A boss, his secretary, and a colleague [MFM]

“Can I get you anything else, sir?” you ask politely, with just the faintest undertones of husk in your voice. It had been 3 weeks now since you took up the job as my part-time secretary, hoping to supplement your income a bit after your other job had gone a little dry. We’d been fucking for twice as long, but of course, no one at the office had any inkling of that, at least insofar as anyone had been brave enough to voice aloud.

“No, I think I’m good for now,” I reply, barely seeing you from above the tops of my screens. I had a rather nice office. On the fifth floor, desk to the entrance of the room, with the view of mountains behind me from the panes of ground-to-ceiling glass. Dismissed, you shuffle out the door and back to your desk just outside my door.

Office attire wasn’t something you were used to wearing, but it hadn’t taken you long to draw the attention of every man (and some women…) in the office, once you’d gotten your outfit in check. Think black stilettos, reaching up into tight black stockings that grasped for the lusciousness of your thighs, leaving only a sliver of flesh available to the eye, before your tight beige pencil skirt started. A little black belt accentuated your hourglass figure, while a similarly beige blouse pushed up your voluminous tits, exposing enough cleavage to drown a man’s eyes if they strayed too far. A thin black choker, innocent enough not to beg questions, but clearly naughty. And of course, no office slut would be complete _with_ a set of panties.

But of course, you had to allow for the illusion of professionalism and so used only a modicum of makeup, and kept your platinum blonde hair tied back tight in a pony tail. You didn’t really _mind_ the ponytail so much though. After all, it works quite well to keep your hair out of your face when you’re crawled under my desk, happily sucking away at my cock while I work and discuss all manner of borish things over the phone. And it made for an excellent handle when I would push you tits out and skirt down against the glass window of my office, and fuck you in sight of anyone bold enough to look up and see the show. The sight of you pressed against the glass and getting a good fucking _was_ a pretty good show after all, not that many could see it from ground level.

But, things were beginning to get a little dull by the third week. By then, we’d already ran the gambit of office sex to be had. Sucking me off while I’m working or in a meeting, fucking you against the glass windows, violently clearing the desk of all items before throwing you down and fucking you on top of it while I enjoy the view of your fantastic tits jiggling and rippling with every thrust. Punishing you with a bare ass spanking after you had forgotten a minor task I’d assigned you. All that and more. And so I had an idea.

A message pops up on the screen of your computer. “Can you come into my office?” it says.

Obeying like a good secretary, you get up and move to my door, knocking quickly first, before opening and shutting the door, and striding in to take a seat on the chair in front of me. “What can I do for you, sir?” you ask.

I wait a moment, continuing to pound away at my keyboard as I finish an email. You wait patiently for me to finish, until I finally turn my attention to you.

“You like dressing the part of an office _slut_, don’t you?” I ask in an almost cruel tone.

Shivering, you wonder how you should play this game. “I’m sorry, sir?” you ask sweetly. “I’m just trying to look professional… I didn’t realize I was being _slutty_…” you pout.

“You are,” I tell you. “Admit it. It gets you off, looking sexy for all the men in the office?” I demand.

Dropping the facade, you agree. “Okay, sir. You’re right. I do. I enjoy seeing them get hard and flustered trying to go about their day, while I ferry you drinks from the kitchen or run you errands, looking like all of _this_” you say, while squeezing your tits together and biting your lip in my direction. The sudden shift in porn-star like attitude is almost palpable,

“I don’t pay you to be making my colleague hard,” I tell you. “I pay you to pleasure me while I work, and do my bidding.”

“I’m sorry, sir. What would you like me to do?” you ask.

You can see me feign to ponder your punishment for a moment, but it’s clear I’ve already given this a great deal of thought. “You like playing the role of the office slut. But you’re not much of a _slut_ if you only fuck me,” I explain. “A real office slut would be able _and willing_ to seduce any man of her choice in the office. A real office slut would be playing what may as well be called _department bingo_ with all the co-workers she fucks.”

You smile seductively as I continue.

“But, I wouldn’t have you fuck another superior. That wouldn’t be much fun, you already have me for that. No, I have a new assignment for you, secretary. I want you to be a real office slut for me. And a real slut isn’t discriminatory in who she fucks. You’re going to begin flirting and trying to seduce any colleague of yours in this office as opportunity presents itself. And you’re going to provide me end-of-day updates on your success. Fail me, and I’ll punish you. Succeed, and I’ll reward you. Understand?”

You ponder for a moment, as you squeeze your thighs together in anticipation. “What kind of prize?” you ask.

