Time we met a 6’6” guy at a pool party with the biggest bulge, invited him up to our room to compare to my 4’10” Asian frame(Real, part 2). Got deleted cause I posted link to first story, you can look for it in my posts

Part one in my post history
Picking up where I left off. I should explain our room it’s the really fancy Hilton with a jacuzzi in the bedroom

And had multiple areas in the room, also Evans was prob about 6’5” or 6’6” super tall, some Tatoo’s, my husband(we’ll call him Nick from now) is a two time war vet who’s seen some shit and is probably the most confident person I’ve met, and I love every part of him…ok back to the story, oh and I’m sorry for grammar errors I’ve never been much of a writer and unsure of how to structure in Reddit, if anyone wants to copy and fix my story and send it back I’m sure I can find a nice vid for a thank you? ok now back to the story

So Nick and Evans are standing there looking at me in my towel, and Nick walks over and looks at me and says “I told Evans our plans for him” and I say “what plans is that?” Then Evans moves closer still only in his trunks and guides me over to the side of the bed, still in my towel, Nick is in the big bath filling up the hot tub and kind of keeping an eye on us, of course I’m nervous as hell and fortunately he sees that and asks “is it ok for me to continue?” And sits down next to me, he’s much heavier than me so I tip into him and have to grab his chest, and he catches me and we’re both looking at each other.

For some reason this make me instantly turned on, I mean to a point I have to move the towel because I think I’m going to wet the bed. I say “sure, i mean yes? I’m not sure what your talking about” that’s when he gently pushes me off and stands up and grabbed his shorts and pulled them down, fully exposing his semi erect cock. Up till this point I have only ever really seen 5 dicks, my ex, my husband and a few others on tv and online, I didn’t lose my virginity till I was 20 and besides my ex only ever really felt my husband who was of course exciting and huge to me. But when I saw Evans cock it was the first time I ever really appreciated what a cock really was and what it did to me, I was engrossed and nothing else in the room mattered, not my husband or me in my towel all I could think about was that thick veiny cock with a slight lean to it but perfectly strait hanging limp, which is why I knew it wasn’t erect, i wanted to touch it, to hold it, squeeze it, see if my hands would even wrap around it, hold it up to my arm and face to compare sizes!

But what I really wanted to do was something I’ve never really enjoyed doing too much before, I wanted to suck it more than anything, to feel my lips across the prominent head, run my tongue down the shaft and grab it with both hands to ultimately try to get it as hard as possible so I can feel his full erection, I was lost in thought and missed Evans saying something, “…ouch it”, “what?” I responded lifting my head only slightly to pretend I wasn’t infatuated with his cock. My husband tells me later I didn’t stop looking at it even for a second and started licking my lips and breathing heavy right when he pulled his shorts down.

“Do you want to touch it?” He said as he moved closer, “do you want to feel it?” As if my body lost all control I remember reaching up and grabbing his cock gingerly with one hand slowly cupping the head with my palm while running my thumb across his head(the part that sits on top-back of penises we don’t know what that’s called). Soon I started to feel it throb which made me want to play with it more, and it started to grow, at first just thicker but now that I’m thinking about it I think it was his veins had started to thicken as my hand started to play with it more, soon enough I had my other hand caressing his full cock trying to make it get harder, I just had to see it fully erect, I recall moving my hand so I could straddle his cock with both hands with my fingers not even fully reaching around, as I’m pumping his cock I started to move my face closer, I wanted to taste it, feel it in my mouth, in the vigorous movement my towel had came away and I sat exposed which is what brought me back to reality.

I let go of Evans and searched for my husband, to find him standing in the bathroom with that smile that I knew meant everything was ok, he said to me “how did it feel? You looked amazing” I didn’t know what to say, I looked up at Evans and felt embarrassed “I’m sorry…I don’t know what happened, I just saw it… you. And…” I grabbed the towel and quickly wrapped myself, thinking how silly I must look. Evans got down on his knees and grabbed my hand just as Nick ask Evans “how did it feel for you?” as this strong and tall handsome man is staring evenly with me now that he’s on his knees holding my hand to my chest that’s holding the towel up(huge hand too) he says “it was amazing just perfection, and your hands are amazing, there so tiny it makes me feel even bigger” but shyly I respond that “they don’t even reach all the way around”, Nicks in the bathroom leaning on the countertop and we just chuckle cause it’s one of the things he tells me all the time “my favorite part is that your hands make me look huge”, I stand up point at his still hard cock and tell him to “stay here” and quickly go into the bathroom and close the door.

“What the hell is happening right now? Did you know this was going to happen?!” I whisper yelled to Nick, “well kind of, I really wanted to see you enjoy yourself and what can be more fun than a big cock like that” he whispered back. I turned the water off to the hot tub since it was full and sat on the side, and asked “well yours is big enough, have you seen that thing? What do you expect me todo with it?” “Whatever you want hun, I love you more than everything, you are the most beutiful, smart and sexy woman I know, guys would kill to be with you and I’m not a selfish man, I know you’d come back to me regardless” with that cocky smirk I love “besides what happens in Vegas…” ok… suddenly I felt a sense of relief and happiness wash over me, I already knew the answer but just had to confirm, “so what can I do with him?” “Honestly whatever you want, but I will say I didn’t bring condoms and even if I did, I don’t think it’ll fit, he did tell me he got tested before he came out here since he found out his GF was cheating on him” everything was going so fast, what was going on? He’s been tested, so they really talked about this? And my husbands ok and if anything encouraging, he was still talking “….so why don’t you stay here and both of you wash up you have hotel pool on you, I’ll run down to the shop, in the end I’ll leave all the decisions up to you, but I’ll be back in 30min ok?” “Ok” is all I said, and sat there, lost in thought, he came up to me and grabbed my face and said “I love you and want you to relax and enjoy yourself, you deserve it, let loose and have fun” he kissed me and I kissed him back, then he was gone(to be continued)

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bxw0je/time_we_met_a_66_guy_at_a_pool_party_with_the

1 comment

  1. Love both of these so far. Really would love to see what his big cock did to you but you paint a really nice picture tho

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