[MFFF] [fantasy] [oral] [Mdom] Scenes from the Term of Sacred Service

You, along with your compatriots, stumble out of a boat onto a large concrete platform. You’re tired from a long journey, achy from huddling on a cramped bench with the other incoming term servants. These men and women are, like you, the upper echelon of society back in their homelands – high nobility, lords and ladies, distinguished scholars or wealthy merchants, sometimes even kings or queens.

For the next month, however, all of them – including you – will be His Supremacy’s personal servants. They will clean up after Him and fetch His concubines. Maybe, if they’re lucky, they’ll serve Him dinner. When not in His Supremacy’s personal service, they’ll pull weeds, polish statues, and mop floors on His massive Sacred Estate.

Back home, you are a person with authority who is treated with respect. For the next month, you will be His Supremacy’s personal errand servant, or maybe His maid, or maybe His janitor. You are on the Term of Sacred Service.

You gaze up at the sky, and the enormous marble staircase in front of you. You take care to avoid the Golden Path – you’ve been told that the strip of gold down the middle here can only be traversed by His Supremacy, and anyone else on it must follow Him, literally kissing the ground He walks on. You know that His Sacred Palace lies up and beyond that staircase, but you can’t see it.

Realizing what you’re about to do, a nervous shock hits you. Breathing deeply, you try to calm your mind.


You don’t know how long it took you to each the top of the stairs, but it was quite a while. You feel like you’ve never ascended so many stairs. Your legs ache, and your breath is heavy.

You’re now in a procession with the rest of the term servants. When it reaches the top of the stairs, it stops abruptly. Looking around, you see another platform, gigantic, far larger than the one down by the water. His Sacred Palace stretches out before you, far to the left and right, the single biggest building you have ever seen, so preposterously enormous that you wonder how it doesn’t just sink into the ground.

Before you is the central entrance, leading to the Sacred Throne Room. A solid-gold door, over five-hundred feet tall, four-hundred feet wide. You don’t know precisely how tall or wide the door is, of course, but you do know that this door itself appears larger than even the grandest edifices back home.

A horn sounds. Hundreds of men, tethered to the door, begin heaving, pulling. The door begins to move. The men strain, heave, pull – you can barely see them, but you swear you can hear them groan. The door starts moving a little faster. The sound it makes as it slides across the marble floor is deafening, thunderous, the loudest, most sustained sound you’ve ever heard.

The door finally opens. You enter His Sacred Palace.

After proceeding through an enormous anteroom, with another, just slightly smaller, door that also opened with a thunderous glide and the heave of a horde of straining men, you enter the Sacred Throne Room.

You look around. The room is so massive that it doesn’t even feel like a room. Skylights near the roof bathe it with a sunny glow. On the floor around you, you see nothing but row after row of prostrate worshippers. You wonder how many there are. It feels like an entire city full of people is here, bowing down to His Supremacy on the Sacred Throne.

You can barely make Him out on the throne, which is far ahead of you and set at the top of hundreds of feet of stairs. The stairs are filled with nude female bodies, also prostrate. You know that these are His Supremacy’s concubines, and the Blessed Servants.

Again, you’re shot through with nerves. Your palms begin to sweat. You realize that, very soon, you will be up there, bowing down before His Supremacy on the Sacred Throne, addressing Him, offering Him a claim to show your homeland’s gratitude that it may send twelve individuals to serve Him.


Your delegation has been called. You’ve crawled up the stairs to the Sacred Throne on your hands and knees, as you must. Your body aches. Your back aches. Your mind aches.

His Supremacy is seated naked on the Sacred Throne. Two beautiful women – the Queen Priestesses Vendarsa and Kelye, though you don’t know that – are kneeling in front of Him, sucking His cock, pleasuring Him. He does not look at you.

You try not to think about the piercing pain in your back or the ball of nerves clenching in your stomach.

“Ahhh, fuck that’s good,” His Supremacy says.

You strain to hear Him, knowing that if He addresses you, you must respond immediately.

“That’s nice, like that,” He says, putting His hand on Kelye’s head. The woman begins to gag.

You glance up – you’re mere feet away from Him now – and you see a bulge in Kelye’s face. His Supremacy removes His hand. She continues gagging.

“Ahh yeah…stay down…ahh,” He says, moaning.

Every word out of His Supremacy’s mouth causes your ears to perk up and your heart to beat faster. Yet, He doesn’t even seem to realize you’re here.

His Supremacy stretches out a bit. Casually, He rubs Vendarsa’s breasts. He glances down at you for a moment, the way one might glance down at a ladybug scampering across a garden, then looks away. He takes His hand away from her breasts.

You feel like your heart is pounding out of your chest. You feel like your entire body is pounding.

“Speak,” He says to you, still not looking at you.

“Thank you, Your Supremacy. It is a great privilege and a tremendous honor for us to perform the Term of Sacred Service. The poeple of the Subject Kingdom of Kallinn thank you, with great sincerity, for your great benevolence in permitting us to worship you and serve you in accordance with your will and whim. As a token of our appreciation, I present to you my…my…sister, Deanersa. She is a great beauty, and while she may be unworthy of you, you can derive much pleasure from her. She is already yours, as all things are yours, but we beg that you may claim her, although she is not worthy of you, as all things are not worthy of you. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

You didn’t want to present your sister to Him. But you felt you didn’t have much choice. What else could Kallinn have to offer Him? He’s already been offered many of the most valued treasures in the kingdom – or He’s taken them, as is His right.

His Supremacy glances at Deanersa, looking mostly disinterested. “Stand and remove your clothes,” He says to her.

Your sister disrobes. She is standing there, stark naked, in front of you, in front of the other Kallinnese term servants, in front of the prostrate Queen Priestesses. She is the only person in this enormous, otherwordly room aside from His Supremacy who is not on her knees. He is evaluating her. You’re a bundle a nerves, not sure if you want Him to accept the claim or reject it, but knowing full well that you will be a bundle of nerves either way.

“Ahhh, that’s nice,” His Supremacy moans, pushing His cock deeper in to Kelye’s throat, staring at your sister. “Ahhh….I do not accept this claim.” He didn’t even bother touching her.

You’re not sure what’s more humiliating: that you offered your sister to His Supremacy to use as a concubine – as, essentially, His sex slave – or that he did not accept her.

Still, you said what you had to say. “Thank you, Your Supremacy. She will remain yours, as all things are yours. We remain eternally grateful that you have bestowed upon us the honor of serving you. Thank you, Your Supremacy.”

His Supremacy is, again, not even looking at you. He simply sits back on the Sacred Throne and moans as Kelye gags on His cock.


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Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bi0xqq/mfff_fantasy_oral_mdom_scenes_from_the_term_of