[WIP][F-centric] Nymsya – The murderous succubus [long]




Sounded three times through the corridors. Chanting of a group of three men on a quest for blood.

Nymsya. Fourth time. Her soul began to be sucked in. Just one more…

Nymsya. The final word. With a flash of light, she appeared. Two of them stood too close. She took their hearts. Before the third could react, she was digging into them with her teeth.

“Nymsya!” he began, and she raised her head. A gulp could be heard as she finished a bite. “You have been summoned, but you shall remain bound! If you kill the third gatekeeper, your soul will be forever bound to this room and you will not depart into this world, or go back into yours!” he finished, trying to keep his voice steady. He did not expect his colleagues to die so quickly. His heart raced. But he kept staring into those dead red eyes of hers.

She dropped the heart. She took a stride towards him. As her form left the pentagram drawn on the ground her shape became more intact and clothes began to form around her.

“I…you are not supposed to be able to do that!” the man exclaimed “Go…go back to the center!” he shouted in sheer panic as he backed off.

She reached out towards him and grabbed onto a key hanging off his neck. As she touched it, her transport has finished. The air got a little bit rusty and suddenly there was a whiff of sulfur in it.

“You put too much beliefs in your books” she said and licked her lips. She looked around. “Where are we? Why did you summon me?” she asked. She was garbed in a long black dress that ended above her bust. Her arms were covered in a pair of evening gloves running all the way to her shoulders. Her eyes shone red and her hair was raven and as long as her dress. Her skin as pale as the chalk used to draw the pentagram. Her neck was accessoried by a collar with a lock on it.

“We…I summoned you to do my bidding, foul demon” the man staggered out, managing to breathe a little bit more this time around “I would ask…I order you to assassinate the prince and his bride to be before their wedding in three weeks.” he said when he saw she expected more.

Nymsya let go of the key “Child’s play” she said. She turned around, found the dropped hearts and started munching on them. When she was done, he was waiting by the door.


When traversing the castle and the courtyard, she took upon a more human form. Her hair shortened, and her eyes didn’t glow as much. The lock on her neck transformed into a beautiful pendant featuring a demon eye.

She has spent several days just walking around. A lot of life was happening in the castle. Lots of people coming to prepare for the wedding, lots of traders, workers, craftsmen, soldiers. Usually their entry was controlled at the gates by the guards, but one look at Nymsya and they usually let her pass. Sometimes they would stop her, but a lean forward and a hand on a cheek would allow her passage.

She watched the prince and his bride to be. He was a young blonde knight, quite noble and always with an escort of at least two soldiers. She overheard that he has survived a previous attempt at his life, killed an assassin in his bedroom during the night. But he was going to be the lesser problem.

The bride to be was a witch’s daughter. While a knight with a sword would be dangerous, a magician could actually prevent her own charms from working and even banish her. Her hair was brown and straight, quite unusual for the women around. But then she was from a faraway land, name of which Nymsya overheard and forgotten. She could never remember names of the human lands.

One evening, a court dinner was happening, intended to bring the families closer together. Nobody else but the royal family and closest relatives, plus the bride’s extended family was supposed to be present. But Nymsya made it work. Everybody thought she was somewhat related to somebody for sure and nobody questioned her. She even managed to grab a chair not too far off from the core of the evening. She was seated next to a little cutey of a girl with ginger hair.

Soon after being seated, the key family members started pouring in. The prince wore a embroidered linen shirt. His future wife was more creative. Her hair was woven into a long braid going over her shoulder and leading all sights into her deep cleavage line. Even Nymsya had to fight to take eyes off that prize.

To her surprise, the bride’s steps lead towards her. But at the last moment, she stopped and hugged closely with the much simpler looking ginger girl. Listening in on their conversation she figured out that the two were close. Likely the ginger girl was in the bride’s employ, but they were still closer than just mistress and her servant.

While they talked, Nymsya locked sight with the bride to be for a second but decided not to even attempt to use her charming magic, just in case she was sensitive to magic. Tonight, she would have to use more natural approaches.

A clang sounded, and the bride looked towards the king who was obviously waiting for her. She nodded and gave the ginger girl one more hug before leaving. The succubus got a good look down her cleavage as she was departing. She also noticed that the bride noticed, and a frail smile appeared on her lips.

As the evening progressed, Nymsya started talking with the ginger girl. Amy was her name.