I chuckle heartily, “What you’ve always wanted of course. We’ll see just who you succeed in seducing… If you manage to pull someone out of my department, perhaps I’ll be able to arrange it.”

“Deal,” you agree, before I wave you out the door and back to work. “We’ll start your daily report on this assignment tomorrow,” I remind you as the door shuts.

Unfortunately, the first day was uneventful. It was a short-day for you, and while you had dressed intoxicatingly _slut-cretary_, there was almost no one in the office and little excuses to wander about the floor to gain someone’s attention. _This may be harder than I thought_ you think. By the time the day rolled to an excruciatingly slow end, you finally get a ping from me to enter my office.

“How was your first attempt?” I ask.

“No luck,” you frown.

“Disappointing,” I shake my head while rising from my seat. “Come here.”

Obeying, you approach until you’re standing just before me. Taking your face into my hands, I place a kiss upon your lips before suddenly grabbing hold of your usual tight ponytail and forcing you around to face the door. Pushing you to the desk, my hands drag up the length of your legs before yanking your skirt up. You can hear the unbuckling of my belt as my pants drop to the floor. Placing a hand on your lower back, I lean in and growl into your ear. “You want to keep this job, don’t you? Then you’re going to let me use these holes of yours, slut.”

“No! No please don’t!” you feint in a sobbing kind of voice. “Not like this, I don’t want to be raped,” you cry out. Meanwhile, you can feel as I line myself up against you, sliding gently up and down your wet slit. “Please, I’m not on birth control!” you continue to plead uselessly. Finally, you can feel the tip of me press past your entrance, gently at first, until all of a sudden the full length of me is slamming deep into you in one hard swift stroke. I immediately build up a quick pace, raping you feverishly as you cry out face down to the desk, mascara and tears running down your pretty little face.

With a hand on your neck and the other pulling your ponytail, I groan as I unload deep inside of you, bringing an end to the loud rough _slap_ _slap_ _slap_ of my groin smacking your ass with each thrust.

Groaning in satisfaction, you slowly rise up from the desk once I withdraw from you. You’re panting as you ask of me, “That wasn’t really a punishment, you know?”

Laughing I agree. “I like the first punishment to be… motivating. Nobody likes a hard-ass boss. You have to inspire them to do great things.” I tell you. “But…” I pause, taking a moment to smack you hard on the ass. “Not delivering _will_ get you a punishment in due time. Remember that.”

A short, short weekend followed after that, until Monday had crept its back back into the fold bringing you back to the office yet again. _This can’t be too difficult_ you think. _Seducing a guy never has been before… I just need a plan_.

The morning kept you busy as usual, catching up on emails and other tedious matters that had piled up over the course of the weekend. You had finally managed to earn a respite from the deluge of bullshit by lunch.

“Lunch plans?” pings up from your display. “Yes, sorry, going to be working on that _project_ you assigned me,” you reply back.

“Oh, good, keep at it. I hope you get results soon,” I respond.

Keeping true to your word, you scout around the office like an eagle searching out its prey. “Perfect,” you think, taking note of one of the software engineers on my team loitering by the water cooler.

Chris was a good enough employee. Diligent, though a little care-free. He certainly looked the part of a somewhat geeky, yet attractive engineer. He wasn’t terribly tall, though he had a few inches on you. He had a slender build, and was well-dressed in dark jeans and a dress shirt. He was fair skinned, with messy black hair and brown eyes that hid behind thick framed glasses, with a bit of an awkward smile.

_Click_ _Clack_ _Click_ _Clack_ your stilettos sounded across even the sound-dampened carpet floor as you approached him. “Hey Chris,” you announce to him. A little bewildered, he’s surprised to see you there. “Oh, hey. How’s it going?” he asks.

“Terrible,” you pout. “I somehow forgot my wallet at home, and I didn’t bring anything for lunch,” you lie to him.

“Oh no, that sucks,” he says. “Although, don’t you usually go to lunch with the boss? I’m sure he could cover you,” he asks.

You frown. “He already left for lunch today… so… I was wondering what your plan was? If you’re going out I could join you? I can totally _pay you back_ later,” you ask.

“Um, I brought lunch, but uh, sure! We can go somewhere if you want,” he replies, obviously flushed at the idea of _the_ hot office secretary asking him to lunch.

“Great, let’s go!” you tell him. Walking back to your desk, you quickly grab your purse before almost shoving him toward the door on the way out. You can already feel yourself getting a bit wet just thinking of all the ways you might seduce him.

