I’ve never written anything like this before but I wanted to give it a shot. Feedback would be much appreciated.

As soon as I walked into my apartment I knew he was there. Standing, just out of sight, I could feel the heat radiating off of him in waves. the desire barely contained. I put my purse down and went to turn around when I felt him step forward and press me against the wall. He Gripped my wrists, pulling them above my head with one hand, while he grabbed my hair and pulled my head to the side,exposing my neck, with his other. "Have you been a good girl today?" He whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine as he pulled my hair harder. "You know I have" I whispered back. I could feel my heart racing and my breath coming quicker. "No, i don't think you have" he said "I told you to never wear those heels in public, they're for my pleasure only. No one else is allowed to see what's mine…" Oh no, the heels. They were the first shoes I saw as I ran out the door for work this morning. "Do you know what I do to bad girls who don't do as I say" he asked as he released my hair only to have his hand wrap around my throat, adding just enough pressure to show that I was truly at his mercy, he could do whatever he wanted with me. "You punish them" I stammered feeling my body start to quiver in anticipation. "That's right, I punish them. Now, walk over to the kitchen table and bed over it. I want your ass on display for this." I started to pull away to do what he said but stopped when I felt his large hand squeeze my throat. "What do you say" he asked calmly, looking into my eyes, "yes..yes sir" I whispered and he released me to follow out his instructions.

I walked to the kitchen table, trying not to show my excitement. I was nervous of course, I couldn't tell how angry he was about the heels, but scared? No I was never scared. I wanted this as much as he wanted to give it to me. I bent over the table quickly, before he could add on to my punishment for being to slow. "That's my girl." He moved without me even hearing him. I could feel him standing behind me staring at my ass, covered by my black pencil skirt, and before I even noticed him moving he had my skirt pushed up to my waist exposing my ass to him, barely covered by my lace cheek panties. "You know how much I hate these, if you didn't have to work I'd make sure you never wore these damn things ever again." He growled as he ripped them off of me making me even wetter than I already was.

"Now, I believe this calls for fifteen slaps with my hand. You will count them out loud as each one is dealt and if you don't, we'll start again until you do." He lifted my ass higher into the air and spread my legs apart so he had the perfect view of my wet pussy. He slipped his fingers through my lips just to give me a taste, just to drive me that much closer to the edge. "Count" he said as he pulled back his hand.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/2yex6r/ive_never_written_anything_like_this_before_but_i


  1. A wonderful beginning. Well written. Very erotic. I agree with the others, keep going. Nathan

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