Innocent Jilling Caught On Tape Pt. 2

[part 1](

The buzzer on the dryer sounded, rousing Sara from her nap. She could faintly feel the buzz from the vibrator still there from hours ago. She couldn’t help feel a little excited about what was to come next. The first time she had played with herself in the library had been the most exciting not knowing if she had properly assessed the situation. Maybe someone would come catch her there. For months no one came and it had taken some of the thrill away. Maybe that’s why she had taken bigger chances going straight after tutor sessions, subconsciously hoping that one of her tutees would follow and share her secret spot with her. Well she had got her wish, however this isn’t exactly how she pictured things would go.

The morning with Bridge none the wiser had brought back that thrill she once had in the library, making the orgasm so much more intense once she left. Would this afternoon be much the same? No this would be an exponential risk. Wait had that man on the other end known this was some sort of fantasy that she desired? Was this what she desired?

Then thoughts of strangers pushing buttons on the remote, and in essence pushing hers, suddenly filled her mind. The anticipation of what was to come sent shivers down her spine down to her pussy, where it stayed. The mix of fear and excitement made her fresh panties soak through, her hand started to venture down to satisfy her urges.

Just then the phone rang. It was the Watcher.

“Hello there, Sara. I hope you had a good rest. I’m sure your clothes are done drying. It’s time to start readying yourself for our little adventure.”

Sara nodded silently, not speaking so she wouldn’t give away her excitement. The Watcher had already seen her reaching down her panties, hence the timing of the call. Little did Sara know that he had previously set up cameras every where she’d be going, including in every room of her apartment. How else would he get the name Watcher, he laughed to himself.

“Now since it’s such a lovely day today, why don’t you wear that tight white spaghetti strap top and those black leggings you use for your yoga classes. And of course the thong from this morning, otherwise what would be the point of it all. Oh before I forget no bra. It’s much too hot for too much clothes don’t you agree. Classes finish in about an hour and I want you there so everyone can have a chance at the remote and don’t forget the sign.”

Sara just nodded again, the tingling feeling was growing more intense thinking about it.

“Don’t be late. I don’t think you want that muscle brained frat boy, what was his name now? Ah yes, Eric. I’m sure you don’t want Eric getting a hold of the video of that library session when his name slipped from your lips now do you? I’m sure he’d be more than willing to share it with the rest of his frat.”

Sara gasped remembering that day a few weeks back. She had caught him staring down her blouse and licking his lips. A few times after that she had made a point of “innocently” bending over to check his work while giving him a better view. It took all her will power not to reach down right then and there. She remembered running to her spot right after they were done, flinging her bag down and not even bothering to sit down. She had blurted out, “Oh god, Eric” at the thought of him having his way with her, making her gush down his thighs. Quickly she realized she had said it out loud and covered her mouth looking around to see if anyone had heard and would come looking. But it was as quiet as when she had got there. She slid down the shelf, soaking in the pleasure she felt.

As the memory played out in her head, she thought, would it be so bad if he had gotten the video. Then her mind wandered to the walking into the frat house, having all those boys drooling over her. A smile cracked her lips at the thought.

Then Sara’s practical side took over. If they shared it, the video would certainly not just stay with them. They would post it somewhere for all to see. But maybe this one wouldn’t have her face, the last one the Watcher sent didn’t have her face in it. “No, no, no” she screamed in her head, “i can’t take that chance. Surely someone would find out it was me.” Horror flashed over her face as she realized that eventually it would get back to her family and friends and what would they say then. No it was best to follow instructions

The display of emotions that showed on her face had given the Watcher a mix of emotions as well. At first a bit perturbed, knowing she thought maybe disobeying might be a better course of action. If that had happened he’d lose most of his leverage, right as the game was beginning. He wanted play a much longer game, stopping now would make him have to start over again. Then back to hope as her smile went away and then relief knowing she wouldn’t stop this game just yet.

Sara spoke up as her mind cleared, “Sir, may I call you sir?”

“I prefer the Watcher, but sir would suffice.”

“Ok, W-watcher. After this afternoon, would that be it?” She asked hoping the answer was yes but a tiny part begging him to say no.

“Do you not like this? Seems to me you enjoy this quite a bit. After all the times in the library, I had not seen you with such a satisfied expression until today. Or are you hinting that you want more after today? That what I have made you done is not enough?” He grinned wickedly, though she wouldn’t see it while the screened was blurred.

Before she could respond he said, “You will be done in a week’s time. I will not interfere with your class or tutoring schedule but when I call I expect you to follow instructions. Obey completely and I will send you a link to a page that hosts all your videos and a password that will give you administrative rights. From there you will be able to do what you will. Delete them, share them, watch them again, it’s up to you. Those are the only copies in existence, I promise. After that you will be free of me if you wish.”

“Wait, I’m just supposed to believe that you won’t hold this over me after this week?”

