A Solemate in Brooklyn [foot fetish][footjob][chance encounter]

James was too nervous to send the text message. His phone trembled in his grasp in anticipation of seeing Erica again after so long. Having a crush on your friend’s sister is tricky territory on it’s own but Erica was a woman grown and had long since moved to New York in pursuit of her dreams.

He recalled many of the times that he visited his friend though his true intent on many of those occasions were actually to see Erica. James couldn’t help but light up when she was around and he couldn’t help but feel like Erica knew how James felt. Every once in a while Erica would do little things like touch his arm softly or her feet would brush up against him while they were watching movies. Erica’s feet were beautiful and James could not hide his attraction to them. Though he could not say for sure where his foot fetish had manifested, it seemed likely that staring at Erica’s bare feet all the time had been a catalyst for the origins of his kink.

Erica was a red headed beauty of short stature and long curly hair that she typically gather up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She always seemed to love foot revealing wear whenever the seasons permitted. As soon as she could comfortably wear her flip-flops, it was open toe season until the next snowfall. She had long feet comparatively for her petite height and she loved painting her toes in bright reds, pinks, and purples.

James was always fascinated by her second toe reaching the same length as the big toe on her feet. Her soles were silky smooth with the cutest wrinkles whenever she would scrunch and point her toes. She was always playfully wiggling her toes or dangling her flip-flops around him which would always drive James wild. He liked to imagine that those instances were private little shows just for him. What he wouldn’t give just to simply be able to touch her feet.

Still, it seemed a pipe dream lost long ago and now that it had been roughly three years since he had last seen her, he felt self conscious about reaching out to her now after so long. Would she even remember him? Would she even care or want to hang out with him? *What was I thinking. She won’t remember me or care.*

James found himself in New York on a work trip and he was all too eager to jump at any chance to place himself in the same city as Erica. Knowing that they were in close proximity once again was almost enough to satiate himself. He felt silly for even thinking of sending her a message. She was the sister of his friend and James and Erica had never hung out privately before so it seemed unlikely that she would even consider it.

Nervous tension kept him from acting so he kept the draft of his text and pocketed his phone instead. Silently, he went about getting ready for his meeting that he had in an hour. Work trips were not all that bad, he really only needed to be present for a meeting and a conference but other than that he had the rest of his time in the city to himself. After his meeting, James had no other obligations afterwards so he began planning the rest of the days events.

His pocket vibrated.

James pulled his phone back out to check his messages when his heart nearly leapt from his chest. Erica had texted him. Upon quick investigation, James realized that in pocketing his phone he had accidentally hit send on his text to his friend’s sister. He felt immeasurable embarrassment knowing that his vulnerable and pathetic text was actually sent after all. James couldn’t bring himself to read it just yet. He already knew that Erica wouldn’t be interested in hanging out or she would find a gentle way of telling him that she would be busy later.

His tie felt tighter suddenly as James perspired through his shirt. He huffed and decided to bite the bullet opening up his message to read Erica’s response:

*“Oh my god you’re in town??? That’s so awesome, it’s been so long. Of course I’d love to get together today! I’m free all day it turns out so whenever is good.”*

After his third read through of the text to make sure that he was reading it properly he could barely contain his excitement. She not only agreed to hang out but she seemed genuinely excited about it. His stomach ached in conflicting embarrassment that his text had accidentally sent anyways when he put his phone away in his pocket. but the result has been that he now had plans with Erica later. He snapped out of his excited shock when he remembered his meeting that he would be running late for if he delayed any longer.

Zipping out of his hotel room, James’ brain scrambled to decide on a proper response. His nerves cooled eventually and he had secured plans to check out popular sights, walk around Central Park, and even grab dinner after. James could hardly believe that this was happening. He tried to maintain his expectations of the day and evening but he could not help but let his fantasies wander. For now he had his meeting which seemed more like an inconvenient obstacle rather than a responsibility now.


The meeting had dragged on for a lot longer than James would have liked but he eventually had met up with Erica in the afternoon and saw her for the first time in many years. Her beauty had flourished even more in his absence. The Erica that James had remembered was beautiful of course but she had become so much more womanly than he remembered.

She stood basking in the late Spring sun wearing a flowered sun dress of yellows and reds. Her shapely legs were smooth and pale. She wore flip-flops showing off her toe nails freshly painted red. Her heart shaped face beamed with excitement when she saw him, “James is that you? Oh my god it has been so long, how are you?” She exclaimed going in for a hug.

James almost forgot to respond as he embraced her, “I’m great! It’s so good to see you! Sorry my meeting took longer than I thought it would.”

“Yeah that was really rude of you. I’m quite upset”, she teased although James was unsure of how serious she was. “Oh my god I’m just kidding!” She said with her beaming smile and a laugh.

