The Arrangement, Part 16

Part 15- [](

Marlene was waiting at her place when Dave pulled up. No sportscar this time, Dave now had his Audi A6 Wagon. He normally did not drive it too much. A great car in it’s own right, it’s back exterior with tint and tan leather interior he found a bit pretentious, but his widowed wife had liked it. As Marlene was getting the kid-seat in, Marlene’s mom made sure to walk out. “Hello, Miss Alvarez,” Dave said. Her mom stood there, hands on her hips and just said “Hmpf..” Marlene turned & said, “Ma! We’re just friends! This is the man that we rent from, show some manners!” Dave waved it off and said, “It’s OK, I get it. Miss Alvarez, we are just friends. Marlene, ready to go?” As they pulled out of the drive Ms. Alvarez walked back in, mumbling, “I had a friend like that once…”

As they rolled down the road, Dave said, “hey, umm, Cody, right?” he was right behind Dave, so when he didn’t hear anything he said “hey big-man, see the remote beside you? Check it out, you mom has got one fo your movies loaded. Just plug in those…” Marlene touched Dave’s leg and said “he’s got it.” At a stop light, Dave looked back, and Cody looked up. He didn’t say a word, but offered a thumbs up. Not a bad sign.

At the drop-off, Marlene said, “So we have tonight & tomorrow, then the pickup and home.” Sliding into the car she smiled and said “did you see the baby-daddy’s dagger eyes?

“yeah I did…fuck him.” Dave replied. “hey we are in over at the Hyatt Regency. We have an upper floor room, I think you’ll like it.”

“Good, but I’m planning on seeing little more than the ceiling.” Marlene said with a grin. Unzipping her little pullover as they came to a light, Marlene arched her back so Dave could see her satin black strappy bra. “How’s this look, Daddy?” she asked playfully.

Dave looked over and said, “Ohhh…baby, am I ever going to enjoy looking at that!” To that, Dave unzipped his pants and said “How do you *think* I feel about it?”

Marlene gave her seatbelt a tug to get some slack, and leaned a bit, extending her arm

Dave understood and shifted somewhat to the right, and mumbled “Damn console” as he flipped it up and out of the way, but grunted as he felt Marlene’s fingers grip his cock. He answered “yes Ma’am.” To her admonishment to drive safely. He loved her grip, that woman could really make a man feel good, even an old one. Although he was quite erect, he kept his mind on the traffic as they rode “Ohh—s-s-oorry I c-ca-ca-can’t t-t-tl-talk too much. “ He said as they rode.

“Well then I’ll do the talking” Marlene said. “this relationship is changing…and I like how it is going.” She said. ’’I have never been so satisfied by a man.” As she said this she alternately squeezed and worked his cock. Yet, she kept her face forward ,sunglasses on. Seeing the hotel approaching, she pointed to the entrance. “I won’t lie to you, David Johns. It is not love…but it is something. & I want to explore that with you.” As they turned into the parking lot, Marlene opened her small pocketbook with her free hand, and taking out some tissues, unbuckled her seatbelt and said “Find a nondescript spot on the side, if you don’t mind.” Leaning over she briefly took the head of it in her mouth and suckled it. . “I love how you taste, Dave” she said as she sat back up. Marlene used the tissues in her hand to hold over the top of his Dick as she used the hand still latched on to start to jerk Dave off proper, and asked “Will you please cum for me, Daddy?”

David wasn’t too keen on the daddy thing, it reminded him of his age, but right now, he had something else to worry about, and preceded to cum as Marlene requested. He liked that she first wiped off he hand, then bent over and gave his a dick a kiss as she zipped it up. As his breathing calmed, Dave said. “Not just now, baby, but for a while, I have felt it to. I will say, I truly care deeply for you. This can’t last forever, but it can last a while, why not enjoy it?” Dave pulled the car back around front, and a concierge came out to meet them. Dave ignored the “I know” look the guy had going, and they went and checked in. at the desk, Dave asked that their bags be moved to their room, and they went and took a quick walk around the planted garden out back.

“Now that was just plain wonderfully mean…” Dave told Marlene

“Yep, but damn it was fun.” She replied, with an evil grin

as they walked, hand-in-hand, Dave said, “I am not so sure about the Daddy/daughter thing. It reminds me a bit much of my age.” Seeing her snicker, Dave popped her ass and said, “hey! Not funny!” Then grinned and chuckled, showing it was too funny.

Marlene was actually enjoying the time with Dave. What she liked was that they were being totally honest with each other, and it was erotic all on it’s own! In the elevator she gave Dave a kiss and said, “Now I hope you have a blue pill handy….”

As the door opened and they walked towards their room, Dave stopped Marlene and whispered, “Took care of that as we were checking in….did you take *your* vitamins? Because I have something new to teach you, young lady” And gave her a passionate kiss, as he opened the door to their room.


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