The two of you hop into his car in the parking lot, and drive off to the nearby organic kitchen lunch-place. “Oh, I love this place,” you mention.

“Yeah, I thought you might, you’re a vegetarian right?” he asks. “Yep” you respond, as you move to the counter to order food. “Although, I have a soft spot for certain meats…” you tease. Not sure how to respond, Chris nervously laughs.

Taking a number, the two of you sit down at a table and await your food while making some idle chit-chat. “You know, I really appreciate you getting my lunch,” you tell him. “I was absolutely starving.”

“No problem!” he says.

“How can I get you back? Venmo or something?” you ask.

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” he shrugs off. “You can get next time or something.”

“Oh no, I don’t like debts, haha,” you laugh. “I’m sure I can think of a way to pay you back… Just leave it to me,” you tease.

He chuckles nervously again, not quite sure how to take that.

After finishing up, the two of you hop back into the car and begin to head back to the office. “Thanks again for lunch,” you tell him.

“Nah again, it was no trouble,” he responds.

“No, I think you deserve a reward,” you smirk. Reaching over, you place a hand onto his crouch as he drives, and begin to rub gently at first, before picking up the pace faster and faster, looking into his face as he continues to drive.

“Ah, um…” he stammers out as he tries to focus on driving. “…That’s… ugh… fuck that feels good,” he concedes, as your second hand makes its way to undoing his belt and unzipping his pants.

“Just focus on driving,” you tell him, as you bend over and take the soft pink head of his cock into your mouth, now sucking gently as you work your lips further and further down his shaft, feeling the tip of him press against your throat. You can practically feel him shudder as you continue to suck him deeply. It’s only a mere minute or two before you can feel him begin to throb and pulse, and soon enough you can taste it as he erupts his salty seed across your tongue and down your throat.

Plucking his cock from your mouth with a pop, you swallow down the cum as he barely manages to pull into his office parking spot. “Mmm, better than lunch” you flirt, before grabbing a hold of his face and kissing him hard. “Thanks again for lunch, Chris!” you tell him before quickly exiting the car and heading into the office before he has a chance to re-pants himself and follow suite.

Settling back in at your desk, you get back to work. A few minutes go by, before you see Chris finally walk in. You give him a quick smirk and a wink before resuming focus on your computer. Seeming to get the message, he returns straight away to his desk with a happy grin on his face.

A long afternoon later as you sit happily typing away, stomach full of cum, the day begins to come to a close. Now one of the last few people left in the building, Chris approaches you at your desk.

“Hey so, about lunch,” he starts.

“Ah!” you exclaim. “You can return the favor later. I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on right now,” you tell him. Nodding a bit, he continues. “So um, maybe I can get your number then? And we can talk about it later?” he asks.

“Sorry,” you dismiss him. “I’m not looking for a boyfriend or anything like that actually.” you say, almost nonchalantly before returning to work. “But don’t you worry about that, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

With that, Chris agreed and stammered out a similar “see you tomorrow” before heading out, confused as to what to make of the situation.

Once the others had cleared out, you stood up to knock on my office door.

“Come in,” I announce.

Entering quickly and shutting the door, you approach but remain standing as I draw my attention to you. “I have a project update,” you announce.

“Awesome,” I smile. “What’s the update?”

Smirking, you move toward me and push me back in my seat before straddling me and kissing me hard on the mouth. My lips part open against yours as our tongues find one another, slipping past one another in a trepedacious dance, before you pull away.

“You’ve had some luck, haven’t you?” I ask, every so barely tasting something familiar on your breath. “Mmhm” you nod. “Chris was ever so nice as to buy me lunch. And I repaid him by allowing him to give me a second lunch, if you know what I mean…” you tease.

I pull you back in for another long deep kiss, as my hands work their way down your body to knead your ass as you grind against me. It’s not long before you pull away again. “So, what was this prize you promised me?” you ask innocently.

Laughing, I squeeze your ass. “Naughty girl, straight to the point I see. It was Chris, you said? Good. Now that I think about it, his one-year anniversary with the company is coming up. I think I’ll have a little reward for him, granted he can pass his _performance review_,” I smirk.

You gasp with delightful little satisfaction. “Sounds like he’s the one getting the prize. Where’s mine?” you ask.

“Don’t worry,” I tell you. “You’ll see.”

Unfortunately, performance reviews take a few days to prepare. But thankfully for you, being a part-time secretary meant you didn’t have the next couple of days scheduled.

“I’ve scheduled Chris’s review for around 11:30am, just before lunch,” I text you. “You can come in just after that.”

