Cabin In The Woods[violence][demon][non-con]

The cabin was beautiful and the weather had been perfect for a romantic trip away. But, I had never imagined the horrific events that would lead to this moment. All I had hoped for was a weekend away with my girlfriend in a romantic cabin in the woods. What actually happened, was a nightmare.

We had arrived the night before and Lisa had gone down to the cellar to look for a bottle of wine for our evening together. I noticed she had been gone for a while and I went down to make sure she was ok when I heard a growl coming from the cellar. I carefully made my way down the creaky wooden stairs and when I arrived at the bottom I realized the light had been turned off. The growl continued through the darkness and the light from the top of the stairs cast an eerie glow over the contents of the cellar.

“Lisa?” I called out, ignoring the low grumble that sent a shiver down my spine. No answer came.

I stepped cautiously through the darkness, arms outstretched in search of a light switch. I struggled through the dim light until finally the palms of my hands came into contact with Lisa’s cashmere sweater.

“Oh, jesus, baby. You scared the life out of me, I’ve been calling to you. Why is it so damn dark down here couldn’t you find the light switch?” I rested my hands on her shoulders, she felt oddly still and said nothing. “Hey, Lissy, are you ok? What’s goin’ on?”

I spun her around and in the faint light from the top of the stairs I could just barely make out her face. Her long blonde hair appeared almost white in the odd lighting and her eyes seemed to be blank. She stayed silent and as I lifted my hand to stroke her hair away from her face, I felt something hard and pointed coming from her forehead. I recoiled at the cold, sharp object and instinctively backed away. I watched in horror as Lisa reached up and pulled a cord hanging from the ceiling. A fluorescent bulb sprung to life overhead and the cellar was filled with a white glow.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Lisa! What the hell is going on!” I screamed, stumbling backwards and hitting the hard cement floor. Her hair had turned pure white and her eyes were completely blank. She had a strange bone-like protrusion sticking out of the left side of her forehead and she stared down at me with a blank expression. I crawled backward toward to stairs and as I pulled myself up by the railing, Lisa lunged toward me. I frantically scurried up the stairs and through the cellar door. I slammed the heavy wooden door behind me and locked it tight. I stood with my back against the door, breathing heavily and rubbing my eyes.

I stood there for what felt like hours, sweat dripping down my temple and my hands shaking. Suddenly, I heard a gentle knock at the cellar door. My breathing stopped and I listened intently as I heard my girlfriends sweet, soft voice echo from behind the thick wooden door.

“Baby? Why did you run away? It was just dark down there, your eyes were playing tricks on you. Please let me out, I got a bottle of Rombauer Chardonnay, it’ll go great with the fish. Come on, let me out of here.” Her voice was sincere, but how could what I saw and felt have been in my own mind?

“B-but, I felt something. On your head. Like, a horn.” I stuttered.

“Oh jeez, silly! I was just playing with you, it was a little horn headband from halloween. Come on, sweety. Please let me out so we can start our nice romantic weekend together.” Her voice was so innocent. She was my beautiful girlfriend, how could I lock her in a cellar?

I took a deep breath and gave my head a shake. I turned around and unlocked the cellar door, opening it to be face to face with the woman I loved. That woman was no longer in front of me.

Within a second I was being dragged down the cellar stairs on my stomach, something long and wet pulled me down by my ankle. I hit the stone floor hard and the cellar door slammed shut. I looked up to see Lisa at the top of the stairs. She bent a steel bar over the door with her bare hands and I watched in awe as she turned and leapt down the entire flight of stairs. She landed over top of me, crouching like a wild animal over its prey.

She was even more monstrous than she had appeared before. Her eyes were now completely white and foggy with tiny red veins cracking across the corners. Her hair had turned white with grey streaks. Her skin was flawless but pale and her face seemed to be drained of blood. The bony protrusion was now on both sides of her head, curved grey-white horns breaking from the skin. Her hands clutched my shirt and her long, beautifully manicured fingernails had now turned into sharp, black, talon-like claws. The most horrifying of all these changes though, was her mouth. Her pretty, petite lips that showed off an adorable crooked smile were now gone, replaced by a twisted red grin that stretched across her face. Her mouth was wide and her fangs glimmered in the fluorescent lights. As I stared up at her excruciating face, a long, pink, dripping tongue slipped from behind her ferociously sharp teeth.

“What the fuck! What the hell happened to you!!” I felt like I was screaming but my voice was nothing but a faint whisper. “Lisa, jesus!”

“Ssssssstttthhhh.” She hissed, her long tongue slithering further out of her mouth. “Lissssa isn’t home, I own this body now. Your Demon God, Blacknith.” The tongue continued out, growing several feet long and curling around my limbs and neck.

