Blowjob [MF]

I gagged but the sound was muffled by the sound of the running engine and the air conditioning. He pulled my head up from his lap long enough for me lick the saliva from my lips before his hand circled the back of my head and he thrust himself back into my mouth.

We sat in the back of the theater parking lot. With fifteen minutes before show time, I was told that we would have to find a way to kill time before the movie. Naive me, thought he wanted to make-out or maybe circle around until we found a better parking spot. Imagine my surprise when he unzipped his pants and told me to open my mouth.

His zipper brushed against my chin, and I could feel the faint pull as a stray strand of my long hair hooked either his zipper or button.

“You like sucking my cock don’t you?”

I tried to lift my head to respond, but he wouldn’t let me.

“Tell me with your dirty mouth full.”

“Yaeh…” I breathed around his cock.

“I didn’t hear you. You what?” He asked pushing my head lower until the tip of him brush the roof my mouth in the back of my throat.

“I ..ike ucking your ock…” I struggled to say around the large obstacle filling my mouth.

“You’re going to need more practice, my slutty baby.”

Without warning he vigorously started thrusting into my mouth. I struggled to adjust my rhythm but he didn’t need me to.

Pushing my head down into his lap, he used my mouth without any regard for my comfort.

“All I need you to do is swallow….open and swallow…” he directed struggling to breathe.

I moaned, the baser needs in me responding to my purpose. Instead of fighting the feeling, I anticipated every moment. My jaw was getting sore, and my attention being split between breathing and my own arousal, kept me moaning.

“Yes…” he sighed before his cum shot down the back of my throat.

My face was pressed so hard into his lap that I could feel the zipper leaving marks on my face.

“You didn’t even have to swallow did you? I’m so far deep in your throat.”

I softly shook my head side to side.

“God. You are a little hungry slut.”

His hands released my head and I lifted from his lap. “Now, don’t you feel better? Two more blowjobs before I let you cum, Baby. Maybe if you’re really good, when we get home, you can suck me off again. Would you like that?”

“Yes.” I said brush my hair back from my face as he zipped up.

“I knew you would. Now get your purse, you have the tickets. The movie should be starting soon.”