Not sure of what to expect, you decide to go a little extravagant today. Fishnet stockings, instead of the usual _professional_ ones. A longer, but darker and sluttier dress, just barely skimming the boundaries of appropriate work wear. No panties as usual… but a certain _something_ to compensate for the lack of undergarments this time.

Arriving at the office, you can feel everyone’s gaze devouring your distressingly gorgeous body as you make your way to your desk. Booting up your computer, you can see there’s already a message from me. “We’re ready for you” it says.

You knock gently on the door. “Come in,” I announce, allowing you to open the door and quickly shut it, before taking a seat beside Chris in front of me.

“So.” I declare. “You’re probably wondering why I’ve asked her to join us today,” I announce, gaze fixed on Chris.

“Umm, a bit yes. This is my performance review right?” he asks.

“Correct,” I tell him. “I have a question for you.”

“What is it?” he asks.

“Did you know that _she_ is my submissive?” I ask.

Chris’s eyes bug out a bit, as he glances between the two of us. You flush with color, as you lock eyes with me, wondering of my plan.

“Well?” I ask.

“Ummm,” Chris stammers out. “No, I didn’t… what do you mean by submissive?” he asks quietly.

“It means that she is mine to use. If I command it, she’ll suck my cock. Or bend over, and take it from behind. Her pussy, her ass. Anything I ask her to do, sexually. She’s my personal slut, is what it means” I tell him. “You can tell by the collar round her neck, I gave it to her. It means she belongs to me.”

Bewildered, Chris simply continues to glance back and forth at the two of us. “It’s true,” you tell him. “He uses my pussy on a daily basis, and my mouth, As any good secretary should…” you nonchalantly tell him.

“I’m not sure… what this has to do with me?” he asks.

“Simple.” I answer. “I’m told that my good little slut here gave you a bit of road-head in exchange for lunch the other day. Now, that’s not very right of you to have done. She belongs to me, after all.”

“Oh no, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for that to –” I cut him off. “Ah! Don’t apologize. You see, my secretary is a bit of an office _slut_. She aims to please. But, if you’re going to return the favor to her, then I’m afraid I’ll have to ensure you can _please her_ as she requires. A _Performance Review_ if you will. Perform well, and you can continue to use her, as long as she allows you to. Fail, and you can keep your job so long as we all pretend this little _discretion_ of yours with her never happened. Understood?”

The gears turn little by little, but realizing it for the opportunity it is, a smirk creeps over Chris’ face. “Okay… I understand,” he agrees. “What exactly did you have in mind with this… ‘performance review’?” he asks.

I smile. “I’m glad you understand. It’s simple, borrowing from college terms, we’ll have an _oral exam_ and a _final_. First things first, you’ll need to _prepare your exam materials_, so to speak. Go on ahead,” I wave towards you.

Shrugging in your seat, you look him in the eye and bite your lip as you await his move. Thinking for a moment, he eyes you up and down. He seems to gain come confidence now. “Come straddle me,” he commands of you.

Obeying, you rise up from your seat and walk _slowly, ever so slowly_ toward him, until you’re just in front of him. Bending your knees slightly, you pout for a moment. “Oops. My dress doesn’t really work for this…” you wink at him before slowing dragging your hands down your body to the hem of your dress. You grab hold tightly, as you slowly pull and pull it up, eyeing him down like a piece of meat as more of your thighs come into view. You can hear him audibly gulp as your bare pussy comes into view, until you’ve fully pulled the dress up over your body and thrown it to the floor.

Taking a step toward him, your legs are split wide to either side of him as you push your chest into his face. “Help me with my bra?” you ask. Obliging, he unbuckles the single front clip from your bra, allowing your tits to spill out in front of his gaze. With that, you sink yourself down onto his lap, straddling him as you take his face into your hands, and kiss him.

His mouth melts against yours as his hands begin to explore across your body, squeezing your tits, kneading your ass as you grind against the bulge growing hard in his lap.

“Well, I suppose _she’s_ gone and prepared herself for you. But I’ll allow it. Time for the oral exam I think,” I tell you both.

Agreeing, you slide yourself up off of Chris and back away from him slowly until you feel your ass graze the cold wood of my desk behind you. Reaching both hands back to the desk, you plop yourself up onto the surface of it, and lean yourself fully back to stare up at me. You scoot your ass up fully onto the desk as you lift and spread your legs.

Eagerly, Chris moves in and grabs hold of each of your thighs as his mouth finds its way down between your legs. He starts with a few gentle kisses along your inner thighs before moving in for a long slow lick from the bottom of pussy _allll_ the way up to your clit, where he begins to passionately tongue you and gently suck your lips, taking a breast into one hand as he does.