The slick, moist flesh of the tongue surrounded me, held me down. The tip crawled up and caressed my left cheek with a long, teasing lick. I cringed and squirmed but I couldn’t take my eyes off of those foggy white orbs. My sweet and gorgeous girlfriend had been taken over by this creature, this demon. She was trapped and used, her body twisted and contorted into this monstrous form.

“Lisa, God Lisa. What happened to you. Please, God, baby. I’m so sorry.” I blubbered. Tears streamed down my face and my lips trembled. I didn’t want to die here in this cold, dark cellar. I feared the worst would happen, that this beast would devour me whole and nothing of either of us would be left to find. This, however was not the fate I should have been so worried about.

The long tongue unravelled and she held me down to the floor with nothing but her claw-like hands. The tongue retracted back into the fiends wide, toothy mouth and she smiled at me with her creepy grin.

“Mmmhmhmhm! You will be sorry my tasty little treat. You have had this body before, you have been inside of it. And now I get to be inside of youuuuu!” The mouth barely moved though the words were clear. Before I could comprehend what the devil that pinned me to the floor was saying, the tongue slithered across my face and into my mouth.

I choked and gagged as her serpentine tongue wriggled in my mouth and down my throat. Her inhuman kiss drew me closer to her, pulling me into her daggers grasp. Her devilish lips pressed against mine, her tongue still venturing further into my mouth and violating me. Her eyes were blank but somehow I could still feel her stare burrowing into my soul with her demonic gaze. She fondled my chest with her sharp claws, shallow scratches left in red trails across my tender flesh. My shirt was tattered and torn within minutes and I shook in fear as her tongue lashed around my mouth. She pulled her meaty organ from my throat and I could finally take a real breath. The gooey saliva coated my mouth and I spit it out, breathing deep and gasping as my captor chuckled at my discomfort.

“Such a delicious body, you will make the perfect mate for Blacknith.” She hissed as she pulled me up and sat me against the stone wall of the cellar. “You will pleasure your God tonight and worship me with your human body!”

My eyes widened and my hands began to shake again. I shook my head back and forth in disbelief. I couldn’t imagine how she could mate with me, what she would do with me and what would happen in the end. I tried again to escape, thrashing away from her grasp, but it was no use. She ripped my shirt apart and discarded the rags onto the floor, exposing my scratched chest.

“Fucking Christ. Please, don’t hurt me.” I whimpered. Her smirk just chilled me and soon she was wrapping her long, gnarled fingers over the waistband of my jeans. I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head back and forth whispering to myself. “This isn’t happening, this isn’t happening, it’s all just some fucked up dream. This isn‘t happening.”

The growling giggle that hung over me kept me from truly convincing myself. Soon the demon inhabiting my beloved girls body was shredding my pants, leaving them in a tattered mess laying around the floor. My boxers too were torn into an unrecognizable pile, lightly bleeding scratches left all over my body as she so violently undressed me.

I was now naked and cold on the hard cement, my demon captor pawing at me and smiling her devilish smile. There were still features of my Lisa beneath the fangs and white hair, but her caring presence was missing.

“Such a tender human body for me to violate. Mmm don’t hold back my precious, Blacknith likes to hear you scream!” She reached down and surprisingly gently took my flacid penis between two of her clawed fingers. “This will make for a tasty appetizer before I taste your insides, precious.”

Sweat dripped into my eyes and my mouth became dry as fear enveloped me. I was terrified of her sharp claws destroying my manhood, but the words she spoke swam through my head. Inside me. My God, what was she going to do to me?

She began to play with my fearful cock, each stroke getting closer and closer to scraping me with her talons. I shut my eyes tight and tried to imagine I was somewhere else, when I felt the familiar wetness of her tongue wrapping around my soft stub. The sensation was disturbing and disgusting, I couldn’t decide if I felt more sick to my stomach or fearful for my life.

“Oh, jesus. Please, God help me! Save me, please save me from this nightmare.” My prayers went unanswered as her tongue fondled my shrivelled balls and licked up and down my thighs. Suddenly, a new even more uncomfortable sensation struck me. I jumped and opened my eyes, looking down to see the extended, slobbering tongue begin to thin at the tip and work its way down into my urethra.

I was too frightened to move, afraid that any sudden movements would cause real damage. I grasped the leg of a desk that stood against the wall beside me and gripped the tattered remnants of my clothing on my other side. My screams were both earth shattering and somehow I could hear nothing but a sharp ringing in my ears. The tongue slid further into my dick, tasting my insides and stretching my sensitive hole in a painful violation of my body.