Amy was surprised she was invited to the dinner. She was a lowly maid in services of the bride’s family. She did have some personal ties to her, but she was still a very lowly servant. She was informed that this would be one of the events, but she would be only invited to this one. Apparently, the goal was for the servants to get accustomed to the new family ties as they might be moved over as well with the wedding.

She was seated next to a prettiest woman she has ever seen and from first moment she had butterflies in her stomach. To her luck, the lovely lady started talking to her on her own.

“How did you two meet?” the woman asked of her.

Amy’s face went bright red at the question, but she felt unusually comfortable.

“We…” she started and felt her face becoming even closer of a relative to a tomato, so she hushed her voice “I actually served as her lab servant. All of her early teenage magic was being tested on me.”. She usually didn’t tell that to people. After all, nobody even in her family knew. But this woman, there was something about her that made it very easy to say out loud.

“Magic?” the stranger asked. Her face was full of questions. “What kind of magic?”

If Amy’s face was a textile, at that point it would be the best tapestry in all of the kingdom, for their royal colour was bright red. “She has…gifts. Gifts of helping people feel things.” She looked down into her plate “Very nice things…”

The stranger smiled, and Amy was suddenly very happy she told her that. “That seems fun!” she said and laughed “Did it stop at magic between you two?” she inquired further

Amy shook her head but didn’t speak further. She knew she promised the bride that she wouldn’t ever tell anyone. So, she didn’t.

More warmth of understanding flowed from the woman and the dinner continued. They continued chatting and Amy noticed that from time to time, their hands would brush against each other. She would think it’s coincidental, but every single time it happened, she felt like she was getting something more from the contact. She longed for another brush as soon as one ended.

She couldn’t take it. At one point during a longer silence, she decided to spread her legs wider and brush her leg against the alluring woman’s. In that moment, the black-haired lady’s hand dropped onto her thigh and she nearly screamed out of pleasure. Quickly she looked over at the lady and she was staring into an amused face.

“Did something happen?” the lady asked as if the hand wasn’t resting pretty high on her exposed thigh.

“N..no” she stammered and continued eating, working hard to keep her breathing going.

“Good” the lady leaned in closer and Amy felt her breasts pushing against her arm as she whispered, “And call me Nymsya.”

Amy nearly fainted when she felt the warm air brush her ear. She nodded. After a while they continued talking as if nothing has happened. But Amy remembered how the touch felt. She has felt it before and she missed it. She knew she couldn’t get that from most people. And whoever this lady was, she was good for her.


The dinner soon ended, and the king announced that the party would continue, but the servants are free to go. Nymsya stayed close to Amy as they were leaving and in the thick of the crowd, her hand smacked her butt playfully.

Amy looked around with that dreamy look, telling of no great harm done, but more harm invited. Nymsya was used to that look in people after they were trapped in her grasp. But she still liked toying with them. After all, how else would they weave themselves in deeper?

“What are your plans for the night?” she asked her as she caught up.

Amy shook her head briefly and thought for a moment “Oh yes, we were promised a hot bath.” she turned to Nymsya “Can you imagine? I didn’t have a hot bath in ages!”

Nymsya smiled “Think there will be enough hot water left for me after you are finished?” she asked laughing.

Amy smirked “Why? Are you too shy to go in with me?” she said and grabbed onto Nymsya’s hand “Come, this way” she said and nearly pranced off through the tight corridors.

The bathroom was tiny. And the bath itself even tinier. Amy pushed in and pulled Nymsya right behind her. Nymsya shut the door behind them.

As soon as she did, Amy leapt at her. They kissed passionately. Nymsya’s back was pushing against the door behind her and Amy’s leg couldn’t do anything but fit right between her thighs.

Nymsya started opening the many buttons on Amy’s linen blouse, pulling it off her as much as she could. Amy likewise pulled at the dress to get it off Nymsya.

Finally, the only thing preventing their clothes from falling were their chests closely pushed against each other. Nymsya laughed and broke the kiss. She grabbed Amy by her shoulders and gently pulled her away from herself, letting the clothes drop.

Amy was a servant, but she was certainly very beautiful. She understood why the bride picked her.

Her body was slim. She was half a head shorter than Nymsya. Her ginger hair was short, to about her shoulders. She was freckled from nose to tips of her tiny pink nipples. Her breasts stood proudly on her chest, despite their smaller size. Compared to Nymsya’s, they were quite small indeed. Down below was a fuzz of hair and hips that could borne kings.

