Coming of age [MF] [seduction]

Edit: please post comments and feedback. Let me know what you think.

Jenny never really had it easy. When she was twelve and start developing breasts, her left one grew, but the right one did not…for a year. She had one boyfriend in high school. While making out, she cut her tongue on his braces. It never really worked out since. In college, she once got drunk at a party and had three guys finger her in the same night, she thinks, but can not confirm. But now, as a 41 year old woman, she was doing well. She had a stable boyfriend, a good job, and a fairly active sex life. Despite all of the mishaps, she always takes things in good stride.

“Mmm roll over baby,” she begged Ted, her lethargic boyfriend. Ted rolled over in bed to find Jenny in a red lace one piece, split down the middle, going up to her neck like a collar and crotchless for easy access. Ted’s body responded partially. Jenny, despite all her misfortunes was not unfortunate to look at. She was no longer the 5:30 AM Orange Theory type with a tight ass but she had a flat stomach, hips that can be grabbed, breasts that can be fondled and an ass that can be spanked. She was quite happy with the way she turned out.

She pulled down Ted’s boxers to reveal what she wanted. “Why does he even own boxers? Doesn’t he know as an adult you’re supposed to have boxer briefs? Ugh. I’ll pick him up some this weekend.” She grabbed his package and started going to work. She knew he liked it sloppy and dirty so she started slurping and sucking deep. After a few minutes, Ted stood up and said “you know what? This is too much. I’m sorry Jenny but I have to leave you.” Ted had left her mid-blowjob.

Needless to say, Jenny hit a rough patch and had diminished confidence at best.

A few months later, Maria gave her a call. “Hey, can you watch Samantha tonight? Rick and I are going out. I have 2 bottles of cab sav on the counter with your name.”

“Fine. Fuck it. It’s Saturday night, what else do I have going on.”

Jenny arrives and talks with Maria and Rick for a few minutes before they leave. After they leave, Mike came down the stairs.”

“Wait, what hell are you doing here? Your mom told me I am watching Sam.”

“I’m leaving in a little bit. No worries.”

Mike is your typical, kind of nerdy, but not terribly unattractive 18 year old. He was in the school plays and was in marching band. He goes out to movies and hangs out with friends, but nothing extravagant. No parties. No drugs. A case of Mike’s Hard Lemonade months ago with his friends.

Mike looked at Jenny who was wearing a form fitting shirt and looked like a woman on pornhub in his mind.

Jenny, a little startled was not expecting to see Mike. She babysat him over the years and had seen him grow up into a man, kind of. Jenny had not had sex since that fateful night and needless to say that was a let down. She saw Mike and appreciated what he grew up into. “Fuck. Why did women have to get the horny gene at age 40?” She thought to herself as she evaluated him in his gym shorts and black t shirt. “Ummm. Want some wine? I won’t tell your mom.”

“Uh. Sure. I guess if you’re not going to tell mom and dad.”

“Mike took a seat next to Jenny not enjoying the rather bitter wine. Jenny had no complaints about it’s smooth flavor.

After talking about college plans for a few minutes, Jenny asked “so what will happen with your girlfriend?”

Mike laughed. “What girlfriend?” He once got a handjob at age 15 in gym class.

Jenny, not even realizing what she was doing, took off her zip up and would make her cleavage known to Mike.

“Well. I may as well make you prepared for college then.”

She reached out and put down his glass of wine and took off her shirt, showing her flowery bra that did not fit too well. Mike responded accordingly as recognized through his shorts. “Well, that’s a good start.” She reached over and kissed his neck. Mike did not know what to do with his hands, so she grabbed one and put it on her neck and the other on her ass. He delicately rubbed her ass in circles still not knowing what to do. After a few moments, she reached down his shorts to see what he was working with. She never really cared for a large cock, but she was not displeased with his. She delicately pulled down his shorts while Mike looked in horror, not sure of how to respond.

“It’s fine. Just enjoy. Your a man now.” “Fuck Ted,” she muttered to herself. She was not going to worry about him while she had a young cock in her mouth. She gently licked all around his shaft as she felt him quiver and licked the underside up to the head. She took the head in his mouth and slowly took him down her throat. She knew this would not last long based on how nervous and excited he was. She rolled one nipple in her hand while forcing his hands on her head. She wanted him to think he had control. Without warning he came two minutes later. She swallowed every drop and continued to stroke him as he was sensitive with every stroke.

“Well I think you should go with your friends now, shouldn’t you? I’m going to put Samantha to bed around 10 FYI.”