“Fuuuck! Fuck! No no no no no oh my fucking God please! Stop! Get out of meee!” I cried, tears streaming down my face and violent sobbing causing my face to turn bright red. I could feel my urethra stretching and my heart racing.

She slowly pulled her tongue from my tender hole, the sensation making me shudder and cringe. She grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me down flat onto my back on the floor. My head hit the cement and I stared up at the ceiling as the Monster tore off her clothing. Her body still looked like my Lisa, though a paler white. Her breasts were the same and her pussy was comfortingly familiar. But soon I would realize how different she truly was. She turned around and in one swift motion she sat back on my face. Her dripping pussy smelled different than Lisa normally did. I tasted the wetness dripping from her demonic gash and it was bitter and tasted like copper.

She forced herself down on my face, suffocating me with her possessed pussy. She humped my face and wriggled back and forth, growling in pleasure as I struggled to free myself. I grasped her thighs and attempted to push her off of me, to no avail. She just laughed a throaty laugh and continued to crush me with her weight. I couldn’t breath and I flailed beneath her. Her claws dug into my legs, holding me still while she squirmed on top of me, grinding her surprisingly swollen clit against my face.

She spread my legs apart as I fought against her weight, her grip was strong and her talons pierced my flesh if I struggled. I felt her probing tongue venture down once again, slurping and licking around my testicals. It wrapped around my balls and squeezed, making me jump and gasp for air. Her grip was tight and my muffled groans echoed into her wet cunt. The tongue coiled around my sack and the long tip slid down between my cheeks. I realized what was about to happen and I fought even harder to escape her. I tried to scream but my painful, fearful shouts were dampened by the tight hold of her thighs over my face. I began to black out as my air supply was nearly completely cut off, but she wanted me to be present for what was about to happen.

She sat up and I took a deep, desperate breath. Before the coloured spots in front of my eyes could clear, she was grabbing my arm and flipping me over onto my stomach onto the cold stone floor. She pulled my ass up into the air and held me in that position. I was dizzy from lack of oxygen and was trying to get my faculties back when her tongue began to drag over my supple, virgin ass. I knew what was about to happen and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I began to scream for help but knew that there was nobody around for miles, and I would have no chance of being rescued.

“Please! Don’t! Have mercy!” I cried out, begging for her to leave my fragile body alone. “Just don’t go inside me!”

She loved my screams, just like she said she would. Her clawed hand pushed my face onto the cold ground and I reached out for anything my hands could grasp. I flailed and thrashed, squirming under her grip. I tried to drag myself forward, my fingers digging into whatever crevice or notch in the cement that I could find. My attempts were useless, I could barely move and my devil captor held me still while her tongue probed my tense sphincter.

“Scream for me slave! Squeal like a piggy!” She chortled. Her tongue licked up and down my crack and I clenched as the slobbering organ violated my most private area. She taunted me, knowing that the anxiety and waiting was almost more terrifying than the penetration would be.

“Jesus. God, please. Just fucking kill me. Don’t use me like this I would rather fucking be dead! Just kill me or eat me or something!” I hollered, spittle flying from my mouth and my body shaking against the chilly stone.

“Mmmm I’ll eat you up nice and good! Starting from the insssssside!” With this, the pointed tip of her monsterous tongue pressed hard against my frightened hole. She forced her way in against my screams of protest and my clenching muscles. There was no mercy, no gentleness to it. It slid inside me and stretched my aching sphincter until the pain was unbearable.

“No! Noo! Aaah get out get out! Get oooout oh my God stop stop stop no! Fuck, fucking God!” I could hear nothing but the slithering slurp of my intestines being invaded and the cheerful titter of the beast behind me. I coughed on my own saliva as my screaming made my throat hoarse. She delved deeper inside me and I could feel her moving around in my gut. Soon she began sliding herself in and out, in and out, raping my tender ass and laughing all the while. Her claws dug deeper into my flesh as I struggled, fighting wildly to escape from this hell.

“Ha! So tasty on the inside my little human toy! Now, my children will be many once I use your fragile little cock to inseminate this body! Mmmm and if you refuse to supply the human essence, then I will go in and take it from you!” She used her tongue inside me and her claws to flip me onto my back.

“Wha-what? Children? B-but how? No!” I layed exhausted and sweating on the cool floor, her tongue slowly and painful pulling itself from my sensitive hole. Her fingers gripped my arms and she leaned over me, her face just inches away from mine.

“Mmmm how, you ask? Well this body is mine now, you see. She is pure demon deep down inside. You you will impregnate this Bitch the same way all humans mate. I will make you!” She leaned her head back and laughed. My eyes were wide at the thought of being forced to impregnate this creature that stole my beloved’s body.

