[MF] [fantasy] [oral] [Mdom] Scenes from the Term of Sacred Service, Part 2

You are kneeling in His Supremacy’s bedchambers. Well, one of His bedchambers. There are thousands of them, all through the Palace and scattered among the vast pleasure gardens.

It is morning now, and you have been kneeling all night. You were chosen to spend the night serving His Supremacy, which menas that you do not sleep. It means that you – alongside a guardian – spend the night kneeling.

Your back and knees ache, sometimes dull, other times biting, not just from kneeling all night, but because you had spent all of the prior day in His Sacred Presence. All who are in His Sacred Presence must bow down, though you are given permission to kneel when He sleeps. And you’ll spend all of today in His Sacred Presence, too, before finally being released to perform some other task tomorrow.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Him stir. Slowly, He rises from His bed. As He rises, you and the guardian bow down.

You see Him walk, naked – He hardly ever wears clothes – over to a cot alongside the wall. You can’t help but notice His massive cock, bulging forward, fully erect, as He walks.

There’s a woman sleeping on the cot, the concubine Alreyma, also naked. He grabs her head, and turns her towards Him. She looks bleary-eyed. He shoves His cock down her throat, a visible bulge forming in her neck.

“Ohh, ahh, ahhh,” His Supremacy moans. He’s moving His body back and forth, casually facefucking her. She begins to squirm a little, and He pushes down on her head. “Ahh fuck, yeah, ahh,” He groans.

His Supremacy begins pushing on Alreyma’s head a bit harder, His hand firmly locking her in place. Although you are several feet away and bowing down, you can see the bulge from His enormous cock in her face and in her throat. You cannot look away.

Alreyma’s face looks a bit red and she gags loudly. His Supremacy pumps away at her throat, apparently unconcerned about her gagging, apparently unconcerned about her breathing, apparently unconcerned about anything other than how amazing it must feel for Him to have His cock shoved practically into her esophagus. He pushes down a little harder. “Fuck…ahhh…yeah…ahhhhh,” He moans, somewhat loudly. A look of relief is on His face. It is abudantly clear that He is cumming down Alreyma’s throat.

“Ahh…ahhh,” His Supremacy continues to moan. Alreyma squirms, and you see her hand clenching the side of the bed. While He is holding her down, she is clearly trying with all her might to take His cum and not pull away from Him.

“Fuck, that’s…ahhh.” His Supremacy just keeps moaning. The woman looks like she is really struggling, you see cum leaking out of her nose, her face is bright red. His Supremacy roughly grabs her tits and moans louder. You wonder if this orgasm will ever end. “Ohh, fuck, ahhhh, yeahhh.” He’s still pumping cum into her. She’s His receptacle. “Ohhh…ahhhh.” He grabs her tits again with one hand and pushes the other hand down on her head.

You keep trying to look away, but your eyes keep being drawn back to His Supremacy’s exaltatin, His seemingly neverending orgasm, and Alreyma’s seemingly superhuman effort to accommodate Him.

“Ohhhyeah….ahhhh,” His Supremacy moans. His face muscles relax a bit. He pulls out of Alreyma, His massive cock covered in spit and still fully erect. A bit of His cum is dripping off the side of the cot.

Alreyma is gasping for air, but she looks up at Him with the most adoring expression you have ever seen. “Thank you, Your Supremacy,” she says.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/bi2hhc/mf_fantasy_oral_mdom_scenes_from_the_term_of

1 comment

  1. Cool to see you back, thought you were dead for a while there.

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