments of her ability to distract.

One Thursday evening I had just finished skimming the deep end when thunder cracked and the sky opened. There was no subtle first band, no preliminary salvo of scattered fat drops. Just a crushing torrent of rain that hammered the concrete deck and spouted down the ridges of canvas umbrellas. I ducked inside the pool house and was about to shut the door when I saw Alyssa making a mad run in my direction. “My mom fucking locked me out and left,” she announced as I stepped aside. “She must have forgotten I was out there? What the hell?” She wiped her face against her shoulder and held out her hands from her sides as if they were wet with paint.

The house was a one-bedroom, one-bath structure with a kitchenette and a living room with a large closet where my neighbor kept some of the pool supplies. I found a beach towel in there and tossed it to Alyssa. She mopped her face and neck and sat down on the couch. The rain was so dense we could barely see the pool. I checked the radar app on my phone. The downpour looked like it could last an hour. That turned out to be an underestimation.

She told me there were beers in the fridge and we spent a while talking about her college and some internship she was due to start in the fall. We talked about her dad and his work and her dogs and the beaches she wanted to visit someday. Then she opened up about a guy who had dumped her that spring. He was a jerk but her parents took his side. They were disappointed and she was stressed. She wore a bikini top and cut-offs and sat cross-legged on the couch facing me. She shrugged her shoulders a lot and every time she did her breasts moved and she would rub her hands along her thighs as she talked.

Alyssa sighed and sat her empty can on the end table. “Sometimes all you need is a good listener. And a good massage.” She laughed and looked at the curtain of fog that had settled across the windows. “You’re good at the first thing. I dunno about the other one.” She winked at me and shrugged her shoulders again.

“I’m sure I’m not supposed to say this, but I’ve kind of had a crush on you since we moved in this place,” she continued, picking up a stray thread from the couch and rolling it around her finger. “There’s this fantasy I have about older men. My roommate says I have daddy issues. She caught me looking at DDLG stuff online. Do you even know what that is? Never mind. I’m just curious and I’m still pissed about my boyfriend and I’m tired of all the crap. I just want to be pampered for once by somebody experienced, and . . . fuck it, I’ll stop now.” Her eyes were a little wet and they glanced an apology, but before she could say anything else I interjected. “I get it. Nothing to be embarrassed about. Let’s see if I can massage as well as I can listen.” She nodded.

I stood and motioned for her to lie on the couch. She stretched herself face-down and made a pillow of the rolled-up towel. I went looking for matches, and while I rummaged I told her all the ways she was smart, kind, and attractive. I lit a couple of candles that were on the counter. I was going to find some music but she wanted to listen to the rain.

I knelt on the floor beside her. I asked her if she was sure about me touching her. She nodded. I leaned in and took my time: working her shoulders, kneading her back, massaging her shoulders and arms, rubbing her legs and feet. Her skin was soft and my hands were warm. I found lotion in the closet and made the entire circuit of her body again. Soothing. Squeezing. Tapping. Pressing. Stroking. Eager–but easy and earnest, my fingers expressed a desire to please every inch of flesh I dared to touch.

I thought Alyssa had fallen asleep until she reached behind and untied her top. The fabric fell across the edge of the couch and exposed the pale crescent of her breast. Then she turned around and stared up at me. Her eyes were big and moist and deep. “Come here,” she whispered. I leaned in and kissed her, brushing her hair with my hand. Caressing her cheek. Tugging her earlobe. Her supple nipples pressed against my bare chest. As we kissed, I continued to rub her legs as before but with more boldness now–sliding my hand inside the tight leg of her shorts and teasing my fingers in staccato patterns over the face of her underwear.

It was getting darker outside. The rain fell steady and there was little risk of interruption, but she was worried her mom would return and see the candles from the house. I snuffed them and scooped her from the couch into my arms. I stood cradling her that way for a long time. I nuzzled her cheek and listened to her breaths.

I walked her to the bedroom and shut the door. She lay on the bed and unbuttoned her shorts. She hooked her thumbs in the waistband and pulled her shorts and panties down together in one long, slow motion. Lifting her feet, she slid her bottoms over the curve of her knees and completely off. She tossed them in the floor and lifted her feet higher, spreading her legs wider so her bare pussy was on full display.

I stripped naked too and lowered myself on top of Alyssa. I didn’t enter her yet: I was on all fours with my knees brushing her butt and my hands planted on either side of her head. She locked her feet around the back of my waist. I kissed her again, moving one hand down to explore the verdant valley where the thigh descends and rises again to form the pussy mound. I slipped my hand inside those lower lips and ladled what I found there around her clit in a kind of lascivious anointing.

I took my time fingering her, and I took great pleasure in watching her close her eyes and tilt her head back. As she became wetter the sound of her breathing was eclipsed by soft coos and curses. “Ooo fuck yeah ooofuckyeah,” came again and again in a refrain like the background track to a racy song.

Moving aside, I stacked two pillows in the center of the bed and patted them. Alyssa understood my meaning and flipped over, arcing her body with the pillows underneath her belly. From this angle her form looked like that of some ancient temple, with the pillars of her legs angled upward to two sacred doors. I took her cheeks in my hands and ate out her pussy from behind. I nibbled and slurped and explored with my tongue. I gently sucked her clit. She thrust her hips back in a yearning for even more intimacy. She gasped and moaned.

I rose halfway and eased myself between her legs. I prodded around the hood of her clit for a few moments, then eased in. My cock shuddered along a delicate journey into sacred places. I gripped her shoulder with one hand and cupped a breast in the other. She was so tender and hot inside. There was no longer me and her; we were one and no one could say where I ended and she began. In the place where our bodies merged there was comfort and ecstasy and peace and safety.

I don’t know how long it lasted or what we said. We may not have said anything. I don’t think either of us was quiet, but the sound of our lovemaking was like a song that you hear once and you can’t remember the words or even make out the melody but you know how it made you feel and you would know it if you ever heard it again.

We came together and then fell in a heap on the bed. It was completely dark. The rain had stopped. We held each other.

Her dad came back a couple weeks ago. Before long she will return to school and start her internship and do all the other things a college girl does. She’ll date and dump and be dumped. But I think in some way she will have a better understanding of who she is and wants she wants. I know I do.



  1. this was soooooo good! I agree the end felt a bit rushed but, damn. those descriptions though!!

    Is this your first story post?

  2. Edit: I went back and added some more details. Still new at this. Thanks for the feedback. All edits are after the asterisks.

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