James breathed a heavy sigh of relief and started laughing himself, “Well shall we start by walking around Central Park? I’m sure we have a lot to catch up on!”

“Yes of course! Let me show you all of the good spots.” Erica took the lead as they both walked side by side.

All of the world had disappeared as far as James was concerned. They spent all afternoon walking around the beautiful park and enjoying the landscape while chatting about their lives, laughing and smiling along the way. James had forgotten all about his nerves from before as they explored together. His eyes darted downward from time to time to admire Erica’s gorgeous feet which he was glad to see had only gotten more gorgeous as well. The sight of her toes alone was enough to welcome excitement into his loins though he did well not to let his libido interfere with his genuinely great time he was having with her.

The hours melted away and the sun hung low in the sky by the time they had realized that they were both starving. Erica had suggested a place that she knew of nearby and James was more than happy to comply. He delighted in the prospect of having a dinner with the woman who, only hours prior, he didn’t even think would remember him. Some may even classify this as a date.

James kept his excitement in check as best as he could as they sat down for dinner and continued on like long lost friends. He couldn’t help but detect a spark between them but he was cautious not to assume as he had been disappointed before. But there was no denying this energy, this connection that he was feeling with this woman. Before he had seen her as his friend’s sister who he had a crush on but he was seeing her in a very different light now. She was a beautiful woman with a kind heart and a sarcastic flare that entrapped his heart.

As he watched her lips move he wondered if she felt the same way or if he was just foolish for thinking that this was anything more than just friends catching up. But he loved watching her talk and he enjoyed catching sneak peeks of Erica’s feet whenever possible under the table.

That’s when her foot glanced against his thigh ever so gently as she shifted her position. It was enough to make every hair on his body stand on end. A shudder went up his spine as he exhaled deeply.

“Oops, sorry did I kick you?” Erica asked obliviously.

“Oh no, it’s fine!” Given her sometimes sarcastic demeanour, James was unable to tell if she meant to brush her foot against his leg intentionally. Did she know that he liked her feet? Was she just fucking with him? Perhaps that’s why her feet always looked so nice around him? He couldn’t believe such extreme assumptions however. But this entire day was going so well and he was having such an amazing time with Erica so maybe it wasn’t so farfetched.

The rest of their dinner went wonderfully and her foot even grazed his thigh a few more times under the table though she never made mention of it again. She simply smiled coyly and casually continued ignorant of the tantalizing effect her foot grazes were having on James.

Once their dinner had come to an end James became sad upon realizing that this would be the end of their hang out. But he still had a wonderful day with Erica and he was ever so grateful that he accidentally texted her. After arguing over who had the bill, the duo eventually agreed to split it evenly after all of their fuss. Perhaps it was just a tactic to prolong their evening?

As they walked outside to a setting sun James prepared to hug Erica goodbye but she broke the silence in an unexpected way, “So what do you want to do now?” She asked.

James was not prepared for that question. *She wants to keep hanging out? This is amazing!* “Uhh, well”, he went for the long shot, “My hotel isn’t that far from here. We could head to my room and watch a movie?” He had no time to filter his words. James blurted out his bold question with instant regret. *I’m such an idiot! Why would she want to come back to my hotel room? That sounded so cheesy.”*

“Sure! Sounds fun! Do you mind if I use the shower in your room? I’m so sweaty.” Erica beamed.

This evening was full of surprises for James.


They had both taken their turns showering and even shared polite banter on who should shower first. James relented as Erica was stubbornly insisting that she shower second so James had obliged her in the end.

She emerged second from the shower with glowing skin freshly clean and still mildly damp in her flowered dress. Her already wild hair was had become a frizzy mess of beauty that was so oddly enticing to James. She hopped up onto the bed next to where James was sitting unabashedly as he was setting up the movie.

James made note of the fact that, of the two beds in the room, Erica chose to sit next to him and even swung her legs up close to him.

Erica reclined into her pillow, “Uggh, this is nice. We did *so* much walking today. My feet were so smelly”, she jested.

He laughed though he did not admit that her mention of her feet in any capacity always seemed to excite James. He had noticed the smell of her feet when they had arrived at his room and she had slipped out of her flip flops. Temptation gave way while she had been in the shower and James had snuck a few inhales of her footwear out of sheer curiosity. Her smell was amazing, not overly offensive but sweetly pungent. It excited his senses.

Nestling into her pillow, Erica got comfy as James started the movie. “My feet are so sore from all of that walking that we did today.” She stretched her legs upwards with flexed toes, her petite legs bulged with athletically toned muscles.

James was certain that he may have to put a pillow over his lap if she was going to keep talking about her feet and showing them off in the graceful way that she did. His words nearly caught in his throat as he attempted another long shot with the inspired confidence from his previous success, “Would you like a foot rub?” His chest sank with heavy anticipation.