“I’m afraid other than my word there is no other way for you to know for sure. Now enough with the questions. You have some benches you need to get to.” The Watcher clicked off leaving Sara with her thoughts as she got ready for the quad. Then as she grabbed the clothes he had specified, a question popped up, “How did he know I wore this to yoga?”

She looked up at the clock and pushed the thought away. She still had to make the sign and walk to the quad. She didn’t want to chance being late.


Sara had made to the benches 15 minutes before classes let out. She carefully taped the note to a bench, laid the remote below it and sat on the bench opposite of it. The quad was pretty empty at this point, most people would be in class still but there were a few out sunbathing or playing frisbee.

This left her some alone time to think back on the happenings of the last day. How long ago had she been discovered? Must have been at least a few weeks back if he had known about the last tutor session with Eric, but if it had been at least that long why only now did he wait until now to do this? He obviously knew where she lived, but I guess that would’ve been easy enough to follow her from the library if he had already been recording her there. He knew her roommate, Bridge, was eating breakfast that morning, although she guessed it wouldn’t be a stretch to assume that, right? More questions filled her head about the Watcher and what else he had planned for her. He clearly had been stalking her for awhile before yesterday, so what did he really want from her? Too many questions with no real answers to them right now, she thought. Best to just do what he says and pray that he was being truthful when he said this would end in a week.

The noise of students bustling out of the building broke her from her thoughts and she began to steel herself for what was about to happen. She concentrated on her breathing, taking long inhales of warm air and slowly blowing them out. The phone rang and she hit the button on the ear bud.

“Hello again, Sara. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long. Why don’t you show me the quad so I know you are where you’re supposed to be.” Of course he knew already spotting her in the quad camera he had hacked into, but he still didn’t want to fully give away he was watching her every move.

She turned her body with the phone in front of her face showing off the quad.

“Good now show me the note and remote on the bench.” She did as she was told. “Excellent,” he said steepling his fingers, imitating Mr Burns. When she didn’t laugh he guessed the screen was too blurry for her to make out. “Oh well guess i was the only one that could enjoy that joke,” he thought to himself.

Groups of people walked by noticing the remote and note above it but all were a too suspicious of it to actually touch it let alone play with it.

“Oh no. No one wants to play with you. Maybe you’ll get out of this without incident,” The Watcher mocked already seeing a couple of guys had taken notice and were headed straight to the bench.

One of the guys picked the remote and inspected it wondering what it could possibly be for. His friend a little more dubious of it said, “I don’t know man, what if you trigger an explosion or something.”

The first guy gave him a dismissive shake of the head. “Cmon that’s not gonna happen. Here I’ll show you.” He pressed the music button half expecting a flash mob to come out. When nothing happened he told his friend, “See nothing blew up. Well actually…nothing happened.”

When he spoke, it triggered the vibration to pulse with his every word. Sara tensed her body and looked down hoping not to attract attention to herself. The two young men looked around to see if they had triggered anything and only saw what appeared to be a young woman chatting on her phone.

“Huh, the note said it would be fun but there’s nothing. Maybe I need to push the other buttons,” the first one said as he proceeded to hit each button and looking around. The variation of low to high vibrations almost made Sara squeal out, but she had already begun to control her breathing, overhearing the young men’s conversation.

Not seeing anything the two young men kept pushing buttons and looking around for their “fun”. This went on for a couple of minutes before Bridgett walked by noticing Sara on the bench. She sidled up next to her and asked, “What are you doing here? Are you taking business classes that I didn’t know about?”

Sara tried to gather herself before she could speak. “I’m, uh, just enjoying, uh, mmm, the sun out here,” she barely whispered.

“Oh. Well this is a first. You’re usually nose deep in a book inside. You feeling ok?,” she joked.

Luckily for Sara, the two had grown bored with the lack of “fun” the note promised and set the remote down, however not so luckily they left vibrator on.

The steady rumbling was a lot easier to handle thus easier for her to concentrate on the conversation. “Oh you know what they, uh, say. You should take time to enjoy life. Ha ha”

Observing Sara’s erratic speech, Bridgett asked, “you sure you ok? You’re talking a bit weird and you’re breathing kinda heavy.”

“I’m, um, I’m f-fine. I-I, uh promise.” The vibrations getting to her. She could feel her pussy getting wetter by the second. Thinking her only grace right now was she was wearing black and hopefully it didn’t show how wet she was. She just had to get Bridge to stop talking to her and getting her to leave. “I’ll, mmm, see you b-back at, um, at the apartment.”

“Well ok if you insist.” Knowing she was being blown off. She got up to and started to leave, but then stopped as she had finally noticed what was across the way. “Hey didn’t you have the same remote in the apartment this morning. Oh and there’s a note. What does that say?” She bent over to read the note and picked up the remote and walked back.

“Hey, yeah I think it is the same. What’s it for? Note says to push buttons for some fun. So tell me what does it control.”

