The Hunt Part 2, Getting Ready [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

This is part two of a episodic little about a a swingerish BDSM event. You can ready the first part here,

The Hunt, part 1. The Arrival. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish] from Erotica

Getting Ready

I walked the rest of the way back to the tent thinking about what was about to happen. My wife was about to go out into the woods with all the other submissives to become prey to be hunted and captured. Whoever could catch her and place their collar around her neck would become her master until the next morning. She will serve them and be used by them within the limits of what was on that permit she filled out, but I did not know what was on it. Do not misunderstand, I trust my wife, but I found it both alarming and arousing that I did not know what she was agreeing to do once she was captured. I know her limits, I know what she loves and doesn’t like, but what would she be willing to do and have done to her by someone else? That, that was the mystery and possibilities that danced around inside my head like she did on the ice.

Simultaneously, I was about to take my own collar and leash out into those woods and capture someone that I may have never been with before. They will be mine for the night as well, to serve me and to be used as I see fit within their limits. Limits that will likely have some differences than those of my wife and I am faced with my own mysterious possibilities. My mind was racing around all this as I continued back to our tent that I was there before I knew it and was turning into the path through the trees to our clearing when what my eyes were seeing pierced through my thoughts and brought me to a dead stop.

Through the open door of our tent was Harley, with her side to me, one leg up on one of the chairs rubbing lotion into her tanned skin in long strokes with her hands up her calf and thigh. Tied around her waist was a white cotton cord with the knot sitting high on her hip. From the front and back of the cord hung wide strips of an emerald green colored fabric that looked velvety soft to the touch. Dropping the leg she was rubbing lotion into and placed the other on the chair. When both feet were on the ground  she shifted so her back was to me, I saw that the strips of fabric were wide enough to cover the inner half of her thighs, stopping about midway across her thigh. As she bent over to spread the lotion up her other legs, I noticed the top she had on was a long wide wrap of the same emerald green color that started at her neck like a halter then dipped down her shoulders to criss cross in front of her to cover her breasts then wrapped around her chest to tie in the middle of her back. She looked beautiful as the emerald green fabric brought out the warmth of her plentiful skin it showed.

I mentally pushed myself to keep going and to stop staring. As I got to our tent, she had finished her legs and was rubbing lotion into her bare stomach. “You look stunning my pet,” I said as I held her upper arms and kissed her shoulder.

“Thank you, care to do my back?” she said as she handed me the bottle over her shoulder.

I took the bottle and squeezed out some lotion into one of my hands letting the scent of citrus and cinnamon entice my senses. I tossed the bottle on the bed as I started rubbing it into her back. “That’s an unexpected outfit,” I mentioned as my hands caressed the lotion into her lower back.

“Not really, this is the required dress for prey for the hunt. You didn’t read any of the info packet they sent us did you?” She replied over her shoulder, and I swear there was a smirk in her voice.

“You’re right, I did not,” I said as my hands moved up her back to her shoulders kneading the lotion into her skin. “I asked my wife to read it and tell me anything I needed to know.”

“Oh I remember, and I told you what you needed to know about the hunt,” she dragged the word needed out for emphasizes. “I also answered any questions you had and left the packet out for you to read all month.”

“And you didn’t think I needed to know about the outfit?” I asked as my hands rested on her shoulders. “Or the limit list you sent in?”

“Uh huh,” she was openly smirking over her shoulder at me.

My hand quickly went to her throat, tightened slightly and pulled her back against my chest. “So, you wanted to see my reaction, here and now?” I growled looking down at her.

“Hmmm,” was all the sound she made. I let go of her throat and stepped back while grabbing  both of her wrists and bringing them to the small of her back. Her small wrists fit within one of my hands and I held them at the small of her back just above the rope around her waist. My other hand made quick work of undoing my belt, fly and zipper shoving my boxers and jeans down just enough to let my hard cock fall forward from its confines. She was just starting to turn her head to look over her shoulder when I let go of her wrists and simultaneously gave a slight push to her back between her shoulders and pulled back on her hip to cause her to bend over. She instinctively reached out and grabbed the arms of the chair in front of her. I swiped away the velvety fabric that draped over her ass to the side and was surprised by the lack of panties she had on which is uncommon for her. Her legs had already spread apart in an attempt to regain her own balance, I bent my knees to lower my throbbing cock to her level and brought it up between her thighs until I rested against her pussy lips. I slide back across her pussy and found she was so aroused her outer lips we already slick. I grabbed both of her hips, lifted her slightly and lined my hardness up the entrance to her pleasure. In one purposeful motion, I sunk myself fully into her wet, constricting pussy while my own growl mixed with her moan.

Holding her hips in place, I slowly slid out of her until the ridge of the head of my cock was at her opening. “Is this what you expected,” I growled as I thrust hard into her, the slap of my hips meeting her ass echoed in my ears. With a deliberate pace, I pulled out again. “Is this what you wanted?” I growled again as I once more slammed myself deep within her and was rewarded by a long moan escaping her lips. I held her there, pulling her ass against my hips, feeling her own ecstasies manifesting in the clenching of her pussy around my cock. “Answer me pet!”

I could barely make out the “yes” she whispered between breaths, but her head was nodding even though it hung from her shoulders. “Then you shall have it,” I said, and lifted her off the ground by her hips as I straightened my legs and stood. This raised her body so that he back was flat as I started a fast rhythm of thrusting into her pale body. The heat of her body made the scent of citrus and cinnamon from the lotion mixed with our own pheromones in an intoxicating aroma that filled our tent. After only a few moments of this, I watched as the muscles in her body started to tense, her legs were no longer limp as I fucked her. She was getting close to climax again her moans had ceased and I knew her mouth was open in a fixed state of agonizing pleasure.

It was then that the loudspeaker cut through the sounds of our passion. “All prey report to the dungeon. It’s that time everyone, all prey report to the dungeon for final instructions.” Fitting, I thought as I slowed my pace of thrusts and lowered her to her feet once more touch the ground, but I kept hold of her hips. Maybe leaving her a second time so close to the release of orgasm in one day would be the perfect punishment for her not divulging about the outfit she would be wearing today or to what limits she had agreed to for the event. I stepped back and reluctantly removed myself from her and sat on the bed catching my breath.

“You should get going,” I told her smugly. “You don’t want to be late.”

She was regaining her composure and stood up on shaking legs. “You suck,” she glared at me as she turned around straightening what little velvet fabric she was wearing. She went to her bag at the end of the tent and bent over at the waist again to pick it up. Her ass was still red from where I was recently smacking into it. Slipping the straps of the bag over one shoulder she then took the two steps to me, leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips and caressed my slightly fading erection. With a wink, she turned and headed for the tent door which was still open.

“So what limits did you put on that list?” I asked as she stepped through and I stood to start to put myself back together.

She turned her head and over her shoulder, she said “Guess you will have to wait and see when I’m doing it!” and she sprinted out of the tent.

It took me a few moments to finish getting my boxers and jeans up and in place before I could take off after her giving her a good head start. I watch the muscles of her legs tighten and release as she ran 20 or so feet in front of me, the emerald green colored fabric dancing like a  tail behind her. She kept her pace just fast enough to stay well ahead of me and easily made it to the dungeon door, blew me a kiss from her hand before slipping inside.



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