“Oh my god, yes! I would love that. Would you be able to use lotion if that’s not too much trouble?”

*Abso-fucking-lutely.* “Of course that’s no problem!” James grabbed the supplied hotel lotion from the night stand and slathered up his hands greedily. Erica lifted her feet and placed them onto James’ lap which took him by surprise. Her legs rested over his thigh with her feet dancing in his lap.

“They’re ready to be rubbed!” She teased playfully.

James dispersed the lotion onto her soles and feet as evenly as he could. In his excitement though, he had squeezed out far too much lotion into his hands. With the excess amount he dared to disperse it up her calves with no hint of protest from Erica. He carefully grabbed her right foot and held it like the it was the Lost Arc. Admiring the curves her heels, her arches, her toes, the shape of her foot was simply magnificent. Flawless in his eyes, he admired her feet as much as he admired the woman who they belonged to. There was still a soft trace of her foot odour that lingered still though mostly her feet smelled freshly clean. Her shiny red toe polish gleamed in the soft lamp light as her foot turned in his hands. He rubbed deeply with purpose enjoying the look on her face as he rubbed her tender heels and the balls of her feet. Her soles were like silk to the touch and swollen from the days walk which only seemed to increase the pillow-like feel of her foot pads. There were several moments where James had to remind himself to breath. He could not believe that he was actually massaging Erica’s feet. This once fantasy of impossible odds was now his reality on this most wonderful of nights.

“Can you massage my toes? They are so sore.” Erica asked politely.

James obliged swiftly like a trained hound. His fingers curled between her toes, sliding in and out in a highly suggestive motion. James was continuously pushing the limits of his luck tonight and so far he had been rewarded each time. He pushed his luck to it’s extent and yet Erica seemed happy to go along with everything and she was perhaps even pushing those boundaries herself.

James could have spent an eternity rubbing her feet. He had decided to just keep rubbing her feet until she had said otherwise. Once he was done with one foot, James switched to the other and then back again throughout the duration of the movie. To his surprise Erica did not stop him, they were both content with the arrangement it seemed. James had missed much of the movie but the true movie for him was resting in his lap.

If Erica had noticed James’ growing erection in his pants she hid it well. He could not stop his bulge in his pants from becoming less noticeable and he tried his best to pretend that it wasn’t there. Watching the movie with as much attention as he was willing to spare, James had eyes mainly for Erica’s feet. He imagined what her feet would feel like on his cock. Every curve and arch of her feet mesmerized him completely, he was lost in the spell that her feet cast upon him.

“Is there something on my foot?” He snapped his attention away from her feet to catch Erica’s gaze. She had caught James in his hypnotic trance with his eyes glued to her feet. Cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he tried to formulate a sentence but nothing came to mind, he just stared blankly into her sweet hazel eyes. Erica just stared back with a soft knowing smile waiting patiently for a response. But James didn’t have one, he couldn’t look away from her soft gaze nor summon any words yet she continued all the same resting on one elbow. Neither of them spoke, their eyes and actions did the talking.

James analyzed this situation with as much scrutiny as his limited capacity could allow. He wanted to take another leap but the risk of failure would create an awkward situation if he assumed wrongly. He wanted nothing more in this moment than to just worship her feet. An electric buzz in the air that seemed to encourage him. He held her foot and gently lifted it near his face to gauge her reaction. He was amazed to see that her expression did not change almost as if she was expecting it, in fact, waiting for it.

He took another leap.

James brought Erica’s foot up against his face, her long foot pressed into his skin with her heel placed on his chin and her toes wiggling over his eye. He planted soft kisses against the sole of her foot, her mild foot odour filled his nostrils and enticed his hormones to stir. Lost in the moment, James brought her toes to his lips and invited them in. Erica obliged him silently as her soft gaze became more lustful with each passing moment.

“Oh James, do you have a foot fetish?” Erica teased rhetorically in her sarcastic banter. They shared a chuckle with each other. James answered by continuing to kiss her foot.

His bold curiosity had paid off and James was enjoying worshipping Erica’s feet. He was further bewildered by Erica’s apparent enjoyment of his foot worship. There was a palpable shift in the vibe between them. She smiled in amusement as she watched James take each of her toes into his mouth individually in a methodical way. It was as if their magnetic spirits had finally been freed and given way to explore their desires.

“I’ll take that as a yes”, she jested once more in answer to James’ silence. Erica allowed James to worship one foot, kissing and licking her arches and sucking her toes while she dragged her free foot along his face and down his neck.

He worked his tongue between each of her toes relishing the mild sweaty taste in his mouth. James brought both of her feet up and firmly smothered her soles into his face taking in a big whiff. She took control of her own feet and began to alternate rubbing them them up and down his face. James was in heaven and if he had died in this very moment he would leave this plane of existence satisfied.