You’re fully on your back now, on my desk, as you look up and back to me in ecstasy as he devours your cunt, your face flushed, mouth open, eyes full of lust.

“Might as well give _you_ a performance review as well, I think.” I announce, as I stand up and loosen the belt of my pants. Sliding them down to the floor, your mouth opens wide to accept me as I slowly push the hard shaft of my cock past your luscious lips.

Chris can hardly distract himself from gorging on your delicious pussy, just as you’re fully distracted from the taste of me filling your mouth and throat as you lay flat on your back on the desk.

It’s not long before we’ve built up a rhythm, slowly but slowly as each of us pound into your, you can feel a tsunami of pleasure overcome you as his tongue flicks your clit, and your own tongue straddles the base of me to reach my balls, having taken me throat deep. Each of us having a grip on one of your tits to knead and massage, your nipples to tweak and pull and rub.

Moaning and screaming uselessly against the cock filling your mouth, your orgasm finally flows to a finish, gushing juices all over my protege’s face as he laps you up.

Pulling his face from your cunt, Chris begins to stand again and quickly undoes his pants to free himself. You can hear his belt and pants clang against the floor as you lay drowned in pleasure, mouth still full of my cock, eyes closed as your head is tilted back, my balls resting over your face. Instinctively, you spread your legs wide and reach a hand to your clit to run yourself gently as you await him. Feeling him approach, you wrap your legs tight against him. Unable to see, you focus on the sensation of his tip rubbing against your clitoral hood. Sliding wetly against your lips, up and down and up and down, before you feel the telltale sign of him angling towards your entrance. You gasp as your walls make way for his cock to push hard inside of you. Inch by inch you can feel as his shaft slips past your defenses, deeper and deeper with each little movement, your slick lips clinging to him all the while as he continues to penetrate you. Your legs fully clamp around him now, as you begin to feel his balls slide up against your ass with a soft slap.

You moan out with your mouth full of my cock as he begins to thrust into you slowly, and then gradually faster and faster. Not wanting to completely lose yourself, you struggle to continue twirling your tongue hard around the tip of my cock, but soon enough there’s little you can do as we build up a pace, filling up your cunt and mouth at the same time, thrust by thrust by thrust in rhythm, each of us grabbing hold of every inch of you we can, thighs, tits, ass, neck, hair. You’re lost in bliss as our two bodies slam against yours and fill you up wave after wave after wave, until another orgasm is crashing up inside of you.

Quickening his pace, Chris begins to lose himself as he slams hard against you, thrusting harder and harder as his cock begins to throb and pulse. He groans out in pleasure as he empties himself inside of you, driving you to yet another orgasm, as you feel his seed flush and warm inside your pussy.

Withdrawing your mouth from me, you speak for the first time in what’s felt like ages. “Switch. I want to clean you,” you say, struggling to look at Chris.

Taking a cue from you, we do so. Waking briefly past one another, Chris moves himself to your mouth, and you eagerly take him in, desperate to lick up every trace of the cum-mixed pussy juice that covers each inch of him. Meanwhile, I place myself at your entrance, grabbing hold of both your thighs as I rub the tip of me all along your cum leaking cunt. Coating myself thoroughly in what he left leaking out of you, I finally plunge into you roughly, and your cock-hungry daze begins all over again as we thrust ourselves hard and deep into you in a rhythm. It’s not long before my cock begins to pulse and throb inside of you as well. Your legs wrap tight around my ass, pulling me in deeper as I begin to unload myself deep as I can into you, all while your cock sucking pace continues with him, drawing out every last bit of his cum as you can from his cock.

By this point, the sun is well past set as we all pant and groan and sweat in our collective post-fuck state. Relaxing fully nude into my chair, you remain on your back on the desk and Chris stands off the side, not sure quite what to do now. “So… how did I do on my… _performance review_?” he asks.

We each exchange a look and grin and laugh. “Well enough, I’d say. You’re welcome to fuck her as you like. But I’ll have you know she likes a threesome most of all. Better indulge her…”

After cleaning up, Chris makes his way out of the office with a grin and a light step. Straddling me on my executive chair, you thank me for the gift. “So, what’s next?” you whisper into my ear. Guiding myself back into you again, You gasp as I fill you up so completely. “I believe I did mention something about _department bingo_ before…” We both laugh, before our giggles are turned to moans of ecstasy.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/cavt4x/a_boss_his_secretary_and_a_colleague_mfm