Nymsya didn’t hesitate. She pushed Amy against a wall and continued kissing her, while her hands found their purchase on her chest.

Amy’s hands were not too far behind, quickly grasping the full behind of the demoness. Her fingers looped past the crude silk panties the demoness wore and dug her fingers into her flesh.

Nymsya’s fingers found nipples of the redhead and stopped to give them a little teasing massage. Her mouth moved to kiss the lips, cheek and then slobber all over her earlobe. Her reward was Amy’s hardly held back moans and fingers digging in more.

Finally, she moved towards the neck, while one of her hands headed down south. Her teeth grazed by Amy’s windpipe before she lunged to the side and lightly bit into her frail skin. She could feel the girl’s blood beneath the pale texture. She had to watch herself to avoid harming her. After all, she was only a stepping stone. A very fun stepping stone, she thought and bit a bit harder, hearing that lovely moan again.

The hand got braver. It brushed past the short and fuzzy hair patch, glided along a territory of wetness and continued down over her lovely thighs. She felt Amy’s chest rising and falling in rhythm of her moans. She moved down to nibble on her collar bones, kiss the skin and follow the line of her cleavage with her tongue. Soon she found a nipple. And Amy’s reaction was all she could hope for. She gently tugged on it, licked it, flicked the other with her hand, squeezed the whole breast and even softly bitten into it, while her other hand wiggled itself in between her thighs and slowly ascended, rubbing against the skin.

The succubus continued. Her hand grasped Amy’s nethers and only gently rubbed against them, letting her hips do the work instead. She loved how the girl wiggled against her. She encouraged her on by continuing to lick the peaches on her chest and give them all the attention they deserved.

When she felt even greater pull by the girl, she pulled herself up to kiss her viciously and slowly entered her wet slit with a finger. She felt it enveloping her finger quickly, while she trembled in her grasp. The slit was very welcoming, so she added a second finger and quickly dug deep, enjoying how her breathing and moaning deepened.

But then there came a bash on the door.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/canxw3/wipfcentric_nymsya_the_murderous_succubus_long


  1. [Chapter 2]

    Both girls got covered quickly and Nymsya stood to the side as Amy opened the door. In peaked a guard and with a blush on his face looked from one girl to the other.

    “Cl-Clear” he stammered out.

    From behind him appeared the bride to be. “Amy! I was worried. Something terrible happened and the castle is on full alert. We couldn’t find you and…well at least you are safe.” she said all that before she even noticed Nymsya. A vile grin appeared on her face “I was about to invite you to the safety of my quarters, but I am sure that lady here has safe dorms as well, like all guests.”

    Amy’s face gained the colour of her hair. The wall matched the drapes one could say. “Wait” she finally asked “You said something terrible happened?”

    The princess nodded “One of the court mages was found dead in a cellar. Absolutely massacred. A work of a mercenary no doubt.” she said “And guards didn’t see anybody leaving so they are still around.”

    A silent moment emerged. Nymsya examined the princess. She donned the dress and wore a light brigandine. She was not taking any chances. Nymsya wondered what the prince is doing if his bride is running around and making sure her staff is alright.

    “Anyways, I’ve got more people to check, orders to give. Stay safe and get out of here in a few minutes, we will be sealing this section of the castle soon.” the princess said and strolled off with her guards.

    And so their bathtime fun was cut short. Both took a quick bath and strolled through the castle. Nymsya confessed to Amy she didn’t have a bedroom secured for them, but Amy just giggled and led the way.


    They entered a chamber. Amy went first and slowly crept about. It was a poor man’s chamber but situated in the royal section. Nymsya was confused why it was so poorly decorated yet composed of three rooms. And then there was a weird animalistic odor in the air.

    And then she saw him.

    There in the bedroom sitting on a chair and partly tied to it. A piece of cloth covering his eyes. A boy barely an adult. And his pants around his ankles, hand all over his business. The royal stableboy. She saw him before. He seemed odd. And here he is, in a self tied restraints, trying to abuse his imagination.

    Amy was quick. Before he heard something, she yanked his free hand back and tied it to the chair as well. A yelp escaped his mouth. “well well, if it isn’t Gary abusing himself again.” she said out loud and laughed. The boy grew red in face, rapidly approaching the colour of Amy’s hair. She gently tapped his face with her nails. “I didn’t know you had this in mind when you invited me over before the dinner. What would your master think were he see you like this?” she asked and signed to Nymsya to stay quiet.