Erica slid her feet around on his face allowing him to continue kissing and licking the bottoms and tops of her feet as the movie continued pointlessly in the background. He planted kisses on her toes and up the top of her foot before daring to trail his kisses up her leg slightly. His lips worked back down toward Erica’s beautiful red toes.

Her foot slid down James’ chest tracing a soft winding trail toward his crotch. His heart raced in his chest as her foot slid lower and lower. Just as he would expect her to stop or head back up her foot only slid lower until she hooked one of her toes under the waist band of his pants. Erica’s cheeks flushed as she bit her lip in anticipation. She looked to James, her eyes asking a question on her foot’s behalf. James answered in kind by undoing the button on his pants and undoing his zipper.

Disbelief ran rampant in James’ mind as Erica’s foot slid into the opening of his pants without breaking eye contact. She joined her second foot as both sets of toes wiggled underneath James’ underwear band. Erica giggled and her smile broadened mischievously, her toes wiggled further into James’ underwear and with the combined effort of both of her feet she was able to pull his hard cock free.

The freedom was satisfying but her toes gripping and holding his cock upright felt far better. Her recently lotioned feet were smooth and soft to the touch. Erica’s toes gently pulled up and down with her feet still resting in his lap. James’ head fell backwards while her toes massaged his shaft tugging and rubbing.

Erica shifted into a better position with more leverage to work with her legs where as before she had been leaning comfortably on her side. She changed up her style with her increased control clamping her soles around his cock. She pumped her legs with a pace that become more heated with every passing moment with James’ cock sandwiched between her feet. His cock had already begun to leak while he was worshipping her feet but now it felt as though a tidal force was brewing within his loins.

James did not question the situation, he sank deeper into the bed ingratiated by Erica’s act of pleasure. Fingers dug deep into the Jamesress, his muscles tensed, his pelvis writhed rhythmically with the motion of her gliding feet while his mind was lost to the pleasure.

Erica gripped his cock tightly with her feet as her warm soles slick with sweat and lotion slid up his shaft. She placed one foot underneath his hard cock allowing it to rest on the top of her foot while her other sole came pressing down like a gas pedal. Using her new leverage, she pumped side to side with her arch planted flat against the length of his cock and her toes curled around his sensitive head. With each gliding motion, her toes curled around the tip of his penis with an impressively tight grasp. She continued like this until James’ body began to spasm more frequently under the control of her feet.

Without warning his eruption surprised both of them. The first shot sprayed all over the top of her foot and her toes planted underneath his cock. Another pulse from his cock sent another spurt of cum across her toes and up his stomach and chest with remarkable velocity. Erica crunched and squeezed her toes around the head of his penis tightly massaging more shots of cum from his pulsing member. More cum coated her toes as they continued their curled massaging motion, James’ body jerked as she toyed with his sensitive cock milking every last drop of cum with drenched toes.

The wave of euphoria was never ending and James didn’t care to see an end to it. Splayed out beside Erica, he rolled his head to see her smiling face while beautiful concoctions of hormones eased his body and mind. He was finally empty and her feet continued a gentle massage still slick with his hot cum rubbing his cocked tenderly. Neither James nor Erica broke the silence. They just lavished in the moment with the odd jolt travelling through James’ body from her toes stimulating his sensitive penis.

A few minutes of Erica’s aftercare went by and James was all too enthusiastic to allow it. Her toes eventually released his cock as they both breathed a heavy sigh whilst staring into each other eyes.

“I had a feeling that you liked my feet.” She admitted, her tone indicating that she didn’t mind his obsession.

“Oh you could tell?” James jested as they both shared a laugh. “That was amazing. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. The way I catch you staring at my feet sometimes, I figured you might like that.”

“Was I that obvious?” James became embarrassed.

“Let’s just say that I’ve been watching you watching me”, she said with a playful smile and a cocked eye brow.

As the euphoria lingered James smiled while he surveyed the scene before him noticing just how much of his cum had gotten all over her feet and himself.

As if reading his thoughts Erica continued, “Well are you going to be a gentlemen and get a towel for me or are you going to make me walk with cum soaked feet?” She teased in her signature style. James obliged swiftly as he retrieved towels from the bathroom for the both of them and even helped Erica to clean her feet off.

“That was fun”, she expressed, “If you have some more free time while you are in town then maybe you could come by my place and I could get another foot rub?” She said with a sly smile.

James brightened at the implication, “I would absolutely love that.”

The credits began to roll in the film that neither of them had paid much attention to and the air was alight with a new energy as they both gathered themselves. James was going to have to make more trips to New York more often it would seem.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/bkhax0/a_solemate_in_brooklyn_foot_fetishfootjobchance