In the Conference Room (true story, x-post from r/sluttyconfessions)

As you can probably guess from the fact that this post is a day late, yesterday’s meeting went even better than I had imagined. No, that’s not today’s post, for two reasons: One, I want to take the time to do it justice; and two, the story isn’t over yet.

This story starts more than a few years back — almost a few decades back, if I recall correctly. Would have been the early 2000s, most likely 2000 or the first part of 2001. That would put me in my late 30s. She was 24: Dark short curly hair, lots of curves and a wicked smile that made you think she’d be a lot of fun to be alone with.

You’d be right.

The year means this started on Yahoo Chat, where we struck up a conversation one night in a regional room. She lived about four hours away, but said she came to my city from time to time. As one does, I gave her my email address and said she should hit me up if she ever came to town. She said she might, and we left it at that and continued to chat from time to time.

I was working nights — the night before a holiday, actually — when the email came. She was in town and in a playful mood. She’d been out with her girlfriends but wanted to get away and have some fun. Her timing was perfect; my coworker was due to leave in 10 minutes and she was about a half hour away. I gave her the address and prayed the coworker wouldn’t stay late.

All went according to plan. I was alone when she showed up. I let her in the back door, then into the office. We went into the conference room and started making out. It wasn’t long before I was sitting in one of the chairs and she was on her knees, taking me into her mouth. I didn’t want to climax yet, so I told her it was my turn. Soon, she was on her back on the conference table, moaning, while I had her pants off, her panties pulled to the side, my mouth on her clit and two fingers inside her.

Her occasional outbursts of “oh, fuck” turned into “fuck me.” Fortunately, I kept an emergency supply of protection in my work locker and I was already prepared. I stood up, dropped my pants, pulled her closer to the edge of the table and — still with her shirt, bra, panties and socks on — tugged her panties to the side again and slid into her. The whole time, I hoped the security guard was still on his 3 a.m. schedule for rounds, which gave us 90 minutes before we’d have to be out.

She put her fingers between her legs and started strumming her clit while I was moving inside her, and whatever combination of sensations she was aiming for, she found her rhythm within a minute. She cried out once, then started with an urgent low noise in the back of her throat, slowly rising in pitch. Shit, I thought, she’s going to scream loudly enough for the guard to hear and then we’ll be in it.

You could tell she was struggling against the urge to let it all out, too, and I think it must have heightened the moment for her. She bit into the sleeve of her sweater with a muffled sound somewhere between a growl and whine, and I could feel her muscles tense, relax and then twitch again in a series of spasms . That did it for me, and I pushed her legs back over her head, slammed hard into her six or seven times and let my own spasms take over.

She got down from the table and stretched out on the floor, and in a few minutes we were spooning naked. The whole room smelled like sex and I was glad nobody would be using the conference room the next day. We ran a skeleton staff on holidays, and none of them were supervisors.

Of course, with me snuggled up behind her, she started wiggling that soft ass of hers against me, with predictable results. It wasn’t long before she was up on her hands and knees and I was buried in her from behind, holding on to her hips. Then I had an idea.

I slipped out of her and just rested the tip of my cock against her ass, gently moving it back and forth. She was still slick there from the first time I’d been inside her, and the tip opened her up just a tiny bit. She gasped a bit, then moaned again and lifted her ass just a bit higher in the air. I slipped into her just a bit farther, then a bit more, until I was all the way inside her. She reached down and started rubbing herself again, and this time I felt her slip a finger into herself too.

We went slowly this time, and I wasn’t even sure either of us was going to come, but before long she started in with that low noise again and started moving back against me faster and harder. I held off on responding, because she knew what she could take and it might be too much if I added to it. She didn’t cry out this time, or bite her sleeve. She just let out a low “Ohhh, shit …” and shook as she thrust back against me. I wasn’t quite there yet, but I just held on and her spasms just worked me over the top.

By then we had to get dressed, clean up the room, dispose of the evidence and get out before the guard came in to check on things. We were kissing goodbye in the parking lot when I saw the office light go on. It was only on for about ten seconds, meaning the check was perfunctory. I was hoping he wouldn’t go in the conference room. Nobody said anything on my next shift, or any of the shifts after that, so I guess either he didn’t check the room or maybe he had a cold.

It was a year before she came back to town, and by then she was engaged. We kept talking online, and I thought maybe she’d be up for one last fling, but she was behaving. She did say she’d never liked anal before and loved it now, so I took that as a win.

I’m betting her guy was happy about that, too, and he doesn’t need to know where that affinity came from.


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