“I don’t think th-that’s the s-same. I wouldn’t, uh press any buttons. Y-you don’t know what it’ll do,” Sara said trying discourage Bridgett from doing anything with the remote.

“No, no this is the same. I saw you put it down by the speaker this morning. Oh look a music button. Does it amplify the sound or something?” Without getting a response, Bridgett hit the button giving Sara a brief respite. Then pulled out her phone and opened her Spotify and started up the music.

Post Malone started playing and Bridgett put the speaker of the phone next to the remote. The vibrations pulsed on Sara’s clit, making both legs twitch. Hands immediately pressed down her thighs holding them in place. She wrestled control of her breathing trying to ignore the world around her.

The Watcher piped in her ear, “Oh you don’t want her to find out what’s really going on here do you. She’s going to put two and two together and figure out what you were doing in the living room this morning. How awkward would that be for you the rest of the year? Or wonderful? Can you imagine all your free time exploring each other?”

“Sara! Sara! Are you ok? You don’t look so good,” She said as she shook Sara’s shoulder. When she didn’t respond she turned off the phone and shook her again. “Sara, what’s going on? Do you need help?”

After Sara had taken a few breaths to get herself under control, she answered, “No. No. I’m fine really. That song just made me remember something from before is all. I just want to enjoy the sun while it’s out. I’ll just see you at the apartment.”

“You sure? You looked like you were having a seizure. Or a really great orgasm.”

Sara’s head perked up at that last sentence and stared directly into Bridgett’s eyes. “What did you just say?” A little louder than she had intended to.

“What? You looked like you were having a seizure?” Bridgett’s face give off a worried look but something in her eyes gave Sara a suspicious feeling.

Not wanting to give up anything she smiled and said, “Oh no, nothing like that. Anyways I don’t want to keep from the rest of your day.”

“Oh ok. Well I’ll see you later then.” She grabbed her stuff and walked away. As soon as her back was towards Sara she let out the biggest grin.

Sara none the wiser looked down and took the remote in hand and turned it off. “Phew that was a close one don’t you think?,” The Watcher said.

“That was much more exciting than I could’ve ever hoped for. I bet you need a quick visit to the library after this. I do wonder though if she knew more than she was letting on. You think she’d want to join in our little game? Why don’t I let you stew in that thought. Your task is complete today. Enjoy the rest of it.” The phone beeped off once more.

Sara sat there staring down at her crotch trying to see if there were any visible wet spots, thinking maybe she would go to the library to finish what the day had started. Her mind drifted to Bridge’s comment about her having an orgasm and that look in her eyes then the Watcher asking if she’d like her to join. Was Bridge in on this? He had already put the thought of her and Bridge enjoying each other in her head a couple of times already. Was this part of his plan, to get her to cross the line with Bridge? Or was this him messing with her head?

Sara’s thoughts quickly turned back to her pussy still tingling with the desire, she put all other thoughts to the back of her mind. As much as her brain nagged at her, telling her if she just stopped and thought about it, she could come up with the answer, the rest of her body told her brain to shut up. She was enjoying being controlled, being at the whims of another. She had never stopped herself from cumming before and would usually do so within a couple of minutes but this morning had given her an all time high. Being teased and not allowed to let go for almost an hour before sweet release , “My god,” she thought. That orgasm felt like it lasted days, feeling it through every fiber of her being.

Now she was there wanting more of what Bridge had given her, even though Bridge had no idea what she was doing. Sara began wondering again if she had was a part of this game the Watcher was playing. A growing part of her suspected it was true and another part of her hoping she was right. She closed here eyes letting her imagination wander. She licked her lips thinking about Bridge’s lips on hers, her tongue searching and finding all of her most sensitive areas. Her hand moved between her thighs, instantly her eyes opened remembering where she was. She looked around surveying the people around to see if anyone had spotted her. Not seeing anyone look her direction she grabbed the remote and took off for the library. Hoping he’d be watching when she got there. Maybe she’d have to call him to get his attention.


“Bravo! Bravo! I would’ve believed you were genuinely worried for her well being, if I didn’t know any better. Although I am surprised you let her off so easily. She endured much longer this morning but I guess having to hold a conversation while all that is going on makes it quite a bit harder to suppress things.”

“You were watching. I could have blew on her erect nipples through her top and she would’ve have blown like Mt Vesuvius. I bet you she’s off to the library this minute,” Bridgett said laughingly.

“Of course you’re right,” The Watcher said. “Quite quickly too. She opening up a lot sooner than I had anticipated. I’m glad you brought her to my attention. For that, I shall reward you tonight.”

“Thank you, Watcher. May I join you now to watch Sara in preparation?”

“Of course. I would have been insulted if you had not.”

Minutes later the Watcher had seen Sara come into view of the camera, phone in hand. “I see you,” the text from the Watcher read. Sara just smiled at the camera, pulled her leggings down and got on all fours reaching her hand between her legs, showing a generous view of her ass.

“Ah Bridge, you’re just in time.”



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