“N-no! I won’t let you! You can’t!” I tried to pry her fingers from my arms, thrusting upward to push her off of me. She held me down tight and smiled her evil smile, darting that tongue in and out of her thin mouth as she leaned in closer.

“Mmmmmm, but you do not have a choice, human slave. I’ll have my way, even if I have to take it by force!” She kissed me hard, her teeth cutting at my tongue and scraping my gums. Her tongue explored my mouth and slipped outside of our lips to lick up and down my cheek. She pulled away and looked deep into my eyes. “In fact, I prefer it that way.”

The entity held me down, digging her talons into my chest as I pawed at her arm. I tried, fought, grappled with her, but my body was bruised and weak. I could barely move, pain shooting up and down my lacerated arms. My sphincter stung and fighting made me dizzy and ill. He creatures gnarled hand gripped my reluctant manhood and she pumped and stroked until she felt the slightest sense of blood rushing to the area.

“There’s my hard human cocky! Ready to penetrate your lovers womb and fuck the demon out of this bitch?!” She tortured me with her words. I knew that the disgust and the fear that I felt couldn’t stop natural biology, but the shame overcame me anyway. I laid my head back and shut my eyes tight, knowing that the simple activity in my loins was enough to cause a rush of blood and make me hard. I nearly vomited as she positioned herself over me, squatting and staring down at me with her wicked grin. She lowered herself down, pussy spread and warm white juices dripping down onto my lap. Her claws directed my unwanted erection into her demonic hole and suddenly, I was inside her.

“This can’t be fucking happening.” I wept, hands shaking over my face. “Please don’t rape me, don’t do this to me. I’m a good person.” My whimpers were soft but powerful. I struggled to breath between words and it seemed to spur the beast on.

“Yes yes yes! Cry for me little human toy! Cry for your new God!” She slid back and forth rapidly, riding me and grinding into my pelvis. I could feel myself go soft for a moment at the shear disgust of it all, but soon the warm wetness caused the blood to rush back and I was hard inside the demon once again.

I tried to push her away, to pull my wrists from her grasp. I bucked my hips upward in an attempt to throw her off of me, but it was all useless. All it did was make her more hungry for me. She laughed at my futile attempts to fight back, and she humped me harder and faster. Finally, after hours of going soft and hard inside the thing, hours of riding and humping, it happened. My body was fragile. I couldn’t fight back any longer.

“No no no no no no God no!” Tears poured down my face and my body ached. I was only human. “Fuck, no! Don’t make me!!” I felt sick to my stomach and I tried one last time to strike the demon. I swung my arms and struck at her with my fists, wriggling beneath her and punching wildly to get her off of me. I screamed and yelled for help, begging God to free me before it happened. I was too late.

“Mmmmmmm there’s my human essence!” She squealed in pleasure as I involuntarily ejaculated. There was no pleasure in it, only pain and shame and loss and fear. The cum sprung from my body and fed her demonic lust as I sobbed, cold and naked on the floor beneath her. “Oooooh my clit likes it! I think I’ll keep this body! Ooooooh yesssss!” The monster came to orgasm as she tore into me. Her nails ribboned my flesh and her tongue darted out and into my mouth. We both climaxed as she licked all around my mouth, tasting my hatred and fear. She licked all the way up my face and lapped up the sweat that dripped from my forehead.

It was over. She gave me a blank glare and a sadistic smile and pulled my cock out. She stood up and stared down at me, tilting her head with that smirk still on her face.

“Good little fleshy slave. We will make millions of shadows to crawl across this earth and rape the humans that fear us so.” The way she said this was as a fact and not a taunt. Her voice was softer now, but I knew by her eyes that my Lisa was gone. She stepped back from me, seeping further into the shadows of the cellar. Her body slowly and gracefully contorted, shifting into the darkness like a thick haze. Then, she was gone.

I laid still. My body was covered in a thin layer of my own blood and my sweat mixed with the demons saliva and stuck to my face. I couldn’t move. My muscles ached and my anus stung painfully. Vaginal juices covered my cock and dripped down my balls and I forced myself to look down at my now flaccid member. The sight of my cock made me burst into tears. I was used, raped, taken by this monster and somehow she forced me to orgasm for her sick Godless pleasures. Shame washed over me and I knew that there was no one who could ever believe my story. I was stuck with this memory, this experience, all alone. Forever.

And now, with my final moment before falling into darkness as I lose consciousness, there is only one thing that crosses my mind.



1 comment

  1. As the old saying goes, never call forth that which you cannot put down.

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