    “A…Amy?” Garry asked “Is that you? Get…Get me out of this thing!” he struggled and rocked the chair.

    But Amy was having none of them and grabbed him firmly by the shoulders, pinning him down. “You are going nowhere mister”

    Ever so slowly Amy disrobed. She looked from Garry to Nymsya and threw her clothes over his shoulders and his lap. Last she pulled of her linen panties and pushed them against his mouth.

    She bent over and whispered something to him.

    Nymsya got the hint and leaned against her, her knee in between Amy’s legs. Her hands quickly grasped around Amy’s torso and her own body pushed her down slightly. Fingers pressed the small but firm breasts and a soft moan escaped Amy’s lips into the boy’s ear.

    She rubbed her leg against the ginger girl’s nether region and enjoyed the warmth her body was giving her back. The girl braced against Garry’s shoulders.

    “Is…is somebody else in here?” the boy asked suddenly.

    Nymsya let out a loud laugh and pushed Amy into the boy, following right behind her, landing one of her hands on her lovely behind and the other on her hair. Amy hooked one of her hands across the boy’s lap to help her stay in place, while Nymsya let out a few spanks across the butt of hers. Amy also felt the boy’s manhood pushing against her abdomen, but in her situation, the best she could do was rub against it with the spanks.

    But soon, the demoness’s fingers were rubbing across her private regions, up and down, feeling up the wetness and spreading it around.

    Amy felt the boy’s tongue touch her breast in an attempt to get his share, but she ignored him. She didn’t have the mental stability to help him. Instead she focused on the fingers feeling her up, the pleasure they brought with them, the apparent heat they were spreading all across her cunt and before she could stop it, one of them was entering her.

    Slowly, gently Nymsya’s middle finger was pushing inside the warm and wet hole of Amy that she so desired. When she was inside to around a knuckle, she started probing around. Feeling the various parts, moving the other fingers and rubbing them on top meanwhile. Amy’s moans and motions of her hips were her rewards. But then she stopped and pulled herself off the hand.

    She turned around and sat on the lap of the boy. She wiggled her hips some, and then she called the demoness back in. This time, Amy spread her legs wide and hooked them behind the boy’s knees.

    Nymsya came closer and kissed the girl. She traveled down, kissing her neck, her shoulders, her bare small breasts. She toyed with her pink nipples. Bit them, licked them, pulled on them. But finally, she moved downwards. Leaving a trail of kisses across her stomach, she finally found the prize.

    Ever so slowly she continued kissing across the already wet pussy of the girl, but passing by it onto her thighs, only to return unexpectedly, only this time with just the tongue. Flicking and pushing, she followed her labia, moved in sync with the movement of the hips. She moved up. She found the clit and circled it. It was small, but very firm. The girl moaned in response. Nymsya sucked the clit with her lips for a few seconds, before her hand joined in on the fun. Slowly she moved two fingers across the entrance into her hole of pleasure and circled with them. Her tongue followed suit and soon the hips of the girl did too. Nymsya took a good look at her lover’s face and pushed in.

    The fingers entered. They slid in easily. She wiggled them around the walls and continued licking at all the folds the girl’s fame had to offer.

    The girl squirmed. The fingers danced. They went in deeper and then pulled back. The girl moaned. The fingers glided in again, deeper this time, with more force. Her tongue wouldn’t stop. And so wouldn’t the moans. The boy moaned too. Nymsya reached under Amy’s butt with her other hand and found his dangling balls squished behind it. She grasped them. Then she moved up. Her fingers met another one’s fingers. Amy’s hand was twisted behind her and gently rubbing whatever she could reach. Their hands met and together they rubbed the young boy’s hard cock.

    Meanwhile Amy’s juices flowed out onto Nymsya’s freshly washed body. Her neck was practically covered in them and so was her hand. She added a third finger and the girl’s hips got into a rhythmic movement. With every move came a moan, louder than the one before. The girl took a lot but, in the end, she finally came all over the demoness’s invading hand. At the same time, she could feel the boy’s manhood tremble and shoot its load into Amy’s palm.

    Nymsya stood up and used her wet hand to grasp the girl’s neck and press it tightly. She kissed her on her lips and bit into her tongue.

    Now she was hers.

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